Community > Posts By > VenusianWoman

VenusianWoman's photo
Fri 11/10/06 12:58 PM

There is someone I really miss
I wonder if he's reading this
I think about him all the time
I wonder why he's on my mind
We've never met,but in my dreams
He doesn't know how much that means
Two worlds apart that co-exist
It's hard for me to try to resist
He seems to have some hold on me
But that's ok, as I'm still free
Perhaps one day, not far away
We'll meet together and spend some days
Talking, laughing, kissing lips
I'll keep the faith and hope for this
One never knows what brings us bliss
Dreams come true to those who wish

VenusianWoman's photo
Fri 11/10/06 12:56 PM

Some will come and some will go
Just where or when we never know
Just take the time to enjoy the days
Before your time just slips away
Looking ahead or far behind
We miss all of the present time
Then when our time in almost here
We want to go back to where we were
To those times we know we missed
When we had the chance to ejoy a kiss
To embrace the love that was standing there
And share the times we had to spare
So try and take the time that's here
Enjoy it now while we're still here

VenusianWoman's photo
Fri 11/10/06 12:56 PM

How does one show love to another
Without crossing that invisible line
Some have walls that protect their hearts
After being let down and hurt
Fear of pain from another darkens their door
Without seeming forceful,some try to enter
Doing their best to show their worth
It's a task many have tried and failed
The distance between them and love is vast
A force may drive some with determination
Warriors of the heart,willing to fight
A stand-off is eminent
Proving who is the stronger one
Tho at times the warrior wins
Defeat is bitter sweet for the other
Uncertainty resides by the heart
The warrior has proven his strength and will
Time will prove or disprove his worth
The door is shifted slightly open
A light appears thru the darkness
Caution stands firm,unmovable
Advancement is slow going for both
If the love of the warrior is strong
He will walk sure footed into the darkness
Carrying a torch to light the way
Coaxing the hidden,damaged heart to show
Bleeding and hurt,it will meekly appear
Showing the shield of true love,the warrior proceeds
Helping this fearful heart come into the light
Slowly and tenderly the warrior mends the wounds
Tears of gratitude fall freely
Thru the scars,strength returns to the broken heart
Trust has re-entered taking its rightful place
Faith has once again warmed the heart
The warrior of love has proven his worth
He leads the mended heart to the open door
Light is drowning the darkness
The warrior walks proud of his conquest
Protecting the love he has fought hard to win
Doing all he can to hold it close to his own
Sheltering it from all harm,the warrior stands tall
Never again will it be left alone
The mended heart is finally free
Love has once again come to live

VenusianWoman's photo
Fri 11/10/06 12:47 PM

Alone in life only to live
I am here just to be
An empty heart growing old and cold
Seeking a fire to burn within
A flame flickers low in a pocket of air
Emotions are numb,too long untouched
Faint breaths just enough to give life
Blood runs its course at a steady pace
Nothing excites anything inside
Like space,I am just there
Who cares,who sees,who senses me
Clouds,rain and rainbows appear and disappear
My life is evaporating into the unknown
Season after season nature is reborn
Human life has no regrowth,only age
So much passes by seen only through sight
Feeling nothing or little inside,I just am

VenusianWoman's photo
Fri 11/10/06 12:46 PM

Spinnin' wheels in my pick-up truck
All you'll see is a cloud of dust
Gonna get my woman comin' on the plane
Don't ever wanna let her go again
Just to know her hand's in mine
Gets me thru the roughest times
She's my rock my place in life
Makes me proud that she's my wife
The touch of her hand sliding into mine
Always sends shivers up and down my spine
She's my jewel my precious stone
With out her I'd be so alone
Her hands are strength and comfort to me
Her love is what love is suppose to be
I can't wait to look in her eyes
Tell her I love her and hold her tight
To feel her hands upon my skin
Is what I long for at days end
She takes the breath away from this man
My beautiful woman with her soft gentle hands

VenusianWoman's photo
Fri 11/10/06 12:44 PM

As we take a leisure walk
And watch the sun go down
Just to know your hand's in mine
Has always been my crown

You have always been the one
Who gives me what I need
Thru all the times both good and bad
And when we disagree

You're my rock,my place in life
Where faith and love reside
Each touch of your hand as it slides in mine
Fells better every time

Knowing I have your hand to hold
Gives strength to me each day
No matter where our road may lead
You'll always show the way

Should I lose your hand on earth
One other will take your place
That Angel Will lead me back to you
In that land of amazing grace

VenusianWoman's photo
Fri 11/10/06 12:21 PM
I'll lay my head upon my pillow
Close my eyes and drift away
Fly up where my love holds you
To live there night and day
We'll float upon our golden dreams
Where silver linings shine
Cast our troubles to the wind
And leave them far behind

We'll build on memories full of love
Expanding every day
Giving birth to our new life
As on our dreams we fly
Feel the wind as feather soft
Storms that come are mild
The sun will shine thru drops of rain
Like prisms dancing by
We'll have eachother to lean on
No matter what life brings
Standing strong in all we do
And teach our hearts to sing

VenusianWoman's photo
Fri 11/10/06 12:20 PM

I have a life that no one wants
I have a life that no one needs
I have a life few people know
I have a life that no one sees
I have a life where I belong
I have a life that's meant for me
I have a life where beauty reigns
I have a life that I can see
In this life are memories full
In this life I am content
In this life is simple love
In this life where I am sent
It's in this life where I am free
It's in this life that I'm with you
It's in this life where we belong
It's in this life where life resumes
A life together full of love
A life together strong and true
A life together we build upon
A life where one life equals two
I have a life I want to share
I have a life not meant for one
I have a life that's full of love
I have a life I can dream on

VenusianWoman's photo
Fri 11/10/06 12:18 PM

Lay me down on your queen sized bed
As candles light the room
A bottle of wine on ice for two
With flowers around in bloom
Caress me gently with a rose
Using it as your touch
Slowly trailing along my skin
As petals fall soft in a bunch
Feeling your breath as you blow them away
And the smell of your cologne
Heightens my senses just knowing it's you
I lightly sigh a moan
The sound of music soft and low
Entices me to move
Wanting to feel your lips on mine
I focus my eyes on you

VenusianWoman's photo
Fri 11/10/06 12:12 PM

Scented candles light the room
A soft glow warms the air
Music plays soft and low
Words are barely whispered
We dance together slow and easy
My head upon your chest
Your arms around me holding me close
We sway gently in time
I feel warmth beneath your shirt
Close my eyes as I sink into you
Breathe in the scent of your cologne
Hear your heart beating
Your strength envelopes me
My hand caress your body
Wanting to be closer
Your hand strokes my hair
Then touches my face so tenderly
We share a passionate kiss
A smile appears as our eyes meet
You whisper in my ear
Then softly kiss my neck
Closing my eyes,I lay my head
Once again upon your chest
Our arms embrace each other
We sway to the music
Playing soft and low

VenusianWoman's photo
Fri 11/10/06 12:11 PM

The soft glow of a flickering flame
Warms the soul as it burns
memories from the past surface
Recalling favored thoughts
Relaxing the tensions of the body
Your mind flows free
Branching out in all directions
Touching forethoughts of desires
Drawn in by the dance of fire
You fall deeper in thought
Travel thru time takes you back
Then in an instant you jump ahead
Scenes of a hopeful future appear
Thoughts and visions intertwine
Shapes of the flames come to view
Sparks fly about spontaneously
Drifting upward in a draft
Softly,quietly,the wood burns
Crackling as it gives off heat
The smell of the wood fills the room
A gentle smile grows
This comfort is pleasing
Lost in a realm of your own
There is no fer present
The fir entices calmness
Inviting your mind to drift
While your body is still
You're hypnotized by its dance
Taken by the song of fire
As it whispers out to you

VenusianWoman's photo
Fri 11/10/06 12:10 PM

Every time I see your face
I simply have to smile
You have a way about you
That makes me warm inside
One look at you I go insane
My mind just blows away
I start to play those sexual games
And visions start to play:
You take me fishing on your boat
Suggest that we take off our clothes
Get the lotion put some on
It's nice to finally be alone
Sitting naked get a tan
Side by side holding hands
Sip a drink talk a bit
Can''t believe we're doing this
Look each other in the eye
Smile to know what's on our minds
Take the lead pull me in
Tongues entwine it now begins

VenusianWoman's photo
Thu 11/09/06 09:04 AM
excellent write! Very true!

VenusianWoman's photo
Thu 11/09/06 09:03 AM
the crimes of passion and love,or is it lust?

VenusianWoman's photo
Thu 11/09/06 09:00 AM
Awe thats so sad, but so true. What have we done to those poor soldiers?
They fought for us and look what society and the gov't has done to
them.It's so unfair and disgusting I think.They have been forgotten by

VenusianWoman's photo
Thu 11/09/06 08:57 AM

I realized the day you left
That it was all my fault
You can't expect someone to stay
When you hardly talk
Then when you do the words are wrong
And make the other cry
They tell you there will come a day
That they'll tell you goodbye

So many times you've paid the price
For all my disrespect
I heard the words you use to say
One day I'd soon regret
But I kept doin' all those things
I knew would make you cry
I never thought I'd see the day
You'd have me at goodbye

I never listened to those words
Chose not to see the signs
All my friends kept tellin' me
Quit actin' deaf and blind
One day you're gonna find her gone
She'll leave you high and dry
Then you'll know how much you lost
She'll have you at goodbye

The storm was brewing in your eyes
I seen it from afar
The thunder showed upon your face
As you walked across the yard
You walked into the bedroom
Packed your suitcase as you cried
I never knew it was the day
You'd have me at goodbye

I heard a car come up the drive
Then a knock upon the door
It was a taxi driver
I didn't know that you called for
You walked by without a word
Tears falling from your eyes
You headed right on out the door
And left me with goodbye

I stood there and was surprised
As I watched you drive away
Then walked into the house and knew
My whole world left that day
Now I'm left here with the seeds I sowed
Feelin' sorry as I cry
My friends were right and now she's gone
She had me at goodbye

VenusianWoman's photo
Thu 11/09/06 08:51 AM

I need protection,warmth and love
Shelter from certain storms
A sense of knowing,trust and faith
When wrapped inside his arms

I need to know I'm special to him
Never a second thought
Not taken for granted or pushed aside
Forgotten or walked upon

I need to know in every way
That I'm enough for him
He's dependable,strong and true
Shares the world he's in

I need to know I'm part of him
That he's my better half
Communicates with more than words
Gives all the love he has

I need to know he'll guard my heart
Hold me when I cry
Lift me up,make me laugh
Keep my spirits high

I need to know without a doubt
That he is worth my time
A man who always makes me proud
To have stand by my side

VenusianWoman's photo
Thu 11/09/06 08:50 AM

I could go back to country dirt roads
Back to lonesome and blue
I could go back to thinkin' 'bout love
But I could never go back to you

I could go back to dinner for one
Dumplins and homemade stew
Walkin' the floor and sleepin' alone
But I could never go back to you

Sometimes I wonder what I seen in you
You were always off doin' your thing
You promised to love me and keep me safe
All I got was a diamond ring

I could go back to dating and dancin'
Starin' at the stars and moon
Cowboys leavin',wonderin' and dreamin'
But I could never go back to you

I could go back to talkin' to me
Back to my family ties too
I could go back to where it all began
But I could never go back to you

You wanted me there so suit your needs
'Til somethin' else came along
You left me alone like you've always done
Well I've had it,I'm done,stay gone

VenusianWoman's photo
Thu 11/09/06 08:49 AM

An angel unseen is like the scent of a bloom
You know it's there it fills the room
Fills the senses and draws you in
Calm your nerves with a subtle grin
Eases your mind for a moment or two
Wraps you in love you can feel all thru
Lifts you up when you're feeling down
Knows what to do to turn things around
There is always angels about
To help forget your worries and doubts
When you feel lonely like nobody cares
An angel unseen will always be there

VenusianWoman's photo
Thu 11/09/06 08:48 AM

I lost my dad several years ago
Even still I sit and cry
In silence alone with a heavy heart
With memories most every night

Everyone else is fast asleep
So no one can hear my pain
I suffer alone with wondering thoughts
Knowing someday we'll meet again

I miss his smile, his gentle ways
The way he liked to tease
His warm embrace and loving words
His laugh and ways to please

The memories I have are like yesterdays
It's hard to believe he's gone
Each tear that falls brings a memory back
In my heart he still lives on

But this pain I feel cannot compare
To the loss my mother feels
She too sheds tears for the love she's lost
Even time won't completely heal