VenusianWoman's photo
Fri 11/10/06 12:56 PM

How does one show love to another
Without crossing that invisible line
Some have walls that protect their hearts
After being let down and hurt
Fear of pain from another darkens their door
Without seeming forceful,some try to enter
Doing their best to show their worth
It's a task many have tried and failed
The distance between them and love is vast
A force may drive some with determination
Warriors of the heart,willing to fight
A stand-off is eminent
Proving who is the stronger one
Tho at times the warrior wins
Defeat is bitter sweet for the other
Uncertainty resides by the heart
The warrior has proven his strength and will
Time will prove or disprove his worth
The door is shifted slightly open
A light appears thru the darkness
Caution stands firm,unmovable
Advancement is slow going for both
If the love of the warrior is strong
He will walk sure footed into the darkness
Carrying a torch to light the way
Coaxing the hidden,damaged heart to show
Bleeding and hurt,it will meekly appear
Showing the shield of true love,the warrior proceeds
Helping this fearful heart come into the light
Slowly and tenderly the warrior mends the wounds
Tears of gratitude fall freely
Thru the scars,strength returns to the broken heart
Trust has re-entered taking its rightful place
Faith has once again warmed the heart
The warrior of love has proven his worth
He leads the mended heart to the open door
Light is drowning the darkness
The warrior walks proud of his conquest
Protecting the love he has fought hard to win
Doing all he can to hold it close to his own
Sheltering it from all harm,the warrior stands tall
Never again will it be left alone
The mended heart is finally free
Love has once again come to live

michael1313's photo
Fri 11/10/06 01:47 PM
I'll work on this one and get back to it,,,great poem.......M.