Community > Posts By > VenusianWoman

VenusianWoman's photo
Fri 12/08/06 09:58 AM

We look around the room and then
Our eyes together meet
A smile appears upon our face
Walk few steps to greet

The senses that we feel are strong
We draw each other in
It's like somewhere we've met before
But know we've never been

We talk like we are life long friends
We're in our comfort zone
Our spirits soar as hearts beat strong
No longer we're alone

The space between has come to none
We can't get close enough
We melt into each others arms
Somehow this feels like love

This seems so natural to both of us
We can't believe our luck
It's like we've found our other half
The missing piece of us

This prism we have walked in to
Makes time an endless thing
As we grab the chance at hand
Our new life now begins

VenusianWoman's photo
Fri 12/08/06 09:56 AM

Stern and handsome with piercing eyes
The look of a perfect smile
Chiseled features and full cut form
With soft and gentle style
Attractive stance that draws your eye
To follow his every move
Something in his tone of voice
Is debonair and smooth
Class and charm walk hand in hand
Romance takes a bow
A gentleman in every way
A walking dream renowned

VenusianWoman's photo
Fri 12/08/06 09:54 AM

Tho you're somewhere I want to be
My thoughts of you are in memory
Still in dreams I see your face
Hear your voice I can't replace
You make me smile and feel at ease
In my thoughts is where you'll be
I miss the laughter we once had
Talks of things both good and bad
To read the messages you once sent
A smile to me is what it meant
Thru the fun and games online
You somehow grabbed my piece of mind
Then you stepped into my dreams
Quite unusual from pictures seen
We've never met both face to face
But in my heart you've found a place
Perhaps one day a time will come
When we may meet just one on one

VenusianWoman's photo
Fri 12/08/06 09:51 AM

There's a sad and lonesome feeling 'round the old home place tonight
As the night time shadows gather round the fires fading light
While the old clock counts the hours since the day you went away
And your old chair sits a-waiting till you're home again to stay

Are the fields there so much greener than the fields that once you knew?
Do the flowers smell much sweeter?Are the skies a deeper blue?
Do you ever stop and listen for the spot where robins sing
In the trees down by the river in these early days of spring?

But Dear one we'll not forget you though you far away do roam
For the mem'ry of your footstep tiptoes 'oer the fields of home
And it seems I hear your whisper floating by me in the breeze
While the echos of your laughter lingers yet beneath the trees

Are you lonely for the home place now that you're across the sea?
For this land of lakes and rivers that's been home to you and me?
If your new friends ever doubt you,ever cause you too much pain
Just remember we're still waiting till you come back home again


VenusianWoman's photo
Sat 11/25/06 09:02 AM
ooooo.. hot

VenusianWoman's photo
Sat 11/25/06 09:02 AM
thats a cute poem.. brought a smile...thanx..

VenusianWoman's photo
Sat 11/25/06 09:00 AM

Some days I feel I'm in a world of ghosts
No one sees anyone or cares to know
Are we living in an unknown past
Or existing in a future no one has
What seems real could be but a farse
Even those things that touches our hearts
Eveyone dreams but how many come true
When things fall apart is it the dream or you
How does one know whats real or not
When so many things are soon forgot
We all think we know what it is we want
At times we get it then see it's not
Sometimes it's lacking in what is desired
Unless you get lucky you're then admired
Still only few seem to really care
The majority cares less if you're in despair
We all seem to live in our own little worlds
Our home is an oyster and we are the pearl

VenusianWoman's photo
Sat 11/25/06 08:59 AM

The future holds many unseen things
But knows what one may dream
Wishes and hopes we all embrace
Give birth to unknown scenes
Thoughts we have sometimes grow deep
While others barely form
Who knows the time they may appear
A reality then is born

VenusianWoman's photo
Sat 11/25/06 08:56 AM

Children so innocent know nothing of life or hardships
Born into a world to experience it
Senses formed not complete,for some cut short
Unknown what we are or why we exist
Our purpose is unknown yet holds curiosity
Wondering at things felt,touched,smelt,tasted
The most beautiful things are rarely noticed and destroyed
Not knowing what it is doesn't matter,waste it
Man does not "create" what is needed but what's wanted
Building so it can be destroyed by themselves or another
For each death there is a birth,but how long will it live
A loss is dealt with in many ways to ponder
Sorrow,tears,talk,ignoring,walking away,replacement,memories
A memory fades as does life leading to death
A circle unending,evolving,but for good or bad
Changes are necessary but not for everything at best
Why do we not see the beauty in what already is
Man has not yet learned we are mortal
One day we too shall cease to exist
Then what purpose were we after all

VenusianWoman's photo
Sat 11/25/06 08:54 AM

Tho my dreams of you
May seem too real
They don't quite quench
The yearning for your touch
The reality of you escapes me
The truth is unknown
Only the perception of things
Is what I'm able to see
My mind is an open window
Grasping at your words
Painting pictures seen within
Tempting me to stay there with you
As wonderful a place it is
I can not live a fantasy
Only should you appear in life
Could I live these dreams
Thoughts of you envelope me
Guessing what a life may be
With you as my other half
Free me from this dreamland
Reveal your unseen self
Touch me,let me feel you
Kiss me,let me taste you
Show me what of you is real
We are unknown to each other
The unknown holds many things
More than fear,curiosity,wonderment
It feeds on itself,overlapping thoughts
What could be is asked
As I face some fears
I'm asking for what I want
I'm willing to take a chance
Mine asks to know you
Who ever you are,how ever you are
If--you really are

VenusianWoman's photo
Sat 11/25/06 08:52 AM

The soft glow of a flickering flame
Warms the soul as it burns
memories from the past surface
Recalling favored thoughts
Relaxing the tensions of the body
Your mind flows free
Branching out in all directions
Touching forethoughts of desires
Drawn in by the dance of fire
You fall deeper in thought
Travel thru time takes you back
Then in an instant you jump ahead
Scenes of a hopeful future appear
Thoughts and visions intertwine
Shapes of the flames come to view
Sparks fly about spontaneously
Drifting upward in a draft
Softly,quietly,the wood burns
Crackling as it gives off heat
The smell of the wood fills the room
A gentle smile grows
This comfort is pleasing
Lost in a realm of your own
There is no fear present
The fire entices calmness
Inviting your mind to drift
While your body is still
You're hypnotized by its dance
Taken by the song of fire
As it whispers out to you

VenusianWoman's photo
Sat 11/25/06 08:50 AM

Let me loose myself in you
Slip your hand in mine
Ease my fears and hold me close
Keep the past behind

To embrace the warmth in you
This loneliness feels cold
Scared that love will never be
But has its way I'm told

I long for one to show my worth
But find a dead end road
Be my friend and lead the way
Guide this weary soul

Soothe me with your loving voice
Reveal your gentle touch
Heal the hurt that's overstayed
Which kept me down so much

Teach that I can count on you
Rebuild my broken heart
Help my faith in love renew
To make a brand new start

VenusianWoman's photo
Sat 11/25/06 08:49 AM

I could stay with you forever
With my arms around you tight
As the starlight twinkles softly
'Till the dawn breaks thru the night

We shall always be together
I'll not ever leave your side
It's with you that I belong
All things with us feels right

Whenever there's a problem
You'll know just where I'll be
Not far from reach of your two arms
You can always depend on me

Our love will grow throughout the years
As the ties that bind grow strong
All fear and doubt will disappear
Loves wisdom will guide us on

VenusianWoman's photo
Sat 11/25/06 08:48 AM

When I start to think of you
My emotions get mixed around
Not sure of how I feel inside
From the times I've been let down

Why are you this way with me
What have I done so bad
Where's the logic in all of this
That you treat me with underhand

Most others you associate with
Are not to be relied upon
Yet you give your time to be with them
Who will never be there,but gone

When in a fix who do you call
That's always been there for you
Willing to help when you're in need
With whatever it is they can do

You've said that it is always me
I'm the best friend that you have
Yet when it's turned and I need help
You're gone without turning back

That isn't very nice of you
Not being a friend at all
Maybe next time you are in need
Find someone else to call

VenusianWoman's photo
Fri 11/17/06 10:31 AM
aweee.. sweet poem

VenusianWoman's photo
Fri 11/17/06 10:31 AM
American Poets eh.. what about us Canadians?...(giggles)

VenusianWoman's photo
Fri 11/17/06 10:29 AM
heyyyyy, I like that song!!

VenusianWoman's photo
Thu 11/16/06 07:57 PM

If you could hear and feel my thoughts
You'd know how much you're missed
You'd hear the things about you
That I simply can't resist

You'd be surprise how many times
I think of you each day
Doubts of how I feel for you
Would then be swept away

You'd feel my arms around you
Each time you came to mind
Every kiss I wished to give
Would reach you every time

You'd know you're with me everywhere
With this you'd also find
You'd have a sense of travel
As you're never left behind

VenusianWoman's photo
Thu 11/16/06 07:56 PM

Come leave with me to an ageless place
Devoted to unfailing love
A tiny oasis where harmony is
Unbridled, frequent,untouched

The landscape will capture your evey sight
It'll welcome and elevate you
Crossing the threshhold unlocks a door
With every kiss you surrender to

An abundance of stardust sparkles each night
Through moonbeams they glisten there
It's fragrance will mesmerize every sense
Honoring wishes beyond compare

An unforgettable worthwhile place
Melting many a frozen heart
It's horizon has guided many lost souls home
Who were shrouded in everything dark

So take my hand, lets snuggle up
Our passion will lead us to bliss
We'll rest in starlight in a warm embrace
Where unity will be sealed with a kiss

VenusianWoman's photo
Thu 11/16/06 07:55 PM

You are my heart,you are my soul
You are my intuition
No other can compare to you
You are my one addiction
You are my wish,my fantasy
My change of fortune too
There's trust,balance and safety here
A spiritual connection with you
You're in my thoughts and in my dreams
You've become my one delight
My Love,you are my everything
You are my guiding light