Uh, as a matter of fact I did call and email both the reps from this
state to shred for voting in favor of anything that includes anything even remotely resembling amnesty, and told them they were discriminating against legal citizens by giving the illegal ones better in just about every way. Pretty much proves to me that they are catering to the immigrants, as the real citizens here have been trying to bounce them out for generations. I would rather just do WITHOUT stupid tomatoes! |
Hating war should be hating on those who prompted it or made it
necessary. (I know that I will never find forgiveness for anyone who had anything to do with the death of my loved one overseas. Wasn't this conflict, but the same damned trouble makers.) Not those that are trying to beat them back. War is ugly, don't think anyone but a psycho would say different. But in some circumstances, just no way to avoid it. |
As someone who has been mistaken for both black and white on various
occasions, along with Indian, Mexican, Spanish, Italian.......... I have probably been "hated on" by someone from each of those groups, and a few others as well. Truth is that the harshest was from "black" people. The way my family was treated while in their country was really cruel and vile at times. But, it does come from all groups, whether they are based on color, sex, whatever (think of how the democrats and republicans throw mud back and forth). Some even "hate on" you just because of the clothes you wear. What do I do, laugh. I mean when a person does or says something that is so completely stupid, what else can you do. I always say, "God must love stupid people, because he made so many of them." |
Me too. And no, since they have no respect for me, I can return the
favor, and admit that they are starting to remind me of ****roaches. Creeping in unwanted through every crack to come and take what they can. Unchecked, the infestation becomes overwhelming, and soon your home could be unlivable. |
Anyone knows this country is not free. You have to pay if you want to
play, and these illegals are just trying to STEAL because they are too unconscionable to do things the proper way. So much for all the crap about what honest hard working people they are. They prove otherwise when they are too lazy to fix their own country and then violate law after law by coming, and staying here, not to mention the various other crimes against people and property. Our jails aren't packed with them for no reason. |
Recent LAPD Incident
Considering all the lies, propaganda and skewed polls I have seen thrown
around, I wouldn't be surprised if these illegal protesters staged the entire thing. Nope, unless it was a wide angle shot, and the tape was rolling from the beginning so that the whole progression of events could be seen, I would just site the illegals and boot them back across the border. People who don't want to get into a mess like a riot, should have enough sense not to. I would know better than to go out protesting to allow criminals to keep committing crimes. Really sounds stupid to me that they even try it in the first place. |
I think one of the most evil thing these islamic terrorists do is the
way they ruin their children. And as I personally know of a freak, who murdered at the age of 15, and was then released at 21, then went out and killed someone else, yup, pretty much a write off. Have also known kids ruined beyond repair at earlier ages. Too bad you couldn't give those who ruined them the death penalty so that they couldn't do it to any more kids. |
Do you Have Family Values?
One that we both agreed on, "Telling a lie is worse than whatever you
did in the first place. It proves that you knew it was wrong, and did it anyway. It also means I can't trust you." |
Do you Have Family Values?
My parents rules vs mine
Don't bother coming home with less than an "A" Do your best, as long as I know you are then the actual grade isn't going to get you in trouble. A good woman will follow her man anywhere. Not through the gates of hell she won't. You only date a man who owns, and at least occassionally wears at least one suit. You only give the time of day to men that are sweet to you. You must go to college to succeed. College is ok for some, but have seen enough proof that it can also be a total waste of time and money, so do what makes you happy and keeps the bills paid. For a start. |
The first thing I would do is close the borders, to everyone that isn't
a legal American citizen. Until there is a REAL, ENFORCEABLE policy for accepting immigrants properly, just shut the whole mess down. Yes, in the meantime, just ship them back to where they came from, whether their own country wants them back or not. Second, I would make it mandatory for all politicians to take sodium pentathol before speaking to anyone in their professional capacity. Third, eliminate all ESL and other classes that shouldn't even be offered in public schools, and drain the minimal budgets they are working with, to improve education overall. As far as Iraq goes, all allies should simply seal them in, so they couldn't get out and go killing anyone else, and let them hash it out between themselves, until they evolved enough to learn how to play nice with everybody else. Nothing goes in (hate the rest of the world so much, then we can stop supporting you), and nothing out (can't control your lunatics, don't send them elsewhere or even let them loose). Bring any soldiers possible back home, and let them work on rebuilding the south after Katrina. As far as all the rest of the problems in the world, sorry, but we would have to get ourselves back up to full running power before they could come to us begging the US to "fix it" all the time. |
A Real American Beauty
For some men, I guess it would be easier than just trying not to tick us
off LOL |
any one in to street racin
"I tried racing a couple of cars the other day but ran into a letterbox
on the corner and broke the wheels on my skateboard...." Oh my, reminds me of the time I had to take some kid to the ER after he hit a boulder and did an endo trying to race my car (idiot). Street racing? Was fairly profitable for me. I miss it. Retired me and the car years ago. But went out with an undefeated record. My favorite was always the humiliation of some men by being beat by a GIRL! Too funny. |
Weight/And Being Asked?
These days, with some saying a person is "average" and others calling
average "fat"... I don't really think it is rude to ask what a person weighs. Seems to be more for clarification than anything else. Besides, if you are embarrassed by your weight it is up to you to change that. That being said, I do get fairly annoyed when idiots actually pick me up to "heft" me and "figure" what I weigh. No, not like they ask first, they just pick me up like some little doll or something, as if it is assumed to be ok. Wierd!!! Very wierd. Right up there with people ASSUMING they can come up to a pregnant woman they don't even know and touch their stomach. Yep, I broke a few fingers while carrying each of my kids LOL |
A Real American Beauty
If you ask me, there are probably as many, if not more, women with
deadly accurate aim, than men. (maybe all that practice threading needles LOL) I took great pleasure in destroying my trophy holding brother one day, after I heard the phrase, "Pretty good shootin' FOR A GIRL." Beat him 3 times in a row after he said that. Wish I had a poster with the look on his face. (He wasn't there the day I shocked the bejabbers out of my father by hitting a target neither he or his friend could, when I was about 11.) Reason why it isn't so prevalently known, we keep secrets better hehehehe |
World watch out! The pistol packin' grannies are going to be out in
force! Kewl. |
A Real American Beauty
There she is — Miss Intruder’s Nightmare
82-year-old Miss America 1944 shoots out car’s tires with her trusty .38 http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/18237342/?GT1=9246 |
So Close to Home...
This may sound odd, but I wonder if they are going to shrink. My sister
was murdered. She was in a coma for 5 days before they let her go. Both of them visibly shrank from the loss of weight. They both looked so small next to that big white bed and all those machines. |
Microsoft GIVES........
Also, considering how many scams use the name Microsoft to try to make
them look legit, no reason to believe this isn't another one of those. |
Voil - “Now, while your laws are quite clear on the sublect, ALL your
law enforcing elements, starting with Washington and its concerted governmental facitilties, are not only ignoring the law, but encouraging people from Mexico in particular, to keep crossing the Border in droves.” Please clarify. I live in Washington State. Are you referring to that Washington, or D.C.? In D.C. sure, there are rich politicians making money I imagine, but not nearly as prevalent as all those employers who hire/hide them. Here in the state we have been having problems with, and trying to discourage them coming for at least 20 years now. At least any and all of the people I have ever encountered. “WHO ARE TH ILLEGALS AND CRIMINALS HERE?!?!?” First the criminals who illegally cross the border, and then the employers etc that hire them. “'illegals' might turn to be some of your own?!?!?” My own? Hardly, don’t even know where you came up with a remark like that. “"Give us your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breath free" (Mexican people among others, would fall in that category, wouldn't they?)” Never said they couldn’t come here legally, now did I? “You mean like actually enforcing border control so they wouldn’t be able to sneak into the US in the first place? That would be nice.” Sure would. Just wish the Minute Men were getting free reign down there instead of being held back. “How can we say: 'give us your tired, your poor,..." and ask that they come in 'legally', when WA and your business communities have no intention of enforcing that they come in in a 'legal' manner!!!” A lot of assumptions there. And again, there is a big difference between the state and D.C., so don’t even know where your post is actually addressing. Most people will say that what comes out of D.C. in no way represents their feelings/beliefs/interests. “Mr. President, enforce the laws!!!” RFLMAO, but then his side kick would also be in jail for assault with a deadly weapon. As a matter of fact, most of those he associates with would also be up on some kind of charges. |
"That's what slander and libel are. One for
damage of reputation, the other for theft of ideas." Actually, they both mean about the same thing, the difference being that slander is said and libel is written. But calling a person names etc isn't always slander. You have to prove that false statements actually damaged you in some way, and these girls can't say that. If anything, Imus just damaged himself. |