Community > Posts By > LBIGAL

LBIGAL's photo
Fri 03/09/07 07:34 AM

LBIGAL's photo
Fri 03/02/07 08:08 PM
hey poorbiker...this is a from a 51 year old females point of
view...first i have no little dogs, second i have not any ulterior
motives, no do i dwell on the's just that.....past....i think
you just are making excuses for your choices...i have kids in their 30's
and wouldn't think that any of their piers would have the commonalities
with me to really relate to my childhood.....and lets face it, a common
foundation is integral in having a successful relationship!

just my input...

LBIGAL's photo
Fri 03/02/07 07:53 PM

invisable=body odor.......yuck

LBIGAL's photo
Fri 03/02/07 07:52 PM
invincible=super man

LBIGAL's photo
Thu 03/01/07 08:32 PM
it's not neccessarily been there done that, its an assuredness that
brings about total freedom in the bedroom and the wisdom to keep it
private and stimulating at the same time....

LBIGAL's photo
Thu 03/01/07 08:29 PM
i think posting a photo shows an honesty in ones self...starting off
with the whole picture, sort of speak, otherwise for me anyway i wonder
what the person is hiding from.....that's just me....BUT...if some one
intrigues me without a photo i will not pass them is a risk!

LBIGAL's photo
Thu 03/01/07 08:21 PM
sarah smiles says it like it is for us , as we get better with our
showing of affections....the warmth and the sharing and inhibitions
comes when two trust in themselves, and then watch better
sex can be had!!!!

LBIGAL's photo
Thu 03/01/07 08:14 PM
finding a special person on jsh=good one buttons

LBIGAL's photo
Thu 03/01/07 08:13 PM
i will thanx=appreciation

LBIGAL's photo
Thu 03/01/07 08:09 PM
hi there everyone...i have a nose piercing, a little bauble...but i was
49 when i got it....i am happy i am older getting it, as they can be a
nuisance sometimes, coming out, and twisting internally etc. Mind you
it's no big deal for me, but at 14 i don't think i would have the self
assurance to carry it off, nor the individuality that it gives me

I think the cultural arts are a very important part of our growing
up...and experience to see Rent will be something she will never if you go with her she will be sharing in some great
quality time with her God mother....also an irreplaceable memory....the
nose rings will come and go, but a lasting memory can never be taken

lastly, the bottom line is how well do you know the birthday girl, and
what do you want to feel by the gift you give?

good luck..either, either or.....your love will show through!

LBIGAL's photo
Thu 03/01/07 07:57 PM

happy too that you decided to stay whisper!

LBIGAL's photo
Thu 03/01/07 07:53 PM
me...i like anything with a good beat....something i can play my spoons don't laugh...i play a mean set of spoons...
My kids tell me I'm stuck in the 60's, but they are wrong...i like such
a variety of music and envy all with the talent to carry a
tune...really do wish i could heart does, but not the

LBIGAL's photo
Thu 03/01/07 07:45 PM
opps, overlap....hehehe

let's try again.....

memory = reminiscing

LBIGAL's photo
Thu 03/01/07 07:42 PM
minds = pulitzer prize winners

LBIGAL's photo
Wed 02/28/07 05:35 PM
possibilities=willingness to risk

LBIGAL's photo
Tue 02/27/07 11:09 AM
where is Aberdeen in relation to LBI? seem soo serious!

LBIGAL's photo
Tue 02/27/07 11:02 AM
Hi all....I'm from Bergen County originally, but have been on Long Beach
Island for over 34 years now......the beach is great, but i do miss the
greenery and rolling terrain ....i love the Delaware water Gap area

I'd love to hear from other Jersey's amusing to compare

LBIGAL's photo
Mon 02/26/07 04:07 PM
it made me chuckle..thanks ....

LBIGAL's photo
Mon 02/26/07 04:04 PM
hi there all..boy do i feel out of it...have been on site a long time,
but never posted much before or even contemplated , that's the
answer aye?..TY for the advice....

LBIGAL's photo
Fri 01/26/07 10:52 AM
hi all....i am new to this whole forum thing too....any help would be
appreciated.....i'm from Jersey....

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