I am looking for....
What is the most important personality trait or characteristic you are looking for in a woman/man?
Stupid question
What is the name of this website?
why do you think ur single??
I think I'm single because I do not make a big enough attempt to try and talk to women and I can be kind of cocky at times, which a lot of women find to be a turn off. I need to flirt more and make myself more available. Cocky is one thing, but confidence is what women look for.
Being in a relationship requires a lot of hard work, just like anything you want to get good at in life. Both males and females are very different in nature and look for different things. Not every girl or every guy is the same. That is why we are all unique. Depending on the person, one might like one thing and the other may find it a huge turnoff. Getting to know someone really well and getting to know their strengths and weaknesses is key in a long-term relationship. If you keep going at something long enough, eventually you will get it and be successful at it. With guys though, we really need to pay attention to the signals that women throw at us. That is like 90% of everything. For women, I see a lot of times they really do not know what they want, or know what they want, can't find it and choose to substitute. Then they get hurt and tell the next nice guy that comes along that they are not ready for a relationship. The biggest piece of advice is work hard with someone you love and do not give up on them and do not let them give up on you. Always communicate with each other.