trying to forget.
Sick of this blind confusion My fingers ache for something more How much longer will I have to scream To convince her of what she knows already? I cannot give her up anymore Lying down, hoping to be trampled on— How could I be such a fool to think She might share a love with me? yet I cannot be rid of my hope I just want to show her... VII Ill not bow my head forever— For her, ill wait as long as it takes. My own foolish values and ideals Keep me tripping over my words In night after night of divine dialog The words seem so futile, But they are all I am allowed. I take them and worship them The subject of my blissful, Beautiful, idolatrous fantasy. VIII I feel her breath on my lips- She smiles, unable to come closer. The only thing I could want Is everything that is not supposed to be I see her looking absolutely divine Wishing she would touch her lips to mine Her wandering gaze makes me feel whole How dare she settle for someone That loves her like every other? ...does she think dreams cant come true? IX …and so the end of another day brings me farther from her arms. Sometimes I wish she would just slap me in the face She doesn’t want to find me in the shattered frame I should be used to being disappointed… What makes her so different? Why does she insist on my friendship? Why do I carry her wherever I go? Why cant she let me alone? ...why cant I let her go? |
hopeful, inspiring, uplifting.
very elegant piece. i enjoyed it thoroughly. :D <3 |
Grandeur of Truth
that was violent. jarring. the preface to every idea iterated by a new set of emotional environments, completely changing how i had to feel. amazing, man. truly. i need a smoke now, haha. |
trying to forget.
okay, a short explanation before i delve in. this is the longest single piece ive written. it was written over the course of 5 years in 18 ten line parts. pretty much self explainatory what its about, but here are the first 5.
- I I saw sheer perfection behind a store window— Like always, the price is too high. Her subtle pink lips danced eloquently About words that still ring so surreal; Her eyes trace the ghostly form Glistening with fake life and fake love The image of her I cannot deny, Ive no idea what she is. Some amazing thing it is, when I think Things could be different. II Once again I find my only release In the scratching of muddled emotion. I met someone today— Someone I never knew I didn’t. Its like there could be some whole new way, A belief in faith, acceptance that wont Come basking in hollow sunlight. Why cant I just leave it alone? Its not like its some irresistible force… A god of lies gives no solace. III A few words of wanted endings, Still looking for a new beginning. Why wont she just let me be? I need her until I cant stand it; She knows it not, or shows it not And I don’t know what left to feel I hear her voice, and I am baptized Into some individual religion, An idolatrous tradition, and I only know What I feel, and I dare not say it. IV I strive to believe in A dream which exalts me. I am trying to see What I cant begin to believe- Its harsh, and merciless, and beautiful... I am starting to feel Something I cannot allow to be I feel her so close to me So close, but far from content— Her dreams are merely dreams, right? V A confession made thoughtlessly Chains me to freedom unwanted. If she takes another word From my mouth, or another thought From my mind, or another yearning From my soul, I will be hers forever. There is so much she doesn’t know She knows; there is so much I have to say I lie and wait for that brand new way And I don’t know what next to say. |
Poems contest for 2008
jimz - 'gjdgjj'
"dawns deep beginnings born before the glass of the sun born before time's evening shadows but I awake anew am I really reborn wasn't god a creation of (himself) really the only clue to a new beginning is the pain goes away when the tears dry when there is light light" |
Poems contest for 2008
Edited by
Fri 12/21/07 02:00 PM
ak0 - 'i remember'
"the way you looked at me your humility with me your directness you watch me in that moment you watch me across the glare you watch me when i'm hiding and it's painful and it kills me only to know it's not because you possess me you admire me without even saying so" |
Edited by
Fri 12/21/07 12:01 PM
Awwww that is just you a bit unusual but that is what catches our eyes and make us want to read more. Just keep up the good work love it. For some reason it reminds me the way Humphy Bogart talked guess that is what really catches my eye. ![]() ![]() humphrey bogart!? wow, talk about flattery. casablanca is one of the finest things to ever touch a screen. |
for my friends in iraq.
Edited by
Fri 12/21/07 10:44 AM
thanks much.
many reasons this piece is important to me. i have many vested interests in the occupation in iraq: one, as a friend. many many things wrong with what is going on there. people that are in power arent sending their sons to die; they are sending OUR friends and family. second, as a citizen and political activist. a life is a life; no more or less precious than any other. the 800,000 innocent iraqis(which, by the way, is a fairly conservative estimate; many european publications place the number over a million) and the 4,203 coalition casualties(including 3,896 americans). i dont know if you would call nearly a million dead a genocide, but i would. this piece tries to explain the hopelessness and the treachery of the SITUATION; there are no evil people(though id say politicians come pretty darn close). it illustrates the narrator of the piece, the soldier, viewing iraqis as animals(and misunderstanding them) though still self-defense comes into play, and innocent people die, and he is overridden by guilt. the soldier isnt to blame. as huxley wrote in "brave new world revisited": "...the aim of rulers is first, of course, to exercise power for its own delightful sake and, second, TO KEEP THEIR SUBJECTS IN THAT STATE OF CONSTANT TENSION WHICH A STATE OF CONSTANT WAR DEMANDS OF THOSE WHO WAGE IT.." a scared country is an obedient one. funny thing, huxley was talking about hitler in this passage. but thats not who i think of now. keep penning and stay proud. <3 |
for my friends in iraq.
i wonder what its like to be proud.
well, mostly, i just wonder what would i think: hard white-hot sights trained upon a crowd of people(are they?) writhing and spitting and completely and utterly full of hate for the flag on my shoulder. they dont want to know me. they dont want to meet my little daughter, allie, or my dog who loves to lick her toes im so hot. im so tired. blink - just once, slow sluggish wish i could sleep. god how i wish- a short brown man shudders his left hand beneath his jacket, pushing through the crowd with the other. god im so tired. he reveals a large hunk of steel, plastic, lead and brass. starts to raise his sights to me. is it time? at this point, i dont think. i cant- not after what ive seen, what my hands, the hands that my little daughter held so tightly- screams. running. chaos. i wonder what the weather is like at home. it is much to hot here. before explosions of smoke and blood are over, there are four motionless on the ground. almost motionless. a dusty haired woman reaches toward the sky. i drop my gun- it is much too heavy now. god, its so hot. - something sinister lies within us. tvs and newspapers shred reality into bite size bits of bravery. the cocoon of control is warm, isnt it? not that i blame you. not that i think its us to blame. but the facts remain the same. nations. governments. borders. they divide us in much more fatal ways than geography. |
thanks wilga. i rarely write things in standard meter, for that very reason. :D
LAMom as always <3 |
Dream last night
i had a dream last night that my dog was running around on the ceiling. and the only thing i was worried about was that i couldnt take her out because i was afraid she would fall up, haha.
great write, keep it up. |
Commitment Is Kryptonite
you've got some insight, man. and the penmanship to communicate it.
"Fearless at fisticuffs but scared to be with just 1. Commitment is kryptonite to super players and line sayers. " probably the best couplet in here, but i get the feeling you already knew that. :D keep writing man, im reading. |
thanks :D
there is less
than i can see two am two IMs flutter across my dreams there isnt much to know about me save that i dont really know what i am here for any particular purpose there isnt much to know about me save ill save you from this. and i dont think you get my point and i dont know if ive got it goin' on and i dont really care if this shrugs sickness to see you there, well i cant surmount the mountains of scans and faxes land of fascists lets fight a war, babe lets shun the silly little serendipitous sodomy of living life tonight- im all alone here. i never minded it till i couldnt place my finger on the contour you left on my bedsheets. the ring in the air full of wanderin' low notes, strummed in a key i am all too unfamiliar with so! what is it that i want to say that maybe i like it. yeah, maybe, baby, i like it just. this. way. its unlike i am alone here now but its just like i can never remember the fire that birthed me the circumstances that pulled me into this maelstrom of thought and un-thought i find a reason for every little mistake and i still cant find a season for the little litmus that reads a certain shade of grey i find myself scrounging for the meaning stuck in the couch cushions. i find myself clawing at the love wrapped in red tape. |
wow, very very nice.
(one little thing: i think you meant 'soothe' instead of 'sooth'. though sooth is a great word; means predicting the future. fits into context in a very abstract way here, which i love.) the power and prescience and prescience of your context is staggering. write more! |
Do You????
absolutely gorgeous.
love seeing people using english correctly in poetry. capitalizing wet cement has a lot of impact. god im a nerd. :D keep it up! <3 |
so many things
haha. thanks everyone.
i think you get my gists. |
so many things
So many things turn me inside out
So many faces fade in and out So many lives are shattered in others' wake So what is it that makes us cry? Why is it that all hope must die? What is left when the entire world is flawed? And what can I do get back on my feet And onto that road of shattered glass? Does anyone really have answer to this tragedy? No one is safe, when it comes down to it And all we can do is try. Such a great irony that our strife in striving Is its own meaning, and our only purpose. We live for impossible improvement, And the only thing we have left Is some trial. Some grand, meaningless test Of our own uncertainty. Well, I'll not have it. F*ck those sanitary little tidbits That control every one of us. I'm gonna find my own path Even if it be through the sun-- I will shine the brightest; Ill not bend to you. |
Silently Screaming...
susan, it is?
great write. you've got some moves, its true. i bet you dance well. |
Books-The Dark Tower series
loved the series.
not gonna lie, HATED the last book. :( the first three were classic. and the next three were very good. |