what do you like to do in montreal, mari?
I live in Montreal, best damn city in Canada. bravo! ms.jenna, that goes for me as well. |
Try the local Yellow Pages, or do a Google search... sorry dude, but the yellow pages will not tell me where it's happening....but thanks for the suggestion. |
2012 end of the world ??????
you want to know something crazy? the day the world ends (12/22/12) is my 33 birthday!!!! ...and you are a witch... hmmm i wouldn't stand around any burning stakes. |
hi eh! all i know is foufounes electrique. it's been a long time, but i'd like to go clubbing. can you give me some suggestions.
Age Gaps
chemistry is everything. what young person doesn't like the right vintage car, and vise versa. To each their own. I just love people i guess, but it's the giving that's great. sexually, i find that great differances in age are fun, non threatening, so to speak, because the moment is far more important, it is less likely that the people involved will place some bigger importance on being together.
any guys go for the french?
dear ms. jenna,
love french, et vous est incroyable. |