Community > Posts By > Turtlepoet78
It's not, if you check the previous pages I debunked both this and the false claims about his church. It's smear propeganda, nothing more;^] Posted as I was checking the back pages...didn't think it was true, but hadn't done the research to definitely set forth an opinion. Thanks for getting the facts. My point remains, however, about everyone being able to vote for whomever they choose, for whichever reasons they choose. I agree with that, I'm not going to tell anyone how to vote, just keeping it real because unfortunatly some will believe anything posted on a message board;^] |
Obama's church is not racist, nothing wrong with a black church in a black community tackling issues which face them;^] |
Obama vs. McCain
Hope you are right, Leah. But either way I will NOT vote for a Republican come November. Every one of them had a chance to stand up to Bush and tell him he was wrong(and maybe even criminal) on a whole slew of issues. But they all kept quiet, with few exceptions. McCain even caved on the torture issue, signing on with some watered down language rather than a blanket "WE DON"T TORTURE". Very strange coming from someone who experiened torture first hand. I agree! I think we should use a different approach in getting information from high level war prisoners in order to save lives. We need to be like the rest of the world and, say, offer them jelly filled doughnuts and coffee with the morning paper of their choice in bed if they so desire. Kill them with kindness.Kumby friggin ya. ![]() It worked for the NAZI pows we had here during WW2, many of them ended up seeking american citisenship when the war was over;^] |
Obama is the biggest liar I think so far..He does not want you to know who he really is... "Who is Barack Obama? Probable U. S. presidential candidate, Barack Hussein Obama was born in Honolulu, Hawaii, to Barack Hussein Obama, Sr., a black MUSLIM from Nyangoma-Kogel, Kenya and Ann Dunham, a white ATHEIST from Wichita, Kansas. Obama's parents met at the University of Hawaii. When Obama was two years old, his parents divorced. His father returned to Kenya. His mother then married Lolo Soetoro, a RADICAL Muslim from Indonesia? When Obama was 6 years old, the family relocate to Indonesia. Obama attended a MUSLIM school in Jakarta. He also spent two years in a Catholic school. Obama takes great care to conceal the fact that he is a Muslim. He is quick to point out that, 'He was once a Muslim, but that he also attended Catholic school.' Obama's political handlers are attempting to make it appear that that he is not a radical. Obama's introduction to Islam came via his father, and that this influence was temporary at best. In reality, the senior Obama returned to Kenya soon after the divorce, and never again had any direct influence over his son's education. Lolo Soetoro, the second husband of Obama's mother, Ann Dunham, introduced his stepson to Islam. Obama was enrolled in a Wahabi school in Jakarta. Wahabism is the RADICAL teaching that is followed by the Muslim terrorists who are now waging Jihad against t he western world. Since it is politically expedient to be a CHRISTIAN when seeking major public office in the United States, Barack Hussein Obama has joined the United Church of Christ in an attempt to down play his Muslim Background. ALSO, keep in mind that when he was sworn into office he DID NOT use the Holy Bible, but instead the K Koran. Barack Hussein Obama will NOT recite the Pledge of Allegiance nor will he show any reverence for our flag. While others place their hands over their hearts, Obama turns his back to the flag and slouches. Let us all remain alert concerning Obama's expected presidential candidacy. The Muslims have said they plan on destroying the US from the inside out, what better way to start than at the highest level - through the President of the United States, one of their own!!!! Please forward to everyone you know. Would you want this man leading our country?...... NOT ME!!!" I actually agree with this.. From the minute I heard he was Muslim.. Sorry but thats JMO... Everyone is entitled to their opinion. The point of free elections is that you can vote for whoever you want, for whatever reason you want. I disagree with that reasoning, but that doesn't mean that it's wrong. A discussion about why people distrust all muslims would certainly be more intellectually useful than the drudge that this thread turned into. Also...where is that information from? I don't dispute it necessarily, except in particular the part about shunning the flag while slouching. Haha. Seriously, I didn't do any research on that, but I can't imagine that it's true. It's not, if you check the previous pages I debunked both this and the false claims about his church. It's smear propeganda, nothing more;^] |
Most are below the poverty level. If we legalize them then many would qualify for welfare, food stamps, etc. That would cost us even more. They're below the poverty leval because they can only get jobs that pay below the minimum wage, most of the ones who come here are hard workers and only want to support their family. On immigration, I don't care about how well off they are, poor folks need to eat too. But I respect that you give a civil arguement, and I'm out on that note & will stop hijacking this thread;^] |
The sad truth is that illegal immigrants are a drain on our economy. So legalise them, how can they be a drain as legal tax paying citisens? That the mexican government is corrupt is only more reason to save what people we can, it's the same for Mexicans today as it was for my Irish fathers when they came. Freedom for all I say;^] |
End of the World
I believe what the bible says, "no man shall know the time or date".
It will definatly happen eventualy though, no modern scientists believe the earth or even the universe will last forever. It's just a matter of which dissaster hits first;^] |
Obama vs. McCain
Hope you are right, Leah. But either way I will NOT vote for a Republican come November. Every one of them had a chance to stand up to Bush and tell him he was wrong(and maybe even criminal) on a whole slew of issues. But they all kept quiet, with few exceptions. McCain even caved on the torture issue, signing on with some watered down language rather than a blanket "WE DON"T TORTURE". Very strange coming from someone who experiened torture first hand. Teddy Roosevelt played this game also when he was ellected but did the right thing upon taking office. I'm hoping Mccain would do the same;^] |
Eww support of giving illegal aliens citizenship for being able to break into our country. I would rather charges be filed for companies hiring illegals. I would rather bring in immigrants from other countries who are educated and can contribute to society, engineers, doctors, etc. Because poor starving families aren't human enough to matter in this country? I won't get too far into why they come as this is the wrong thread, but suffice to say I think doing what it takes to feed your family is something that should recieve praise. Fix the policy, that's the only way to end "illegal" immigration;^] |
Has anyone checked out the CHURCH Obama goes to? 100% BLACK and a bit toooo proud of it. ie, if a WHITE church would claim just wanting to help out the white community we would be called racist. Yet this church is almost radical in it's agenda to ONLY help blacks........... hmmmm what's good for the goose, yada yada ![]() Yet another myth busted;^] Well, he still supported "the amnesty bill" ![]() So did I, only I wanted it without touchbacks, fines or back taxes;^] |
Has anyone checked out the CHURCH Obama goes to? 100% BLACK and a bit toooo proud of it. ie, if a WHITE church would claim just wanting to help out the white community we would be called racist. Yet this church is almost radical in it's agenda to ONLY help blacks........... hmmmm what's good for the goose, yada yada ![]() Yet another myth busted;^] |
Actually, alot of people do have a problem with Obama because he is a Muslim. Right or wrong, they do. I am sure many do not like that Bush is a Christian, and he is lead by his beliefs when he does make the choices he makes. So, like it or not, he will be judged by his religious affiliation. I don't care for the guy simply because I don't believe he would make a good President. I honestly felt Edwards was the best of th Democrats, but now he is done. On the Republican side (and I am a Republican), I don't like any of the candidates at all. I am thinking McCain is going to be the guy, and that frustrates me to no end. This election sucks. ![]() For the last time, OBAMA IS CHRISTIAN, jeeez;^[ You are missing the point dude. People don't believe he is, and because of it, they don't like him and will not vote for him. I don't care who is right on this issue. I have read material saying he is Christian, and others saying he is Muslim. I really don't care. I made my mind up on him long before this issue came about. But these Muslim claims have been prooven false, that's my point to debunk the lies and clear up the facts. I'm not telling anybody they have to vote Obama, I'm just pointing out the fact that he isn't a muslim at all;^] |
Actually, alot of people do have a problem with Obama because he is a Muslim. Right or wrong, they do. I am sure many do not like that Bush is a Christian, and he is lead by his beliefs when he does make the choices he makes. So, like it or not, he will be judged by his religious affiliation. I don't care for the guy simply because I don't believe he would make a good President. I honestly felt Edwards was the best of th Democrats, but now he is done. On the Republican side (and I am a Republican), I don't like any of the candidates at all. I am thinking McCain is going to be the guy, and that frustrates me to no end. This election sucks. ![]() For the last time, OBAMA IS CHRISTIAN, jeeez;^[ |
Can this be the last time we hear somebody call Obama a "radical muslim"? Please? And, quite honestly, who cares if he's Muslim? Not all Muslims are terrorists or bad people. And, in actuality, probably 99% of Muslims condemn, just as vocally and wholeheartedly, what their radical element are doing just as much as the rest of the world does. Islam, in its element, is an extremely peaceful and loving religion, just as much as Christianity, Buddhism, Judaism, atheism or any other religion or philosophical standpoint. The "radicals" are not true to their religion. Exactly, I've known tons of muslims, from Jumahs & Moores to Five Percenters & N.O.I., not one of them believed in doing the things Al Queda does. In fact, the mentality that all muslims are like that only gains Osama support, according to the Qu'ran holy war is only justified when Islam itself is under attack;^] |
I'm wondering if this news came from the national;^]
General Election
Obama vs. McCain
It appears that the field is rapidly narrowing for choice of Republican and Democratic candidates. I predict that John McCain and Barack Obama will be selected as the Presidential nominees for the Republican and Democratic parties. What do you think? I'd be happy either way with Mccain or Obama;^] |
Edited by
Thu 01/31/08 11:25 AM
Can this be the last time we hear somebody call Obama a "radical muslim"? Please? He's not even a regular muslim, he's christian;^] |
The only racist here is Obama. The leader of the "church" he attends is a known member and supporter of the Black Power movement. THAT is racism As in black panthers? There were white black panthers ya know, it was never a racist movement;^] |
Edited by
Thu 01/31/08 11:11 AM
Obama is the biggest liar I think so far..He does not want you to know who he really is... "Who is Barack Obama? Probable U. S. presidential candidate, Barack Hussein Obama was born in Honolulu, Hawaii, to Barack Hussein Obama, Sr., a black MUSLIM from Nyangoma-Kogel, Kenya and Ann Dunham, a white ATHEIST from Wichita, Kansas. Obama's parents met at the University of Hawaii. When Obama was two years old, his parents divorced. His father returned to Kenya. His mother then married Lolo Soetoro, a RADICAL Muslim from Indonesia? When Obama was 6 years old, the family relocate to Indonesia. Obama attended a MUSLIM school in Jakarta. He also spent two years in a Catholic school. Obama takes great care to conceal the fact that he is a Muslim. He is quick to point out that, 'He was once a Muslim, but that he also attended Catholic school.' Obama's political handlers are attempting to make it appear that that he is not a radical. Obama's introduction to Islam came via his father, and that this influence was temporary at best. In reality, the senior Obama returned to Kenya soon after the divorce, and never again had any direct influence over his son's education. Lolo Soetoro, the second husband of Obama's mother, Ann Dunham, introduced his stepson to Islam. Obama was enrolled in a Wahabi school in Jakarta. Wahabism is the RADICAL teaching that is followed by the Muslim terrorists who are now waging Jihad against t he western world. Since it is politically expedient to be a CHRISTIAN when seeking major public office in the United States, Barack Hussein Obama has joined the United Church of Christ in an attempt to down play his Muslim Background. ALSO, keep in mind that when he was sworn into office he DID NOT use the Holy Bible, but instead the K Koran. Barack Hussein Obama will NOT recite the Pledge of Allegiance nor will he show any reverence for our flag. While others place their hands over their hearts, Obama turns his back to the flag and slouches. Let us all remain alert concerning Obama's expected presidential candidacy. The Muslims have said they plan on destroying the US from the inside out, what better way to start than at the highest level - through the President of the United States, one of their own!!!! Please forward to everyone you know. Would you want this man leading our country?...... NOT ME!!!" I actually agree with this.. From the minute I heard he was Muslim.. Sorry but thats JMO... Jeeez, how many times must we debunk this myth? Do I need to go dig up that snopes link yet again? Besides Islam at it's heart is in fact a peace loving religion. I'm pulling for Obama or Mccain, if neither make it to the general I'll be back with Nader. Or if I had to pick a porn star it'd be Karla Lane, Vicky Vette or Rebecca;^] |