Community > Posts By > jlsjustsayhi
30+ we're still attractive
Don't feel bad I am 37. There are times I feel like things will never change for me. Sometimes it seems like I will grow old lonely and single. You must have faith and hope in God to send someone your way. You just have to keep hope and keep looking and don't give up.
A women in her 40's.....
Beautifully put. Whether you authored it or copied it, love it, love it, love it. 40 looks very good too me. With open arms.
I have experienced before on other sites. But hey, keep on marching soldier. Don't give up no matter how many bombs are dropped. Keep dodging,aiming and shooting. We're bound to hit a target sooner or later. Dismiss!
That is very good advice.
That would vary from person to person. For me too much is someone 6 or more years older than me.
Older women make good...
I would say true. But that is only half of the truth. They also make a good wife & best friend. They are usually wiser than most younger women. They have alot more to share, psychologically and emotionally. The mature factor is quite attractive.
Patiently waiting. There is always hope. Expecting a breakthrough any moment now.
Why do guys never call?
Hi All. Firstly I would say that is a random question only applicable to whom it is applied. The correct way to question it is "Why do some guys never call?" Believe it or not some guys are in the same boat as you. Looking at it from a 360 angle. Some guys experience the "I'm gonna call but don't call," syndrome from ladies too. It's all random. It's an act that requires filtering. Trial and error. That's what finding a mate consists of. Trial and error. Thats why it's so important to approach online dating or any other type of social activity with an open mind.
Be realistic about your whole approach. It all takes time. |