lets hope ISIS have not made good their threats against the listed cities in their plan. R.I.P for the dead and grace for quick recovery of the injured
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Wed 05/13/15 07:53 AM
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Wed 05/13/15 06:58 AM
2old2messaround, please, have you been to Africa or Nigeria? I can perceive you buy and assimilate all the junk journalism of hate, racism, campain of calumny and make believe stories of most western media line, hook and sinker. The ferocious manner you assert your view that Africa and in particular Nigeria treat their female folk with disdain smacked more of stereotype and misinformation. Jesusmyall is female lawyer and have stated it often here that she works with a social development orgnization in Nigeria. She refuted your assertions based on first hand information, not merely on religious sentiments. There is no society thats 100% perfect as far as male/female dichotomy is concerned. I need not state my profession here but I can categorically tell you that most of those data you get on net is overly exaggerated for some covert reasons, sinister motives or primordial interests. I trust your virtue of tolerance to diversity of opinions and mature logical reasoning. Thanks
Are there no job seekers there, why occupy a space that could better the life of younger ones? If her predecessors had held tight to their jobs like she is doing, could she had got that nursing job in the first place? Kudos to her anyway, it requires special grace to not have osteopetrosis or other degenerative impediments at that age. I will retire immediately i clock 60, God willing
2old2messaround, thanks for the data and link you provided above. I appreciate your understanding. But let nobody get it twisted, THERE IS NOTHING LIKE "SAFE ABORTION" so far a death of either the mother or the fetus or the 'potential' child occured. Its blue murder. We should beware of what we say here beacause it could influence some people's lives and decisions negatively or positively both now, the future and eternity!! "Dont be a partaker of other men/women's sin" You never can tell who is reading all we 've been saying here. Thanks
Can somebody help us with the annual statistic of deaths that occured or resulted from abortion and abortion related complications worldwide or at least a country, please
Motorcycles, had any?
I had BENLY, YAMAHA 100 and lastly CARTA. I consider myself an expert rider!
Happy birthday to a happy mother and her daughter. Hope to read about your grand kids later. In other word, long life to you!
Edited by
Tue 05/12/15 12:18 AM
In same sex marriage,what determines who is to be the "husband" or the "wife" Just curious and sincerely want to know,
Article 4, section 6, paragraph 2 of Obamacare. Purely for insurance purposes. Other than that you should really define what you mean by "husband" and what you mean by "wife." |
Dear 2OLD2ME SSAREOUND, Hello and very nice to meet you here. I read your comments about Nigeria and I want to tell you in all sincerity, that there is huge negative media propaganda, which is not totally true. In every country, there are good and bad things - I know this because I have also involved in international travels. The right way to paint a true picture of what a coin really is would be to show that it has two sides. Nigeria is a wonderful and a great country with plenty of good and warm people. Like every other country, there would also be bad people. But that would not mean placing a black card on the country as a whole. Please erase the picture of only darkness about Nigeria. Also, it is not true that the government of Nigeria has silently approved book haram. By government I believe you mean the authorities in charge. Thank you |
Post Mother's Day response
Honestly speaking, mothers are invaluable and irreplaceable. I often wonder how the world would have been without mothers/women. It certainly would have been a literal hell. My mother lives on forever in my heart. Cheers to all mothers worldwide!!!!!!!
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Mon 05/11/15 08:16 AM
All these write up just to discredit and rob Obama the honour for doing what other world leaders couldnt do? You are wrong!!
214 of the girls Nigerian Army rescued fron Boko Haram Islamic Terrorists from their forest strong hold last week have been confirmed pregnant.Apparently from repeated rapes (not that I am surprised anyway). My question is considering the psychological consequences of this,both long and short term,can abortion be justified in this instance? Both muslims,christians and all, your view Hello, everyone here. This is my very first posting here and I hope it doesn't offend anyone. This is such a tough topic, considering the background of the case study. I couldn't help the tears that formed in my eyes, just reading through the comments from yellowrose. I have never been raped but have escaped at least one rape attempt and I shake with emotion whenever I think about the brutality of rape! As a lawyer, I have in the past helped child rape victims to pick up the pieces (in the way that I could provide support then). At a time I did push through until 3 gang rapists got convicted and went to jail. Today, the girl who was the victim of the gang rape (15 years then) has since picked up the pieces of her life together through unflinching support and counseling. She is currently in her last year in the university! I have also spent time in the past with a victim of rape who had a baby as a result of the rape. In fact, in her own case, it turned out worse than you can imagine because she had to marry the rapist - her father would not have his daughter have a baby without a father and both the rapist's family and the victim's family compelled both of them to marry as a result of the rape and the pregnancy. I met the woman while she was literarily going through 'hell' in the matrimonial home that emanated from the rape and the pregnancy! I had it tough enough trying to help! Not to talk about what she herself went through!!! I have done all this writing so that someone can at least know that I am not completely na�ve about how bad rape is and how much worse is the trauma of the rape victim. Today, as a social development worker, one of the things I push against daily is rape, especially child rape. So it is tough for me as well. However, for me (I talk from the perspective of a Bible believing, Bible practicing Christian), a girl or woman who falls victim of rape and gets pregnant as a result should not be encouraged to abort the baby. Why? The baby is innocent! The baby has no hand in the wicked brutality that produced the baby! The baby has a right to life as much as anyone of us! To cut that baby's life off would not be the best way to handle it. The adults/society around the victim have a duty to provide the right support that could provide the shoulders to lean upon. And this is part of what I engage in, in my social development work. There are many options - like giving the baby up for adoption, if the victim so wishes. I know that most victims, if they get the right support, do NOT want to kill their babies. But for me, most important of all is the position of the Bible about taking life. I would not encourage anyone to take any baby's life for any reasons. Biblically, it is sin to take anyone's life - including that of a baby. Thank you to those who have read my comments without getting angry. Yellowrose, you are a hero for having undergone rape and having pushed through to have your baby! I wish you lived around me - I would have found a way to get you involved in the social development work that I do; because as the Bible has expressed, having experienced the pain/trauma you can comfort others as well as give a shoulder to lean on - better than anyone else. Keeping the faith (Bible) is not necessarily easy task! God bless you. |
Police work is a risky job world over. Bad guys hate them that much but when those bad elements are in trouble, its same police they will expect to come to their aid. Sad
2old2 stated >>>
Please,for the records, Nigeria where that rape/abduction and stealing of those 214 girls happened does NOT believe that raping virgins cure any illness talkless aids. Nigerian are far educated beyond what you think. Female mutilation had since been outlawed too. It was the Boko Haram terrorist group that carried out that crime.
This certainly has been an interesting read {from beginning to this fragmented point right here}; odd how the 'MEN' seem to keep pushing the religious POV as if that justified the ends and reasoning for what brought this all to pass! ![]() Where's PanamaJoe when you need him ![]() Might I remind some of those {least you've forgotten} that many of these female gendered humans were but little girls when they were captured/kidnapped/stolen from their momma's and who knows when the actual dirty raping began; this is the area where the 'MEN FOLK' are raised to think that raping a virgin will cure all of their STD's so it's not that uncommon regardless of the faith based religion that you hang the male gender for the heinous deed! These regions also practice that horrid female mutilation of gentile circumcision and do it on the very - very young; {look it up - there are ghastly pictorial images that I'll not be posting here}...so what's my point? It just strikes me as ODD and almost insulting that the males species does this to the female species and then when it's her body and her decision as to what to do about the embryo growing in that too little body of that 9/10/11 year old female; those very male gendered men think they have a 'SAY IN WHAT SHE SHOULD OR SHOULD NOT BE ALLOWED TO DO'! Now before you go postal about what I typed; did any of you good men partake in any of that horrid event - NOOOO, then I wasn't speaking to you... But if you are going to condemn those little girls that have now suffered many years of brutality at the hands of those cruel sub-humans and bring religion into this discussion then I'm just SMH and befuddled that you assume you have a 'VOTE'!!! God didn't have anything to do with those EVIL DOERS - and if nothing else proves that SATAN walks this earth among us then humans that torture little girls/children and animals are doing SATAN'S work and some really excel at it and it's got nothing to do with GOD'S WORK! Nothing - Nothing at all. And please be pricise; Do you support aborting the pregancy they are carrying or should the pregnancy stay or are you undecided? UGH...IF ONLY; If only you'd understand the method and reasons why the mindset behind those evil/horrid men {the ilk of Boko Haram} do what they do with their own governments 'SILENT CONSENT' and they've been able to get away with it for generations >>> http://img.static.reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources-pdf-previews/203031-FGMC_NGA_Profile.png You speak of Nigeria as those it's suddenly became a 'Golden Spear of Human Rights' and the documentation and information still being gathered by UNICEF and foreign health aid providers still trying to STOP this heinous barbaric practice goes on! Age at Circumcision: % 0 -12 Months 85% 1-4 yrs 4.1% 5-6 yrs 1.8% 7-8 yrs 2.0% 9-10 yrs 0.5% 11-12 yrs 0.9% 13+ 3.9% Donât know/missing 1.8% Person who performed the circumcision Traditional circumcisers 60.6 Traditional birth attendant 10.0 Other traditional methods 1.0 Doctors 2.0 Nurse/midwife 24.3 Other health professionals 0.4 Missing/don\t know 1.8 Source: Nigeria Demographic and Health Survey: 2003 ******************************************** Limitation and Challenges Attitudes, traditions, customs and beliefs need to change Government need to show more commitment to ending FGM. Laws prohibiting FGM is difficult to be enforced There is little support for those fighting FGM Children and adolescents needs to be informed and enabled to reject FGM Medical services have to be able to respond to the consequences of female genital mutilation, and the education system should be able to contribute to preventing it There is the need to promote the role of men as partners against the practice There is a need for the establishment of a database to promote understanding of the prevalence and nature of FGM. How to Eliminate FGM • Call for legislative provisions and stern measures to prohibit the practice • Development of alternative sources of income for circumcisers • Strong advocacy campaigns against the practice nationwide by working with the media on information, education and communication campaigns that have an impact on the public’s understanding of, and societal attitudes to FGM http://www.unicef.org/nigeria/FGM_.pdf OH, indeed it was stated by Nigeria that this 'should be abolished' and yet it's rarely ever enforced - ever prosecuted - ever anyone sentenced for mutilating those innocent young babies - young women! So the best way in which to ensure quiet slaves among those women - capture them when they are young and keep them uneducated!!!! But like a back alley abortionist - trying to stop this horrid miscarriage of justice from being done to those young women when it's so ingrained into the 'MIND SET' of the culture and you're posting about 214 young women that may or may not chose to abort a rape fetus; MIND BLOWING to my way of thinking! That will be a choice that they make and it will be between their doctor - their GOD - for them to decide and no man to judge them for that decision - PERIOD! |
A famous song .. Comes to mind .. My love she keeps me warm ... Underneath its all the same love ![]() A relationship between people is not defined by who does what but by the love they share . . Why is it even necessary to label people By sexuality . They are lovers .. Power to them ![]() |
In same sex marriage,what determines who is to be the "husband" or the "wife" Just curious and sincerely want to know,pls as if People really gave a good Goddamn! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
The one thing that I can't press on enough is that these babies don't deserve to die. It's not fair that they should be denied a life. I know it's hard on these young mom's that had to go through this. They will need lots of councilling and support but killing there babies that is no answer. If they did do that, to Me they would be no better that those terrorists. Those terrorists don't care about life that is why they can take it so easily, a child's life is a special thing it's new and untainted by whatever happened to bring that life about, tthat life is innocent and to kill it would be truly a terrible act just like what those terrorists are doing. |
Several double standards exist in this thread... |
This certainly has been an interesting read {from beginning to this fragmented point right here}; odd how the 'MEN' seem to keep pushing the religious POV as if that justified the ends and reasoning for what brought this all to pass! ![]() Where's PanamaJoe when you need him ![]() Might I remind some of those {least you've forgotten} that many of these female gendered humans were but little girls when they were captured/kidnapped/stolen from their momma's and who knows when the actual dirty raping began; this is the area where the 'MEN FOLK' are raised to think that raping a virgin will cure all of their STD's so it's not that uncommon regardless of the faith based religion that you hang the male gender for the heinous deed! These regions also practice that horrid female mutilation of gentile circumcision and do it on the very - very young; {look it up - there are ghastly pictorial images that I'll not be posting here}...so what's my point? It just strikes me as ODD and almost insulting that the males species does this to the female species and then when it's her body and her decision as to what to do about the embryo growing in that too little body of that 9/10/11 year old female; those very male gendered men think they have a 'SAY IN WHAT SHE SHOULD OR SHOULD NOT BE ALLOWED TO DO'! Now before you go postal about what I typed; did any of you good men partake in any of that horrid event - NOOOO, then I wasn't speaking to you... But if you are going to condemn those little girls that have now suffered many years of brutality at the hands of those cruel sub-humans and bring religion into this discussion then I'm just SMH and befuddled that you assume you have a 'VOTE'!!! God didn't have anything to do with those EVIL DOERS - and if nothing else proves that SATAN walks this earth among us then humans that torture little girls/children and animals are doing SATAN'S work and some really excel at it and it's got nothing to do with GOD'S WORK! Nothing - Nothing at all. |