Community > Posts By > fitchic9499
How should one take it..
Being quite honest their being just down right mean. Don't get sucked into what others think of you. your always going to run into nasty miserable people no matter where you are even on the computer. Misery loves company! As long as your comfortable in your own skin and love yourself for who you are and know who you are, brush off the negative people and basically tell them have a great day. cuz their obviously miserable with their own lives and are taking it out on others. i kill them with kindness and they usually are left speechless and confused. who knows the person may be jealous of you and they wana be mean. write them back and say I'm sorry you envy me being beautiful have an awesome day!
Would you say i'm shallow?
Noone on here is being shallow for liking your own type of guy or girl. It's what you like don't be ashamed of it!
Would you say i'm shallow?
you know what you want and you shouldn't question your reasons why with other people. Everyone is going to have a different opinion of why which will just confuse you more. Your not being shallow your being you! love yourself for what you are and who you are. Screw what everyone else thinks of you. I am the same way you are and I'm notashaned of it. I like to be wit a guy that im physically attracted to and mentally attracted to. I tried a relationship wit a guy i was not really physically attracted to and trust me there was dust piling up in the bedroom. I couldn't get myself to have sex with him. I obviously told him it wasnt working and that im sorry but i just couldnt do it. It made me realize and learn something about myself that i do need to be physically attracted to the person too in order for me to be with them. It's who you are and you know that about yourself. I see people post comments and if it's something you don't like your posted comment is right under there's defending why you are the way you are. LOL just stop it already you know what you like what you don't like so accept it. SO what if people call you shallow or not shallow. IF i invested my time "listening" to what others thought about me or my ways or what i believed in or not" I'd be 1 miserable girl!!! My advice to you stop worrying what others think of you and worry about what you think of yourself!!!
need potty training advice
Edited by
Mon 11/26/07 10:14 AM
i think your pushing her a "lil too much" where she's developing a complex! I would give her a plain lil training potty or have her pick out her own. let her pick out some favoite stickers or dolls whatever she adores tell her to put the pretty stickers and her favorite doll or whatever she loves, and to decorate her "own potty" how she likes it. you want her to "feel" safe. with her favorite things next to her while she "goes" may make her feel secure. have some of her fav books next to her potty. let her pick out her favorite panties she would like to wear too.
Also have her to talk to her dad, an aunt, her grandmom someone who is 1 of her favorite people(not you though) about why she don't like the potty! Have them ask what is it about it she dont like how she would feel more comfortable to go. (obviously in 4 yr old style of talking! you shouldn't ask her because your the one who makes her sit on the potty and tries to make her go so to her your the enemy in that department. whatever you do DO NOT YELL AT HER OR TRY TO FORCE HER TO GO BECAUSE YOU WILL GIVE HER A MAJOR FEAR AND COMPLEX about going. i got a 8, 7 and 1 yr old. my son had the same problem. i gave him his own lil training potty and i went to a professional for help with him lol! |