Everybody with sense knows why Trump is president, No way such a crass man with an impulsive mouth and active thumbs could ever be elected in the USA under normal circumstances. It would never have happened without the 8 years of extremism from Obama. It's HIS fault. |
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Wed 02/20/19 06:55 PM
I'm against using the National Emergency powers for this....just like I was against it when Obama did it NINE TIMES for frivolous purposes in foreign nations. But not because it's Trump, but because there is a Democrat Party still in existence (for now). Once they confess to being the Socialist Party in 2020, America will be entering the most dangerous era of our existence. As far as the southern border goes, Trump is MUCH more justified in doing this than Obama ever was in his multitude of unconstitutional emergency orders, but that aside, I was also against the Patriot Act when Bush did it. Why? Because as long as we have a conservative in power it will be used to protect us...but as soon as Democrat comes in, they WILL ABUSE IT TO MAINTAIN POWER they can't keep through a free election. That is the history of Democrats since Clinton. They weaponize the government and the law against their political opposition illegally, immorally, and unethically once they have a pretext to do so. Clinton and Pelosi are already threatening to use these same powers to destroy the Second Amendment and also to force their climate change baloney on us. And Democrats don't mind breaking the law to persecute conservatives. |
T.Roy... I guess you forgpt about Susan Smith, a white woman who intitally said a black man had carjacked her and her children.....but what actually happened was she drowned the kids herself... I'm not dismissing that it happens....but that isn't my point so let me clarify.... The point is that DEMOCRATS and their willing media have developed a false narrative and they go looking for stories to promote and plan HOAXES that advance the notion that being white is being racist, and that America is patently unfair to anyone else. The truth doesn't matter to them. It's a pile of dog manure for political purposes. They gin up hatred with their lies on purpose...simply to win an election. |
lets talk real about dating
if not then a person might as well just go hire a hooker every now and then... if that's all there looking for is sex... and I am in no way bashing what you're saying I just think you need more than sex at least I do I'm almost at that point, bro!? I didn't say that was "all" I want but it's is the main thing now. Women just seem to forget after a while that men NEED affection from them. . |
lets talk real about dating
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Wed 02/20/19 06:15 PM
well most guys are scared of commitment they just don't wanna commit That's only partially true. If I spoke the truth, women would not like it...but here it goes, darling. 37 years of marriage to two women who walked on me once I committed to them for life. All I wanted was some affection. Now it's a catch-22. I'd love a long term relationship.....but..... I've raised two families so it's not about starting a family again. I've got friends so it's not totally about finding companionship either. It's more about an energetic partner which includes GREAT sex (or willingness thereof) than anything else, to be blunt. I don't want to ever feel like I'm forcing myself on a post-menopause lady who doesn't want a lot of that....and how am I going to find out? Talk? Oh, that's cheap and unreliable. Got that already. Everyone has a different frame of reference and you can ONLY find out what a person's definition of great sex is over time. It seems I will have to go against my own personal values to find out if I want to be committed. I don't like what dating has become, but women are now able to reject or flirt with a hundred men per hour with cell phones and dating apps. I've become merchandise they choose from a shelf based on the packaging, and they have hundreds of men vying for their attention. In the last year of trying to date again, I have found that the majority of women I am attracted to (and would therefore want to date) are not committed to anyone or anything but themselves. Period. So stop with the "men aren't committed" baloney already. Why should we be? |
A grown man followed a TEEN in a truck in the RAIN, in the DARK, to an outside area, and when the teen walked from that area, the grown man continued to follow him in his truck IN THE RAIN, in the dark, and when the teen changed direction on foot and went off road, the grown man continued to follow him ON FOOT. Yes, perhaps the kid stood his ground. No. its not likely he 'jumped' anyone being he made such effort to AVOID Him. I see you still believe the BS that NBC told you to believe though the FBI (twice) and a court of law found that almost the exact opposite was true. Martin was a grown man at the time. Scary looking, tall, covered in tatoos, and on drugs...but all NBC kept showing was when he was a sweet little 12 year old. Even the picture of him was a lie. Did you not keep up with the trial? No...you didn't or you would know that this gated neighborhood he had no business in had been experiencing several robberies and, behind the bush where Travon was hiding before attacked the neighborhood security guard, was found a bag with some weed and burlary tools. I'm sure that just a coincedence, right? He was beating Zimmerman's head on the concrete, and then tried to wrestle the gun away and lost his life. It's his own fault. Zimmerman was justified in self-defense THREE TIMES by investigation into the facts. Once by FBI and local police a whole month before Sharpton went there and the next time when the trial happened. But NBC still hasn't got it right. It doesn't fit their false narrative. . |
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Wed 02/20/19 03:58 AM
not one of them gives credibility to Dan Boingono either. how could they without having any of their own? They don't hire "random" at the NYPD. They don't hire "random" in the Secret Service. He's run for the Senate in Maryland, won the GOP primaries but lost the election in the liberal state. Has a nationwide radio program. He has more integrity than the top 98% of Democrats. Nevermind....as long your side continues ignoring the truth, you'll remain in the dark about why you keep losing elections. That makes America happy. . |
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Tue 02/19/19 09:40 PM
https://www.youtube.com/user/NBC https://www.youtube.com/user/CNN https://www.youtube.com/user/CBS https://www.youtube.com/user/ABCNews According to you, just the fact they are on YouTube discredits them. Not one of these YOUTUBE NEWS SOURCES have attempted to discredit Dan Boingino. You know why...because it's true. Put your head back in the sand before you see it..... . |
Never asked police to violate suspects rights He directed the DOJ to violate the rights of George Zimmerman, and then every person in a long string of false narratives about race. Where were you? went on attack against the entire mainstream media, Why would he when they were actively working as the Dept of Propoganda for him? Under Obama, the media lost all credibility and abandoned any pretense of non-biased journalism. The largest contributor to Obama's first campaign was General Electric, the owner of NBC media. They got over $80,000,000 in the that "stimulus" package 3 months after he was elected and paid ZERO in taxes while he was in office. It's impossible to find even one report from them that was critical about Obama. They constantly spun the news to be favorable for Democrats as they still do to this day. But anyone who reported the FACTS about him? Oh, they got the full weaponized weight of the Federal Government brought against them. He had an obsession with Fox News because they were exposing his lies daily. James Rosen is a good example of him actually attacking the Press. Trump is all bluster and talk but he's NEVER done the underhanded dirty trick of weaponing government against the media like Obama did regularly But it wasn't just the press. He did this to anyone who dared to expose his crimes. He weaponized and then sent more than a dozen Federal agencies with weapons to silence True The Vote when they began documenting voter fraud happening under his direction. https://truethevote.org/voter-crimes no source, no credibility, just random claims on a public forum. It's public knowledge that you apparently refuse to know. I have no acrimony against you, msharmony, but I'm very angry at how the DNC has become a den of liars and thieves since Soros bought it in 2000. It's criminal how they've brainwashed people like you with their lies. . |
I'm really mystified.. Where are all these women going that they need "protection"..?? "Protection" from *what*, exactly? Unfortunately, it doesn't much matter where they are, women need protection. Not necessarily talking about from physical violence (though that's possible) as much as just watching out for her in all situations. Protection includes providing a safe place, a home where she can be herself. It includes paying the bills so she doesn't have to worry about being homeless and begging. Things have changed a lot in that regard these days, but still she needs to know that she won't be abandoned. Any guy who just says "yes" to any demand or request she makes is actually eroding her confidence in him. He ends up coming across as an ***-kisser who only cares about getting sex because he's a "nice" guy. But if you want her to feel respect and love for you, it's best that you maintain control of your emotions when she gets emotional. If a man can't laugh at some of that silly stuff and let it go, she will feel idolized more than loved. That's just weird. But when she gets the least bit afraid, vulnerable or unsure about something, her man needs to show confidence and a protective masculinity. |
![]() ![]() THAT is bad *** |
Any musicians out there?
I was in a band “severe tire damage”I just want to know one thing are your kids well behaved or do they need a light slam once in awhile... you talking to me? I've got 6 well-behaved kids and 5 stellar grandkids. They're all productive members of society, though we've hit several bumps in the road along the way. The youngest two are still in high-school and college, three of the older ones are in management, and the other is an executive film Producer in Hollywood |
I swear these threads should be paid sponsors of Youtube, all the free press they give it. lost me at 'utterly destroy the nation' its right up there with 'make America great again' both dramatic and vague at the same time. Yet you still avoid dealing with the substance known as FACT when it's offered. Just because you don't like it, doesn't mean it isn't true. It's silly that your best argument is "it's on youtube" like every single outlet you get your news from also does. that's just hilarious if it weren't so pathetically sad.... |
Trump says he's in no rush to see North Korea give up nukes "WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump said Tuesday that he wants to see North Korea eventually give up its nuclear weapons program, but adds he's not in any rush because U.S. relations with Pyongyang are good going into next week's summit". http://www.foxnews.com/us/trump-says-hes-in-no-rush-to-see-north-korea-give-up-nukes So, a few handfuls of desperate families looking for a better life is a "national emergency", but an enemy that has threatened to destroy us several times having nukes is "no big hurry"? he's showing his soft spot for dictators again I see. Trump aides ignored legal warnings in pushing reactor plan: Democratic report "WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Top White House aides ignored repeated warnings they could be breaking the law as they worked with former U.S. officials and a close friend of President Donald Trump to advance a multi-billion-dollar plan to build nuclear reactors in the Middle East, Democratic lawmakers alleged in a report released Tuesday". http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-trump-mideast-oversight/trump-aides-ignored-legal-warnings-in-pushing-reactor-plan-democratic-report-idUSKCN1Q824N "The committee is now launching an investigation to determine whether the actions being pursued by the Trump administration are in the national security interests of the United States, or rather, serve those who stand to gain financially." The last thing Trump did in the best interest of the US over the interests of his rich buddies was...wait, I'll think of something...there must be at least one...never mind. Trump's inaugural committee and his 'generals' conspiring to give away nuclear technology to nations led by Muslim terrorists? Repubs: I know you're all upset about "Uranium One", so I'm interested in how you feel about Trump selling Nuclear Reactors to Saudi Arabia? (In case you've forgotten, they are the ones who carried out AND financed the 9-11 attacks. Remember kids, any time a Republican does or says anything please ask yourself, how will this benefit him or the extremely wealthy (financially) in the very near future. The southern border isn't our greatest threat to national security. All this is proof of that. hahahahaha....as if DEMOCRATS, who utilize HOAXES to justify themselves, could be trusted to know the truth when it slaps them in the face? Sorry but that's rich. Who cares what the Dems say anymore? They have discredited themselves long ago. They are the little boys who cry wolf, and America has grown tired of their shrill voices. Goodbye Democrat Party. You are already the Socialist Party and the biggest threat to the freedoms of Americans, and therefore the world. . |
[ like crapping on the first amendment by convincing a nation that media is an untrustworthy enemy or crapping on the 14th amendment detaining immigrants without access to representation or encouraging police officers to violate suspects constitutional rights oh wait, that wasnt Obama. oh yes it was....he did that every day since he began campaigning in 2007. Of course, the ignorant never kept up with the news...but it's all well documented. I'd show you that but liberals have always ignored the truth when it doesn't fit their false narrative. Have fun with that. The rest of America is woke. . |
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Tue 02/19/19 07:20 PM
Yea, is it not the heighth of hypocrisy for real racists to be calling everyone in America racist? I just listed EIGHTEEN well known and documented cases of hoaxes, perpetrated and promoted by DEMOCRATS with their willing accomplises in the liberal media, where they never attempted to verify what was true. In MOST cases, they took a flimsy accusation and magnified a dark racial aspect that didn't even exist. Beginning with Sanford FL and Trevon, we were treated to multiple premeditated attempts to start race riots and make black people angry, just because they weren't likely motivated to vote. Known race baiter and fraud, Al Sharpton, started meeting frequently at the White House with Obama, who then weaponized the power of a White House Administration and the DOJ through his top liar and crook, Eric Holder. The Dept of "Justice" (what a cynical lie that was!?) gave Sharpton $100,000 budget to go start race riots in Florida, though the FBI has concluded A MONTH BEFORE this was a case of self-defense. Sharpton began demanding "justice" like the truth wasn't already out. NBC coordinated the main stream media in getting the false narrative out that a poor innocent black child was jumped by a racist security guard and murdered in cold blood. We all remember that. But the truth was 180 degrees opposite, wasn't it? The trial proved that the FBI had got it right in the first place. A suspicious thug had jumpted the security guard and was trying to kill him. Didn't matter what the truth was to Obama/Holder...it was a useful lie to establish the false narrative. The only people who didn't know this was a sham were the people who trust the MSM. News of the trial was constantly contradicting what they were telling us, and then everyone acted surprised, SHOCKED, when a jury concluded it was self-defense. The media destroyed the life of that security guard with lies and never made an attempt to correct their false narrative. Then the Dept of Propoganda (Holder, Obama, MSM, DOJ) began exploiting every instance of a black man being killed, though most of those instances were real criminals killed in the execution of a crime. It made a mockery of the issue of discrimination, and set race relations back by a few decades....but at least (in their mind) it made black people angry enough to riot. Those bastages are worse than their father, the devil. I'm ashamed of them representing America, but worse, I'm ashamed of those who are not ashamed of them. ANYONE who wants to address the real issues of race relations ought to be. |
Thanks MSHarmony.....all you've proven is my point. MOST, if not all, stories the media does cover are twisted hoaxes for a false narrative. MOST, if not all, stories that don't fit that narrative are ignored. |
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Tue 02/19/19 01:48 PM
Hoaxes Have Become A Common Tactic of Leftist Politicians and Media Washington Times POSTED ON 11:50 AM FEBRUARY 19, 2019 2 http://www.gopusa.com/?p=65348?omhide=true In Philadelphia, spray-painted swastikas alongside pro-Trump messages were packaged by the mainstream media as the “new America” under President Trump. They had been painted by a black man. the claim of rape by the Duke University men’s lacrosse team in 2006 that energized the liberal media until an investigation revealed it for be an elaborate hoax. Tawana Brawley the 2014 “A Rape on Campus” story in which Rolling Stone was taken in • Houston, Dec. 30. The story was that a white motorist apparently shot and killed 7-year-old Jazmine Barnes, a black child who was riding with her mother in a car on a highway. Police posted a composite sketch of the white shooter. Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, Texas Democrat, and activist Shaun King rallied around a racial killing. Further investigation showed the girl was killed by Eric Black Jr., a black man, in a drive-by shooting. • Mississippi, Nov. 26. Two nooses and homemade signs referring to lynchings suddenly showed up at the Mississippi state Capitol. Headlines suggested the display was a hate crime. ABC News referred to the “racially charged” special election between Republican incumbent Cindy Hyde-Smith, who had made an off-putting quip about “a public hanging,” and Democratic challenger Mike Espy, who is black. Wrote Alex Griswold in The Washington Free Beacon: “Who in their right mind saw those signs and made the determination that they were ‘hateful?’ The nooses were rather clearly left by a group critical of Hyde-Smith, her joke and Mississippi racist past. I struggle to see how any rational person could judge it otherwise.” • Philadelphia, Nov. 9, 2016. Police found cars and homes spray-painted with swastikas and racist taunts. “Trump rules,” said one. Two weeks later, police arrested and charged William Tucker, a black man, with the vandalism. • Air Force Academy Preparatory School, September 2017. Racial slurs were found on five black cadets’ message boards. Weeks later, an investigation found that a black student, one of the five supposedly targeted, wrote the messages. He was expelled. • Lincoln Memorial, Jan. 18. Initial social media reports accused a group of white Catholic high school students from Kentucky, a few wearing MAGA hats, of hurling insults at an American Indian activist during the annual March for Life. • At Kansas State University, two racist graffiti incidents in 2017-18 were found to be hoaxes, perpetrated by the supposed victims themselves, but not before they stirred racial finger-pointing and unrest on campus. • In Indianapolis, a church was vandalized with “Heil Trump” in May 2017. It turned out a gay activist did it. •10 campuses hate crime hoaxes in 2017 alone. Conservatives say they see a familiar pattern: a rush to believe liberal hoaxers, then media detachment once they are proven false. “Has there been any single retraction or apology by anyone who jumped on the Smollett story? NO...there hasn't |
Are we talking about just any woman in general or a woman that one desires? Those are related but not necessarily the same. Mostly a woman wants to know that her man sees her as special....unique...one of a kind. She needs to know that your compliments aren't just flattery trying to get lucky. She needs to know that she is noticed by her man for who she is in every way on every day. After that she needs security, someone who will protect her and consider her safety in every situation. Someone who is committed to her on good and bad days, someone who will support her when she's right and counsel her (not fix or correct her) when she isn't. She needs to feel safe enough to share her deepest secrets with a loyal man. And she needs a good dicking every once in a while. hehehehe...and you thought I was doing so good until then, right? |
True or False
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Tue 02/19/19 12:14 PM
Men who flirt alot shy away from a monogamous relationship with any woman. A Flirt is a lady's man. Completely untrue. While I might shy away from committing to a monogomous relationship in the beginning, it's not because I don't want one. It has more to do with NOT putting a lot of emotional pressure on a woman. Until we've taken the time to know each other, it's really stupid to say "I love you" even if it's true. I think any guy who does that before 2 months is asking for rejection. Don't know how many women you've tried to date, but today's dating is nothing like it was only 10 years ago. The advent of cell phones with dating apps has everyone turning into spectators. So many want the thrill of being desired (on a dating app) but are never going to take the next step of meeting someone....especially if that person doesn't know how to flirt with them. I've had to learn how to flirt after being married 37 years. I'm a great guy...faithful, dedicated, hard-working, and fun. But until I can flirt properly, women will never give me a chance...I'm as boring as the other few hundred guys who write to say "you're so pretty" And the biggest BS I've had to overcome is learning that women will never admit to this...but they get very bored quickly with a nice guy. . |