Politics and Fear Tactics
Save it for the tourists...I know it's baloney. The Democrat Party is ATE UP with racists and pedophiles. They clamor for photos with Farakhan and you have absolutely no problem with it. You give them ALL a pass (as you just did again) yet try to convince us you give a rip about racism with your phony baloney innuendo on Trump? That's rich in noxious odor. |
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Mon 02/18/19 03:02 AM
When you present evidence, I'll be glad to take a gander. Youtube videos have no validation or accountability and therefore no CREDIBILITY as actual evidence of anything besides quotes of who ever is speaking in the video. That is so lame. Translation: My head is in the sand and I'm not coming up for light It's ok. Everyone else knows what's going it doesn't matter how much you try to mischaracterize the truth, or discredit the testimony of those who have documented it merely because it was live testimony captured on video. It's obvious you don't care about the truth. You just hate Trump. get used to saying President Trump through 2024 now that America is great again. |
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Mon 02/18/19 02:56 AM
It's pretty obvious that one side of this debate has fact and the other has only ridicule of fact, mocks the truth that slaps them in the face. Here is EXACTLY what happened for those who choose not to be blinded by the lies of the Left. that's funny, and that one side is consistently copying ACTUAL documented news and facts WITH links, but the other side insist it has the 'real' facts. Because sources held to a standard of accountability should not be trusted as much as random Facebook personalities should. ACTUAL testimony from people on the inside TRUMPS your phony documents from liars and crooks and fake news any day. You won't even look at the real evidence because you know you're supporting crooks and liars. have fun with that. They will all be in jail soon and it can't be soon enough . |
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Mon 02/18/19 02:53 AM
you wish! hahaha 2 years and a big fat nothing-burger. You're really gullible if you think that is leading anywhere, bro. All those contrived "charges" you posted? NONE OF THEM related to collusion between Trump and Russia....a mere witch hunt to harrass and intimidate people around Trump to LIE against him. Even with all the persecution there is still a big fat NOTHING. He didn't have to destroy any hard-drive either. We'll see when the trials happen. Not Trump or anyone he may have met briefly...but Mueller, Clinton, Comey, Lerner, Holder... I'd get writer's cramp from typing all the crooks on the Left. |
The utter ignorance and stupidity of that woman is only superceded by those who actually think she has brain. |
Politics and Fear Tactics
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Mon 02/18/19 01:59 AM
Clinton nor OBama are president. and when Obama was, they found NOTHING, but the things 'angry' people keep perpetuating on Youtube and political forums. I just find it so hypocritical that REAL racists get a pass from you. You just lost all credibility, as far as racism is concerned. yes, I thank God every day that Clinton and Obama are no longer in office because their corruption was destroying not only America but the free world. And of course "they" found nothing on Obama while he was President, because "they" were appointed by him for the specific purpose of covering the crimes he committed every few minutes. Obama appointed nothing but corrupt people to the offices who could do anything about his wickedness. So you had no problem whatsoever when he weaponized the IRS against his political opposition? That is gestapo tactics, and highly illegal. Eric Holder better go to jail. Lois Lerner better go to jail. All your heroes will be wearing orange jump suits soon. It can't be soon enough. . |
Mueller questions Cambridge Analytica director Brittany Kaiser "Second former employee of controversial data firm to be questioned by special counsel’s inquiry into Russia collusion". There is a lot more to be investigated. What is getting abundantly clear based on why everyone in Trump's camp is lying anytime Russia is mentioned, is that they were all in cahoots with Russia to bring down Clinton. They knew very well that they were skirting the law and are doing everything in their power to coordinate their stories for the cover-up. Eventually, everyone will go to prison perhaps after 2020 and Trump is replaced. wish. He's had 2 years and still has NOTHING. you know why...because there is NOTHING to find. He's protecting criminals from justice but his time is almost up. I hope he goes to jail too. HERE IS WHAT HAPPENED |
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Mon 02/18/19 01:43 AM
This is gestapo tactics when the FBI doesn't investigate a crime, but rather starts investigating PEOPLE, looking for a crime, any crime. That's what Mueller has been doing with anyone who ever stayed in Trump Tower or said "hello" to the Don. There are thousands upon thousands of statutes of federal law on the books. It is estimated the everyone in America breaks at least 3 of these laws per day. No one in America would survive scrutiny if they started investigating PEOPLE to find if they've broken those laws. That's not how a free society works. So those who support Mueller's fascism are supporting the gestapo. I can hardly wait to see that guy behind bars with all the people he's trying to protect from the justice they deserve....but that time will soon arrive. |
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Mon 02/18/19 01:49 AM
It's pretty obvious that one side of this debate has fact and the other has only ridicule of fact, mocks the truth that slaps them in the face. Here is EXACTLY what happened for those who choose not to be blinded by the lies of the Left. |
The real problem is lazy thinking and how easy it is for people who put more stake in lone theories and more credibility into YOUTUBE videos than actual researchable facts. Thank you for repeating what I just said. The truth is available for all to see...but if you ridicule the truth when it is given to you OR you only listen to the MSM you will never know it. . 'truth' is a very subjective idea in these days apparently. I still am stuck in the world of academia where 'truth' is concerned, I guess. if it is a source you couldn't use on a college paper, its probably not the most credible or reliable, and it probably contains only a grain of truth that can be backed up by any source that IS reliable or FACTS that are based in clear and well documented data. Colleges in America are a failure. They are institutions designed more for indoctrination that education. Now I understand why you can't tell the difference between fact and fiction. I offered you the public testimony of a former secret service agent. They are the ultimate insiders about what goes on in the White House. You didn't even try because you don't want to know....and that is the problem. I can destroy any "evidence" you have presented but you won't look at the REAL evidence because you know it destroys your "truth". Have fun with that. Here it is again. Can you poke a single hole in it? can't (because its true) and you won't even try. Instead you'll come back with some misdirection, some attempt to discredit just because it was taped live and then put on youtube (as opposed to the secret designs of wicked people on the left) |
I'm sure the citizens of one of the most powerful nations on the planet can come up with some kind of plan that actually works. Time to turn our liabilities into assets. I realize this must be a surprise to you....but we already have very fair laws for LEGAL immigrants. |
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Sun 02/17/19 07:03 PM
yes, and once, enslaved africans were welcome but those trying to be free werent. they were criminals who didnt 'do' legal. Fortunately, people cared about them too though. Do you have any idea how slavery started legally in America? it was the House of Burgess, the nation-state of Virginia in Newport News in 1704 A BLACK MAN, Anthony Johnson, who came to America as an indentured servant, had some indentured servants who were black and petioned the government to make them chattle property because he was about to die and wanted them to continue working for his family estate. This proves there were many free black men in the beginning of America. NOT living as slaves, able to own property and petition the government. So please....stop with all the attempts to guilt white people. It's a lazy substitute for facing reality. [quote} What I support are people trying to survive and do no harm, and people who need a little help. The labels others place upon them dont make them any less human to me, and therefore no less worth caring about. What about the innocent citizens of this country? Why don't you care about them? face only "care" because you hate Trump. it's transparent. |
Your thread title is entirely false. Nothing in your post supports even a HINT of a "coup," and doesn't even support your claim that the "plot" was originated by "rogue FBI agents." you haven't been keeping up, I see. Andrew McCabe...the assistant director of the FBI under Mueller admitted it only a few days ago. He said that the FBI and the DOJ were working together to bring Trump down with charges he knew were false. It's public knowledge now. That genie won't be going back into the bottle and heads are going to roll soon. |
Have you heard of Birdcloud?
A lady like you might not want to look. ;-) |
Prove me wrong! Oh c'mon, Msharmony won't do it...but you know that all you will get is ridicule in leui of anything substantial or factual from a lefty. It's the Saul Alinsky way! They just don't have innuendo and misdirection is all that's left in the toolbox. |
He doesn't hold a candle to Isaiah, Jeremiah, Zechariah, Ezekial. What they say came (or will come) true 100%. They name names and give dates. Notrodomus can only be understood after the fact, looking back sideways. Close only counts in horse shoes and hand grenades, ya know. |
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Sun 02/17/19 04:35 PM
That sounds quite a bit more reasonable than what we get from the MSM. Thank you for that. In my opinion, and it's only that...everyone in America has some vestige of racism but most of us have evolved and are still evolving. Until we can ALL admit to that, nothing is going to change. Racism is simply an ignorant fear of someone based on outward appearance. Of the 2 cases you just cited, I don't think it's fair to assume racism was the root of Trump's intent, since he was also very supportive of Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton in the 80s. In the case of those renters, it's could just as easily be blamed on economic discrimination. Keeping lower class renters out has been going on since cave men built homes, and only last May I found many places where I wouldn't be allowed to rent a house because of my fluctuating income....or lack of rental history (I've always owned). Trump has said a few things that could be interpreted as racist, but I look at a person's actions more than their words. Trump has a long career and, if he were truly a racist, it could be proven definitively. I'm sorry but I just don't see it, so that actually only serves to endear him to the people who got tired of being labeled racist when we disagreed with the policies of Obama. It's just a weak argument that insults the intelligence of most Americans. No, I believe the people trying to convince you to be angry at Trump are the real problem. They don't mind manipulating your anger for their lust of power. |
Please, I don't mean this personally but I notice that you just confessed to not knowing much about Denmark, politics, or economics....yet you seem to presume to know that socialism is good for America. Those calling for socialism are manipulating your emotions, because there is no intelligent basis for it. Have you ever wondered how taking away all the money from the "rich" (which includes the middle class) helps you personally? It's just going into the pockets of those who have fooled you into thinking they give a rat's *** about your welfare. Is it just envy driving your obsession? you want to "stick it to the rich" but you don't realize it's you who will suffer. Or is that opinion simply based on the fact that Trump says he is against it (like most Americans) and you just do the opposite of whatever he says? |
Reggae is jamaican rock.
Have you heard of Birdcloud?
I think it was 1989 and I was charged with picking Mojo Nixon up from the airport for a friends wedding (craig "niteman" taylor) and I didn't want to do it my old slant 6 nova so I went down and bought myself a 1964 Cherry Red Cadillac to give him a stylish ride. Twas fun, and ended up selling that car for a downpayment on a new house. Yea, Birdcloud may be gimmicky (is that a word?) but those girls are ballsy. The history of music says that success goes to the bold. I can't think of anyone bolder than them. They seem to be willing to say or do anything to entertain and shock. Gwar is the closest thing I could think of? |