Community > Posts By > Unique9586
Wrestling Fans...
Did anyone else think Jericho looked like a male stripper?
I need a guy's advice...
Ok, I think I'm in love! We haven't been together but a couple of weeks, but I really think this is going to go places. What's a way to say "I think I love you" with actually using those words, and so I don't make an awkward moment?
Wrestling Fans...
Jeff Hardy is so HOT! And damn, Shawn Michaels still has it for an older guy...I loved it when Hornswoggle spit the apple on Carlito!
A love quote...
Love has no logic or rules and sometimes you end up loving something that you hate, lol. But it is the most wonderful gift that anyone can give. You gave good advice! There is no explanation for you why you feel it...its for thousands of reasons, sometimes that you cannot possibley put into words, but loving someones flaws is definately a little clue that you are in love,hehe. Beautifully said... |
A love quote...
singingmyheartout - Thank you. I told that to someone yesterday in the relationship advice column.
A love quote...
"Love is when you think about all of his/her flaws, everything about them that's not your "type", and the little things they do that get under your skin from time to time, and still smile and wonder how you ever found anyone so perfect."
- L.T.C. |
So true....I needed that...THANKS!!!! You're very welcome! ![]() |
i hate dating
Maybe she's feeling the same way. Maybe she's not sure about how you feel and afraid of rejection...take it from a woman, woman think weird stuff when it comes to dating because I'm sure every woman has had a not-so-good relationship with a guy and is afraid of it recurring.
good quotes. i dont wanna be mean but every rose has its thorn. it was poison not guns and roses Yes, yes...of course. Thank you for that correction. 'Preciate it! ![]() |
If you're going through hell, keep on going. Don't slow down, if you're scared don't show it. You might get out 'fore the devil even knows you're there. - Rodney Atkins
Bad stuff happens in life, grit your teeth and bear it. Why spend life worrying and yelling about the bad stuff instead of enjoying the good stuff? |
i hate dating
I've said this in another post today but it's good advice, if I may say so myself...look into her eyes. What do you see? Do you see comfort? Trust? Security? Or do you just see eyes? Eyes are the best way to read anybody...
Love? when is it real?
Try this, before dropping the "L" bomb, tell him that your relationship just feels "right" to you. That you just feel something good there. See how he reacts...
Love? when is it real?
I think it's almost expected that the girl says it first. But before you do, look in his eyes. What do you see? If you just see eyes then maybe he's not ready to hear it. If you see safety, comfort, truth...then maybe he just don't want to say something because he's afraid you don't feel the same...most guys aren't as good as reading emotions as women are.
Edited by
Sun 11/18/07 02:42 PM
3. An eye for an eye leaves everyone blind. - Martin Luther King
Because there's a lot of meanness going around these days... 2. Every rose has it's thorn. - Poison No matter how beautiful someone may be, they always have flaws, may they be little ones or big. 1. Forever trust in who you are...and nothing else matters. - Metallica If you can't be comfortable with and trust in yourself, then how do you expect someone else to? |
Love? when is it real?
I think love is when you can look at that person, think about all their flaws, everything about them that's not really your "type", and everything they do that gets under your skin from time to time, and still smile and wonder how you ever found anyone so perfect.
Being crushed!
Sweetie, please don't let jackasses like that bring you down. Someday you you find someone who will make you so happy that you just can't stop smiling. And take it from my personal experience, just because some guys are jerks, you can't let yourself lower your expectations, or just think that all guys are like that. Because one day you are going to find a great guy and you don't want to miss out on him by thinking that he's only going to hurt you. Because, trust me, that's a terrible way to think.
Lost Hopes & Broken Dreams
Please, please, please don't ever lose hope. And take this advice from someone who, in the past 2 years, has had her son's room catch on fire while he was sleeping, lost a child, and found out her now ex-husband is a child molester and is in prison. I know this isn't the case for everyone, but I got on this site expecting absolutely nothing, but after like, 3 days, someone who had just posted his profile messaged me. We talked on the IM for a while and later on in the day met up. We totally clicked. What I'm trying to say is, yeah, things go wrong in life, but when you least expect it, some one will show up...whether he/she is "the one" for a while or "the one" for life.
I think I want her back...
Then try this...grab a pen and paper and make a list of three things: what you like about her, what you don't like about her or have problems with, and any reality of why you're not together.
If you fall for someone
In the past I've always been very shy and skeptical, if not downright cinical, of men. I always had to take it slow and open up slowly, little by little. Comfort and trust was my biggest problems. But I'm in this relationship now that's so different. There was no awkward silences or anything. We just click.
I think I want her back...
What I can tell you is you need to find out what she wants first. If you both want to be with each other than that should be all that matters. Love is love. But if she doesn't think she wants to be with you again then don't take it too hard. I know it's tough but there are other fish in the water. But you definately need to find out why you want to be with her and if she wants to be with you. Because, and don't be offended by this, I mean nothing by shouldn't want to be with her just because of comfort reasons, which is why a lot of people can't let go.