Topic: If you fall for someone | |
When you meet someone you like, do you fall hard and fast in love with them? Or are you the type of person who takes their time? Honesty now!
![]() I've had both. In two relationships, I was living with them before the 3 month mark. Others, I have been more reserved. My views on dating have changed alot. I think I've learned to take things slow, no matter how much I like someone. Its a good thing. ![]() |
I'm way more skeptical about the "love" thing now. I'm not sure if that's a good thing or bad but I try not to fall fast anymore. I guess we live and learn and hopefully become smarter about stuff like this.
I am both, but I have learned from past relationships to take things slow
It took me years, but I finally realized I was rushing into things way too quickly, pretty much all the time. I just went from one short-term scenario to another, and that was fine at the time, because they were all basically just meaningless and frivolous. Fun, but without substance.
Then I met someone I truly loved, and that completely changed the way I looked at relationships. Once I understood that it was better to be alone than to be with yet another "wrong" person, I saw the benefits of taking things a lot more slowly and gradually. After being burned a couple times last year ("incinerated" might be a better word), I will be EXTREMELY careful in the future.... |
I take my time, but sometimes it's toooo late, DAMN missed again.....
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I guess it depends on the connection I feel towards the person. My last serious ex I fell hard and we were together on and off for about 3 years. Since him, I hadn't gotten those butterflies for someone until a week ago today. I'm not sure where things will go and I'm trying to pace myself, but sometimes it doesn't work out that way.
i would fall in love real slow:))
i just have to get there first:)) but taking your time sounds good..... |
i've fallen hard for non relationships i tend to be a quick crush. >_<
Well when I was younger I was a bit faster...
Now that I am older I have slowed it down a notch or two. ![]() |
I hold my cards closer to my chest about the 'love' thing...not sure if that's right or is what it and learn...that's the best teacher in life, from past experiences....won't touch my hand on a hot stove but only once.
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I've done both. I took things slow and fell really really hard for him, and still didn't know what he was really like until four years later. And then I've been in a relationship where I fell hard really fast was engaged after three months, only to have my heart broken again. I don't think it is the time, I think it is the how you fall in love, do you pay attention to the details in the person, or do you just fall for someones "appearance". I have learned that I must first really know the person inside and out making sure I keep my feelings in check, granted I can't completely stop myself from falling for someone, but at least I can do in a smart way, and hopefully jump if its bad before I'm head over heals.
I'm convinced that most things in life at my age and experience with understanding my own soul and only speaking for myself is, go slow to go fast. seriously, as I prepare and allow time and revelations to take shape most things fall into place in more complete fashion.
I go slow. Most of the time I'll notice someone and have a little chat at first. After that if she is interested we will meet up somewhere for coffee or something.
I'm more reserved than I use to be in the past. I would jump out on a limb and go all out, not really get to know the person before. But now, I just bide my time and tread the waters lightly until I know that she is someone that I'm willing to connect to. |
I am such the jaded one now. LOL
No more fast and furious when it comes to love. Nope .. no more. And ya, fancface .. excellent on looking at details. Here's the way I see it. One red flag .. mmmm give him a chance. TWO red flags .. cya, wouldn't wanna be ya. It makes us stronger. Yep it does! ![]() |
I think it's best to take it slow....
Ever hear the saying, "Men fall faster, women fall harder?"
That's been the case with me and every relationship I've ever been in. I fall in love fast, but just as she's starting to love me with all her heart I'm not that deeply in love anymore. I know this makes me sound like an ass, or even a jerk, but it's not something I can inherently control. When we break up, it usually hurts her more than me, but then... ...we get back together and it comes back on me ten-fold. |
I dont fall hard or fast....I take my time......
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it depends on each person and each relationship. some people i was interested immediately, others it took a lil longer, but i realized they were a really great person
i've done both; but I've learned to take everything slow when it comes to relationships.
I try to take it slow but the person I've fallen for this time came fast and out of know where. LOL I said are you a witch because I think you casted a spell on me.
I love her and hope this will be the one that lasts forever because it feels so right to me. |