Community > Posts By > deyanna23

deyanna23's photo
Wed 11/07/07 09:29 PM
they used to bottle the sauce and sell it in grocery stores... i wish they'd do that again! :(

deyanna23's photo
Tue 11/06/07 01:12 AM
oh! i forgot about 28 days later... and 28 weeks later was pretty good too. i love the whole thing with the 'rage disease' rather than having the zombies be all slow-mo and dull. it's much more thrilling when a snarling rabies psycho is chasing after you at full speed!

has anyone seen or heard anything about 30 days of night? i've not seen it yet and haven't gotten much feed back...

deyanna23's photo
Mon 11/05/07 11:42 PM
wow... most women would kill for that... usually when you lose weight, the boobs are the 1st thing to go

deyanna23's photo
Mon 11/05/07 11:35 PM
this is conversation is going nowhere.
both sexes are horny and superficial.
both sexes judge the other on unfair stereotypes.
let's all except it.

and who the heck said that cat calls are bad?!?! i don't get compliments very often so when they actually do come my way, i'll take 'em any way i can get 'em! lol

deyanna23's photo
Mon 11/05/07 11:11 PM
boobs are a pain in the ass.
it hurts when you run, go down the stairs, or jump... you bump them into things... shirts won't fit right... bah humbug i say! i've had smaller-chested friends tell me 'i wish i had your boobs' and my response is: you don't wanna lug these suckers around all day.

and as far as the shallow stuff goes: i hate to admit it but you have to judge people on looks at least a little... because unfortunately, a relationship just won't work if there isn't at least SOME level of physical attraction.

deyanna23's photo
Mon 11/05/07 10:56 PM
i read the topic and was just thinking 'wow, no one is responding'

it doesn't really apply to me (being a straight woman) but i'll sound off anyway...

i don't think that breasts are that important that people should be judged by them so it shouldn't really matter. tho, i won't lie, i would be very upset if i had to go through that. however, i think it would be very difficult to answer a question like that if one is not in the situation. even if it weren't a mastectomy... would if someone had an arm amputated? regardless of what body part it is, i think that kind of thing does make people a little uncomfortable. they're not sure how to act or what to say. i mean, just a smaller example, my grandfather lost two fingers in a freak snow-blowing accident... when i first saw him afterwards, i felt kinda weird about it. like, do i act like i don't notice? i dunno.

my point is, i think our conscience tells us that it would be wrong to turn someone away based on something like a mastectomy... but that human nature might take over and make you uncomfortable regardless. until you're actually faced with a choice like that, it's hard to honestly answer.

deyanna23's photo
Mon 11/05/07 10:46 PM
i can't really think of a singe movie that i loved as a kid that i don't still love to this day. i think just the nastalgia in and of itself is enough to keep me smiling. the other night, i watched ghostbusters (one of my favs) with a friend and i hadn't watched it in a really long time. we were commenting on some of the special effects that would never cut it in today's movies but at the time were top of the line. we just found it amusing more so than disappointing.

deyanna23's photo
Mon 11/05/07 10:35 PM
"women place importance on penis and wallet size too"

hahaha... now THAT is funny!
i keep saying i just need to find a hot guy with lotsa money so that i can be his trophy wife... but alas, i have a nasty habit of falling for guys with empty pockets. there goes all my financial planning. ;)

deyanna23's photo
Mon 11/05/07 10:29 PM
thanks :)
horror is definately one of my specialties
i'm only halfway through reading world war z right now but i'm already excited about the upcoming flick

deyanna23's photo
Mon 11/05/07 10:23 PM

deyanna23's photo
Mon 11/05/07 10:20 PM
-evil dead
-dawn of the dead (original AND remake... i think the opening credits on the remake were put together brilliantly!)
-children shouldn't play with dead things
-dead and breakfast
-i was a teenage zombie
-night of the living dead
-pet cemetary
-planet terror
-shaun of the dead (more of a comedy but one of my favs)

also... go buy these books by max brooks now:
the zombie survival guide
world war Z (which has a movie based on it in pre-production due out in 2008)

deyanna23's photo
Mon 11/05/07 03:03 PM
while these are cute and amusing at times... especially since i know so many crazy women that act that way... sometimes it makes me sad that this is the way women are thought of (crabby, controlling, and all around crazy)

the really sad thing is, the crazy bee-otches that act like that are the ones that always seem to land the really great guys and then treat them like crap.

deyanna23's photo
Mon 11/05/07 02:46 PM
a profile with no pic and/or no info gets a 'pass' from me

kinda makes me wonder... are they too lazy? or do they have something to hide?

deyanna23's photo
Mon 11/05/07 02:35 PM
classic movie quote from eddie murphy's Coming to America:

"Good mornigh my neighbors!"
"Hey, F**K YOU!"
"Yes, yes! F**k you too!"

deyanna23's photo
Mon 11/05/07 02:23 PM
yeah, but....
a beer won't stay cold as long as a woman will

deyanna23's photo
Mon 11/05/07 02:02 AM
thanks so much for the warm welcome!

deyanna23's photo
Mon 11/05/07 01:28 AM
Hello everyone!

My name is Deyanna... new to this site (obviously) but hoping to strike up some good conversation with intelligent and civil individuals... unlike those that I've come across on some other free 'dating' sites. I'm in search of a brain stimulating way to fill the long nights of an insomniac... and hopefully make a few new friends.

Please feel free to take a look at my profile and send me a message if you spot something you think would be worth talking about.
