Community > Posts By > AUDI_JAY

AUDI_JAY's photo
Sun 08/10/08 01:07 PM
"any one of you C***s want a drink".........a movie that basily opens with that line has to be epic

AUDI_JAY's photo
Wed 08/06/08 03:32 PM

i think he meant the other way around lily........hell even if you not attracted to someone you got no right to be a douche to that person damn.

AUDI_JAY's photo
Wed 08/06/08 11:06 AM

Nothing wrong with being a nerd spankya....some of my fav hotties that i work with are uber nerds in diff aspects. So yup calling you a nerd in a good way.

LOL are you calling me a nerd???????

I have just recently started getting into the Kingdom Hearts Series. Not too shabby, ya know?

squaresoft+disney=uber nerdy good times

AUDI_JAY's photo
Tue 08/05/08 08:00 PM

I have just recently started getting into the Kingdom Hearts Series. Not too shabby, ya know?

squaresoft+disney=uber nerdy good times

AUDI_JAY's photo
Tue 08/05/08 06:56 PM
I drink nano vapor by muscletech before i work out........the stuff is liquid crack but def helps me in the gym

AUDI_JAY's photo
Tue 08/05/08 05:59 PM

hmmm i am single since i tend to be very picky about who i date. the last few chickas there was potential for ended up being a lil jealous for my taste. What can you do eh?

AUDI_JAY's photo
Tue 08/05/08 04:54 PM
laugh awkward

AUDI_JAY's photo
Tue 08/05/08 04:35 PM

honestly wouldn't bother me at all i am just not the jealous type. A persons career doesn't speak for their character so a lady can be a dancer and still be a lady.

AUDI_JAY's photo
Tue 08/05/08 03:53 PM

kayla is my goddaughters name.......i miss that munchking sad

AUDI_JAY's photo
Tue 08/05/08 02:12 PM had to ask this didn't you! lol Lets see a better looking version of jared for one. When i was younger i was told i look like hugh grant. My fav and this needs to be explained is happy gilmore on steriods. The 2nd wk of me selling timeshare in MA i got bored one day. SO in a full suit i decided to play around the golf course and get crunked. Welp about 15mins goes by and 2 people in suits are watching me play. One of them comes up introduces himself as the VP of the company. I of course am like o **** i am fired. Only thing he says I give everybody nicknames in the company.....yours is now happy gilmore. This guy does all the bonus checks and he put mine as jacob "happy gilmore T' know how hard it is to cashe a 10k check with happy gilmore on it damnit!!??!

AUDI_JAY's photo
Sun 08/03/08 04:34 PM
drats blocked again sad

AUDI_JAY's photo
Sun 08/03/08 03:47 PM
some people are pretty set where they are atari. I got a few rentals here, 1 business, and another one i am looking start. I would never ask someone to relocate because of me unless their life was pretty flexible.

AUDI_JAY's photo
Sun 08/03/08 03:37 PM
yup pretty much it is the diet coke of the iphone. Def alot of fun to use and sprint tv rocks

AUDI_JAY's photo
Sun 08/03/08 02:37 PM

nah i don't sleep with a chicka unless i am serious about her.

AUDI_JAY's photo
Sun 08/03/08 02:34 PM

I just picked up this phone and fawking love it so far.

AUDI_JAY's photo
Sun 08/03/08 02:32 PM

one of my fav games of all time was armed and dangerous for the xbox. Just a fun game with a great sense of humor.

AUDI_JAY's photo
Sun 08/03/08 02:29 PM
unless there was a valid excuse of something going on with family or something to that effect i be like funk it dude

AUDI_JAY's photo
Sun 08/03/08 02:04 PM
your putting way to much pressure on the situation .........just relax if it's meant to workout it will. The worse thing that happens u 2 have alot of fun when you visit and thats that.

AUDI_JAY's photo
Sun 08/03/08 01:56 PM
ty here is the last inTerview i did

AUDI_JAY's photo
Sun 08/03/08 01:15 PM

Some folks might of realized i been the diet coke of MIA lately. Well thats a biproduct of a few shenanigans.......first and foremost been traveling doing the carshow thing. Did a couple more interviews for solo with some great models yay!!! The other great thing going on in my life is that i am about to open a 2nd business venture. I am opening a gamestore/cafe in a few months. So ya life is a lil hectic. But life is good and yes i am still so damn single i can make change. For the most part i wanted to show the luv not that kinda luv that takes dinner and a movie first. hehe

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