Where's that Crucible? |
The bookstore manager said the shop previously carried breath mints satirizing former President George W. Bush – but no one ever complained.
That's because Everyone Liked GWB! |
Funny Money
Winning Lotto numbers please, then we'll paint the town
uhuh, and in the 18 and 1900's Africans and caucasions were causing havoc on each other in AFRICA
Make no mistake, Islam is Racist Tabari II:11 "Shem, the son of Noah was the father of the Arabs, the Persians, and the Greeks; Ham was the father of the Black Africans; and Japheth was the father of the Turks and of Gog and Magog who were cousins of the Turks. Noah prayed that the prophets and apostles would be descended from Shem and kings would be from Japheth. He prayed that the African's color would change so that their descendants would be slaves to the Arabs and Turks." Tabari II:21 "Ham [Africans] begat all those who are black and curly-haired, while Japheth [Turks] begat all those who are full-faced with small eyes, and Shem [Arabs] begat everyone who is handsome of face with beautiful hair. Noah prayed that the hair of Ham's descendants would not grow beyond their ears, and that whenever his descendants met Shem's, the latter would enslave them." Bukhari:V4B52N137 "The Prophet said, 'Let the negro slave of Dinar perish. And if he is pierced with a thorn, let him not find anyone to take it out for him.... If he [the black slave] asks for anything it shall not be granted, and if he needs intercession [to get into paradise], his intercession will be denied.'" And there's lots more .... |
Sharia Law in Australia
Gotta love Islam, Fascism for horny men
cutting to the chase: The nation's Islamic leader believes western women have only themselves to blame for getting raped by Muslims for not covering themselves like good Islamic women. Originally Posted by Yahoo News UNDER-fire Muslim cleric Sheik al-Taj al-Din al-Hilaly has apologised for any offence caused by his comments that immodestly dressed women provoke sexual attacks. It was reported today that the nation's most senior Muslim leader had likened scantily clad women to uncovered meat that attracts cats, in a sermon he delivered last month. In a statement today the sheik said: "I unreservedly apologise to any woman who is offended by my comments. "I had only intended to protect women's honour, something lost in (the) presentation of my talk." A spokesman for the sheik said the backlash and criticism had badly affected him and he had been depressed and confined to bed all day, breathing with the assistance of an oxygen tank. Earlier, Prime Minister John Howard had added his voice to the widespread condemnation of the remarks. "They are appalling and reprehensible comments,'' Mr Howard said. Federal Sex Discrimination Commissioner Pru Goward said the sheik should be sacked and deported. Ms Goward said the sheik had a history of making such comments and many would feel Australia's tolerance had been abused. "It is incitement to a crime. Young Muslim men who now rape women can cite this in court, can quote this man ... their leader in court,'' she told the Nine Network. "It's time we stopped just saying he should apologise. It is time the Islamic community did more then say they were horrified. I think it is time he left." A poll on this website has drawn overwhelming support for the sheik's deportation. As of 4.40pm, 84 per cent of 900 respondents had voted for the sheik to be kicked out of the country. In his Ramadan sermon Sheik Hilaly also alluded to the infamous Sydney gang rapes, suggesting the attackers were not entirely to blame. While not specifically referring to the rapes, brutal attacks on four women for which a group of young Lebanese men received long jail sentences, the sheik said there were women who "sway suggestively" and wore make-up and immodest dress "and then you get a judge without mercy (rahma) and gives you 65 years." "But the problem, but the problem all began with who?" he asked. The leader of the 2000 rapes in Sydney's southwest, Bilal Skaf, a Muslim, was initially sentenced to 55 years' jail, but later had the sentence reduced on appeal. In the religious address about adultery to about 500 worshippers in Sydney last month, Sheik Hilaly said: "If you take out uncovered meat and place it outside on the street, or in the garden or in the park, or in the backyard without a cover, and the cats come and eat it ... whose fault is it, the cats' or the uncovered meat? "The uncovered meat is the problem." |
This is what Most liberals come off to me as...
I see the liberal mindset as immature and dishonest. How anyone can take my money for whatever glorious reason, without my agreement or permission, and not call it Theft, is beyond me. This is exactly how I feel about Taxes on Tips and Wages too.. The government it stealing money from me. As you probably know, the only legal income tax for the Feds is inter-state taxation. |
Free Burka's for Everyone... Don't be found DEAD without it. |
The real reason the borders are wide open. Turn America into a 3rd world nation. Globalists love this.. |
They are disguised with your illusions.
I Am as I illusion myself to be... ;) |
>So IMHO it was all political posturing and fear mongering coming from this administration and the liberals in congress.
I concur. Nice to know those Longtime Helpful Liberals are so concerned about Grandpa's SS check. First thing they say, "NO SS money for you..." [damn SN] Not: We're gonna take money from Pakistan, or the Education Department, or the Energy Department or the FDA, or any other AlphaBit soup this over-bloated government invented. If this doesn't frost your hinni, nothing that Marxist does will. |
Im saying he cannot make any of those claims. There is plenty-o-money, the Reserve can just toggle a few bits and all the money magically appears. My point is: Obama lies, or votes Present.. My pet rat - if I had one - could lead this country better. |
OBAMA: I cannot guarantee that those checks go out on August 3rd if we haven't resolved this issue, because there may simply not be the money in the coffers to do it.
Lies, Lies, and more Lies... He can't make guarantees; he can't resolve anything; and he can't count. |
I got a bunch of highly prized Carbon Credits for Sale or Trade These are the real McCoy, personally issued by Al Gore and Tipper |
Muslims exempt - Dhimmitude
Ah, to be a Dhimmi and pay the jizya tax... Fascism at its finest. Could just declare yourself a member of the Religion of "its against my principles to follow Kenyan Prez Imposters" and become exempt too. should keep away that pesky implant we all are required to get |
There are huge numbers of people in this country who believe everything they read and hear.
These are the folks who should have their Polling place locked |
This is what happens when we elect a Kenyan as Prez... He threatens to cut off SS for Grandma and Grandpa, but can't wait to give millions to Muslims who only want us "the Great Evil US" dead, dead, dead.... I'm so disgusted with the Demo-rats, I will never, never, never vote for one ever again... Even if his name is Jesus of Nazareth. Pelosi, we have to pass the bill to find out what's in it .... ya! there's leadership |
August 2nd
I concur
The dems are foot dragging... The Budget was due last Fall, but the Dems were too busy forcing ObamaCare down our throats. Now Obama wants to withhold SS Payments to the elderly... Even the most stupid liberal wouldn't threaten such a thing. Seems the biggest problem is Obama's attitude about America and its obligations... to US Citizens... not despots in the middle east. |
"MSNBC's Rachel Maddow and others seized on and accused Dean on her show of supporting the killing of homosexuals, as is the practice in some radical Islamic countries."
Rafeal Madcow is getting some up-and-commings.... Couldn't happen to a nicer Liberal. Funny how the left loves the LGBT crowd and can't wait to defined the Muslim Fascism that Islam is... Yes, by Shariah law, Gays are tossed of Tall Buildings, it they survive the fall, they are then Hung. |
:they are busy running the governments right now
Naw, I don't buy it. Seems the Oligarchy is focused on human-materialistic endeavors... I'd guess they are all human. Why would inter-dimensional ET's need to do things hidden, they're already invisible?... |