Community > Posts By > lizziebee89

lizziebee89's photo
Thu 06/23/11 06:17 PM

Girl, you do whatever you and your doctor have discussed and do not let anyone sway that decision. I wanted to do mine natural but there is a pretty high chance of having to do an emergency c section, so I will need to have a small dose epidural so if need be, they can use that to numb me for the c section, instead of having to put me completely out. But kudos to you. Most women don't have the balls to even think about going all natural, let alone actually try it. I will say, don't be completely closed minded about getting pain meds if it gets to be too much pain for you. But other than that, I commend you for wanting to do it natural, and sticking by your guns. And don't listen to all the negativity.

Good luck honey! And if you need support, feel free to message me. The big day is next Thursday for me and my son
awe congrats hon! Can't wait to see pictures :)

lizziebee89's photo
Thu 06/23/11 06:16 PM

As for dental work. I had my wisdom tooth removed with no anesthetic. So i got you on that. Thanks though smart *** :)

Novocaine is a local anesthetic.

So no, you didn't have dental work done without the use of an anesthetic.
actually i'm allergic to novocaine. It makes me throw up and i still feel the pain so i didn't even use that to numb my mouth. I had to be held down. And it hurt very bad.

lizziebee89's photo
Thu 06/23/11 06:13 PM
thank you everyone for all of your comments. :) i wasn't having second thoughts just wanted to hear someone say something positive. I plan on going all natural all the way unless it needs to be different for my baby girl's sake. Thank you for all your advice and wisdom, from those who provided it.

lizziebee89's photo
Thu 06/23/11 01:57 PM

There are twice as many benefits to natural labor than there are to medicated labor. Without pain medicine, you have more control over your body, meaning less medical help is often needed. It also means you will be more comfortable because of better mobility. The secret is to learn the right natural anti-pain techniques, i.e. breathing and positions. Going natural can even prevent or allow you to correct some birth complications without need for forceps or a c-section.

Pain meds do have an effect on the infant as well, though they appear short term. I do not know if any studies have found long term effects.

Many women who espouse using pain medication probably either were not properly prepared for natural labor or simply do not want the pain involved. Both schools of thought generally believe their choice made the experience more memorable and enjoyable. Hence women tend to be very divided on the issue with very strong feelings. It is up to you to decide which is best because no one is going to give you an objective opinion.

The nice thing about natural labor is you can always switch to medicated labor during the process. Once you are medicated, you can't really switch back.
THANK you for actually being educated on the matter before commenting. I know the pros and cons and the pros outweigh the cons to me. I want to feel the birth. I want to really feel it not a numb feeling and i don't want meds to affect my baby even if it is short term. had 9 months of thinking. I know this is the best decision. I'm just so tired of the negative comments i get for it.

lizziebee89's photo
Thu 06/23/11 01:41 PM
i believe you misunderstood. I'm not having a home birth. I'm giving birth at the hospital with a doctor. And before throwing my parents in the mix, i don't talk to them. My dad doesn't even know. And you should do research on both matters before deciding doctors are always right. Doctors alot of times get bored with deliveries and they like having something to do or moving things along. As for dental work. I had my wisdom tooth removed with no anesthetic. So i got you on that. Thanks though smart *** :)

lizziebee89's photo
Thu 06/23/11 01:21 PM
my doctor and i have a birth plan which states all of the before mentioned. Unless things go wrong it will be all natural but reguardless no pain meds

lizziebee89's photo
Thu 06/23/11 01:14 PM
i'm pregnant with my first child. I'm due in about 4 weeks now. My plan is to do this all natural. Which i keep being told how nieve and stupid that is. And that i'll change my mind once labor begins. I do not want to be induced. No pitocin or anything. No drugs and definately no epidural. Why is that so wrong? If my mother could do it, why can't i? Women have given birth without these drugs for years, why is it needed now? I realize it will be hard but i really want to do this. Do i have any good feedback on my decision?

lizziebee89's photo
Tue 06/21/11 11:49 PM

because all of us closet lesbians want you..yes YOU!!

:tongue: :wink: laugh
ha ha ha ha ha ha that's great.

lizziebee89's photo
Tue 06/21/11 04:53 PM
okay, i shall respond to this from experience. The situation is very very hard. I met this girl at work and we hit it off as more than friends. Then found out she had a man and he didn't care. Eventually he made his way into the picture. Things were great at first. But jealousy started to arise as the man and i grew more fond of eachother. I wasn't stealing him but i fell in love with him and her. And she didn't like that. So unless you want to share love with your man, i wouldn't get into it. It'll tear you all apart. Unless you find a girl who has no emotion behind sex. And if she has no emotion she's prolly with others too and that can get scary.

lizziebee89's photo
Mon 06/20/11 03:00 PM
i thank everyone for their responses. I see all points. I was generally just curious. Not mad or anything. In honesty i mostly keep to my own posts unless something intrigues me enough and i always comment when i view. And as for profile views, i did not know there was a stealth mode. I kinda find that stupid. I think profile views are great. That's what i miss about myyearbook. But that doesn't matter. I don't think someone is interested if i get a view. If someone wants to talk to me they'll message me. Then i'll know.

lizziebee89's photo
Mon 06/20/11 12:13 PM

it seems that when you post a forum you'll get over a thousand views yet only 3 people reply. Why is that?

oh, thought of another reason,,lol

sometimes people are just checking the responses to their post or whether their own post made sense

if all is in order or they dont see a response, they dont post anything,,
makes sense

lizziebee89's photo
Mon 06/20/11 12:11 PM

I always feel like... somebody's watchin' me! scared
"there is someone walking behind you, turn around, look at me" ha ha

lizziebee89's photo
Mon 06/20/11 12:07 PM
awe tankers yew

lizziebee89's photo
Mon 06/20/11 12:01 PM
people say they view my profile but i never get the notification that says they did, so maybe people are viewing you lilott. Anyway as for everyone else, good answers. I must be the only loser on here that if i click on a forum i post anyway. Even if it's to say oops ha ha.

lizziebee89's photo
Mon 06/20/11 11:51 AM
perving my avatar, ha, haven.t heard that one. Good to know i guess.

lizziebee89's photo
Mon 06/20/11 11:48 AM

Wishing you the best, I know you are excitedflowerforyou :smile: flowerforyou
thank you very very much!! :) i am excited!

lizziebee89's photo
Mon 06/20/11 11:46 AM
it seems that when you post a forum you'll get over a thousand views yet only 3 people reply. Why is that?

lizziebee89's photo
Mon 06/20/11 11:41 AM
no comments. Sad face.

lizziebee89's photo
Sun 06/19/11 06:45 PM
woohoo! Counting down the weeks! Katara will be here soon mingle! Right now she is moving so much. I can see a bump go from one side to the other! The doctor said everything is great. But i wish she'd fully drop. I want to breathe again. Ha ha.

lizziebee89's photo
Sun 06/19/11 06:18 PM
clothes are my natural enemy. When i'm by myself i don't see the point in clothes. Much more comfortable being free

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