UFO.. over chicago?
well they could land in my front yard I still won't look at them as if
they are a GOD, God created me and he could have created others, yes some day everything will be answered. |
better to have lost and learned and only wasted a short time than never
to learn and waste your whole life |
alot of people have the problem of looking at their own problems
differently than outsiders do |
well some poeple seem to be happy in abusive relationships oh well to
each his own |
and the topic "wow as if things couldn't get any worse" yeah they can
and most likely will, domestic violence isn't tolerated anymore one or both of you will wind up spending some time in jail and maybe worse down the road, do you really want to make a family with this woman and bring kids into this kind of life? |
true chopperdan it's gonna get worse after they say I do lol five if you
stick with her you are gonna look back at it all in another 10 yrs and kick your own ass for letting her waste your life away |
who has coffee
call Juan Valdez
what to do?
I believe that true love is more than just feelings, sounds like she has
another one already picked out sorry dude but there are many rough days ahead for you if you hang in there. My ex did the samething and now that I truly gave up she has seen what she lost and wants it back but it's too late too much has happened in the past 3 yrs and I am not about to travel the same dead end road |
LOL Kevin
you want to live a life of that kind of abuse and anger? then go kiss
her ass. If not, tell her to kiss yours. |
LMAO sorry dude I had to laugh to actually think you had to even ask
that question. |
can't change what is written that's for sure no sense woryying about it
you all don't know what gossip is till you come to this town lol
oooops tried it again with other search engines and same results I got
before |
| is a pretty reputable site I have to side with them and the
fact I still say it would not be a matter for "state police" but rather the FBI just like anyother internet crime |
where the links Sluggo?
community sweethearts?
50% I think it's higher lol could be wrong
UFO.. over chicago?
don't remember names I was only in my early 20's I believe. I have a
brother that was in the air force also he has never said anything about stuff we've asked him but he didn't deny anything either he made some strange remarks but he is also a very strange perosn lol |
perhaps that is true durkeg but it's not this story at all this is
falser than my mommas teeth |
hmmm Kevin a more recent pic? How old is the first pic you posted?