Community > Posts By > SPovek

SPovek's photo
Mon 03/21/11 09:13 PM

i gotta say... great pics! they tell a lot.. you are doing all differnt things in them that interest you.. guess ill say this too<since your gay and im dating someone and way too old anyway> sexy pics as well but not too revealing.. classy actually.. maybe add some more interests...good luck on here i hope you find what you are looking for and welcome hereflowerforyou

No such thing as too old, you're what? 28?. My first bf was 38. I was 19. And ty for the welcome :)

SPovek's photo
Mon 03/21/11 07:09 PM

poor Japan it is.tears Playing with Mother Nature. She usally wins.
Be greatful we live in USA, flowerforyou they reinforced that type of power plant here a few years back. But who is to say if that is enough. : (

I don't know much, but could a nuclear plant withstand a f-five twister?

Rather easily. The power rods that are currently melting into the earths core at the chernobyle site are nearly indestructable due to their mass/heat ratio. Like setting the wind on fire. The one thing that is most destructive to the power rods is water. This is why the shelf life while cooled with water is a maximum of 70 years. When innundated with water (like a tsunami) you risk litterally ignighting the water. Imagine setting the Pacific ocean on instant boil. The earthquake caused by that explosion would shift the techtonic plates with enough force (depending on the direction) to either force the Earth's core to stop spinning (eventually eliminating gravity) or cause it to spin with such force the magnetic field would become powerful enough to suck the moon into the Earth.

And they're afraid of solar panels because mass use would reflect enough light to cool the earth by 3°

Silly Humans lol

Some humans are quite silly...

'lifetime' of decaying urainium rods is 250 years... They will stop 'burning' then. Earths 'gravity' does not come from the 'spin' of the core... It comes from the 'mass' of the earth. The moon is moving away from the earth at a measured ammount every year (it used to be a lot closer). Earths 'magnetic field' will never be strong enought to 'drag' the moon into the Earth. (that would require an increase in gravitational forces).

Gravity does come from the mass but is magnified by the energy created by the spin. Ever twist copper wire around a nail and run power through it? you Magnetize the nail. The core on a microscopic scale. As for the uranium (yes if thats what the rods of the Japanese plants used). Countries with fewer resources and technology then say America or Japan might use Uranium enriched rod however technology as surpassed that by 100 years atleast. Plutonium charged corbonetic fuel cells inserted into a magnecite rod will last 10's of thousands of years. And I didn't just see that on tv.

SPovek's photo
Mon 03/21/11 06:59 PM

Shiki rates this profile a B-. Here is why.

"I'm about to be 24 and am still single. I have the perfect career, a child (not oficially mine) and a beautiful house on lake Sammamish."

This is cool. However, you foof up too much when you write:

"All I need now is someone special to share it with."

This is really wussy. Also, you never end a sentence with a preposition.

Thanks for the advice. Hopefully you took a few things into consideration lol

I was born in Russia so where the verb exactly goes hasn't sunk in yet. I'm also gay so the mushy (wussy) part might be sought. At least I think it will be.

SPovek's photo
Mon 03/21/11 09:03 AM
Calm demeanor, afraid to upset people and gets totallt dominated by Nicole lol

SPovek's photo
Mon 03/21/11 08:22 AM
How boring am I? lol

SPovek's photo
Mon 03/21/11 08:18 AM
Fortunately the laws pertaining to harming the disabled here are strict enough that their mere presence had my case dismissed. The judge wanted to have him arrested for even thinking about it.

SPovek's photo
Mon 03/21/11 08:12 AM
Too funny lol

SPovek's photo
Mon 03/21/11 08:08 AM
Give her a golf ball to throw at Ash just to mess with him lol

SPovek's photo
Mon 03/21/11 08:03 AM
Cut 3 blades of grass for the quarter. lol

SPovek's photo
Mon 03/21/11 07:59 AM
Get her cat a kittypurrfectpedi Membership :)

SPovek's photo
Mon 03/21/11 07:56 AM
The Longest Yard - In between my legs. (and I have pictures :)

SPovek's photo
Mon 03/21/11 07:50 AM

poor Japan it is.tears Playing with Mother Nature. She usally wins.
Be greatful we live in USA, flowerforyou they reinforced that type of power plant here a few years back. But who is to say if that is enough. : (

I don't know much, but could a nuclear plant withstand a f-five twister?

Rather easily. The power rods that are currently melting into the earths core at the chernobyle site are nearly indestructable due to their mass/heat ratio. Like setting the wind on fire. The one thing that is most destructive to the power rods is water. This is why the shelf life while cooled with water is a maximum of 70 years. When innundated with water (like a tsunami) you risk litterally ignighting the water. Imagine setting the Pacific ocean on instant boil. The earthquake caused by that explosion would shift the techtonic plates with enough force (depending on the direction) to either force the Earth's core to stop spinning (eventually eliminating gravity) or cause it to spin with such force the magnetic field would become powerful enough to suck the moon into the Earth.

And they're afraid of solar panels because mass use would reflect enough light to cool the earth by 3°

Silly Humans lol

SPovek's photo
Mon 03/21/11 07:36 AM
There has to be life out there and the reason they haven't contacted us is they're waiting for us to stop acting like we're 5 year olds, smacking each other trying to take the other kids toy.

They most likely know we kill each other. Imagine what they think we would do to them? There's also the germ factor. Maybe they'll drop us a line once we learn how to cure things like the common cold.

SPovek's photo
Mon 03/21/11 06:34 AM
Morality was originally derived from innocence but as humanity has progressed so has the source of morality.

A humans moral compass is proven to be directly linked to the wear and tear on the belt of that persons father.

SPovek's photo
Mon 03/21/11 06:30 AM

PS. I would bet that just getting your story out there will draw you some very nice attention.

Though the attention would be nice there is still the factor of the waterbrained people such as one guy I started to date who asked about a 3-way including my son. Bail was $800 :-D

SPovek's photo
Mon 03/21/11 06:18 AM
TY Bulldog. It's had it's rough moments but as I come from Russia ( a country that rations toilet paper) I will never have it so bad that no one has it worse than I and doesn't need my help.

Geekyguy I would enjoy that. If I can change a few plans around I might be able to make that possible in late August when we get back from Russia..

SPovek's photo
Sun 03/20/11 06:38 PM


The polite way to tell someone to F off lol

SPovek's photo
Sun 03/20/11 06:38 PM
Born in sickness, stiff as steel
My mother did not heed
She said she could have left me lone
But nurture was her creed
At ten years old no jobs abound
My father was a brood
He swallowed pride, made ends meet
Sometimes he worked for food
At sixteen years I worked real hard
Mom was ill and dying
I did the best I could for her
She laid in bed just crying
At twenty two she passed away
And thats when it began
I heard a voice from time to time
It sounded like a man
At twenty eight the car broke down
As furious as can be
I cried and cried and then I heard
A voice call out to me
At thirty four the baby sick
And bills of every score
Upset my wife by screaming then
The voice did call once more
At thirty nine I lost my job
I felt it was my end
My wife decided she would work
And the voice I heard again
At forty five a burglar came
The funeral made me cry
Left alone to raise my son
I heard the voice nearby
At fifty one my boy moved out
I thought I was alone
I'd wander off and lose my way
The voice would lead me home
At fifty seven a grandchild came
I felt just like a king
Then the house burned to the ground
Again the voice did ring
At sixty three I left this world
To me an angel came
I met the man behind the voice
And Jesus was his name

SPovek's photo
Sun 03/20/11 06:29 PM
If had I hair of flaxen blonde
To turn a jealous smile
And eyes as blue as any pond
To wink at you the while

If had I teeth of ivory keys
To nibble bite and more
A smile that would melt the knees
To bring you to the floor

If had I arms of muscle taught
To hold you like a bear
Hands so smooth tis velvet thought
To touch you here and there

If had I pecs of iron skin
To think you must explore
A washboard ab so fit and trim
To tease you with and more

If had I legs of timber size
To catch you when we play
A torso that would tear your eyes
To make you want each day

If had I fortune, fame and such
Ofcourse you'd come to me
For if my dear had I this much
Your lover would I be

SPovek's photo
Sun 03/20/11 06:24 PM
Listen but speak if you must
There is no love without distrust
You may speak I hear no sound
I have lost what you have found

I get up each time I fall
I am deaf but you hear all
A daily routine yet surprise
From your tears does love rise

Wait Wait you run along
Is it right or is it wrong
To be together and feel alone
I want to laugh but you just moan

Together we go seperate ways
A darkened path through darkened days
In the air I draw this line
Thats your space and this is mine