Community > Posts By > theemachine
New Zealand, like australia but better.
![]() ![]() ![]() and you? |
you'll be fine mate. just have fun and you cant go wrong. just have fun.
so whats everyone doing right now?
Im just pluckn around on my guitar thinking of what I should eat tonight. |
*blushes retardedly*
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I is special.
special? whats THAT supposed to mean?
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men are sex objects too!! :) why ty kat ![]() ![]() ![]() |
I reckon the only reason why most guys perv more is because culture has made women the sex object rather than men. its social conditioning.
hooray for cultural brainwashing! |
too true, feisty feisty aussies.
"My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" If you are God you cannot forsake yourself. yzrabbit, did you even read the passage out of the bible? Psalm 22:1 is addressed: "to the cheif musician: set to the tune of Aijeleth Hashshahar (the hind of the morning dawn). A Psalm of DAVID. -Amplified Bible, pub by Zondervan. DAVID. DAAAVID. Not Jesus, DAVID. "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?.." ![]() Hey Kiwi!!! How's it hangin'? ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() argh my arch nemisis; jess the aussie, we meet again... ![]() |
I only date...
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I know that I can find a woman that has the same traits or better and is white (and therefore I will find her more attractive) if I go for this woman I will in fact be SETTLING. No woman wants their man to JUST SETTLE for them. Same visa verca. So when I say "I only date white women" its essentially the same as saying "I only date women that live a healthy fit lifestyle (like mine)" DUDE,,,im really missing what your saying, that last sentence has me thinking your prejudice, like??? Are ya SAY that A BLACK WOMAN, CAN"T be healthy and fit????? No. Im saying that if there are two women, identical except for the colour of their skin (and therefore their facial features will be different); lets say the two are one White and one Black; I will go for the white woman because I find white womens facial features more attractive. The white woman is *just that bit more attractive* than the black woman. Im noway saying that black women cant be fit, healthy and beautiful inside and out LOL! OK,you were losing me. ITS YOUR PREFERENCE to favor white over black. I don't do that I see BEAUTY as BEAUTY, no matter the color. And to say that two beautiful ladies standing in front of YOU to choose the one that was the prettiest. YOU would SEE the whitegirl was,,,,,BECAUSE WHITE is YOUR PREFERENCE, even if the white girl was cute, and the black girl was beautiful, your preferences will blind you to the black womens beauty...... So, WHAT were YOU saying AGAIN??? I find white womens facial features more attractive. OK. yes but my main point is that just because a guy says "I only date white women" doesnt mean that he's a shallow minded fool thats only after skin. if COULD mean that, but it COULD alternatively mean that he believes he deserves what he wants so he holds high/more standards. |
"My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" If you are God you cannot forsake yourself. yzrabbit, did you even read the passage out of the bible? Psalm 22:1 is addressed: "to the cheif musician: set to the tune of Aijeleth Hashshahar (the hind of the morning dawn). A Psalm of DAVID. -Amplified Bible, pub by Zondervan. DAVID. DAAAVID. Not Jesus, DAVID. "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?.." ![]() |
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I only date...
Edited by
Sat 12/29/07 09:41 PM
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I know that I can find a woman that has the same traits or better and is white (and therefore I will find her more attractive) if I go for this woman I will in fact be SETTLING. No woman wants their man to JUST SETTLE for them. Same visa verca. So when I say "I only date white women" its essentially the same as saying "I only date women that live a healthy fit lifestyle (like mine)" DUDE,,,im really missing what your saying, that last sentence has me thinking your prejudice, like??? Are ya SAY that A BLACK WOMAN, CAN"T be healthy and fit????? No. Im saying that if there are two women, identical except for the colour of their skin (and therefore their facial features will be different); lets say the two are one White and one Black; I will go for the white woman because I find white womens facial features more attractive. The white woman is *just that bit more attractive* than the black woman. Im noway saying that black women cant be fit, healthy and beautiful inside and out LOL! |
I keep finding men who do NOT share that philosophy. It frustrates the hell out of me. Why date anyone if all you want to remain a bachelor for life? Is money that great if you aren't sharing it with other people? Is anything all that fun if you are alone? I recently did the Anthony Robbins "get the edge 2" thing, and in the relationships section he said "relationships are for enhancing the human experiance." or in other words: getting a relationship is to find someone whom compliments your life you you theirs. BUT you shouldnt have the mindset that you NEEEED a person to 'complete' you, as if there is this VOID in your life that only a relationship can fill. Its BULL****. Ask yourself this: WHY do I want a relationship? what is it about the relationship that I want? is it the closeness? the intimacy of it? or do you just want to happy? Is it TRUE that a relationship will bring you the happiness you strive for? Can you get this happiness from another source? Fact is you should never be in a place where you believe that you're happiness is dependant on the presence of someonELSE. |
isn't becoming a priest the same as becoming gay? LOL but seriously; this whole "I dont understand women"/"women are weiiiiird"/WHATEVER is just BS. when a woman says "I want a tall handsome man" what she is saying is: "I want to feel feminine, protected and attracted to a MAN, not a BOY, a MAN." For women, they associate tall men with a sense of security and safety. if you're a 5'0, not a model, dude but you can make a 6'0 woman feel 100% safe, secure, attracted and feel GREAT about being with you; its in the bag. If you sit back and think, put yourself in their shoes and think yo'll begin to see how the logic of women actually makes SENSE. LOL. The only reason why there is this whole communication issue is because people ask the wrong questions, provoking wrong answers, creating incorrect perspectives. ie: "she looked at me with tears in her eyes and told me she loved me...2 months later she left me and was with another guy a few days later." question: "why did she do this to ME?!" answer: "because women are liars, cheaters and just evil!" perspective: "women are *****s" <-- and this point of view is reinforced by 'pick up artists' that preach "treat'em mean(or like sh1t), keep'em keen" philosophies. Ask quality questions, get quality answers. |
I only date...
"I only date black women." I get these messages from men all the time. My thing is I think that is rude; the only reason you want to date me is because of the color of my skin? Wow, I thought my personality would have a bit to do with it too. Or that killer smile! lol But seriously why do people think it is okay to only date a person because of their race. I love men of ALL races if they can hold my interest. Opinions please! Or am I over reacting. I think you are mis understanding what the guys are saying. For eg; I only date white women. What Im saying is that I am more attracted to white women so thats what I want, Im definately NOT saying that all I want is white skin. ![]() Its a standard, its a deal breaker. If I meet a woman that has all the inner traits that Im after and looks after herself mentally and physically, but ISNT white; I wont go for her because My thinking is: "I know that I can find a woman that has the same traits or better and is white (and therefore I will find her more attractive) if I go for this woman I will in fact be SETTLING. No woman wants their man to JUST SETTLE for them. Same visa verca. So when I say "I only date white women" its essentially the same as saying "I only date women that live a healthy fit lifestyle (like mine)" |
How old do i look?
I'd say somewhere between..."it doesnt really matter - you're only asold as you feel".
look 20's from here. |
i'll be alone New Years Eve,New Years Day,the day after,the day after that...etc i'll be alone til the end of time ![]() nah mate dont give p on yourself so fast! I remember when I moved from South Africa to New zealand as a kid; one of the most attractive girls in the school had a crush on ME. That time was and still is a time that I look back pride because it turned my world on its head; it was proof that this whole 'shes out of your league' business is nonsense! I thought she was the best thing since sliced bread man, and when I lost my chance to ask her out I thought that was the end of me, no point in searching else where because she was 'perfect' in my mind, only because I made her that way. That entire experiance was difficult, almost commited suicide; but I would go through it again 10 times to learn what I have from that time. Certain things need to come to pass before you can see. |