Community > Posts By > theemachine
New Hottie!!!!!!!!!
dont you just hate it when yooooooooour keybbbbbbbbbboard gets stuckkkkkkkk
You either learn material or you learn to become a better person.
PUA stuff revolves around women. how many women state "I WANT A MAN THAT REVLOVES AROUND ME." I havent seen that one yet -because women dont want a man that has her as his core in life. If you in a healthy mindset you wouldnt want it either. By becoming a better person overall, for YOU, all the stuff that PUA tries to preach comes from a much stronger place because its CONGRUENT. Whats the point of opening the door if you can even walk inside? |
Are all men pigs?
No. not all men are pigs! some are dogs! some are weird inbred hybred, pogs and digs!
What CAN it MEAN?
Yea just keep fishing mate.
I know you're just trying to help, but its blatantly clear to me that this kind of preaching is going to HURT guys in the long run...ESP if they are new to dating and dont know a lot. I don't think learning how to be more social is dentrimental in the long run. Now, (this is my view, I can't speak for others) the pickup arts teach guys how to approach women. Basically, to get your foot in the door. I noticed a lot of people talk about the relationship aspect between a man and a woman. The pickup arts aren't about how to make a relationship work. It's how to get a relationship started. Those are two completely different things. true and thats the whole problem. Approaching/pickup and relationships shouldnt be separate things; if a guy thinks this way, no wonder he is having problems. I dont have any problems with guys using 'material', but what I DO have a problem with is teaching methods that instill behaviours and beliefs that are corrosive to anything long term. |
stomach? Because I'm a damn good cook. I work in a kitchen. I love to cook. If it's true than why isn't my male BFF falling for me? I cook for that bastard everyday. Because he is a BFF...thus the middle F, you dork! **find a man that likes to cook then maybe you will find a b M f (mate) Act - peels a banana, and waits.** ROFL nice! **-my emphasis |
Edited by
Mon 12/31/07 04:16 PM
When I think about it, when my woman cooks for me, like lets say she cooks my favorite meal just for me- thats a major turn on.
I think the saying is true, but it only has its proper effect if you are already his love. To me, when I analyse my feelings when I imagine it; I feel that way because the subconscious thought process is: *she took the time and the effort to cook for me, which means that she was thinking about me before and because she cooked my favourite meal it means she wants to make me happy, please me.* love it. on second thought, I think 'turn on' is the wrong phrase, probably 'incredibly loved' /'feel really warm inside' fits better. |
thanks to all these "pick up artists" whom couldnt hold down a relationship if their ****s depended on it. and you assume that because...? seriously. that's the most ridiculous thing ive ever heard. lol seriously. thats...yeah. wrong. LMAO And I don't know enough about schizo and aspergers to help you with that specifically, but I will tell you this: nothing can hold you back. pleeease. You get all these fricken MORONS preaching that you gotta treat women like SH*T...Women arent dumb, unfortunately some fall for this treatment because its a misinterpretation of his behaviour (b/c they have low selfesteem already and this 'give0sh*t' method just makes it worse); eventually they dump the bum and the fool carries on with his "women are all *****es anyways". its hilarious. heck, you can up to a woman and say "hey wanna ****?" and it MAY work it depends on her current state of mind, your current state of mind, the environment and atmosphere. that line has worked before because all those little aspects were in place. fact is being a MAN, by developing yourself to be the best for YOU beats any pick-up "artists" 'insight/knowledge'. theres only ONE dude out there that is preaching the RIGHT message, and slowly, every other "guru" is copying his stuff. pathetic. LMAO And you assume that because...? Are you a racist as well? Do you judge other books by their covers? ![]() Maybe you should learn a thing or two about a group of people before judging them, buddy pal. The Pickup Artist community is a real community with set rules and values, not just a bunch of guys who think they are "players." ![]() ![]() "follow the SSM31ST (the super-secret-magic-31-step-technique!) and then look for the '10 signs to initiate' after she has *enter whatever hilarious, stale 'move' here* You said it yourself: "look for the 3 signs of interest then kiss her" seriously, if you are constantly focussing on 'things to look for' and forever making sure that you are follow all the procedures without missing anyone of those 99 steps (omg! be careful! it could look umm WEIRD? if you miss one!) you are COMPLETELY MISSING THE WHOLE POINT. If you focus on not getting rejected, you are gonna create the atmosphere that hinders the potential connection you two can have because you're mind is focussd there instead of NOW and HAVE FUN. I know you're just trying to help, but its blatantly clear to me that this kind of preaching is going to HURT guys in the long run...ESP if they are new to dating and dont know a lot. |
hmmm that makes you 738? someone's catching on score! |
hmmm that makes you 738?
yzzrabbit: "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" If you are God you cannot forsake yourself." ......... yzrabbit, did you even read the passage out of the bible? Psalm 22:1 is addressed: "to the cheif musician: set to the tune of Aijeleth Hashshahar (the hind of the morning dawn). A Psalm of DAVID. -Amplified Bible, pub by Zondervan. DAVID. DAAAVID. Not Jesus, DAVID. "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?.." Themachine Are you trying to say David was up on the cross? Cause if you are you are the first person to ever make that comment. WOW. You have an amazing mindset. How you came to that conclusion is facinating. you said in your first post, a quote from psalm 22 in which the topic of this thread is: "Jesus is not God" and used that verse as evidence implying that it was JESUS that said it, MEANWHILE you got the facts wrong because the verse was said by DAVID. So to avoid any confusion: David is the one speaking in that verse (psalm 22:1) David is NOT God Jesus is NOT present in Psalm 22 Jesus is God (multiple verses supported) David did not die on the cross. |
h o n es.. hon e s t, honesty. honesty...what is this 'honesty'?
24 shows what facial hair does....21 actually lol 24 |
Nobody to kiss at midnight
Who needs somebody to kiss at midnight when you have as much liqour on the table as I do. ![]() ![]() I dont drink but cheers mate; ![]() |
New Year Resolutions????
take over the world.
cure cancer and aids. wash the dishes. |
Thats Hot
I wouldnt believe it, must bea double ganger.
Happy New Year!!!!!