Any normal females out there, no crazy ladies please lol ![]() Awwwww normal females are boring... |
does any1 frm uk
actually use this site?!!!! I don't think so. |
Google Chrome
I didn't really like Chrome. I prefer open source browsers, I'm currently using Firefox. Ummm, Google Chrome is Open Source: In-fact the code from v8 (the Javascript engine) has helped Mozilla improve their own Javascript performance in Firefox 3.5+ (check out the beta). Ta, Chris. |
single mum in birmingham
I'm not from the Midlands (from Bristol) but I'm up for chatting to anyone.
If you keep meeting inebriated or self centred people maybe the problem is where you're looking, where are you looking? Ta, Chris. |
I'd like to help, I'm quite a dab hand with Debian (it's my distro of choice), but I don't quite understand your problem. Although I'm used to setting up Samba using the CLI, I'm sure I can help either way. Thanks, Chris. |
Mac Threat Alert!
The botnet is distributed with pirate Mac software.
If you MUST download pirated software, and the installation asks for your password, check out what the installer will be putting on your computer by either selecting 'Show Package Contents' or using one of the multitude of tools available. |
Windows 7 *Vienna (Beta)
Windows is unstable enough without doing the beta, thanks. Actually this is pretty stable.. more stable than Vista in full edition. The problem is the drivers and many things just won't run on it..that's why it's beta. Does anyone else notice the irony of saying Windows is pretty stable? |
Windows 7 *Vienna (Beta)
Windows is for computer newbies linux is for pros You're the reason Linux has a bad name and is perceived as too technical for the average user. Linux is not for pros, Linux is for everyone. If the community would stop bad mouthing Windows and actually help people learn and use Linux it would be a much more popular OS. Also, everyone knows OpenBSD is for pros. ![]() |
360 or PS3?
Buy a PS3... Easy decision.
Do you like
OK now I've cleared the board, dug out Uncle Festus and ready to set up a LAMP box. Festus is a P233MMX w/ 64MB ram and a 6Gb drive. I am leaning towards gentoo and slackware but am also wondering if I should use one of the earlier versions on Linux I have (RH 6.0 era) I don't really need a lot of XDesktop and want to make sure I can run Apache, MYSQL, and PHP. Any input on this? I think you would probably be best going with Debian. Download the net install, boot from the CD and tell it you want a web server. Once your started you can play with virtual hosting, MySQL permissions and all sorts. Please do let me know how you get on! Ta, Chris. |
Traditonal Zen Koan
By simply opening your mind further to new ideas. No, you need to empty your head of all ideas. If you have an idea / preconception then what you see or learn will be tainted. It is easier said then done. I wouldn't class this as a kōan though, as the Zen master (is there such a thing?), attempts to answer the mans request and teach him something rather than letting him find out himself. Ta, Chris. |
Easy.... Debian.
Go for a minimal net install and build your system from there. If you want some newer packages there is always backports and testing. Ta, Chris. |
What happened to HTML?
PHP is personal pref, but then again depends on the functionality your seeking. 9 times out of 10, what does PHP generate? (I know there is PHP GTK and it can be used for CLI apps) What happened to HTML? In what context? XHTML is a failed experiment, HTML 5 will rock though. Really looking forward to being able to store data locally, and having some new tags to fix the semantics of web apps. Ta, Chris. |
It's Named for a needle point sampler in black, silver, and white that I designed. I am kinda curious as to what the person who wants it is going to use it for. I wouldn't think the domain is particularly valuable, what have they offered? |
A Zen Parable
From what I know, Zen is about questions, not answers.
That is why there is the word Mu, which roughly translates to no-thing, or un-ask the question. For example, if someone was to ask: Have you stopped beating your wife? Then: Yes, implies you have been beating her. No, implies you are beating her. Both yes and no fail to answer the question. Zen views all questions as the one above, with no proper answer. If there is no answer then the only way to achieve enlightenment is to focus on the question. (I know very little about Zen, so would love to be corrected on my understanding of it.) |
Is there a Hell???
Dupes. I re-image the drive every time I load a game. Wouldn't do a thing to limit me. Unless the game creates a unique ID from the Mac Address, Mainboard Model, CPUID amount of RAM etc etc etc. Then... when you go online your computers spec has changed enough for them to consider it a new computer and you drop an install, or the game b0rks itself to force you to re-install. Ta, Chris. |
Cookies Vs. Sessions
To be honest, there isn't much of a difference.
Sessions refers to PHPs own session handler ($_SESSION) which is saved in the TMP directory of your web server. PHP can either store the session ID in a cookie, or by appending the sessions ID to URLs. Cookie, sounds like e107 have their own session handling code, and will write there own cookies, and store the session in MySQL. Seeing 99% have cookies enabled, I'd go with Cookie as e107 might have or need extra functionality from its own session handler as some point in the future. Also, I hate ugly URLs. Of course, hopefully e107 will have abstracted their session handling code, and my point might be moot, but you never know. (P.S. I can't be arsed to read the e107 source and find out.) Ta, Chris. |
I do not have the answer to your question, but if you have time, please consider this: Microsoft and the rest of the software industry have forced people to learn their software without learning the code itself. It is easier, faster, and better designed if you code it youself (and if that is something you do on a regular basis). Do not be a slave to the latest programmer's whim to move a button or menu bar to a place no one can find it. Are you suggesting he writes a complete RDBMS himself? |