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Fri 01/06/12 11:55 AM
..you just hit 30. You step out of a gas station after buying a pack of smokes and you accidentally bump into a, guessing, 16-year old girl who was walking with her boyfriend who appeared to be at least of legal age. I immediately apologized, for it is my nature,to which she chimed out; "Hey, watch it old timer!" Me, being the guy that I am, took offense to this, but I remained cool; mainly cause I won't hit a girl, and f*** up her day. So, instead of resorting to violence, as it is the male gene to do so, I instead stated in a perplexed state; "Excuse me?" This was when, Mr. Macho or so he claimed, would step forward and in front of her blocking my line of sight. I saw him clench a fist, even went as far to furrow his brows. "You heard the lady. Back off before I hit you so hard you'll have to collect disability twice." OK, now, I am beyond offended and I set down my bag. I looked him dead in the eye, tilted my head so he could hear the cracks. "Try it, youngster, and I'll hit you back so hard I'll knock the Earth of it's axis, and your future children will all talk with a lisp." The girl now seemed frightened, perhaps realizing, I wasn't as old as I seemed? Regardless, she tugged at his sleeve, my eyes remained on him, unblinking, unwavering, and most certainly unafraid. He just clicked his teeth at me, as they trotted inside. Still, I was offended.. and rather upset. Getting called an 'old-timer' at 30? Psh, I don't even think I look that 'old'. Needless to say.. I keyed his bright cherry mustang with the words, 'M almost f****d up your day.' ...just curious if I over reacted? But now I know what the older generation meant when I was kid, when they use to say; "Kids these days, they just have no respect." I'm sorry Grandma, and Grandpa... If only I knew then.. what I know now. RIP. I got years ahead of me yet.. ..but I'll see you both then. No offense here but you asked, this is what happens when similar maturities meet. A grown person would not have been offended to begin with. Could have shot back, "well at least I am out of diapers" and kept walking. And to key the car??? I am sorry but that was way too immature and petty. You don't have to worry, anyone dealing with you will not think you are old by any means so no worries. |
Sad all the way around. He had parents too.
REPORT: Private Sector Adds 325,000 New Jobs In December
January 5, 2012 By Stephen D. Foster Jr. http://www.addictinginfo.org/2012/01/05/report-private-sector-adds-325000-new-jobs-in-december/ Since President Obama took the oath of office in 2009, Republicans have blamed him directly for the economy. They have constantly claimed that the stimulus hasn’t worked and that the state of the economy is his responsibility. That’s fine. Because in December 2011, the private sector added 325,000 American jobs and Republicans can’t take an ounce of credit for it. According to the latest ADP National Employment Report, the private sector grew by 325,000 jobs in December which eclipses the average needed to keep up with population increases. Here are the growth numbers by sector: Service: +273,000 jobs Goods: +52,000 jobs Manufacturing: +22,000 jobs Construction: +26,000 jobs Financial services: -1,000 jobs The numbers as a whole are really great news but the manufacturing and construction sector jobs numbers indicate true economic growth and improvement. It suggests that Americans are demanding products again. Curiously, the private sector jobs didn’t come courtesy of the big “American” corporations that Republicans claim are the “job creators.” The majority of the jobs were created by smaller US businesses. You know, the REAL job creators. Last time I checked, President Obama and the 111th Congress controlled by Democrats were the ones who passed laws designed to aid small businesses. The current Republican controlled Congress hasn’t passed one jobs bill. Clearly, the Democrats, and President Obama in particular, are responsible for 325,000 Americans getting brand new jobs in December. Republican spin in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1… I think even if some of that is holiday jobs which I don't know if those were counted that is good news. |
Religious Tolerance etc.
Well I think "tolerant" was created at a time when people were trying to get say the religious to stop tormenting those unlike themselves. So the word tolerate became the norm for not tormenting others for being different.
Accepting that others have the right to live with the same rights as you do is the key. Toleration is really not the correct word for the above at all. Now that the laws have started to protect those who get/got tormented by the religious, toleration is a moot point. Let others live their lives or get persecuted by the law is now the word s of the day. ![]() |
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Thu 01/05/12 08:25 PM
For staying in shape, what do you think is the best exercise for you? I walk. I have worked myself up to 3-4 miles every other day or at least three times a week. I don't hold myself to a regiment because it will make me lose interest so I do it when I want to. It takes me a long time because of the MS. I spend two hours or more at it when I do it. But it is working well for my health so I am enjoying the benefits. |
Re-Elect Obama
Happy New Year !? It happened, Obama signed the NDAA bill into law yesterday, December 31,2011 :( This law allows our government to detain anyone (yes, that means you!!), any U.S. citizen without charges or a trial to be detained indefinitely. http://youtu.be/dc4BcG2OzkI Video-Obama sign NDAA Martial Law obama-signs-ndaa-into-law-dismantles-bill-of-rights =Article There are those who are awake and care to know & fight, then there are sheeple who are ignorant. The worse are those who choose to deny the truth and help the wrong side. What side are you on? Except if people would have done their homework on this.......the government was able to this before this bill. There is nothing new in this bill about detention other than naming of a few groups of terrorist specifically. Otherwise the detention capability is the same as it has been since the patriot act was inacted. People really need to do their homework. This could be done since Bush. |
Re-Elect Obama
I'm sure all the conservatives will be on me so fast about this I can almost feel the talk-spit already. Yes I am a moderate Democrat!(I consider myself a Paul Wellstone Dem.) Yes I have a job. Yes I can think for myself. Yes I am white, and Yes I am American born. I also believe that government is here, and obligated to do those things that we as individual Americans cannot, or will/would not do for ourselves and each other, and no more. At this time I don't believe there is a GOP candidate out there that is presidential material. Insults and sarcasm will not change my mind so if you think you have a valid arguement, for or against, go for it! WHO DO YOU THINK IS BETTER??? There is no viable challenge to Obama We had better vote him back in or we are looking at the end of our freedoms in this country. |
Excellent article.
The concept of religion is disrespectful though because it sets the black and white false boundary of right and wrong based on ideology that is more tradition than of any use. As long as there is religion there will be the disrespect of those outside of the group of the religious. |
LOL, he is no Malcolm however. Malcolm had real moxy in the face of oppression and discrimination.
Santorum wants to impose 'Judeo-Christian Sharia'
By Dean Obeidallah, Special to CNN updated 2:30 PM EST, Thu January 5, 2012 Dean Obeidallah: Santorum would like to impose Christian law on U.S. He says Santorum has repeatedly said he thinks civil law should reflect Christian law He says candidate would annul gay marriages, compel rape victims to give birth Obeidallah: How does this differ from Sharia law Santorum warns about, denounces? Editor's note: Dean Obeidallah is a comedian who has appeared on Comedy Central's "Axis of Evil" special, ABC's "The View," CNN's "What the Week" and HLN's "The Joy Behar Show." He is executive producer of the annual New York Arab-American Comedy Festival and the Amman Stand Up Comedy Festival. Follow him on Twitter. (CNN) -- There are two Rick Santorums: The first one I might not agree with, but the second one truly scares me. "Santorum One" pushes for less government regulation for corporations and shrinking the federal government. You may or may not agree with these positions, but they are both mainstream conservative fare. Then there's "Santorum Two." This Santorum wants to impose conservative Christian law upon America. Am I being hyperbolic or overly dramatic with this statement? I wish I were, but I'm not. Dean Obeidallah Dean Obeidallah Plainly put, Rick Santorum wants to convert our current legal system into one that requires our laws to be in agreement with religious law, not unlike what the Taliban want to do in Afghanistan. Santorum is not hiding this. The only reason you may not be aware of it is because up until his recent surge in the polls, the media were ignoring him. However, "Santorum Two" was out there telling anyone who would listen. He told a crowd at a November campaign stop in Iowa in no uncertain terms, "our civil laws have to comport with a higher law: God's law." On Thanksgiving Day at an Iowa candidates' forum, he reiterated: "We have civil laws, but our civil laws have to comport with the higher law." "Imagine if either of the two Muslim members of Congress declared their support for a proposed American law based on verses from the Quran. The outcry would be deafening, especially from people like Santorum." Dean Obeidallah Yes, that means exactly what you think it does: Santorum believes that each and every one of our government's laws must match God's law, warning that "as long as there is a discordance between the two, there will be agitation." I'm not exactly sure what "agitation" means in this context, but I think it's a code word for something much worse than acid reflux. And as an aside, when Santorum says "God," he means "not any god (but) the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob." So, if your god differs from Rick's, your god's views will be ignored, just like the father is on "Keeping Up with the Kardashians." Some of you might be asking: How far will "Santorum Two" take this? It's not like he's going to base public policy decisions on Bible passages, right? Well, here's what Santorum had to say just last week when asked about his opposition to gay marriage: "We have Judeo-Christian values that are based on biblical truth. ... And those truths don't change just because people's attitudes may change." Santorum could not be more unambiguous: His policy decisions will be based on "biblical truths," and as he noted, these "truths" will not change regardless of whether public opinion has evolved since the time the Bible was written thousands of years ago. Imagine if either of the two Muslim members of Congress declared their support for a proposed American law based on verses from the Quran. The outcry would be deafening, especially from people like Santorum. One of the great ironies is that Santorum has been a leader in sounding alarm bells that Muslims want to impose Islamic law -- called Sharia law -- upon non-Muslims in America. While Santorum fails to offer even a scintilla of credible evidence to support this claim, he continually warns about the "creeping" influence of Muslim law. Santorum's fundamental problem with Sharia law is that it's "not just a religious code. It is also a governmental code. It happens to be both religious in nature and origin, but it is a civil code." Consequently, under the Sharia system, the civil laws of the land must comport with God's law. Now, where did I hear about someone wanting to impose only laws that agree with God's law in America? So, what type of nation might the United States be under Rick Santorum's Sharia law? 1. Rape victims would be forced to give birth to the rapist's child. Santorum has stated that his religious beliefs dictate that life begins at conception, and as a result, rape victims would be sentenced to carrying the child of the rapist for nine months. 2. Gay marriages would be annulled. Santorum recently declared that not only does he oppose gay marriages, but he supports a federal constitutional amendment that would ban them, invalidating all previous gay marriages that have legally been sanctioned by states and thus callously destroying marriages and thrusting families into chaos. 3. Santorum would ban all federal funding for birth control and would not oppose any state that wanted to pass laws making birth control illegal. 4. No porn! I'm not kidding. Santorum signed "The Marriage Vow" pledge (PDF) authored by the Family Leader organization, under which he swears to oppose pornography. I think many would agree that alone should disqualify him from being president. To me, "Santorum Two" truly poses an existential threat to the separation of church and state, one of the bedrock principles of our nation since its inception. Not only did Thomas Jefferson speak of the need to create "a wall of separation between church and state," so did Santorum's idol, Ronald Reagan, who succinctly stated, "church and state are, and must remain, separate." While there may be millions of Americans who in their heart agree with the views of "Santorum Two," it is my hope they will reject any attempts to move America closer to a becoming the Afghanistan of the Western Hemisphere. Follow @CNNOpinion on Twitter. The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of Dean Obeidallah. http://www.cnn.com/2012/01/05/opinion/obeidallah-santorum-sharia/index.html?eref=mrss_igoogle_cnn Actually this is nothing new, it is just being said more plainly now. Christians have been trying to do this since the beginning of their time in existence. |
Ron Paul on Sunday defended controversial comments he made about AIDS patients in a 1987 book, while also disputing indications from recent polls that his support is slipping in Iowa The Texas congressman wrote in his book, "Freedom Under Siege," that people with sexually transmitted diseases like AIDS bear some responsibility for their condition and should not burden others with the cost of their care. "The individual suffering from AIDS certainly is a victim -- frequently a victim of his own lifestyle -- but this same individual victimizes innocent citizens by forcing them to pay for his care," he wrote. Asked about the comments on "Fox News Sunday," Paul said: "I don't know how you can change science." Sexually transmitted diseases are "caused by sexual activity," he said, and "in a free society people do dumb things, but it isn't to be placed as a burden on other people, innocent people." "Why should they have to pay for the consequences?" he said. Paul called that idea a "socialistic attitude" and said insurance companies should determine coverage. "The market should handle this," he said. The congressman said the law certainly shouldn't deny AIDS patients coverage, but suggested they should be subject to the same considerations insurance companies make for other groups -- like smokers. "You don't have a right to demand that somebody else take care of you because of your habits," Paul said. Paul also defended a passage from the same book that suggested victims of sexual harassment should quit. "They have the right to work there or not work there," he said, adding that federal law does not need to cover sexual harassment as violence in the workplace is already prohibited. The latest Des Moines Register poll shows Paul in second place in Iowa, trailing Mitt Romney by just 2 points. However, the final two days of polling in the four-day poll show Paul slipping into third place and Rick Santorum moving up into second. Paul's hands-off approach to foreign policy, as well as controversial writings, such as in his 1987 book and other newsletters which he has since distanced himself from, have drawn criticism in recent weeks. But Paul said "our numbers aren't going to go down," claiming his supporters are more loyal than the supporters of his competitors. "They don't desert," he said. "They're not going to leave us, as they have with the other ones ... so I think our numbers will continue to grow, even in these last couple days." Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2012/01/01/paul-defends-book-passage-on-aids-patients-says-iowa-support-strong/#ixzz1iF990gbl ![]() ![]() Paul is a dipshyte so what he says really is dismissible as mullarky most of the time. His desires for anarchy in this country will not happen. He has shown his *** as a racists and a sexist amongst other things As to aids, they do not know where it started from, in other words they have no clue how it became "humanized" and even though pigs and birds give us the flu every year without any sex involved I guess in order to make it the "evil disease they want to make it, they would have to make it a sexually deviant transmission. But in truth if you care for the truth, it doesn't have to involve sex at all. |
Oh man another one.....
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Tue 12/27/11 09:09 PM
Colo. girl killed in apparent accidental shooting
Updated 10:53 a.m., Tuesday, December 27, 2011 CANON CITY, Colo. (AP) — A 5-year-old Fremont County girl is dead in an apparent accidental shooting. The Fremont County sheriff's office said Ruth Joy Wilson was found dead Monday evening in her family's home in the High Park Ranch subdivision. Investigators believe she accidentally shot herself while handling a .45 caliber handgun in her parents' upstairs bedroom. The girl's parents, Levi and Grace Ann Wilson, and an infant were downstairs at the time. The sheriff's office said the results of their investigation will be turned over to prosecutors, who will decide whether any charges should be filed. Read more: http://www.mysanantonio.com/news/article/Colo-girl-killed-in-apparent-accidental-shooting-2426727.php#ixzz1hnq4hxFB It just never gets better. |
Santa and Christmas..
As to the OP, I told my kids of Santa as soon as they were old enough to understand that it was an untruth that was spread to make children have a more fun holiday. They were never really lied to except by the social stuff they heard away from me.
Santa and Christmas..
![]() Very good. ![]() |
Happy Holidays to all...
Although it is not Christmas to me, it is a winter celebration like it was before Christianity, I will take it that no one meant offense by wishing something on me that I don't celebrate or recognize.
I really do hope that it is a good safe and loving holiday for everyone. ![]() |
Pepper Sprayed To DEATH?
well the guy was picked up for public intoxication, striped naked, tied to a chair and pepper sprayed for 48hours, 10 times they say...then died. The police grade is more potent than the stuff sold on the street too. I could see how it could cause respiratory problems that result in death. |
Pepper Sprayed To DEATH?
That pepper spray is no joke that is for sure.
I was actually referring to when the three year old is grown. No matter what you say the three year old killed their sibling. wow, that is harsh. i see it as a curious child handling an item an adult should have insured the child wouldn't This 3 year old may very well have some PTSD later. There will be a memory of this for him. see i don't think a three year old understands what happened. as the child grows questions may or may not come up. a parent can nurture that child to help ease the guilt the child may have if any. young minds can be molded for good There is no way to change that result. Yea the result is way harsh. An innocent child died because of an irresponsible gun owner. And the three year old is just another victim that just happened to live. There will definitely be residual stuff and like my childhood molestation, I buried it until I was in my twenties and then it came back to me and I understood what terrible thing has happened. If this happens to this child it is a life time of counseling and mess upness. |
Actually Obama isn't hard enough on gun control. There are people who shouldn't have the right to have a gun so the right is not universal and the list of those who shouldn't have one is not long enough by a long shot no pun intended. With that said one innocent life lost is a reason for concern and we lose lots of innocents from legal guns each year. Then you may as well get rid of the Constitution then, it evidently means very little to you. Well maybe your interpretation of the constitution needs to be thrown out, mine is fine. Mental, emotional, criminal and responsibilital capacity should play a major role in who has a gun and we have some restrictions but not enough by far. |
I was actually referring to when the three year old is grown. No matter what you say the three year old killed their sibling.