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Fri 02/03/12 05:10 PM
How worried should President Obama be about winning a second term? by Jack Cafferty As the Republican candidates keep tearing each other apart, President Obama may want to start worrying about November - if he hasn't already. New Gallup state-by-state polling on the president's approval rating suggests he might be in trouble. Overall, President Obama averaged a 44% job approval in his third year in office - down from 47% in his second year. According to gallup, his approval rating declined from 2010 to 2011 in 47 of the 50 states. Not good. The president's approval rating was above 50% last year in only 10 states plus the District of Columbia. Gallup suggests that the state approval rating could provide some clues into how President Obama will fare in the electoral college. If the president were to carry only the states where more people approved than disapproved of him last year, he would lose to the Republican nominee 323 to 215. That's landslide territory And Politico reports on several additional factors working against the president. The congressional budget office says unemployment is likely to climb to 9% by the election. There's polling that shows President Obama tied or trailing Mitt Romney in key swing states. And there's growing evidence that the idea that the president will raise a lot more money than the Republicans just isn't true. Of course there are still nine months to go before the election; and we don't know yet who the Republican nominee will be, or if there will be a third party candidate - which could work to Mr. Obama's advantage. http://caffertyfile.blogs.cnn.com/2012/02/02/how-worried-should-president-obama-be-about-winning-in-2012/?hpt=hp_t2/ Most who are not satisfied with the way of the country right now (blaming Obama falsely) will still vote for Obama because what they are being offered otherwise will destroy the country. |
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Wed 02/01/12 12:32 PM
And the Repubs stand to raise more. Do you realize those Repub candidates that dropped out still get to keep that money?
Maybe we should all run at least one good time...lol |
Proud Pedophile
Wanting children sexually is a mental/sexual disorder and they should get help for it.
Assuming they are incurable is not a positive way to address the issue. Having been molested as a child, I have had plenty of time to consider why it happened, etc... I do know the men who molested me were mentally unwell, both of them. I would never want one of them to be harmed in my name, that would make what I suffered worse. No legitimate comparison can be made with pedophilia and consensual adult hetero or gay sex though in case that connection was attempted at any point during the thread. |
In Rediscovered Letter From 1865, Former Slave Tells Old Master To Shove It
55872223 First Posted: 02/ 1/2012 2:12 pm Updated: 02/ 1/2012 2:17 pm In the summer of 1865 a former slave by the name of Jourdan Anderson wrote a letter to his former master. And 147 years later, the letter reads as rich and wry as it must have read back then. In the letter, which has resurfaced via various blogs, websites, Twitter and Facebook, Anderson is responding to a letter written by Colonel P.H. Anderson, his former master back in Big Spring, Tennessee. Apparently, Col. Andreson had written Jourdan asking him to come on back to the big house to work. In about 800 words of genius, chutzpah and what could best be described as either an earnest requital or the deadest of dead-pan comedy and sarcasm, the former slave, in the most gentile manner, basically tells the old slave master to kiss his rear end. He laments his being shot at by Col. Anderson when he fled slavery, the mistreatment of his children and that there "was never pay-day for the Negroes any more than for the horses and cows." Below, is Jourdan’s letter in whole, as it appears on lettersofnote.com. To take a look at what appears to be a scan of the original letter, which appeared in an August 22, 1865 edition of the New York Daily Tribune, click here. _____________________________________________________________ Dayton, Ohio, August 7, 1865 To My Old Master, Colonel P.H. Anderson, Big Spring, Tennessee Sir: I got your letter, and was glad to find that you had not forgotten Jourdon, and that you wanted me to come back and live with you again, promising to do better for me than anybody else can. I have often felt uneasy about you. I thought the Yankees would have hung you long before this, for harboring Rebs they found at your house. I suppose they never heard about your going to Colonel Martin's to kill the Union soldier that was left by his company in their stable. Although you shot at me twice before I left you, I did not want to hear of your being hurt, and am glad you are still living. It would do me good to go back to the dear old home again, and see Miss Mary and Miss Martha and Allen, Esther, Green, and Lee. Give my love to them all, and tell them I hope we will meet in the better world, if not in this. I would have gone back to see you all when I was working in the Nashville Hospital, but one of the neighbors told me that Henry intended to shoot me if he ever got a chance. I want to know particularly what the good chance is you propose to give me. I am doing tolerably well here. I get twenty-five dollars a month, with victuals and clothing; have a comfortable home for Mandy,—the folks call her Mrs. Anderson,—and the children—Milly, Jane, and Grundy—go to school and are learning well. The teacher says Grundy has a head for a preacher. They go to Sunday school, and Mandy and me attend church regularly. We are kindly treated. Sometimes we overhear others saying, "Them colored people were slaves" down in Tennessee. The children feel hurt when they hear such remarks; but I tell them it was no disgrace in Tennessee to belong to Colonel Anderson. Many darkeys would have been proud, as I used to be, to call you master. Now if you will write and say what wages you will give me, I will be better able to decide whether it would be to my advantage to move back again. As to my freedom, which you say I can have, there is nothing to be gained on that score, as I got my free papers in 1864 from the Provost-Marshal-General of the Department of Nashville. Mandy says she would be afraid to go back without some proof that you were disposed to treat us justly and kindly; and we have concluded to test your sincerity by asking you to send us our wages for the time we served you. This will make us forget and forgive old scores, and rely on your justice and friendship in the future. I served you faithfully for thirty-two years, and Mandy twenty years. At twenty-five dollars a month for me, and two dollars a week for Mandy, our earnings would amount to eleven thousand six hundred and eighty dollars. Add to this the interest for the time our wages have been kept back, and deduct what you paid for our clothing, and three doctor's visits to me, and pulling a tooth for Mandy, and the balance will show what we are in justice entitled to. Please send the money by Adams's Express, in care of V. Winters, Esq., Dayton, Ohio. If you fail to pay us for faithful labors in the past, we can have little faith in your promises in the future. We trust the good Maker has opened your eyes to the wrongs which you and your fathers have done to me and my fathers, in making us toil for you for generations without recompense. Here I draw my wages every Saturday night; but in Tennessee there was never any pay-day for the negroes any more than for the horses and cows. Surely there will be a day of reckoning for those who defraud the laborer of his hire. In answering this letter, please state if there would be any safety for my Milly and Jane, who are now grown up, and both good-looking girls. You know how it was with poor Matilda and Catherine. I would rather stay here and starve—and die, if it come to that—than have my girls brought to shame by the violence and wickedness of their young masters. You will also please state if there has been any schools opened for the colored children in your neighborhood. The great desire of my life now is to give my children an education, and have them form virtuous habits. Say howdy to George Carter, and thank him for taking the pistol from you when you were shooting at me. From your old servant, Jourdon Anderson. _________________________________________________ http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/02/01/in-recently-discovered-le_n_1247288.html?ref=black-history-month&icid=maing-grid7|maing9|dl7|sec1_lnk3%26pLid%3D131784 This is absolutely awesome to hear it straight from the "horses" mouth so to speak. Understanding how it had to be is almost impossible but this sheds a bit of light. ![]() |
President Frauds court case
> TODAY > <http://www.thenationalpatriot.com/auth/ca/obama-eligibility-court-case-blow > -by-blow/> 'S OBAMA ELIGIBILITY COURT CASE.BLOW BY BLOW > > > By Craig Andresen on January 26, 2012 at 9:25 am > > Given the testimony from today's court case in Georgia, Obama has a lot of > explaining to do. His attorney, Jablonski, was a NO SHOW as of course, was > Obama. > > The following is a nutshell account of the proceedings. > > Promptly at 9am EST, all attorneys involved in the Obama Georgia eligibility > case were called to the Judge's chambers. This was indeed a very interesting > beginning to this long awaited and important case. > > The case revolved around the Natural Born clause of the Constitution and > whether or not Obama qualifies under it to serve. More to the point, if > found ineligible, Obama's name would not appear on the 2012 ballot in > Georgia. > > With the small courtroom crowded, several in attendance could be seen > fanning themselves with pamphlets as they waited for the return of the > attorneys and the appearance of the judge. > > Obama himself, who had been subpoenaed to appear, of course was nowhere near > Georgia. Instead, Obama was on a campaign swing appearing in Las Vegas and > in Colorado ignoring the court in Georgia. > > Over the last several weeks, Obama's attorney, Michael Jablonski, had > attempted several tactics to keep this case from moving forward. He first > tried to have it dismissed, then argued that it was irrelevant to Obama. > After that, Jablonski argued that a state could not, under the law, > determine who would or would not be on a ballot and later, that Obama was > simply too busy with the duties of office to appear. > > After all these arguments were dispatched by the Georgia Court, Jablonski, > in desperation, wrote to the Georgia Secretary of State attempting to place > Obama above the law and declared that the case was not to he heard and > neither he nor his client would participate. > > Secretary of State, Brian Kemp, fired back a letter hours later telling > Jablonski he was free to abandon the case and not participate but that he > would do so at his and his clients peril. > > Game on. 5 minutes. 10 minutes. 15 minutes with the attorneys in the > judge's chambers. > > <http://www.thenationalpatriot.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/in-2.jpg> > Error! Filename not specified. > > 20 minutes > > It appears Jablonski is not in attendance as the attorneys return, all go to > the plaintiff table 24 minutes after meeting in the judge's chambers. > > Has Obama's attorney made good on his stated threat not to participate? Is > he directly ignoring the court's subpoena? Is he placing Obama above the > law? It seems so. Were you or I subpoenaed to appear in court, would we or > our attorney be allowed such action or, non action? > > Certainly not. > > Court is called to order. Obama's birth certificate is entered into > evidence. > > Obama's father's place of birth, Kenya East Africa is entered into evidence. > > Pages 214 and 215 from Obama's book, "Dreams from My Father" entered into > evidence. Highlighted. This is where Obama indicates that, in 1966 or 1967 > that his father's history is mentioned. It states that his father's passport > had been revoked and he was unable to leave Kenya. > > Immigration Services documents entered into evidence regarding Obama Sr. > > June 27th, 1962, is the date on those documents. Obama's father's status > shown as a non citizen of the United States. Documents were gotten through > the Freedom of Information Act. > > Testimony regarding the definition of Natural Born Citizen is given citing > Minor vs Happersett opinion from a Supreme Court written opinion from 1875. > The attorney points out the difference between "citizen" and "Natural Born > Citizen" using charts and copies of the Minor vs Happersett opinion. > > It is also pointed out that the 14th Amendment does not alter the definition > or supersede the meaning of Natural Born. It is pointed out that lower court > rulings do not conflict with the Supreme Court opinion nor do they over rule > the Supreme Court Minor vs Happersett opinion. > > The point is, to be a natural born citizen, one must have 2 parents who, at > the time of the birth in question, be citizens of the United States. As > Obama's father was not a citizen, the argument is that Obama, > constitutionally, is ineligible to serve as President. > > Judge notes that as Obama nor his attorney is present, action will be taken > accordingly. > > Carl Swinson takes the stand. Testimony is presented that the SOS has > agreed to hear this case, laws applicable, and that the DNC of Georgia will > be on the ballot and the challenge to it by Swinson. > > 2nd witness, a Mr. Powell, takes the stand and presents testimony regarding > documents of challenge to Obama's appearance on the Georgia ballot and his > candidacy. > > Court records of Obama's mother and father entered into evidence. Official > certificate of nomination of Obama entered into evidence. > > RNC certificate of nomination entered into evidence. DNC language does NOT > include language stating Obama is Qualified while the RNC document DOES. > This shows a direct difference trying to establish that the DNC MAY possibly > have known that Obama was not qualified. > > Jablonski letter to Kemp yesterday entered into evidence showing their > desire that these proceedings not take place and that they would not > participate. > > Dreams From My Father entered. > > Mr. Allen from Tuscon AZ sworn in. > > Disc received from Immigration and Naturalization Service entered into > evidence. This disc contains information regarding the status of Obama's > father received through the Freedom of Information Act. > > This information states clearly that Obama's father was NEVER a U.S. > Citizen. > > At this point, the judge takes a recess. > > The judge returns. David Farrar takes the stand. Evidence showing > Obama's book of records listing his nationality as Indoneasan. Deemed not > relevant by the judge. > > Orly Taitz calls 2nd witness. Mr. Strump. Enters into evidence a portion > of letter received from attorney showing a renewal form from Obama's mother > for her passport listing Obama's last name something other than Obama. > > State Licensed PI takes the stand. She was hired to look into Obama's > background and found a Social Security number for him from 1977. > Professional opinion given that this number was fraudulent. The number used > or attached to Obama in 1977, shows that Obama was born in the 1890. This > shows that the number was originally assigned to someone else who was indeed > born in 1890 and should never have been used by Obama. Same SS number > came up with addresses in IL, D.C. and MA. > > <http://www.thenationalpatriot.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/court-7.jpg> > Error! Filename not specified. > > Next witness takes the stand. This witness is an expert in information > technology and photo shop. He testifies that the birth certificate Obama > provided to the public is layered, multiple layered. This, he testifies, > indicates that different parts of the certificate have been lifted from more > than one original document. > > Linda Jordan takes the stand. Document entered regarding SS number assigned > to Obama. SS number is not verified under E Verify. It comes back as > suspected fraudulent. This is the system by which the Government verifies > ones citizenship. > > Next witness. Mr. Gogt. Expert in document imaging and scanners for 18 > years. > > Mr. Gogt testifies that the birth certificate, posted online by Obama, is > suspicious. States white lines around all the type face is caused by > "unsharp mask" in Photoshop. Testifies that any document showing this, is > considered to be a fraud. States this is a product of "layering". Mr. > Gogt testifies that a straight scan of an original document would not show > such layering. Also testifies that the date stamps shown on Obama > documents should not be in exact same place on various documents as they are > hand stamped. Obama's documents are all even, straight and exactly the same > indicating they were NOT hand stamped by layered into the document by > computer. > > Next witness, Mr. Sampson a former police officer and former immigration > officer specializing in immigration fraud. Ran Obama's SS number through > database and found that the number was issued to Obama in 1977 in the state > of Connecticut. Obama never resided in that state. At the time of issue, > Obama was living in Hawaii. > > Serial number on birth certificate is out of sequence with others issued at > that hospital. Also certification is different than others and different > than twins born 24 hours ahead of Obama. > > Mr. Sampson also states that portion of documents regarding Mr. Sotoroe, who > adopted Obama have been redacted which is highly unusual with regards to > immigration records. Suggests all records from Social Security, > Immigration, Hawaii birth records be made available to see if there are > criminal charges to be filed or not. Without them, nothing can be ruled out. > > Mr. Sampson indicates if Obama is shown not to be a citizen, he should be > arrested and deported and until all records are released nobody can know for > sure if he is or is not a U.S. Citizen. > > Taitz shows records for Barry Sotoro aka Barack Obama, showing he resides in > Hawaii and in Indonesia at the same time. > > Taitz takes the stand herself. Testifies that records indicate Obama > records have been altered and he is hiding his identity and citizenship. > > Taitz leave the stand to make her closing arguments. Taitz states that > Obama should be found, because of the evidence presented, ineligible to > serve as President. > > And with that, the judge closes the hearing. > > What can we take away from this? It's interesting. Now, all of this has > finally been entered OFFICIALLY into court records. > > One huge question is now more than ever before, unanswered. WHO THE HELL > IS THIS GUY? > > Without his attorney present, Obama's identity, his Social Security number, > his citizenship status, and his past are all OFFICIALLY in question. > > One thing to which there seems no doubt. He does NOT qualify, under the > definition of Natural Born Citizen" provided by SCOTUS opinions, to be > eligible to serve as President. > > What will the judge decide? That is yet to be known, but it seems nearly > impossible to believe, without counter testimony or evidence, because Obama > and his attorney chose not to participate, that Obama will be allowed on the > Georgia ballot. It also opens the door for such cases pending or to be > brought in other states as well. > > Obama is in it deep and the DNC has a lot of explaining to do unless > they start looking for a new candidate for 2012. LOL garbage, That is why the pres didn't attend and can't be made to. I sure hope they make them pay back the tax payer dollars they wasted on all this crap. They got 20,000 dollars out of taitz already and they need to get more. |
Social Justice Quiz 2012:
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Tue 01/31/12 07:15 PM
And Japan does "hand outs"
![]() ![]() So we have social ills here that are related to Christianity which causes division with many different social groups, White discrimination which causes division for all non whites, Ignorants that believe guns/violence is a a solve all, etc... It has absolutely nothing do with the false premise of entitlement created by the right wing garbage slingers. |
Social Justice Quiz 2012:
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Tue 01/31/12 06:33 PM
On the Op, sad statistics considering we are the greatest nation in the world. Need to step it up in this country big time.
Now take the following into consideration: Scientists baffled: What was missing in Japan? There was an article in the US World Report regarding the orderly behavior of the Japanese citizens and the absence of looting after the earthquake, tsunami and nuclear nightmare. Social scientists were baffled by the total non-existence of looting and savage behavior in Japan considering the magnitude of this catastrophe. They conferred with human study organizations as well as sociology experts throughout the United States . Finally, after days and days of studies and meetings, they came to a conclusion. Guess what was missing inJapan?? The entitlement crowd! ![]() I see you bought into the right wing garbage machine. Entitlement is a criminal psychological terminology that the right wing tried to take and make into a social ill. Sadly they are wrong. Here is one reason why Japan did not have the problems we have. The first of course being that we raise a bunch of religious socially ignorant crazies and hand em guns at a young age but besides that: HEALTH CARE AND SOCIAL WELFARE Japan Table of Contents While most postwar Japanese relied on personal savings and the support of family, both the government and private companies have long provided assistance for the ill or otherwise disabled and for the old. Beginning in the 1920s, the government enacted a series of welfare programs, based mainly on European models, to provide medical care and financial support. Government expenditures for all forms of social welfare increased from 6 percent of national income in the early 1970s to 18 percent in 1989. The mixtures of public and private funding have created complex pension and insurance systems. Health Care A person who becomes ill in Japan has a number of options. One may visit a Buddhist temple or Shinto shrine, or send a family member in his or her place. There are numerous folk remedies, including hot springs baths and chemical and herbal over-the- counter medications. A person may seek the assistance of traditional healers, such as herbalists, masseurs, and acupuncturists. However, Western biomedicine dominated Japanese medical care in the postwar period. Public health services, including free screening examinations for particular diseases, prenatal care, and infectious disease control, are provided by national and local governments. Payment for personal medical services is offered through a universal medical insurance system that provides relative equality of access, with fees set by a government committee. People without insurance through employers can participate in a national health insurance program administered by local governments. Since 1973, all elderly persons have been covered by government-sponsored insurance. Patients are free to select physicians or facilities of their choice. In the early 1990s, there were more than 1,000 mental hospitals, 8,700 general hospitals, and 1,000 comprehensive hospitals with a total capacity of 1.5 million beds. Hospitals provided both out-patient and in-patient care. In addition, 79,000 clinics offered primarily out-patient services, and there were 48,000 dental clinics. Most physicians and hospitals sold medicine directly to patients, but there were 36,000 pharmacies where patients could purchase synthetic or herbal medication. National health expenditures rose from about ¥1 trillion in 1965 to nearly ¥20 trillion in 1989, or from slightly more than 5 percent to more than 6 percent of Japan's national income. In addition to cost-control problems, the system was troubled with excessive paperwork, long waits to see physicians, assembly-line care for out-patients (because few facilities made appointments), overmedication, and abuse of the system because of low out-of-pocket costs to patients. Another problem is an uneven distribution of health personnel, with cities favored over rural areas. In the late 1980s, government and professional circles were considering changing the system so that primary, secondary, and tertiary levels of care would be clearly distinguished within each geographical region. Further, facilities would be designated by level of care and referrals would be required to obtain more complex care. Policy makers and administrators also recognized the need to unify the various insurance systems and to control costs. In the early 1990s, there were nearly 191,400 physicians, 66,800 dentists, and 333,000 nurses, plus more than 200,000 people licensed to practiced massage, acupuncture, moxibustion, and other East Asian therapeutic methods. Since around 1900, Chinese-style herbalists have been required to be licensed medical doctors. Training was professionalized and, except for East Asian healers, was based on a biomedical model of disease. However, the practice of biomedicine was influenced as well by Japanese social organization and cultural expectations concerning education, the organization of the workplace, and social relations of status and dependency, decision-making styles, and ideas about the human body, causes of illness, gender, individualism, and privacy. Anthropologist Emiko Ohnuki-Tierney notes that "daily hygienic behavior and its underlying concepts, which are perceived and expressed in terms of biomedical germ theory, in fact are directly tied to the basic Japanese symbolic structure." Although the number of cases remained small by international standards, public health officials were concerned in the late 1980s about the worldwide epidemic of acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS). The first confirmed case of AIDS in Japan was reported in 1985. By 1991 there were 553 reported cases, and by April 1992 the number had risen to 2,077. While frightened by the deadliness of the disease yet sympathetic to the plight of hemophiliac AIDS patients, most Japanese are unconcerned with contracting AIDS themselves. Various levels of government responded to the introduction of AIDS into the heterosexual population by establishing government committees, mandating AIDS education, and advising testing for the general public without targeting special groups. A fund, underwritten by pharmaceutical companies that distributed imported blood products, was established in 1988 to provide financial compensation for AIDS patients. Social Welfare The futures of Japan's health and welfare systems are being shaped by the rapid aging of the population. Medical insurance, health care for the elderly, and public health expenses constituted about 60 percent of social welfare and social security costs in 1975, while government pensions accounted for 20 percent. By the early 1980s, pensions accounted for nearly 50 percent of social welfare and social security expenditures because people were living longer after retirement. A fourfold increase in workers' individual contributions was projected by the twenty-first century. A major revision in the public pension system in 1986 unified several former plans into the single Employee Pension Insurance Plan. In addition to merging the former plans, the 1986 reform attempted to reduce benefits to hold down increases in worker contribution rates. It also established the right of women who did not work outside the home to pension benefits of their own, not only as a dependent of a worker. Everyone aged between twenty and sixty was a compulsory member of this Employee Pension Insurance Plan. Despite complaints that these pensions amounted to little more than "spending money," an increasing number of people planning for their retirement counted on them as an important source of income. Benefits increased so that the basic monthly pension was about US$420 in 1987, with future payments adjusted to the consumer price index. Forty percent of elderly households in 1985 depended on various types of annuities and pensions as their only sources of income. Some people are also eligible for corporate retirement allowances. About 90 percent of firms with thirty or more employees gave retirement allowances in the late 1980s, frequently as lump sum payments but increasingly in the form of annuities. Japan also has public assistance programs benefiting about 1 percent of the population. About 33 percent of recipients are elderly people, 45 percent were households with sick or disabled members, and 14 percent are fatherless families, and 8 percent are in other categories. Japanese often claim to outsiders that their society is homogeneous. By world standards, the Japanese enjoy a high standard of living, and nearly 90 percent of the population consider themselves part of the middle class. Most people express satisfaction with their lives and take great pride in being Japanese and in their country's status as an economic power on a par with the United States and Western Europe. In folk crafts and in right-wing politics, in the new religions and in international management, the Japanese have turned to their past to interpret the present. In doing so, however, they may be reconstructing history as a common set of beliefs and practices that make the country look more homogeneous than it really is. In a society that values outward conformity, individuals may appear to take a back seat to the needs of the group. Yet it is individuals who create for themselves a variety of life-styles. They are constrained in their choices by age, gender, life experiences, and other factors, but they draw from a rich cultural repertoire of past and present through which the wider social world of families, neighborhoods, and institutions gives meaning to their lives. As Japan set out to internationalize itself in the 1990s, the identification of inherent Japanese qualities took on new significance, and the ideology of homogeneity sometimes masked individual decisions and life-styles of postindustrial Japan. |
Both books are equally violent in rhetoric.
Also both books are equally discriminatory towards heathens, women, other "beliefs" and gays. They are both so similar that for one to judge the other as wrong is ludicrous |
what made you smile today?
Outside of the fact I woke up, was walking, seeing, hearing and the sun came up, I had food in the fridge and cupboards, the heat was working, all of my gadgets were working to use today, family is good and seeing my youngest daughter show a bit more maturity today as she has had problems with that. Those are just a fraction of what made me smile today.
Obama Blunders Again!
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Tue 01/31/12 05:56 PM
![]() excellent example of all the lies told about Obama, Thanks. They did forget some though, I am sure they will be posted here later. |
Obama Blunders Again!
LOL, that might be the only legitimate one from his whole presidency...lol
Of course I haven't verified it, it probably came from Faux News Channel which makes the chances of it being true at least 50% less than from a regular news channel. But if legit, we are still doing good even with all the lies told daily about him. |
The Problem With Evolution?
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Obama Blunders Again!
Wow, if that is all we got to hold against the man, he is doing pretty damn good then.
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Can we say hypocrisy...
This country doesn't need mandated insurance. Yea it does and it already has it in lots of areas. Car insurance Home insurance Renters insurance is even becoming mandatory at apartments, they put it in the lease now. Business insurances--all of them It makes it cheaper for the whole country for everyone to have insurance. |
Abrahamic religious people got it made they can trace theirs back to Adam and Eve. ![]() ![]() |
how far back can you trace your ancestral roots? On my fathers side we went back to my dad's dad being born in Russia but being of German descent so they were migrants from the bad Germany. But his birth records were burned in a church fire so that is where they stopped. My dad's mom was of German descent also her family came over here from Germany around the same time that his fathers family crossed over. They were both beet farmers in Kansas They were not "legal" immigrants. They came and worked and became Americans. On my mothers side we can't track her dad without paying some money out but her mothers family was Irish and came over from Ireland the generation before her mother was born. Her mom was born in Kansas also if my memory serves me correctly. They were also farmers. We thought there was American Indian in the mix but recently found out that was misinformation passed down from my mom's dad. So just German/Irish American here. |
On this day in 2008 the national debt was 9.3 trillion and the total U.S. debt was 49.9 trillion. Today 3 year after Obummer the national debt is 15.2 trillion and the total U.S. debt is 56.5 trillion. Source: http://www.usdebtclock.org/index.html Considering the wars and the economic stimulus that isn't too bad really. I expected worse from all the stuff they had to do to keep us out of a depression. |
Can we say hypocrisy...
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Mon 01/30/12 06:52 PM
You can have mandated insurance and still refuse services whenever you want.
Actually some of the right wingers would prefer you die from refusing services, it is cheaper for us. But unlike them I want the services you do want to be covered by a plan before you need them because that is cheaper for all of us. |
does marriage makes a man responsible and matured? Only if he is already a responsible mature man. ![]() ![]() |
Can we say hypocrisy...
Newt Was For Obamacare In 2009 (VIDEO)
January 30, 2012 By Wendy Gittleson By now, it’s old news that Newt Gingrich had been for a healthcare plan similar to the Affordable Health Insurance Plan (aka, Obamacare) for a long time. What hasn’t been widely reported is that Gingrich was literally for Obamacare while it was being debated in 2009. Politico uncovered these quotes: The good thing is that, unlike the Hillarycare process of 1993, we don’t have 500 people in a room hiding in a room trying to write the magic bill that’s gonna go through on an up or down vote. We actually have a process underway where lots and lots of different players have a real opportunity to have input. And I think in that sense this is already a healthier process than we saw in 1993, and a more open process. So much for the Fox talking point that it was all done in hidden back room deals. On the mandate: We believe that there should be must carry – that is, everybody should either have health insurance or if you’re an absolute libertarian, we would allow you to post a bond, but we would not allow people to be free riders failing to insure themselves and then showing up at the emergency room with no means of payment. On the bill itself: This is “the kind of general model we’re going to be advocating.” http://www.addictinginfo.org/2012/01/30/newt-was-for-obamacare-in-2009-video/ ![]() |