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Topic: President Fraud and the natioanl debt
boredinaz06's photo
Mon 01/30/12 11:18 AM

On this day in 2008 the national debt was 9.3 trillion and the total U.S. debt was 49.9 trillion. Today 3 year after Obummer the national debt is 15.2 trillion and the total U.S. debt is 56.5 trillion. Source:

msharmony's photo
Mon 01/30/12 11:28 AM

On this day in 2008 the national debt was 9.3 trillion and the total U.S. debt was 49.9 trillion. Today 3 year after Obummer the national debt is 15.2 trillion and the total U.S. debt is 56.5 trillion. Source:

on the day after BUSHS final budget expired,,, the debt was 11.9 trillion

today, the debt is at 15.2 trillion , an increase of 3.3 trill

to put in perspective, about the same increase as we experienced in Bushs final term,,,,when the debt rose from 7.9 to 11.9 trill

no photo
Mon 01/30/12 11:51 AM

On this day in 2008 the national debt was 9.3 trillion and the total U.S. debt was 49.9 trillion. Today 3 year after Obummer the national debt is 15.2 trillion and the total U.S. debt is 56.5 trillion. Source:

on the day after BUSHS final budget expired,,, the debt was 11.9 trillion

today, the debt is at 15.2 trillion , an increase of 3.3 trill

to put in perspective, about the same increase as we experienced in Bushs final term,,,,when the debt rose from 7.9 to 11.9 trill

about the same increase, wonderful

defending obummer no matter how bad it gets huh. remember, he is the one who promised change (he promised change and according to you the trend continues)

msharmony's photo
Mon 01/30/12 11:53 AM

On this day in 2008 the national debt was 9.3 trillion and the total U.S. debt was 49.9 trillion. Today 3 year after Obummer the national debt is 15.2 trillion and the total U.S. debt is 56.5 trillion. Source:

on the day after BUSHS final budget expired,,, the debt was 11.9 trillion

today, the debt is at 15.2 trillion , an increase of 3.3 trill

to put in perspective, about the same increase as we experienced in Bushs final term,,,,when the debt rose from 7.9 to 11.9 trill

about the same increase, wonderful

defending obummer no matter how bad it gets huh. remember, he is the one who promised change (he promised change and according to you the trend continues)

yes, THIS Trend did continue, without getting better , OR worse

no defense, just facts and perspective,,,

no photo
Mon 01/30/12 12:00 PM
Edited by esebulldog on Mon 01/30/12 12:00 PM

about the same increase, wonderful

defending obummer no matter how bad it gets huh. remember, he is the one who promised change (he promised change and according to you the trend continues)

yes, THIS Trend did continue, without getting better , OR worse

no defense, just facts and perspective,,,

it was bad, and the trend continuing, is making it worse. if the trend breaks, as in stops, that is GOOD. if it reverses, that is BETTER. to continue is WORSE

msharmony's photo
Mon 01/30/12 12:16 PM
Edited by msharmony on Mon 01/30/12 12:17 PM

about the same increase, wonderful

defending obummer no matter how bad it gets huh. remember, he is the one who promised change (he promised change and according to you the trend continues)

yes, THIS Trend did continue, without getting better , OR worse

no defense, just facts and perspective,,,

it was bad, and the trend continuing, is making it worse. if the trend breaks, as in stops, that is GOOD. if it reverses, that is BETTER. to continue is WORSE

not really, if it continues without growing faster, its not getting WORSE,, if it continues without growing slower, its not getting BETTER

as it stands, it is increasing at a slower rate, so the increase trend has continued, but it has slowed, so it is NOT WORSE

case in point,,,fiscal year runs from october of previous year to the end of september

so,,for fiscal year 2006 (from 10/05 thru 09/06)ending at 8.5 tril
and fiscal year 2007( from 10/06 thru 09/07) ending at 9.0 tril
and fiscal year 2008 (From 10/07 thru 09/08) ending at 10.0 tril
and fiscal year 2009 (from 10/08 thru 09/09) ending at 11.9 tril

we see the increase happened, correspondingly, at the following rate
.5 trill
1.0 tril (UP, almost double, FROM .5 trill)
1.9 tril (UP, almost double, FROM 1.0 tril)

compared to the rate of increase SINCE fiscal year 2009
fiscal year 2010 (from 10/09 thru 09/10) ending at 13.5 tril
and fiscal year 2011 (from 10/10 thru 09/11) ending at 14.7 tril

we see the increase happened, correspondingly, at the following rate

1.6 tril (DOWN FROM , as opposed to doubling, 1.9 trill)
1.2 tril (DOWN FROM, as opposed to doubling, 1.6 tril)

so, it cant be said to be gettin WORSE by any logic, however it can be said to not be getting BETTER in a general sense that it is still going UPWARDS ,,,

no photo
Mon 01/30/12 12:23 PM
lend me fifty dollars. then keep lending me fifty dollars every week, (without me paying you back). after three months, lend me fifty dollars every two weeks

now tell me if the slowing rate makes your situation better, worse, or stays the same


msharmony's photo
Mon 01/30/12 12:29 PM

lend me fifty dollars. then keep lending me fifty dollars every week, (without me paying you back). after three months, lend me fifty dollars every two weeks

now tell me if the slowing rate makes your situation better, worse, or stays the same


actually, using logic, I would say it was not getting worse, and I may on an optimistic day conclude that it was on its way to getting better because it could keep trending downward to where you borrowede nothing anymore

boredinaz06's photo
Mon 01/30/12 12:33 PM

On this day in 2008 the national debt was 9.3 trillion and the total U.S. debt was 49.9 trillion. Today 3 year after Obummer the national debt is 15.2 trillion and the total U.S. debt is 56.5 trillion. Source:

on the day after BUSHS final budget expired,,, the debt was 11.9 trillion

today, the debt is at 15.2 trillion , an increase of 3.3 trill

to put in perspective, about the same increase as we experienced in Bushs final term,,,,when the debt rose from 7.9 to 11.9 trill

Where are you getting your info from?

no photo
Mon 01/30/12 12:38 PM
i guess the part about me not paying you back doesn't matter

msharmony, i really thought you could problem solve rationally, but now i'm beginning to think you may have a problem with reading comprehension. it's clear to me where you stand on certain issues, and now it's clear to me as to why

boredinaz06's photo
Mon 01/30/12 12:38 PM

On this day in 2008 the national debt was 9.3 trillion and the total U.S. debt was 49.9 trillion. Today 3 year after Obummer the national debt is 15.2 trillion and the total U.S. debt is 56.5 trillion. Source:

on the day after BUSHS final budget expired,,, the debt was 11.9 trillion

today, the debt is at 15.2 trillion , an increase of 3.3 trill

to put in perspective, about the same increase as we experienced in Bushs final term,,,,when the debt rose from 7.9 to 11.9 trill

In 2000 the debt was 5.7, Bush first took office in Jan of 2000. Jan 2008 of Bushs last term it was at 9.2 trillion, it didn't go up by 3 trillion in 11 months. Obama is printing money as fast as he can spend it.

smart2009's photo
Mon 01/30/12 12:48 PM
Thursday's 52-44 vote inthe Democrat-controlledchamber cleared the way for the$1.2 trillion increase in the federal government's borrowing limit, frustrating the Republican attempt to prevent the president's request from taking effect.
The Republican-led House voted last week along party lines and objected the debt limit hike sought by Obama. But the vote is considered as symbolic because the winning tally fell far short of the two-thirds majority needed to override a presidential vote.
As part of the bipartisandeal inked last summer, the president is given the power to veto the Congress objections to guarantee the increase of debt ceiling as long ashis petition is not blocked by a two-third majority in both chambers.
Obama on Jan 12 requested Congress to raise the federal government's borrowing limit by $1.2 trillion, as the federal government was facing mounting budgetary pressure. It was the third and final request he could make under thebipartisan deal reached last August to prevent the country from a default.

msharmony's photo
Mon 01/30/12 01:00 PM

On this day in 2008 the national debt was 9.3 trillion and the total U.S. debt was 49.9 trillion. Today 3 year after Obummer the national debt is 15.2 trillion and the total U.S. debt is 56.5 trillion. Source:

on the day after BUSHS final budget expired,,, the debt was 11.9 trillion

today, the debt is at 15.2 trillion , an increase of 3.3 trill

to put in perspective, about the same increase as we experienced in Bushs final term,,,,when the debt rose from 7.9 to 11.9 trill

In 2000 the debt was 5.7, Bush first took office in Jan of 2000. Jan 2008 of Bushs last term it was at 9.2 trillion, it didn't go up by 3 trillion in 11 months. Obama is printing money as fast as he can spend it.

George W. Bush is sworn in on January 20th, but his first budget does not take effect until October 1, 2001:

10/1/2001: Bush starting deficit – $5.8 trillion

9/30/2009: Bush ending deficit – $11.9 trillion

Bush debt contribution: $6.1 trillion

Barack H. Obama is sworn in on January 20th, but his first budget does not take effect until October 1, 2009:

10/1/2009: Obama starting deficit – $11.9 trillion

9/30/2011: Obama ending deficit – $14.8 trillion

Obama debt contribution: $2.9 trillion

in the years between 2007-2009, BUsh budget added THREE Trillion to the debt

as I said, no better, but no worse,,,

msharmony's photo
Mon 01/30/12 01:02 PM

i guess the part about me not paying you back doesn't matter

msharmony, i really thought you could problem solve rationally, but now i'm beginning to think you may have a problem with reading comprehension. it's clear to me where you stand on certain issues, and now it's clear to me as to why

odd, since I have always tested pretty high on reading comprehension

seems more an issue of perceptions of 'better' and 'worse, than it does reading comprehension

Im glad you see things clearly, I can tell you from experience that its a good feeling,,,flowerforyou

msharmony's photo
Mon 01/30/12 01:05 PM

On this day in 2008 the national debt was 9.3 trillion and the total U.S. debt was 49.9 trillion. Today 3 year after Obummer the national debt is 15.2 trillion and the total U.S. debt is 56.5 trillion. Source:

on the day after BUSHS final budget expired,,, the debt was 11.9 trillion

today, the debt is at 15.2 trillion , an increase of 3.3 trill

to put in perspective, about the same increase as we experienced in Bushs final term,,,,when the debt rose from 7.9 to 11.9 trill

Where are you getting your info from?

actionlynx's photo
Mon 01/30/12 01:36 PM
Edited by actionlynx on Mon 01/30/12 01:37 PM
This only goes up to 2007, but it spans about 40 years, providing a bunch of data about the federal budget during that time span.

During the '70s, federal spending increased 275%.

During the '80s....227%.

During the '90s....149%.

2000 - 2007....160%.

2000 - 2011....197% (enacted expenditures in 2011 = $3.36 trillion)

So spending has gone up under both G.W. Bush and Obama.

By comparison, G.H.W. Bush and Clinton combined for the lowest percentage increase of expenditure in the past 44 years. Going by the numbers, both administrations were responsible for keeping the increases lower.

The greatest increases came during the '70s and '80s. Ford, Carter, and Reagan were the biggest contributors to a rise in federal spending by percentage. (Nixon actually kept increases low while in office.) So far, neither G.W. Bush nor Obama have rivaled them, but both could have used a few pointers from Clinton and Bush Sr.

boredinaz06's photo
Mon 01/30/12 06:01 PM
Edited by boredinaz06 on Mon 01/30/12 06:01 PM
This is from the link you provided

09/30/2010 13,561,623,030,891.79
09/30/2009 11,909,829,003,511.75
09/30/2008 10,024,724,896,912.49
09/30/2007 9,007,653,372,262.48
09/30/2006 8,506,973,899,215.23
09/30/2005 7,932,709,661,723.50
09/30/2004 7,379,052,696,330.32
09/30/2003 6,783,231,062,743.62
09/30/2002 6,228,235,965,597.16
09/30/2001 5,807,463,412,200.06
09/30/2000 5,674,178,209,886.86

The debt was 11.9 trillion 9 months after Obummer took office! Bush's ending deficit would 10. some odd trillion! Bush most likely added 5.5 trillion in 8 years whereas Barry is on par to more than double it.

msharmony's photo
Mon 01/30/12 06:07 PM

This is from the link you provided

09/30/2010 13,561,623,030,891.79
09/30/2009 11,909,829,003,511.75
09/30/2008 10,024,724,896,912.49
09/30/2007 9,007,653,372,262.48
09/30/2006 8,506,973,899,215.23
09/30/2005 7,932,709,661,723.50
09/30/2004 7,379,052,696,330.32
09/30/2003 6,783,231,062,743.62
09/30/2002 6,228,235,965,597.16
09/30/2001 5,807,463,412,200.06
09/30/2000 5,674,178,209,886.86

The debt was 11.9 trillion 9 months after Obummer took office! Bush's ending deficit would 10. some odd trillion! Bush most likely added 5.5 trillion in 8 years whereas Barry is on par to more than double it.

the presidents budget runs from october of the previous year to september

BUSHS last budget ran from october of 2008 to september of 2009

when the debt rose from 10 trill to 11.9 trilion,,,

boredinaz06's photo
Mon 01/30/12 06:45 PM

This is from the link you provided

09/30/2010 13,561,623,030,891.79
09/30/2009 11,909,829,003,511.75
09/30/2008 10,024,724,896,912.49
09/30/2007 9,007,653,372,262.48
09/30/2006 8,506,973,899,215.23
09/30/2005 7,932,709,661,723.50
09/30/2004 7,379,052,696,330.32
09/30/2003 6,783,231,062,743.62
09/30/2002 6,228,235,965,597.16
09/30/2001 5,807,463,412,200.06
09/30/2000 5,674,178,209,886.86

The debt was 11.9 trillion 9 months after Obummer took office! Bush's ending deficit would 10. some odd trillion! Bush most likely added 5.5 trillion in 8 years whereas Barry is on par to more than double it.

the presidents budget runs from october of the previous year to september

BUSHS last budget ran from october of 2008 to september of 2009

when the debt rose from 10 trill to 11.9 trilion,,,

I think your right on that, but Barry is still spending money he shouldn't be. Just because Bush did doesn't mean he should.

Dragoness's photo
Mon 01/30/12 06:55 PM

On this day in 2008 the national debt was 9.3 trillion and the total U.S. debt was 49.9 trillion. Today 3 year after Obummer the national debt is 15.2 trillion and the total U.S. debt is 56.5 trillion. Source:

Considering the wars and the economic stimulus that isn't too bad really.

I expected worse from all the stuff they had to do to keep us out of a depression.

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