Rafeal Madcow is getting some up-and-commings....
Couldn't happen to a nicer Liberal. Funny how the left loves the LGBT crowd and can't wait to defined the Muslim Fascism that Islam is... Not familiar with a rafeal Madcow. Rachel is gay, so it shouldn't be surprising to you that she would be nice to LGBTs. She doesn't typically defend radical Muslims (any more than she defends goofball white people.) |
Too bad I missed it..
Why does that not surprise me? |
look at the recent football lockout... the millions of dollars the players are making in not enough? workers in the auto unions make 45 dollars an hour to turn a screwdriver? the public is the one paying their wage, because the companies have to raise their prices to compensate.[.quote] Football. That's the one that's shaped sort of like and egg with pointy ends, right?
No. the public is not paying for it. Football fans are paying for it. That's how ""choice" is supposed to work. I understand that tickets to a women's soccer match are dirt cheap. Perhaps that would be a better sport for you. |
It surprises me, actually nothing the "Looney Left" does anymore surprises me.
Of course it surprises you. That's because you get all your information from your 33 percenter friends. I 've been trying for weeks to tell you all about the controversies inside the Democratic Party. Anyways, thats why Republican's won the majority in Congress,
No, that's because Democrats stayed hoe. Pure and simple. The 33 percenters stepped into the void. Sure I do......... Hitler, Stalin kim Jong Il.
Hitler was an extreme fascist. Il and Stalin were Totalitarians. A Socialist , by today's standards, would be somebody like dwight David Eisenhower. But Sanders publically admits he is a Socialist and supports communism!
And who told you this? The Nazi Party was even called National Socialist German Workers' Party! C'mon.....
And you believe that an Act that calls itself a Clear Skies Act actually promotes clear skies. Cmon. |
anybody can sue anybody for anything, and often do. I'm not sure why this is news (or even interesting. There are a lot of goofy people in the world).
BALONEY it wasn't! And the black panthers story was not made up. They became violently militant lately. So next?
ACORN was busted in several private investigations and one fed investigation. And that is a lie? Everything is a lie to you. Ain't it??? The acorn story was totally bogus. The New Black Panthers story was totally mischaracterized. two or three self-styled New Black Panthers show up at a polling to prevent black people from being intimidated by ******* Teabaggers. No threats or threatening actions. But, this all misses the point. It's one thing to perpetrating rude and insulting actions at a polling place or a rally, where feelings are running high, but to have to put up with over-the-top behavior when you're trying to have a private picnic. That's beyond the pale. |
We Have Always Known . . .
Edited by
Thu 07/28/11 09:17 AM
OH, and there isn't any dissension among the ranks of the DNC either? Please. Like Wu leaving Oregon's house isn't a sign of the problems within! He was pressured by his party to step down. He WAS a dem. So much for party support.
There is no dissension among the ranks about Wu. There was very little over Wiener after the full story was out. There is full consensus that they cannot serve out their terms with these things hanging over them. I have seen no Democrats defending their indiscretions in public. 33 percenters would have no way to know this, because they listen only to Limbaugh/Hannity/Beck. Contrast that with family values David Witter, who got a standing ovation from Republicans after being outed as a career call girl John. The dissention among among Democrats is over Obama's proclivity for caving into the ********** teabaggers. Again, the 33 percenters would have no way to no that, because they don't go where the information is. They listen only to the people they like to listen to. Oh, BTW, Wu hasn't been serving in the Oregon House. He has been a United States Congressman, and a good one, given the make-up of his district. (edited for typos) |
We Have Always Known . . .
That Rush Limbaugh actually runs the Republican Party.
From an article about the deficit talks.: Obama doesn't like Boehner's plan, but just as big a problem is that House Republicans don't like it either, Politico's Jake Sherman and Marin Cogan report. Although Boehner ran the plan by Rush Limbaugh Monday, The Hill's Alicia M. Cohn reports, before he showed it to fellow Republicans, and the talk radio host didn't attack the proposal, many House Republicans want the "cut, cap, and balance"--which won't pass the Senate--plan or nothing
http://www.theatlanticwire.com/politics/2011/07/obama-and-boehners-baffling-debt-limit-duel/40403/ |
. . . . . . . . . . THE TEA PARTIERS
Here;'s the story: A small political gathering of about 18 liberal thinkers at River Forks Park Sunday afternoon erupted in conflict when about 35 members of the conservative tea party intruded upon the meeting, waving flags and holding signs accusing the rival group of being communists, Marxists and socialists.
The liberal group — organized by MoveOn.org — decided to leave the park and move its potluck to a nearby home. Members of the conservative group followed, parking at the entrance of a private lane leading to the home to continue their protest. Roseburg Democrats Dean and Sara Byers said Monday they told tea party members who followed that they were not welcome to drive down the lane to their home. The Byerses said they got out of their car to stop vehicles from entering the driveway and one tea party member almost ran them over. Sara Byers said she was so shaken she called 911. She said a Douglas County deputy called about an hour and a half later and said he had been unable to respond because of other incidents. Byers said she was still considering filing a criminal complaint against members of the tea party for harassment. A leader of the tea party group, Rich Raynor of Roseburg, disputed the liberal group's version of events. “They are liars,” said Raynor, director of Douglas County Americans for Prosperity. “That is what communists do.” Members of the smaller group said Monday they were intimidated by the tea partiers, whom they accused of violating their constitutional right to peacefully assembly. Roseburg resident Lillen Fifield, 70, called the group's actions an “act of domestic terrorism” and said she was appalled that a peaceful gathering — mostly of women older than 65 — was interrupted. “It is not OK to go around and intimidate and threaten people. That is not acceptable in a polite society,” Fifield said. Conservative organizers defended their actions and said they will continue to protest similar gatherings. “We were there to find out what they had to say and to bring a notice to the public that this kind of thing was going on. Quite honestly, if they have it again, then we are really going to make it well known,” Raynor said. Raynor said the group believes MoveOn.org is a communist front and said he would not stand for America becoming a fascist nation. Sara Byers said she could not believe the meeting was targeted for protest. She said the group supports the middle class and wants to take back the government from the stranglehold of corporations. She laughed at the accusations of communism and said the two groups actually have more in common than people think. “I just said, ‘Are you kidding me?' ” Byers said. Tea party members posted a 2:46-minute video of the confrontation in the park and added captions. On the video, heckling members of the larger group celebrate breaking up the meeting. “That sure did it in a hurry, huh?” a man says. A woman references next year's election year and shouts, “Sure shows who is going to win! We are!” As one woman packs up to leave, a man in a leather jacket tauntingly offers to carry her things. “Do you want me to help? I mean if you are leaving, I'll help,” the man says in the video. A caption added to the video reads, “I'll help, just leave! And take your Marxist agenda with you.” Raynor maintained the tea party's goal was to attend the meeting and hear what the rival group had to say. He said the fact that they stopped the meeting and left proves they have something to hide. Sutherlin conservative Karen Meier said she posed as a MoveOn.org member and infiltrated the group's meeting prior to the confrontation. She said she found many of the liberals to be pleasant. “Obviously, they don't really know what MoveOn is and who it entails,” Meier said. A MoveOn.org meeting attendee Lorna Hayden of Roseburg said the tea party mischaracterized the nature of the meeting. Still, any group, no matter what its agenda, has a right to be in the park Sunday without being harassed, she said. Raynor said the tea party never threatened anyone with violence and said no one brought guns to the confrontation. He said he urged his group to be civil but also to stand up against a group they believe is harming America. “It is not our fault that we outnumber them,” Raynor said. “The philosophy they espouse is not a live-and-let-live philosophy. ... I am fearful for my children and my grandchildren.” • You can reach reporter Heather Morse at 541-957-4208 or by email at hmorse@nrtoday.com. There's a video you can click on. Now you tell me. Who are the Brownshirts, here? |
I prefer flushable wipes to toilet paper so even that has improved from before.
Bidets are definitely the way to go. |
Great Pyranees!!! We raised Pyr-Maremma mixes as livestock guardian dogs. Awesome dogs! I could talk about them all day long. Kissablekiss: It is so great to see you again. I enjoyed your post. |
Edited by
Mon 07/25/11 11:16 AM
This is just the musings of an old fart. I don’t expect much interest, but maybe it will strike a chord with one or two people.
About 15 years ago, I read the biography of Tom Horn. He was a Pinkerton man around 1900 who was hired by a Wyoming Cattleman’s Association to suppress cattle rustling by, basically, just going out and killing the rustlers. Eventually, as the world began to change, the cattlemen came to recognize that Horn was a dangerous man and he scared them. They framed him for the murder of a young boy and Horn was hanged along around 1903. This is a wild west story. I realized that, from the time that this all took place to the time I was born was less time than I had been alive. Imagine the things my dad got to see between his birth in 1911 till I was born in 1945. Airplanes were invented and in almost no time they became hi-tech bombers and passenger vehicles. A system of barely paved and dirt roads became a network of pretty adequate paved highways. The telegraph gave way to nationwide radio networks. Eventually TV. (Can anyone deny that TV is an absolute “necessity” in our lives)? I remember the city as being a pretty modern place when I was a kid. Lots of traffic, Plenty of modern skyscrapers, A well-developed mass-transit system. All that happened in a such a short time. Did the world just stop changing since then? Only old farts tend to think about this kind of thing. Of course not. The changes have accelerated at a parabolic rate, but they happen in ways that most people don’t really notice . In my opinion, the two greatest inventions of the 20th century are microwave ovens and velcro. But, the really important changes have taken place in medical science, technological industrial innovations, world climatology understanding and, of course, space technology and associated military applications. I don’t know what any of this means. It’s just something that has stuck in my mind. Perhaps, it says that people should be mindful that the world is likely to be dramatically different today than it was when they went to sleep last night. Old attitudes and opinions may not apply anymore. |
Amid all the wierdnessnes embraced by many Mormons, polygamy is probably the least interesting to me. I don't give a rat's azz how many spouses a person wants to have. I just don't care.
Pointless to discuss
ndeed, certainly am not getting your position. so the supreme court has no authority to rule anything unconstitutional? and now we have TWO branches legislating? no, i'm not in the least getting that. show me on the Constitution, then. I guess what your are talking about is what they cal "origional jurisdiction".
According to this Wiki article: ]The Constitution specifies that the Supreme Court may exercise original jurisdiction in cases affecting ambassadors and other diplomats, and in cases in which a state is a party. In all other cases, however, the Court has only appellate jurisdiction. It considers cases based on its original jurisdiction very rarely; almost all cases are brought to the Supreme Court on appeal. In practice, the only original jurisdiction cases heard by the Court are disputes between two or more states. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Supreme_Court_of_the_United_States
The Court didn't expand it's powers to where it could consider every issue as a constitutional issue until Marbury v Madison. |
My point about dragoness's chart is that once the deficit started climbing greatly there was only 1 dem president and it climbed with him too.
there is one thing that is bogus about all these charts. (but the fault lies not with the charts.) Imagine what it would have looked like had Bush put the cost of his two wars on-budget. One of the first things Obama did when he became President was to put the cost of Bush's wars on-budget. It seem ridiculous not to expect a spike in the budget deficit when that happened. It would, of course, be more comforting to leave it off budget so that we could continue to pretend that we were getting those wars for free, and the curve would only show a modest blip with the stimulus spending. As I recall, the the Bush/Paulson Tarp funds were $700 billion. Even if you could blame it on Obama, When you add it to putting the wars on-budget in addition to what the Bush tax cuts are doing to the budget, I don't see how anybody would not expect a pretty healthy budget deficit under Obama. |
the court ruled the line item veto, which congress passed and the president would have power to excercise, uncontitutional.
I don't think you're getting it. The Supreme court didn't have the authority to rule anything unconstitutional. Only to offer erudite opinions. The Court could only adjudicate according to how the other two branches legislated. |
If people believed that chart then there would be no talks of financial crisis in this country. Since there are such talks I assume that the people in charge don't believe that chart.
It is pointless to try to hve discussions when there Isn't even acceptance of corroborating evidence. All you have to say is , "Your source is a lie" and there is nothing left. Perhaps we can find a chart that shows that debt as a % of GDP skyrockets under Democratic Presidents and plummets under Republican Presidents. |
We are on the same page here, Spidercomb.
Jefferson had an apoplectic fit with this decision. The American Government was supposed to consist of three co-equal branches. That's how democracy was really supposed to work. The three branches check eachother. The Congress favors the Fed, the Senate favors the States, the judiciary offers scholarly opinions and adjudicates according to what the other branches have determined. Hasn't worked that way since 1803. |
Are you sure about that?
Yup! The Supreme Court had no pre-eminent authority until 1803, when it usurped it for itself in the Marbury v Madison case. (This isn't my discovery. It is recorded history). |