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Wed 09/19/18 05:37 AM
Edited by JTO on Wed 09/19/18 05:38 AM

Just out of interest... have you been raised at school with biology based on Darwin or was he considered a heretic?

This thing came up due to a book I'm reading, and I remembered that when I was a teach I was told to never ever address Darwin and Darwinian theory as I'd get sacked on the spot.
I was like "Wot?!?"
As far as I can remember I've been taught that myself at school, so I didn't get it. Now I understand there's a clash between religion (I take it mostly Christianity) and Darwin.
And I'm wondering if Darwin is considered taboo at schools in other countries as well.
I'm officially Catholic, raised in a Catholic area, and if I remember correctly I have been taught Darwin, so I wonder if it's just other religions who are against this?

I went to public school in Ohio and Georgia. The schooling was pretty similar in both states. I remember being taught what a theory is. I remember them teaching us different theories. They mentioned religious theories as well as Darwin and a few others. Nothing was taught to be right or wrong, just theories.

To be clear: I hope you are saying that you taught what a theory is - which is a scientifically plausible general principle (or set of principles) that is confirmed by all the known (potentially falsifiable but not falsified) facts and contradicted by none of them.

To be clear: a Theory is an idea with a PhD. Evolutionary Theory - species originate through reproduction with variation plus selection - is the best and only explanation that fits all the known facts. Creationism isn't a theory, it's an idea that flunked out of pre-K

JTO's photo
Wed 09/19/18 05:25 AM
Edited by JTO on Wed 09/19/18 05:29 AM

Donald Trump didn't become a billionaire by chance. He, also, didn't beat out all of the conservative competition by chance. He knows how to play the media game. He isn't one of the "Boy's" from Washington and because of this the media, democrat's and many republican's will do and say anything they can to malign him.

HE KNOWS THIS, and he is playing them against each other. Interesting how the media and the Democrat's were 100% convinced he would loose the election. They forgot to tell the American people! Oh, we all forgot: he hijacked the election didn't he? Right! Americans are all so dumb, right?

We'll see what happens in November!

You sir are almost entirely correct: not by chance did he become a billionaire, but by birth. He inherited all his money, which he squandered leading to multiple bankruptcies. The only reason he still has money is through the corruption of privatised gains and socialised losses (which defines crony capitalism, i.e., the opposite of actual free market capitalism). And he didn't beat out the conservative competition by chance, he really is pretty good at WWF style 'reality' tv - at least he is when he has a whole production company working with him to make him look 'good'.

But no. folks don't need to do or say anything to malign him, they just need to speak the truth about his behaviour. And no, Americans aren't all so dumb, I mean, the majority did not vote for him; and he is overwhelmingly unpopular. So Americans aren't all dumb; even many Trump voters had reasons to vote for him that were not entirely dumb (I, for one, had to hold my nose while voting Hillary - I cannot stand the entrenched Washington machine she embodies.) But Today. Still. Trump? Really? That is seriously uninformed - no. It is immorally dumb. All you have are lies - democrats want to destroy America. Yeah. Sure. Liberals are traitors. Yeah. Putin and Xi Jinping are laughing all the way to world domination.

Enough already. ITMFA!
Holy Maccaroni,do you really believe that?laugh

Conrad - Belief isn't strong enough a word. I know it, and, if you are honest, so do you. Did or did not Trump inherit an enormous fortune from his father (who actually was successful - though not at raising his children)? Did or did not Trump file for bankruptcies 6 times? (interesting note, he lied to say that he went bankrupt 4 times, it was later uncovered that the correct number is 6). The man is not a self-made success - this is obvious even to the most casual observer. So yes. I know it.

For crying out loud, the man lost money running casinos! Nearly every business he began failed! - Had a trump steak lately? read a Trump Magazine? Been to a Trump Casino? Flown Trump Air? The ONLY thing he did well was 1) trade on his name and sell licensing to other people to build 'trump' properties (that he did not own). 2) 'reality' tv. and 3) money laundering for the Russian mob - allegedly.

Oh, did I mention sexually assaulting numerous women and then bragging about it? yeah, he's 'good' at that too. His own wife accused him of rape: the first one, the one he publicly humiliated with his numerous affairs that he splashed over the tabloids (google Marla + Trump). And did I mention that he's a racist? Yeah, that goes back to his inheritance (his father was also racist - and they both were sued for refusing to rent to black folks), and also his (failed) casinos, where black folks were not allowed to work the floor (and thus were limited in employment), and yes, there were law suits there too. Not to mention the (innocent) 'Central Park five' that he wanted executed simply for being black in the park when someone else (who was white) raped and beat a white woman. Oh, I could go on, but will post a single reference:

FACTS ARE REAL THINGS - try learning a few, you'll avoid making a fool of yourself. But all you can say is 'holy macaroni"???? This isn't funny. We have in the White House an ignorant, failed, racist, rapist, spoiled son of an oligarch who simply does not believe in either democracy or America. You support that?

JTO's photo
Wed 09/19/18 03:57 AM

Let's also remember that Obama was President when the economy tanked!

Oh Lord. Bush was the president when the economy tanked. Obama was the president who rebuilt it. Why lie when the facts are so apparent. Even Wikipedia has it right!
Note: Job losses began in Dec. 2007. And ended in February 2009. In 2008, the US lost 2.6 million jobs. Obama became president on January 20th of 2009.

Facts are real things!

More! Trump is NOT pro-business, he is PRO-himself! And the economy WILL tank when the rethuglicans suck all the money out of it - just like it did the last time a spoiled stupid son of an entitled oligarch sat in the oval. You can count on it!

JTO's photo
Wed 09/19/18 03:41 AM

Donald Trump didn't become a billionaire by chance. He, also, didn't beat out all of the conservative competition by chance. He knows how to play the media game. He isn't one of the "Boy's" from Washington and because of this the media, democrat's and many republican's will do and say anything they can to malign him.

HE KNOWS THIS, and he is playing them against each other. Interesting how the media and the Democrat's were 100% convinced he would loose the election. They forgot to tell the American people! Oh, we all forgot: he hijacked the election didn't he? Right! Americans are all so dumb, right?

We'll see what happens in November!

You sir are almost entirely correct: not by chance did he become a billionaire, but by birth. He inherited all his money, which he squandered leading to multiple bankruptcies. The only reason he still has money is through the corruption of privatised gains and socialised losses (which defines crony capitalism, i.e., the opposite of actual free market capitalism). And he didn't beat out the conservative competition by chance, he really is pretty good at WWF style 'reality' tv - at least he is when he has a whole production company working with him to make him look 'good'.

But no. folks don't need to do or say anything to malign him, they just need to speak the truth about his behaviour. And no, Americans aren't all so dumb, I mean, the majority did not vote for him; and he is overwhelmingly unpopular. So Americans aren't all dumb; even many Trump voters had reasons to vote for him that were not entirely dumb (I, for one, had to hold my nose while voting Hillary - I cannot stand the entrenched Washington machine she embodies.) But Today. Still. Trump? Really? That is seriously uninformed - no. It is immorally dumb. All you have are lies - democrats want to destroy America. Yeah. Sure. Liberals are traitors. Yeah. Putin and Xi Jinping are laughing all the way to world domination.

Enough already. ITMFA!

JTO's photo
Mon 09/17/18 08:29 AM
Edited by JTO on Mon 09/17/18 08:38 AM
Sure. Yeah. And when they teach that the earth is round, that it rotates and hence days, and that it revolves around the sun and hence years... They should also teach that the earth is flat. Oh, and also that the moon is made of cheese!

The thing is that evolution is a fact. It is confirmed in thousands upon thousands of usages. And creationism is a fairy tale told by ignorant, arrogant fools. Schools should teach truth - to the best of our ability to discern it. Creationism has no truth to it. The 1st amendment of the U.S. bans the establishment of religion in government run institutions, like schools. If you went to, or teach at a school that teaches evolution, then you are failing in your moral obligation to teach what is true.

Sometimes I freaking hate religion (says an American with a PhD in philosophy of science, who was raised by young earth creationists). But then I read some of the excellent responses that this question has already garnered, and forgive my species. We can be brilliant, such a pity when individuals choose deliberate ignorance.