Community > Posts By > thatonegirl05

thatonegirl05's photo
Wed 02/20/08 07:08 PM
They say deaths happen in 3's.. Hopefully that's the end for now.

I'm so sorry about all of that.

thatonegirl05's photo
Wed 02/20/08 07:06 PM
Oh no you didn't.

thatonegirl05's photo
Wed 02/20/08 07:00 PM
Oh, well.. I guess I'll have to pick up some Benedryl tomorrow after class.

.. I don't know why I didn't think about all the possible remarks to my o/p.. haha oh man.

thatonegirl05's photo
Wed 02/20/08 06:55 PM

if your happy with what you look like and the weight that your at then your perfect and need not worry about the rest of the world! i ain't happy with my weight so i'm on a diet! i wont to loss at least ten pounds! and then i might be happy! as for my question, you all made it seem like you want me to just go out and commit suicide! well this is one Marine that won't even thing of it! i fight so you can be you!!!! so think of this! the average Marine is overweight, not by our standards but by the MARINES STANDARDS!!! can any one of you do 20 pullups, run 3 miles in 18 minutes, and 100 situps in 2 minutes! that is the perfect PFT!!! that's no matter your age, height, or weight! males at that! female have to hang for 70 seconds instead of doing pullups!!! and thier run is 21 minutes!!! see if you can do that!!! i do it every week!!!!!
Seriously, you need to get your punctuation, grammar and spelling all straightened out. There is nothing attractive about a man that can't type correctly, or use proper punctuation.

thatonegirl05's photo
Wed 02/20/08 06:52 PM

hey....I have a suggestion...I am a nurse...I work in a small hold you over till you get to the dr, mix equal parts of liquid Benadryl and Pepto....gargle with it, then spit it out....the benadryl has a numbing agent and healing agents in it and the pepto will make it stick to the back of your troat...I know it sounds gross, but trust me it works...also take advil, it will cause the inflammation to go should get some relief till you can get to the dr...I hope you feel better....
I won't take any liquid medications. I just cannot do it for some reason.

thatonegirl05's photo
Wed 02/20/08 06:47 PM
strep throat. I'm not impressed about this. I wish I could swallow without it hurting so badly :(.. Oh boy, it's going to be a long night.

thatonegirl05's photo
Wed 02/20/08 06:43 PM

this turd is walking around with a scale tryin to get laid.Why say anything more? laugh
omg, you're so witty.

thatonegirl05's photo
Wed 02/20/08 06:42 PM
moi aussi.

thatonegirl05's photo
Wed 02/20/08 06:42 PM

Ok you caught me. I'm 13. Literally. :wink:
Ou, in that case.. what are you doin' tonight ;]..

Literally, I'm a 14

Well, I think if I'm literally #13, then the butter would be a definite turn on! love
If we ever go out, you can butter my rump through doorways:wink:

thatonegirl05's photo
Wed 02/20/08 06:34 PM

Ok you caught me. I'm 13. Literally. :wink:
Ou, in that case.. what are you doin' tonight ;]..

Literally, I'm a 14

thatonegirl05's photo
Wed 02/20/08 06:30 PM

F**k it, we should have many categories for weight.

1. Nicole Ricci
2. That allie McBeal thing.
3. Any super model.
4. Below average.
5. Somewhat nearing average, but lower.
6. Close to average.
7. Average.
8. Lil above average.
9. Above average, but not too much.
10. A bit more above average, but carry it well.
11. Heavyset
12. Football linemen size.
13. Rosie O'donnel
14. I have to butter my ass to fit through doors.
15. When I go to the hospital, they have to call a crane in and break a wall outta my house.
16. My god, I HAVE TOES?

17. Does this dress make my ass look big?
I'm definitely 14!:wink:

I think I'm a 1. Or maybe is there a 0? :tongue:
Really, I always saw you as a 16.. hm..
I don't think I can deal with you being a 1, or 0..
I like meat on the bones, yah know?

thatonegirl05's photo
Wed 02/20/08 06:25 PM
Edited by thatonegirl05 on Wed 02/20/08 06:26 PM
F**k it, we should have many categories for weight.

1. Nicole Ricci
2. That allie McBeal thing.
3. Any super model.
4. Below average.
5. Somewhat nearing average, but lower.
6. Close to average.
7. Average.
8. Lil above average.
9. Above average, but not too much.
10. A bit more above average, but carry it well.
11. Heavyset
12. Football linemen size.
13. Rosie O'donnel
14. I have to butter my ass to fit through doors.
15. When I go to the hospital, they have to call a crane in and break a wall outta my house.
16. My god, I HAVE TOES?

17. Does this dress make my ass look big?
I'm definitely 14!:wink:

thatonegirl05's photo
Wed 02/20/08 05:34 PM
Hold the middle button, and menu button down at the same time until it re-boots.
Shouldn't take long.

thatonegirl05's photo
Wed 02/20/08 12:11 PM
Edited by thatonegirl05 on Wed 02/20/08 12:11 PM
laugh laugh laugh laugh

thatonegirl05's photo
Wed 02/20/08 12:05 PM
I'd say something like.. "Mark my words, I'll be back" just to seem weird.

thatonegirl05's photo
Wed 02/20/08 11:59 AM
I have no children, and I am looking for nice, caring and loving guys.

thatonegirl05's photo
Wed 02/20/08 04:04 AM

BECAUSEEEEE, everyone was waiting for me to wake up.

Joking, of course. Still too early!

I stayed awake just for you flowerforyou

thatonegirl05's photo
Wed 02/20/08 04:02 AM
BECAUSEEEEE, everyone was waiting for me to wake up.

Joking, of course. Still too early!

thatonegirl05's photo
Wed 02/20/08 03:59 AM
My mom used to have a store on E-bay:smile:

thatonegirl05's photo
Tue 02/19/08 07:57 PM

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