Community > Posts By > netuserlla

netuserlla's photo
Fri 03/30/07 02:57 PM
Creating something evil, or doing an evil act would be very difficult
from something that is pure good.

netuserlla's photo
Fri 03/30/07 02:54 PM
Could you give your child that ultimatum??
Could you really harm your child no matter what 'BAD' that they have
Do you think that God could since you cain't? Even knowing that He has a
closer expirence than you?

netuserlla's photo
Fri 03/30/07 02:48 PM
Logically, In your opinion Did He create it???

netuserlla's photo
Fri 03/30/07 02:39 PM
It is clear that you have some issues brokenhomes123. Maybe it is
fortunate that you have vented the direction of your frustrations in my
direction. Another great example that alot of people prejudge people
without knowing them or thier beliefs.

First of all, I work my ASS off on a full time job every week (I worked
13.5 hours yesterday). That's not including the after work work that I
do. My weekends get ate up so much to. That's why one day I just had to
classify sunday as my family day.

Second of all, tell me that you could take you very own fleash and
blood, your child that you brought into this world, and because it
disobeyed you, that you would turn on your oven and cast the child

Third of all, Because everyone is responsible for there own actions. I
don't believe in blameing anyone for anything that I do. This includes
'the devil'.

netuserlla's photo
Fri 03/30/07 02:19 PM
Another persons 'religion' does not bother me because it is a part of
thier belief, witch is a part of them. We just have to accept people as
they are before we can ALL move forward.

netuserlla's photo
Fri 03/30/07 02:15 PM
Thank you voileazur. I believe also that criticism can be very

First of all I would need to know a little about your beliefs so it
would make life easier to find a starting point.

Second of all, all mankind has missed the 'quantum leap' for far too
long, but this even goes way beyond physics, and quantum mechanics, and
leads back to the basics.

Thirdly of all most all of the greatest minds were not considered the
greatest at thier time, and I don't ever care for rewards or prizes for
accomplishments. The things that I do in life is for the greater good of
all mankind.

netuserlla's photo
Fri 03/30/07 01:59 PM
You can learn alot from history, but alot of it holds false pretenses.
There are many known facts about 'wronged' history events. History can
teach us, just like the book under our nose, (or eyes on screen), as
well as all 'regilgions', but the ways of the wise guide us to realize
that all the knowledge gained, brings us closer to understanding, thus
making us more wise. I love this community.

netuserlla's photo
Fri 03/30/07 01:25 PM
Well I guess that I can put in my two cents worth, but it seems that
your question has been answered.

According to the bible, it is a sin to get divorced. But there are some
acceptions. I went through this same thing at one point of my life, and
thought that I would either be doomed for life at never having another
in my life, or that I would be living in sin. So I through out
questions, and searched the scriptures, finding that God actually nulls
a divorce during the very first infedlity act. So if she cheated on you,
then you are free from sin if you marry your next wife to be before
having intercourse. That will make you right in God's eyes.

netuserlla's photo
Fri 03/30/07 01:10 PM
I agree with you MikeM, In that there is no Hell. I BELIEVE if God is
pure love, He could not create a hell. It would be aganist His nature.
God does begain where our physical reality ends. Upon death is how we
reintergrate back into source energy (GOD). Which could be interputed as
going to 'heaven'. So yes, I do believe in heaven. Besides, outer space
is clasified as the heavens. That's where the majoritey of God resides.

netuserlla's photo
Fri 03/30/07 12:57 PM
Science has findly 'evolved' enough to prove that God does really exist.
Science is my basis. Science helps bring the logical mind into focus, by
helping to present facts that are more 'believable' to the average Joe.
I believe that everything in existence has a kinda 'helper' to
accomplish certain happenstances. (ex.) We depend on the trees for
oxygen while they depend on us for carbon dioxide. This is my basic
example of proof that we are all a part of each other. All molecular
structures are in a constant state of flux, by exchanging atomic make

netuserlla's photo
Fri 03/30/07 12:36 PM
Yea. Intel has known for years that AMD has a better architecture than
they do. Intell has just been mass marketed, that's why everybody thinks
that Intel is better. AMD has had the memory controller on thier
processer for years now. Intell is findly changing all of this, because
people are findly realizing that AMD is a better processor. AMD has
always been better on battery life. These reasons plus more are the
reason that the big OEM Dell has kinda recently decided to start
building systems around the AMD platform. Thanks for the post. The
better technologies from the 'poorer' companys needs to be top news more

netuserlla's photo
Thu 03/29/07 03:37 AM
You are right Red. I just thought that the subject might be a little
touchie to some people or something. I believe that I have more of a
spirituallity more than a regilion. It is important to me. I also
believe that the wise keeps an open mind.

netuserlla's photo
Wed 03/28/07 06:42 PM
That's where I believe that Love is the greatest also. But thelogy is
not just a light word as was stated. Everything is build on theroy
first, because everything starts with a thought. The fact is (I'm sorry)
that science does bring facts first beyound everything else. It is
science that will prevail to bring proof that there really is a God. If
and when you start thinking like a true blue 'regilious' person, then
you will have to realize that the non-believers wont even reconize you.
It takes facts to acomplish an argument, no matter how right or wrong
you are. Some have to be smacked in the face with it (the burning
bush).Yes you also have to be considerate of other peoples beliefs,
because everyone can learn from others, and somone elses beliefs can
give you another puzzle piece to yours.
By the way, apples and oranges both come from trees, just like we all
come from the same rock. 3rd from the sun.

netuserlla's photo
Wed 03/28/07 06:16 PM
I didn't know that 'Christ our Lord' was a regilion.
I've heard stranger things.:wink:

netuserlla's photo
Wed 03/28/07 06:04 PM
If you use windows, dvd fab decripter is pretty darn good as well as
simple. If you use Linux, then K3B is the best that works for me.

netuserlla's photo
Wed 03/28/07 04:34 AM
Sometimes you have to take illogical actions to help bring logical
results. Comparing notes. That's how we help each other. That's how we
learn, grow, and evolve.

netuserlla's photo
Wed 03/28/07 04:29 AM
Red is right, but you are right to Bill. Really you have to be a
christian first to apply this. I was a christian once. That is why I dug
into this. It is hard for people to see this with out having some kind
of 'regilious root'. That's why I picked up a science book. As I have
said before, I believe that science proves creationism.

netuserlla's photo
Wed 03/28/07 04:18 AM
There is probly alot missing that we don't even know about, but I do
know that it is logical to assume that they are missing
books,eg.examples that you have given. The first books of the new
testament tells the same stories over and over, just from a different
point of view. Maybe they were also other written point of views.

netuserlla's photo
Tue 03/27/07 05:13 PM
Is there still a problem?

netuserlla's photo
Tue 03/27/07 05:08 PM
I'm enjoying this topic. I believe that Satin is the one that we use as
a 'scape goat' for our own immoral actions.