Topic: Is divorce a sin? | |
I think it isn't if there is infidelity or abandonment. I am a victim or
both. So, do I have to wait for her to file a divorce or am I free? I've searching the scriptures and I just don't know. |
divorce is definitely a sin... but so is EVERYTHING else... and i dont
think that you should stay married so as not to sin... you will be forgiven. |
You should file first that way you lay the ground work for the divorce
and you make sure you walk away with whatyou invested into it.. NO it is not a sin.. especially if what they did was infidelity.. They win with that one in the sin area!!! |
No, there are specific 'circumstances' or 'situations' that God says
'you should let her go' .... I know, I read them for myself when I was struggling with that answer. I think it's Deuteronomy chapter 10 thru chapter 11.... It's not as simple as sin or not a sin. |
That is the million dollar question, I can tell my marriage was a lie
from the beginning, It took me many years to finally make the decision to file the paperwork. Prayer and solid advice led me to follow through with it. I suggest find someone who you trust and discuss it, and when you decide which way to go with your decision you will feel much better knowing you came to the proper decision. JMHO ![]() G |
I also had an issue with this topic. The most powerful words in the
bible clearly state "God hates divorce." As far as it being a sin, well, divorce itself doesn't seem to be "classified" as a sin...however...the bible states different concequences depending on the circumstances of the divorce! Nobody wins, but sometimes it is for the best. |
well obviously "she" is not worrying about sin as you
what is going to make you cant be a good person in this world...really... unless youa re.....if you feel you need to ask for forgiveness later than do will receive it GOD loves you no matter what! ![]() ![]() |
Sin or not, you are not "free" when you have not released all prior
baggage. It is not fair to you or to others when you explore other relationships before a previous one has been laid to rest by both parties involved. |
I do believe divorce is a sin, and should be avoided if possible.
However, there are some exceptions where Jesus and Paul have said it is acceptable. Also, as was stated earlier, God is gracious to forgive; however, this is no license to sin if we can consciously avoid it. Some scriptures that might clear up things here: Eph 5:22-33 - Marriage is intended to be a picture of the relationship between Christ & the church. Divorce severely damages that picture, as God would never abandon us (his church). Gen 2:22-24 - God's original design: Man & Woman become 1 flesh in marriage Matt 19:3-9 - Jesus quotes Gen 2, also saying, "What therefore God has joined together, let no man seperate". Also note exception in verse 9. Matt 5:31-32 - Same idea. 1 Cor 7:10-16 - Tying into the exception clause in Matt 19, if the spouse in the relationship is in an immoral extramarital relationship, and decides to leave, turning down forgiveness & reconiliation, then "the brother or sister is not under bondage in such cases". In essence, as a result of this person's actions and refusal to turn to Christ and ask for forgiveness, this immoral spouse has shown to be an unbeliever. I hope that helps - the best thing to do is probably to talk to your pastor, pray for wisdom and ask for those around you to pray for you. |
Well, crap. I think I will just have to wait and see what she will do.
I can't just say oh well, God will forgive me. However, the longer she waits the less I want her back. Also, she has told me several times that she does not love me and is "done". So, why prolong it? |
Mike - First off, I would like to say, even though I hardly know you, I
can say I truly appreciate your sincerity, humility, and willingness to submit to and pursue God's commandments, even above your own interests! This seems like a very personal issue that probably won't be resolved online, and I would suggest to talk to a close friend or pastor about something like this. With that said, please note that this is my personal advice, and not a command from scripture, although there may be some biblical principles. If she believe that the marriage truly "done", and attempts of forgiveness & reconciliation have been exhausted but with no direction, then if it is her desire, it seems like all that's left of the divorce is the paperwork. If that's the case, then I believe you are free, and your conscience will eventually reveal that as you will reach a state of peace in your decision. |
bible law 101... a marriage can only be disolved if one person was
cheating on the other. the offended partner then has a choice as to what the outcome will be. could be anything from death to mabe 3 chickens for reparations. the catch is that you cant have both under bible law. you cant kill mama and get her chickens too. in reality though, the outcome was rarely death, as it would be much more advantagous to take some kind of a settlement instead of extracting revenge. the point i like here is that the victom has the say, not some court and certainly not the offender. this makes the victom the offenders new best friend, as thier life is in the victoms hands. |
i guess it would be "offenders" in the case of infedility
Hmm, No I don't think Divorce is a sin,But I do think killing the
stupid Beyotch, just because you couldn't put up with her a*s any more is.Sorry folks, just a bit bitter still. My last wife tried taking off my head with an ax. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
your necks too thick for that anyway. lol
It was a really sharp ax bill.If it had connected, thick neck or not, I
wouldn't be here. ![]() |
No, I don't believe it is a sin; it's not breaking one of the Ten
Commandments. What would be a sin would be to to stay in an amoral marriage, one in which there is infidelity or mental/physical cruelty. |
Divorce. 50% of the population is doing it, besides cheating.
Divorce is not a sin if adultry is involed (divorce is grant in this
case) |
Well can;t answer this now but I will give you a hint until later.
Divorce has two main meaning: (1) What The 'Creator' says and that came from His mind and (2)What the 'created' has trumped up, imagined and then marketed through the Church. Then they wish The Creator to sign on the dotted line; The creator says YES Deut: (24:1-4)if he breaks His sexual offences Act. Lev: 20; etc. He could put her away privately (like what Joseph was planning to do to Mary) or have her exposed (Numbers 5)Mans version is 'you must register first for the subject of divorce to arise' then the unjust court (1 Cor: 6) will decide. The Creators' is sex in the Bible is marriage (Deut: 21: 11-15; Gen: 38:8; 1Cor:7:36) and if she qualifies, as stated above, the proceedure is what some will call 'a quickie divorce.' In the eyes of God, a document from the unjust court, is not necessary. The text: "As long as your husband liveth?" if The Creators laws could have been implemented in the world Governments, then Tre Creator's prescribed penalty would be death, so some conclusions are: Treat his sex with a dog, as he was penalized by death (even though he is alive) and be free to reattach by common law or otherwise. Or the offender can be forgiven to either 'go and sin no more' And remember, opproval for REMARRIAGE, is right there from God's mind, in Deutoronomy: 24: 1-4. If humans want to hel the Creator create rules why don't they create some flowers and some new types of animals. In fact, CREATE THEIR OWN WORLDS? Until later with more facts. Yes The Creator hates 'putting away' unless, for the conditions he outlines as judgement. Please read the texts. I have to go now. |