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Topic: What is your preferred reglion, and how important is it to y
netuserlla's photo
Wed 03/21/07 05:17 PM
Also is your reglion based on blind faith that you learned from others,
or something that you perceive as fact from what you have studied or

netuserlla's photo
Wed 03/21/07 06:00 PM
Everyone seems to be courious about this topc, but know one wants to
respond. Plez some one respond even if you belive that we were born from
catfish and evloved into an elephant that later, because of the event
remembering, later evolved into humans............ LOL..........

Torric's photo
Thu 03/22/07 01:28 AM
my religion consists of two-pagangism and wicca.

netuserlla's photo
Thu 03/22/07 04:13 AM

DANE1973's photo
Thu 03/22/07 04:58 AM
My religion is Asatru, the religion of my ancestors. It is very
important to me.It is something I have perceived as fact through
studies.I have always refused to follow blindly.Yes I was a little
hellion in school.When I was first introduced to my way, it all made
sense,everything just sort of fell into place. I'm not saying I believe
the fantastic stories of the Eddas as Fact, but the lessons learned
therein are invaluable.

no photo
Thu 03/22/07 06:23 AM

i think alot of people believe what they do because thats what they was
taught or brought up around. i think fewer people really believe what
they do because they them selfes got out and studied it to see if its
true or not. as for me i belive in jesus, and know that i know that i
know that he is the real deal i dont care what anyone else says, or
thinks, or anything like that. some people believe muslim life is the
way you should live and thats great for them, i wish them the best but
im a christian and i know what i know. i dont believe everything a
preacher says, but i go and find out if he is saying the truth or not. i
dont believe everything i was taught as a child about church but i have
two arms and legs just like everyone else so i go and research as much
as i can,any way thats my point of view yall have a good day

Thu 03/22/07 08:20 AM
I'm a baptized Mormon..i grew up in a catholic church,but i just went
because got to go to McDonalds afterwards

1.No i don't have several wives,nor do I believe in plural marriages

2.Yes I drink coffee and lots of it,I do not believe that were the only true church I am not a donnie Osmond fan,nor do i care that he's a member..(and
no,I've never met him)

5.and yes..i do believe in the bible..I have accepted Jesus christ as my
lord and savior and no I don't consider myself a canidate for hell
because of my beliefs

Torric's photo
Thu 03/22/07 08:45 AM
netuserlla, were you saying interesting towards me?

TastyBaum's photo
Thu 03/22/07 10:16 AM
I was raised in the LDS (Mormon) church too, I'm not active now, though.
But I have met Donnie Osmond. :)

jeanc200358's photo
Thu 03/22/07 12:47 PM
I'm a Christian. I consider myself nondenominational, really, or more
"spiritual," I guess.

I believe in the Bible, but I don't believe the Bible (in many
instances) is meant to be taken literally, and I also believe that a lot
of it was written simply as a (now) history of the times. I don't
believe we are governed by Old Testament laws, nor do I believe that we
are bound by them. For instance, using the word "obey" in marriage vows.
No way, Jose.

I am not a particularly religious person. I try to live by the Golden
Rule and I try to do what's right. I believe we are saved by grace and
not by works, though. Let's hope not, else we're all in big trouble.

I am a private person, generally, when it comes to matters of
spirituality; I believe a person's relationship with God (whomever that
may be) should be a private one and is not meant to be "bragged" about
...spreading the word is one thing but...well, let's just say I believe
a lot of people go into overkill in that regard.

I dont' always pray in the strictest sense of the word, but every day I
wake up and it's a new day and the sun is shining and I'm feeling
relatively well, I inwardly thank God for all He has done and given us
and how fortunate I am to have a home and food and friends, family and
other people who care. So many people have so much less.

Oh yeah. And I'm thankful my car has seatbelts and that, should I ever
"forget" to use mine, a nice policeman will write me a ticket reminding
me to use it so that I can live yet one more day to appreciate life.


darren1959's photo
Thu 03/22/07 02:38 PM
Man made up religion

I believe the bible is the inspired in-errant Word of God

Jesus Is Enough

netuserlla's photo
Thu 03/22/07 05:44 PM
Yes Torric. I am interested in ALL and EVERY reglion. Mr Dane, I have
heard of Asatru, But don't know much about it. Broken homez, I think
that you are right that alot of people do believe what they are taught
growing up. I think that you always have to be a skeptic, and question
everything. That is how we will find real truth. Mr DarkA, I know a
little about morman, but is a bapitized morman? I know the whole
christen view point on bapitizem. Miss Tasty, what does the LDS stand
for? It must be a branch from the morman. And Jean, toward the end of my
'christanity beliefs' I was also non denominational. I believe that I
have been inspired even beyond that. And Darren, I believe that relgion
is man made also. My main reason for that is that it seperates us all
from God, by seperating us from each other.

Torric's photo
Thu 03/22/07 06:43 PM
easily put: i believe in many gods. i believe in spirits. i believe in
past lives(i've found mine. i can help others if they ask.). i even
believe in magic(magic is neither good nor evil. it is who uses it that
determines the magic's alignment.). what i said sounds far-fetched, i
know. but this is what i know, nothing more.

MikeMontana's photo
Thu 03/22/07 09:08 PM
Here's the oddball.

I beleive the bible literally, when it is meant to be taken literally
(the Pentatauch). Parts of it are intentionally figurative, and should
be understood that way (revelation, daniel etc). I also accept that
there are several other scriptural documents that were "left out" by
Constantine in 330ad.

In my view, the Gospels are NOT meant to be taken as "Gods Word". Only
the 1st five books are considered, literally, as Gods word [there's more
to say on that]. The 5 Gospels are factually at odds with each other,
however, that does not take away from the message, the purpose and the
meaning. In fact it underscores the message & meaning by the overlapping
of 5 accounts that vary in detail. [Five? Paul writes that he has his
OWN gospel distinct from Peter's gospel]

Further, its is my view that Jesus was not divine. Who said Jesus was
divine? Constantine - the same emporer who decided which books make up
your bible. The same emporer who founded the Catholic church, and the
same emporer who decided Jesus was born on Dec 25th. Check it out
yourself. A non-divine Jesus makes the promise of the Messiah all the
more real. All the more tangible. It makes it very REAL that each of us
can/could/should acheive 'christ' status. After all, 'christ' simply
means anointed.

There's more to my heretical views...

Redykeulous's photo
Thu 03/22/07 10:25 PM
HI all, Mike, the reason Constantine chose Dec 25 has another reason.
No one knows for sure if Constantine truely believed what he instated or
was tying to manipulate himself to the highest status a leader ever
owned in the known world. What they do know is that he was a genius.
He realized that he could/would never be the greatest ruler ever if he
could not rule all on mandom, so to speak. What he also understood was
that it was the constand bickering, little wars, and the nature of
everyones different beliefs that caused this. Until or unless he could
change that, no ruler would rule effectively as they would be too busy
trying to keep the peace. Suddenly, he became Christian, yea there's a
whole story behind why, a war story, no less but that is what he chose
to use to bring the people together. How he further did that was to
incorporate many of the more pagen rites and rituals into that of the
new Christian faith. Dec 25 was one of the highest rituals falling on
the winter solstice, it was also a date important to one or two other
factions under his rule, hence the date, that was already being
celebrated by so many, had a new reason for celebration, the birth of
the Christian God Jesus. His reason for putting together a single
codex from many scriptures was to have ONE set book to begin teaching
by. With each scripture, that was "inspirationslly approved by invited
Catholic bishops", all those that did not fit the criteria of WHAT THEY
WANTED IT TO BE, was burned. Knowing this some Bishops hid copies of
scriptures that they felt were too important to destroy, even though
they were not chosen for the Bible. Many of these were found or
relinquished or turned over to the Vatican over many years. These are
the "lost" books of the bible which some believe the Vatican will never
let loose into the general public. SO in the end, we have a book,
the bible, which was put together supposedly by the inspirational hand
of God. God, who ALLOWED(indicating free will) poeple to write many
differing versions of the same story, then inspired man yet again to
review them all, or at least the ones the Bishops brought with them, and
let them decide (free will) which ones to use based of what they wanted
the general theme to be, and by which paths they would get there, and
then allowed them to destroy or hide any other versions. Seems to me it
was man who took away free will by not allowing others to decide for
themselves what they wanted to believe.

netuserlla's photo
Fri 03/23/07 04:51 PM
Thank you for your very enlightenfully (is that a word?) words of
knowledge Redykeulous. As they were very intellectually thought out, as
well as an interesting history lesson.I think that reglion(the
seperating us from each other thing) uses MORALITY as a 'face' to hide
behind while tring to really figure out what is really going on.The best
thing about it, I believe, is that it (religion) instills some kind of
moral values. But, not any type of belief should be 'pressed' into
anyones mind. Each person should be able to look at EVERYTHING in ALL
different VIEWS, and then draw thier own conclusions based on thier own
life's experiences, and what they have learned.Thanks all for your

daniel48706's photo
Wed 03/28/07 03:39 PM
Christ our Lord is my prefferred religion.

netuserlla's photo
Wed 03/28/07 06:16 PM
I didn't know that 'Christ our Lord' was a regilion.
I've heard stranger things.:wink:

Redykeulous's photo
Wed 03/28/07 07:15 PM
I haven't seen anyone respond to the whole question.

How important is your faith/belief/religion? In other words, does your
belief or faith play a part in choosing a life partner or in who you
date? And when would you discuss these issues with someone if they ARE
important to you?

As for me I'm an atheist, and yes I'm sure? I find this important to my
relationships in only one regard. That I have someone willing to
discuss theology with me, willing to explore new information. They can
be a precticing Catholic or a Orthedox Jew, as long as they are willing
to share the some wonderful discussions with me.

netuserlla's photo
Thu 03/29/07 03:37 AM
You are right Red. I just thought that the subject might be a little
touchie to some people or something. I believe that I have more of a
spirituallity more than a regilion. It is important to me. I also
believe that the wise keeps an open mind.

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