Community > Posts By > Himself1

Himself1's photo
Thu 12/16/10 12:57 PM
naw, I think you're better of without, except, do you think you need one?

Himself1's photo
Thu 12/16/10 12:53 PM


(((Demon you are so ANAL, I better come do your bumnoway Jezz gal what a freakshow this is turning into laugh laugh laugh )))


Himself1's photo
Thu 12/16/10 12:53 PM


(((Demon you are so ANAL, I better come do your bumnoway Jezz gal what a freakshow this is turning into laugh laugh laugh )))

Himself1's photo
Thu 12/16/10 12:51 PM
cool bike

Himself1's photo
Thu 12/16/10 12:50 PM
Being myself is what I'm happy with, but more so if... do I meet your criteria?

Himself1's photo
Thu 12/16/10 12:48 PM
Nope, that must hurt, but I once punched a whole in a wooden wall (right about the time by ex gf told me she had phucked a "friend" of mine) did sprain my wrist but it felt damned good.

Phuck that is crazy dare to take - but hey he must have gotten the respect... or a quick ride to the hospital!

What's the fastest you've driven on a highway?

Himself1's photo
Thu 12/16/10 11:48 AM

I'll second that.....I noticed some of your other posts.

Do not give patient.

There are a lot of sarcastic people here. It is all in fun. Just relax and keep on posting!

Sarcastic people? Here? Naw, Still has got it all wrong, don't listen to her at all laugh laugh laugh


So you seem like a nice guy Micki, sure it's all confusing but if you're a sweetheart with the ladies sooner or later you're gonna land a good one (and have problems with her, 'tis lifewhoa ) just DON'T bend yourself backwards out of shape for them, no matter how pretty or sexy they are, cuz if you can't stand up to a woman she'll think you can't stand up to anyone in the world, that will make her lose respect for you, and then she'll leave you. Heed the words brother, and be yourself at all times.
But you know something, in a room full of strangers the ones that don't get laid is the needy ones. So like said before, buckle up cowboy, fix that cap of yours and take it easy, you've been in a rut for 5 years max and I'm telling you, time is your friend, life's an adventure and all good things comes to those called Mickismitten

Just remember, ain't no sarcasm here!

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

Himself1's photo
Thu 12/16/10 11:34 AM
I am me, should people take you as you are?

Himself1's photo
Thu 12/16/10 11:33 AM
you rock

Himself1's photo
Thu 12/16/10 11:33 AM

Himself1's photo
Thu 12/16/10 11:32 AM
Depends on the definition - if high percentage alcohol in stupid amounts is poison, then yes...

Have you ever been in a car accident?

Himself1's photo
Thu 12/16/10 10:33 AM
we wont

Himself1's photo
Thu 12/16/10 10:32 AM
am I here

Himself1's photo
Thu 12/16/10 10:32 AM

Do you believe in ghosts?

Himself1's photo
Thu 12/16/10 10:30 AM
Sure, would try most things if given the chance.

Are you a practical joker?

Himself1's photo
Thu 12/16/10 10:27 AM

Himself1's photo
Thu 12/16/10 03:28 AM
Edited by Himself1 on Thu 12/16/10 03:28 AM
I just did pitchfork (lol)

Ever wish you were someone else?

Himself1's photo
Thu 12/16/10 03:27 AM

Himself1's photo
Thu 12/16/10 03:26 AM
not now

Himself1's photo
Thu 12/16/10 03:25 AM
what a silly Q lol

How slow can you go fast?

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