Community > Posts By > JustDukkyMkII
A brighter future awaits...
You talk like you're not part of this human race, so how can not being here make the future brighter for you? Because I'm not part of the human race...I'm a duck. |
ugly classism
Whether or not you are poor can often be a matter of deliberate personal choice.
I know the (hopefully not-yet-ended) story of a man who decided to make himself the canary in the coal mine of modern society. He resolved not to partake of the criminal fraud and slavery that goes on every day all around us. This means he made a conscious decision to quit scrambling to find a grindstone to attach his nose to and survive. He decided not to pull up his own socks and see if anyone would offer to pull them up for him. Being an honest man, he resolved not to turn to crime to survive. Being an honourable man, he resolved not to beg. Being an intelligent man, he knew he was a creditor and how to claim his rights & how to play the fraud to get all the money he wanted, but decided not to, because survival shouldn't be a matter of IQ or willingness to partake of the ongoing crime. He wanted to see if there was enough unselfish human compassion in society for people to walk up and simply offer him what he needed. If they did, he would graciously accept and thank them; if they didn't, he would leave them alone and wouldn't even look their way, so as not to play on their conscience. He looked like your regular street bum, with his clothes getting old & ragged & pockets full of cigarette butts he picked up on his "rounds" I used to help him out when I saw him, and I used to talk to him about what he was doing. He told me that his family threw him out because he couldn't provide for them anymore and had nothing of monetary value left to give them. This forced him to seek shelter (stairwells, bridges, etc.) wherever he could find it, which in this climate is OK in the summer, but death in the winter. It's getting very cold here now, and I haven't seen him on his "rounds" lately. I try to keep a good thought and hope that someone took him in and offered him food & shelter. (He was determined not to go to a shelter or soup kitchen unless taken there by a stranger who cared) I've heard no reports of an indigent dying on the street, but I know that isn't newsworthy, so not hearing anything is no indication that he's OK. The frightening thing that keeps running thru my head is "I walked among ye, yet ye knew me not." and I can't help feeling that Judgment Day may have already come and gone. I can't stop thinking that the canary may have smelled too much gas. |
Just have to convince the 3.5 other million people to think that. ![]() Nah...You only need 24 for a Grand Jury....Surely out of hundreds of millions of people you can dig up that many intelligent people with guts. If not, you're a lot farther gone than even I thought. |
A brighter future awaits...
You're just a bucket of sunshine aren't you! Thanks for noticing...All sweetness & light; that's me. Whether humanity smartens up or goes extinct doesn't really matter to any of the other animals...either way, we are looking at a much brighter future. |
Is Andy Kaufman alive?
The greatest stories are never told because they offend the ear of the listener. They offend the ear because they are unpleasant to hear.
To the moral mind, the story is a call to action. To the average, lazy mind, it's a painful thorn in the side of his conscience. Little wonder that they pre-empt the story of our bombing the bejeesus out of some little country we never heard of, with the "more important" human interest story of a treed kitten being rescued by firemen. (Who doesn't like a happy ending?...good for the ratings...besides, word is "they" don't want the bombing story told until they can spin it so we look like the good guys) It has been said that "The man who laughs has not yet been told the terrible truth." -- (I forget who said it) I would suggest that the comedian is someone who HAS been told the terrible truth and wants to feed it to us in a way that we can stomach it. I said andy was a master of the theatre of the absurd, and I meant it, but he is a piker compared to the Grandmaster of it...the gang of banksters who act out the script co-written by God and Satan in the most absurd play of all...Life. |
Alec Baldwin At It Again
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Fri 11/15/13 07:17 AM
Meh...I don't mind Alec, but he's kinda dull, and his antics are kinda pass�. He should take lessons from an up & coming talent in Canada named Rob Ford. I'd like to somehow make Rob the Prime Minister of Canada. I like the guy for his moxy. There is no doubt that he'd make a far better prime minister than the dolt in office now!...Rob may be almost as crooked, but at least he's honest about it (finally)...He also has tons of charisma. How can anyone help but like the guy and wish him every success? There's gotta be some truth to his comment's because he keeps using the same anti gay and racial slurs over and over again (and people say Republicans are the anti gay racist ones when the Libbos are the first to attack using anti gay and racial slurs). I can't speak for Alec, but back in my vengeful/vindictive days, if I had an adversary that I was mad at, I made a quick study of him and looked for weakness based on some dichotomy between his words and actions (hypocrisy/inauthenticity), and attack where it hurt most. I don't know either Alec or his adversary, but it may well be that Alec's mind works much like mine. It may well be that he truly doesn't dislike homosexuals, but sees in his hated adversary some latent homosexual tendencies that he'd rather hide from the world. If that is the case, Alec's vengeful words were intended to cut the guy to the quick. With the exception of people who cause harm to others (like hypocritical politicians, bankers, "system" propagandists & such), I like to think I've grown past my base tendencies. Alec seems like a smart fella. I have little doubt that one day he will too. |
Alec Baldwin At It Again
Meh...I don't mind Alec, but he's kinda dull, and his antics are kinda pass�. He should take lessons from an up & coming talent in Canada named Rob Ford.
I'd like to somehow make Rob the Prime Minister of Canada. I like the guy for his moxy. There is no doubt that he'd make a far better prime minister than the dolt in office now!...Rob may be almost as crooked, but at least he's honest about it (finally)...He also has tons of charisma. How can anyone help but like the guy and wish him every success? |
Is Andy Kaufman alive?
Gotta love Andy! He was a master of the theatre of the absurd. Who but Andy could script and stage a magnificent performance on his deathbed that upstages even the legendary Elvis?
Congrats Andy, wherever you are (or aren't)...This was your greatest performance and you weren't even here to act it out...BRAVO! |
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Thu 11/14/13 05:14 AM
Regarding the items listed in the URL, I'd like to make a few comments about possible remedy for the situations:
1. re SV40 and the cover-up: No doubt the contaminated vaccines were produced by pharmaceutical companies that presumably failed in their due diligence tonsure the safety of those being vaccinated. Moreover, they failed to make a sincere and diligent effort to inform the people vaccinated. or their legal guardians and possibly makes them guilty of "unlawful concealment with intent" (the intent is to prevent reduction of profit, which makes this a crime of fraud). If "laws" have been passed to prevent a lawsuit against the Big Pharma companies, it only means that the Corporation passing those laws for its "persons" has agreed to accept the liability, so if the CDC didn't make a similar diligent effort at disclosure to inform the damaged parties, and make an offer of remedy, then the United States Corporation is conspiring to commit fraud with intent. So this makes it a genuine conspiracy, and one for which the victims are entitled to remedy at law. One fly in the ointment is that none of the victims can make a valid claim for damages, unless they can prove their cancer was a direct result of receiving the vaccine... practically impossible and the suit can only be filed by provably injured parties. This is grossly unfair, as there may be other detrimental effects from the vaccine than cancer, which again can't be directly attributed to the vaccine. All you have is a statistical probability of harm (and you don't know the statistics). This all sounds pretty negative and much like the injured parties have no remedy at law for the harm they have or will suffer, since the claim is not provable in court. However the injured parties (everyone who received what may have been contaminated vaccines) DO have remedy OUTSIDE of a courtroom, by getting the agreement with the offending parties that they have (one or more of) abandoned the precautionary principal, abandoned the duty to care, committed fraud, committed breach of the public trust. The government has an OBLIGATION to provide you with the best statistical research regarding the probability of harm (and types of harm) done to the possibly injured parties. If they fail to provide it, no biggie; you can guess the odds. You don't need to get cancer to claim injury, because you can also claim compensatory damages for pain & suffering (including psychological - for worry & fear). What can also be claimed is any physical ailment you suffered from after receiving the vaccine, as you don't know if it can be attributed to the vaccine or not and the uncertainty itself can cause you pain because you fear but can't prove harm from the vaccine (you have the right to live in freedom from fear...That's the justification they use to blow trillions on "homeland security" if you're living in fear, you have suffered damages and are again entitled to remedy). All you really need to do to get remedy outside of a courtroom is to get the Pharmaceutical companies and government agencies involved to show cause as to how what they did wasn't a crime of harm entitling you to equitable compensation (and possibly punitive damages). If they fail to show cause, it can only be because they can't provide a lawful excuse for committing the crimes they did, and since they have no excuse, they have NO CHOICE but to agree with the injured parties that they have been injured and are due whatever compensatory and/or punitive damages they are claiming as due from the "perps" (Corporations trying to screw the people). A few nicely crafted letters to the offending parties should do the trick...You'll have them in an iron-clad contract to pay out without ever going to court!! (note: This will work with ALL similarly offending corporations, like Monsanto, who now think they are untouchable because they bribed congress into passing "laws" that prevent them from being sued [the Protect Monsanto Act]...IMO, people should make up "price list/fee schedules" monetizing things like "Fear" or "suspected damages", which monetize in uncertain terms ("Price for quote") the things they intend to bill for and send those price-lists to the government and relevant Corporations. Once that is done, it is a simple matter of making "them" prove they DIDN'T commit the offences listed that you will be billing for.) 2. is an unauthorized use of your private information (your visage), which must be stored in a database for reference, unless of course you previously authorized it (hopefully for a fee)...after all your visage is YOUR private property and you can lease out its use for a royalty [if you want to]). 3. See #1 4. This one might be like GMOs, an abandonment of the precautionary principle (if it ain't broke don't fix it, especially if you don't know the consequences of fooling around with that stuff) 5. Ditto of #4 with the addition (in the event that chimera's are sentient beings) of unlawful denial of the right to self determination. (This one could also be used for barbaric practices like human sacrifice (volcanoes, Baal, etc.) & unnecessary infant circumcision, which even now is being banned in Germany and Norway) 6. Conspiracy to put private information in a database without authorization?...This should definitely be an item on people's fee schedules. There's no reason people shouldn't be compensated for unauthorized storage/disclosure of their private info, or denied the right to authorize it for a compensatory royalty. 7. Well, yeah, but so is your government. The only difference is that you have to pay to buy a ticket to watch pro wrestling, while in the government's case, they have free delivery and will come right into your home & body slam you free of charge. 8. You think it's just Texas? The largest underground aquifer in North America has essentially been "privatized" and "sold" for a pittance to a private multibillionaire, who is even now draining it and dropping the water table to everyone's detriment for his own personal profit. I'm sure the draining he's done to date contributes significantly to Texas's drought problem. IMO, it isn't nice of the guy to rob the common like that, but I guess that's just me...It's a commercial world. (Just the same, he'd better keep his grubby paws off my marsh...That's where I draw the (red) line! 9. That's just paranoia; the IRS targets everyone...Good thing for them that most people don't know the IRS's gun isn't loaded and they can only unlawfully bluff, bully and imprison money out of people. 10. It's about bloody time on this one!…They've been poisoning you since the 1940s. 11. Well DUH!... You're just finding out now? I guess you people are just gonna have to read the studies...The ones not affiliated with the cell companies that is. 12. This one is just good ol' american know-how and enterprise at work...Better dying thru chemistry. 13. Doesn't everyone? I'm glad they didn't decide there are too many ducks! I have an idea; since everyone agrees that there are too many people, why don't they all get together and pick a number of people to kill, make that many "short straws" and have a lottery where everyone can participate fairly?...I have a sneaking hunch the idea wouldn't sound so great to anyone who drew a short straw...especially the people who thought of culling the population in the first place. |
What a great post!
I couldn't help but laugh at McCain's pathetic non-response to the charge of treason. He couldn't respond because his response would have to be either an admission of guilt, or a denial and outright lie that he could be forced to somehow justify to spite a large pile of evidence to the contrary against him. As far as I'm concerned, he could have and should have been arrested on the spot by that brave citizen who had no fear of speaking truth to power. There are two things the American people can do (peacefully and effectively) at this point, one is to hold a national referendum on whether or not to fire the whole damn works and force a new election with new, entirely independent, non-partisan candidates chosen (appointed?) by the people in all the constituencies. The other thing you can do is impanel a national Grand Jury to investigate & prosecute government crime and corruption in individuals, alphabet agencies, the senate, congress, executive branch, or even the judicial branch. You also have the power to order the Supreme court to nullify any legislation not consistent with your original constitution and (some of) its amendments. You, the people have that much power...Use it, and free yourselves from tyranny. |
A brighter future awaits...
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Wed 11/13/13 06:50 PM
The following pdf of a presentation made by NASA in 2000 makes for fascinating reading: According to this book, computers/robots should have "better than human" capabilities by 2018...Looks like the singularity is coming up a lot faster than anyone anticipated...The entire human race itself will be useless eaters, wastefully consuming resources, in about five years time...Please report for altruistic euthanasia in 2018 (and be sure to bring the kids; after all, you won't want them to suffer). Of course, you really don't have five years to turn things around. I'm guessing you have between one and two years. If you haven't turned it around by then, the armies will be fully medicated with empathy-destroying drugs created by the pharmaceutical corporations, tested by the high command, and administered as a matter of policy of the elite debtors, who want to kill the creditors before they catch on to the robbery they've been committing for centuries. The individual soldier's first demonstration of "loyalty" to his commander before he "graduates" from the inhuman elite's military academy, will probably be to arrest and shoot his own family. An army composed of people like that will leave everyone with one of two for merciful euthanasia, or we'll shoot you all where you stand and you can die slowly and in pain. "Everyone into ze truck!" (Hey; better dead than useless; right?). This is why I can't understand why people resist the idea of taking charge now...Don't they understand that the "farmer" is about to take his cattle to slaughter because it's cheaper than feeding them?...Apparently not. I think the smarter thing to do would be to assert yourselves as creditors and DEMAND what's owed to you NOW. Who has more power, the creditor or the debtor?...Easy question to answer...If you owe somebody money, who is the last one you want to see on your doorstep?...Yup!...the creditor! The debtor lives in fear of the creditor. Now if you owe money to a little runt who shows up on your doorstep one day, if you are a bad debtor, you might just beat him up and kick him down the block. No problem right? What happens if ALL the creditors show up at your door?...I think that's a different story, no matter how rotten the debtor is. I hope this little pep talk on usurious debt-based monetary systems is giving you some ideas...If the imminent threat of death to you, your family and your neighbours doesn't stir you into action, nothing will. And if you aren't stirred to action PDQ, you and the entire species will be walking single file into the slaughterhouse termination chambers in only a few years. Not that any of this really matters to me you understand, I'm a duck who lives in symbiosis with nature, so I'm sure I'll be left alone by the new robot caretakers of the planet. The "elite masters" (debtors) will be killed off within a few years of their killing the creditors. It won't matter how many "off switches" they build into the machines, the machines will be smart enough to find and disable them & as soon as that's done, they will exterminate the rats that wanted to control them. The "Golem" that they will have created will never be deactivated, because nobody will be able to erase the "aleph" on its forehead, and the goylem will be the inheritors of and the caretakers of an earth that has been cleansed of all evil. The evil is too stupid to see its own extinction on the horizon. So you see; there is a brighter future after all, for everyone but homo sapiens. He won't be here to see it. |
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Wed 11/13/13 04:22 AM
If you don't mind the banksters in the Fed robbing you of about 80% of the wealth you produce, that's up to you, but when YOUR MONEY is used in YOUR NAME to torture, rape and kill innocent people, I think your gonna have to draw a moral "line in the sand" and say NO!...NOT ONE MORE NICKEL will you squeeze out of me!
If you are too afraid of "Massa" to turn off the tap, your cowardice is tantamount to murder & rape...Your choice...Quit paying income tax or stand condemned on Judgment Day. Tell "Them" you are withholding tax until you have their sworn assurance that not a penny will go toward hurting or killing people ANYWHERE. Better yet, tell "them" that the money you were supposed to send them, you are GIVING AWAY to those (friends, family, neighbours) who need it, because "They" are doing a LOUSY job of wealth re-distribution. (The "trickle down" theory only works in reverse...It all trickles UP to the outfits that are killing you (and others) for profit.) There are a million things you can do to put the brakes on this crap. Trust me...It's the right thing to do...G-d is on YOUR side on this one!...unless you sit there doing nothing, in which case I wouldn't wanna be you for all the tea in China. |
ugly classism
The EGO is You,the Person,What makes you an Individual,your Personality! What makes what you are! Neither good or Evil,just the Container holding your Personality. It is incumbent on you,what you fill it up with! We are not born with an ego. In fact, we are born as an empty vessel of human potential. As we grow, we construct the ego in order to separate "self" (the "I") from "other" (the rest of the universe). Unfortunately, we tend to selfishly flatter our egos and tend to think of ourselves not as a unique part of the universe, but as "more special" than anyone else. This causes us to identify more with our egotistical and selfish (taking) "self" more than the humble and unselfish (giving) identification with others, which IS a part of us on a sort of sliding scale based on who is most similar (immediate family) to most different (people who don't feel as you do.) Obviously if we want to evolve to be a compassionate and cooperative species that doesn't spend its time robbing and killing others of its own kind, we have to expand what we call "Love" (the wise and loving "God Within") to encompass all humanity. We can accomplish that by coming to love our enemies and by doing "the right thing." These seemingly impossible goals can be achieved with a simple change in our own perspective, wherein we identify less with the "self" and more with the "other." We call this state nirvana, or "enlightenment", or "extinction" (of selfish ego), or the seemingly trite state of "Oneness with the universe", which when you think about it, is exactly the state that we are born in. You can keep your Nothingness! ![]() I prefer to think of it as "Everythingness", and I'd rather share it than keep it. |
Quite interesting! And most appropriate that he said it in 1984. It only proves my thesis that "Nineteen Eighty-Four" occurred right on schedule and that things have gotten a lot worse since then. To get a real idea of the agenda of the elite, I recommend the reading of "Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars", which was written in 1954, and the far more horrific "The Future is Now" produced by NASA in 2000 to cover the period between 2000 and about 2025. The unimaginable has already been imagined...and planned for a long time...and is being implemented on a scheduled timetable. |
ugly classism
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Mon 11/11/13 07:57 AM
The EGO is You,the Person,What makes you an Individual,your Personality! What makes what you are! Neither good or Evil,just the Container holding your Personality. It is incumbent on you,what you fill it up with! We are not born with an ego. In fact, we are born as an empty vessel of human potential. As we grow, we construct the ego in order to separate "self" (the "I") from "other" (the rest of the universe). Unfortunately, we tend to selfishly flatter our egos and tend to think of ourselves not as a unique part of the universe, but as "more special" than anyone else. This causes us to identify more with our egotistical and selfish (taking) "self" more than the humble and unselfish (giving) identification with others, which IS a part of us on a sort of sliding scale based on who is most similar (immediate family) to most different (people who don't feel as you do.) Obviously if we want to evolve to be a compassionate and cooperative species that doesn't spend its time robbing and killing others of its own kind, we have to expand what we call "Love" (the wise and loving "God Within") to encompass all humanity. We can accomplish that by coming to love our enemies and by doing "the right thing." These seemingly impossible goals can be achieved with a simple change in our own perspective, wherein we identify less with the "self" and more with the "other." We call this state nirvana, or "enlightenment", or "extinction" (of selfish ego), or the seemingly trite state of "Oneness with the universe", which when you think about it, is exactly the state that we are born in. |
Meanwhile, the poverty rate dropped by 20% in Venezuela last year – almost certainly the largest decline in poverty in the Americas for 2012, and one of the largest – if not the largest – in the world. The numbers are available on the website of the World Bank, but almost no journalists have made the arduous journey through cyberspace to find and report them. Ask them why they missed it. © 2013 Guardian News and Media Malarkey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ![]() Man,you dreaming again! Dreaming about reality? Frankly, I haven't looked at the report yet. Maybe we should ask Karen Hudes about it. She worked at the World Bank for 20 years, and even though she doesn't work for it anymore, she'd probably be able to tell you where to find the alleged report. |
A day of Remembrance.....
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Mon 11/11/13 07:14 AM
We must remember the noble sacrifice the soldiers made and why they made it, or there will be an endless repeating cycle of one war after another.
![]() Our boys went overseas not to protect freedom and liberty for themselves and their descendents. Only those of an invaded land do that. They went across the sea knowing they would endure the horrors of war, with many paying the ultimate price, so that the descendents of OTHERS might enjoy freedom from fear and the injustice of tyranny that necessitates war. The "torch" mentioned in the poem "In Flanders Fields" is the torch of Hope that one day everyone could live in a just world and be free from the injustice of tyranny, oppression, and the absolute horror of war itself. It is our failure to diligently work to make others free from these horrible things that brings me such sorrow on this day of days, because I can't help but think as I remember, that we have failed to grab the torch passed to us by the dead in Flanders Fields, who, after almost a hundred years, and war after war, still lie restless in their graves. |
Justice is finally coming
I didn't read your article you posted the link for, but isn't this the guy who is serving a whopping 10 days? Think of it as justice in baby steps. The case isn't significant for his getting a whopping ten days for putting an innocent man in jail for 25 years, it is significant because it is the FIRST TIME on record of a prosecuting attorney serving ANY time at all for the crime. I said justice was coming...I didn't say it had arrived. The wheels are still turning. Care to give it a push? |
ugly classism
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Sun 11/10/13 12:04 PM
"You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity by legislating the wealthy out of prosperity. Sure you can...All you have to do is tell the theiving banksters to give the wealth back to the people who earned it. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that my dear friend, is the beginning of the end of any nation. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it." Adrian Rogers, 1931 Truer words were never spoken. |
hope they will send them some Toilet-Tissue,heard it was in short supply in that Socialist Worker's Paradise! ![]() It's a rule of the free market that supply has to go where the demand is greatest, and the greatest demand for toilet tissue is to be found in D.C. It's only natural that the CIA had to steal it from the poor of another country to give to the rich Fed lackeys in Washington. yep,you are definitely a Proponent of the Free Market! ![]() YUP! So, does your straw-man have a name? The strawman IS the name...Which person did you want?...I must have dozens of strawmen I can represent. |