Community > Posts By > Cheer_up

Cheer_up's photo
Wed 05/02/12 07:15 AM

here in Cali, the women love to shop, money or no money, lol.
you should see what they spend for one wallet, purse, or pair of jeans! ugh, u don`t wanna know

interviewing sugar-daddies........rofl
rofl i knew a Honest lady would admit it that women love to shop :) :wink: drinks flowers :banana: biggrin waving :thumbsup:

Some women like to shop, just like some men like to shop.
True but women love to shop more then guys in general :) laugh biggrin :thumbsup:

Cheer_up's photo
Wed 05/02/12 07:13 AM

i've seen men shop worse then women, pretty boys for their appearence, then u have the man man which u flash a fishing, tools, and any new toy (lawn mower or power tool) i have seen them race to a shop to buy even a new part for that beaut of a car, so men r just a bigger shopper as a women is...
well they did a study and found 83% were women my friend so i think your wrong, Women spend $4 trillion annually and account for 83% of U.S. consumer spending, which makes up two-thirds of the nation's gross national product, according to WomenCertified, a women's consumer advocacy and retail training organization headquartered in Hollywood, Fla., which also worked on the study...but you may get the odd guy that is a pretty boy as you say and shop all weekend or after work all night lolll but most guys give the lady's money to shop :) and guys watch a lot of sports or go and have a beer, while the lady loves her shoe shopping or clothes or whatever else :) but i didn't say theres nothing wrong it i just curious why they love it :) flowerforyou :banana: :thumbsup:

Cheer_up's photo
Wed 05/02/12 07:01 AM

it depends on the women, if she is a shopaholic, just a bargin shopper (which i am). I can not speak for all women, i budget to want n needs, for kids and house.
yes i see that some do window shopping or look for hours and then buy others just buy buy buy lollllllflowerforyou laugh :thumbsup:

Cheer_up's photo
Wed 05/02/12 06:59 AM

flowerforyou Have you met many trolls lately lol?
not really why? biggrin :banana: :thumbsup:

Cheer_up's photo
Wed 05/02/12 06:57 AM

I would like to add my 2 cents but my girlfriend spent it.
laugh :banana: :thumbsup: now thats funny cheers bro :)

Cheer_up's photo
Wed 05/02/12 12:02 AM

I love shopping because I find pleasure in it. I like finding arty things for my home. My daughter wants/needs stuff all the time and i get pleasure to see her delighted. I shop at thrift shops and markets because i enjoy finding odd things. shocked
flowerforyou see thats great, but i think guys don't find as much pleasure in shopping as gals do but i do love some garage sale and thrift shops for antiques ,have a great night my friend :thumbsup:

Cheer_up's photo
Tue 05/01/12 11:51 PM

noway noway I hate shopping, it's yucky. To many peole to many things to choose from. i just want to get it and get out.
But because I can;t ever find what I want it's just never easy. Yuck Yuck Yuck.
lollllllllll well you live with the wild animals in aus i can understand its a bit different there i think:)flowerforyou waving :thumbsup:

Cheer_up's photo
Tue 05/01/12 11:48 PM

here in Cali, the women love to shop, money or no money, lol.
you should see what they spend for one wallet, purse, or pair of jeans! ugh, u don`t wanna know

interviewing sugar-daddies........rofl
rofl i knew a Honest lady would admit it that women love to shop :) :wink: drinks flowers :banana: biggrin waving :thumbsup:

Cheer_up's photo
Tue 05/01/12 11:35 PM

Cheer - you`ve got a lot of tikked off females gonna come atcha! wooooooo
why ? i just wondered why they love shopping so much lollllll flowerforyou laugh :thumbsup:

Cheer_up's photo
Tue 05/01/12 11:21 PM
Well that really explains how lollllllll tell me in my mail box then laugh :wink: :thumbsup:

Cheer_up's photo
Tue 05/01/12 11:04 PM how you put it in red to push? lolllllllaugh waving :thumbsup:

Cheer_up's photo
Tue 05/01/12 10:37 PM
Edited by Cheer_up on Tue 05/01/12 10:38 PM ... the cat came back lolllll laugh :banana: :thumbsup:

Cheer_up's photo
Tue 05/01/12 10:32 PM

awww, Cheer, great to see u
:wink: flowers biggrin waving :thumbsup: you to again:)

Cheer_up's photo
Tue 05/01/12 10:24 PM
Edited by Cheer_up on Tue 05/01/12 10:26 PM

I Wrote this Song In 94, Tupac
ty, Dave Chapelle happy
just saw it flowers biggrin :thumbsup:

Cheer_up's photo
Tue 05/01/12 10:18 PM
You know i am always around if you need to chat bro cheers and always stay strong :) i know life is hard, but sometimes friends support does help some :) have a great night :thumbsup:

Cheer_up's photo
Tue 05/01/12 10:08 PM

This is taking days. Just how many did she sleep with? think
as many as she wanted too i guess cause her sex drive was HOT BABY HOT LOLLLLLL I told her use the condom sense but she loved it RAW and HARD sometimes now theres a baby hahaha laugh waving :thumbsup:

laugh Kinky. I like it.

Rawrr_Girl, if you like it, then do you want a visit from all of the suspects? bigsmile

Maybe. smitten. Well, one or two of em seem pretty cool. :D
Well Rawrr_Girl lets get it happening you welcome to come back after we BOINK LOLLLL 50 times but condom sense with other now remember hahaha you KINKY GAL YOU LOLLL but no more baby's right now cause i thinks someones playing with the D.N.A s and changing the names lolll

Cheer_up's photo
Tue 05/01/12 09:55 PM

Lighten up, man. With all the smileys and lolllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllls you use, you shouldn't be so uptight!
ya i guess your right sorry its just i had such a Rotten day and lost another close friend and fed up about life ,i shouldn't take it out on no 1 sorry again have a good night ,life's to f short thats all

Cheer_up's photo
Tue 05/01/12 09:46 PM

I think women shopping a lot is a stereotype.
so you think they just like follow the leader and cause most women shop a lot others follow?

No, I don't think women shop a lot. I don't know many that shop a lot, or even enjoy shopping for that matter.
Women spend $4 trillion annually and account for 83% of U.S. consumer spending, which makes up two-thirds of the nation's gross national product, according to WomenCertified, a women's consumer advocacy and retail training organization headquartered in Hollywood, Fla., which also worked on the study.:) not sure where you go to malls at my friend or what women you know but 83% dude cheers but i still wonder why lolll laugh :banana: :thumbsup:

Cheer_up's photo
Tue 05/01/12 09:38 PM

its ok my friend have a good day :) i kind of tired about all this lolllll flowerforyou

Then don't get so defensive. No one singled you out. You singled yourself out. Type the way you want to type. We all have different preferences. If you make it hard to read on purpose, by choosing not to use punctuation, that is your choice and no one else's.
well in my opinion your rude but thats my opinion so keep your NOSE up HIGH and pat yourself on your back and keep thinking your high and mighty cause even when i talk nice and say drop it ,and have a good day ,you carry on with a stupid insults but then again your only young :) you may know how to spell but you sure got no manners rofl but thats ok snobs will be snobs :) have a good day laugh

If you feel I've been rude, sorry. You're not being very friendly, either.

I've never said I was "high and mighty." But, if you think that, alrighty.

Telling someone to stop with the "stupid insults," then following up with insults of your own contradicts what you're saying. If it makes you feel better, have at it, though.
well after saying :)its ok my friend have a good day :) i kind of tired about all this lolllll flowerforyou :) and trying to stop this chit talk rofl you carried on so i think you just love to argue i saw you argue in lots of rooms with different people too so was just returning the favor laugh :thumbsup:

Cheer_up's photo
Tue 05/01/12 09:30 PM
woohoo love the stooges ,hi there you sweet thing you flowers :wink: :thumbsup: