Community > Posts By > shovelheaddave

shovelheaddave's photo
Thu 07/12/18 07:44 AM
Japan's death rate is surpassing its birth rate,which means that the country is LOSING its population,which is causing serious problems to the country's economy....

it seems to me that it is against Japan's best interest to keep people who WANT to move,or immigrate to the country from doing so.

Since Japan began counting its newborns more than a century ago, more than a million infants have been added to its population each year.

No longer, in the latest discomforting milestone for a country facing a steep population decline. Last year, the number of births in Japan dropped below one million for the first time, the ministry of health, labour and welfare said Friday.

The shrinking of the country’s population – deaths have outpaced births for several years – is already affecting the economy in areas including the job and housing markets, consumer spending and long-term investment plans at businesses.

After Japan’s population hit a peak of 128 million at the start of the current decade, it shrank by close to 1 million in the five years through 2015, according to census data. Demographers expect it to plunge by a third by 2060, to as few as 80 million people — a net loss of 1 million a year, on average.

Fewer young people means fewer workers to support a growing cohort of retirees, adding strains to pension and health care systems.


so,if japan doesn't do SOMETHING to boost its population,in just a few more decades,it will be in SERIOUS trouble,and will lose its status as a major country/world power,and become a minor country that will be a dependent state that will have to be supported by the rest of the world.

shovelheaddave's photo
Thu 07/12/18 07:32 AM
black sleep pants,and a purple T shirt.

but,underneath them,i am naked!!


shovelheaddave's photo
Thu 07/12/18 07:31 AM
if you feel like someone has supremacy over you,then that also says that you think that you are inferior....

so,who am I to disagree with you?

shovelheaddave's photo
Wed 07/11/18 08:53 AM
and,our trump-led government is treating us A LOT worse than the people he is 'claiming' that he is protecting us from.

he doesn't care about the 'promises' that he made to the people who he needed votes from back in 2016..
all he cares about is making a public spectacle that will feed his narcissism,and need for publicity.

I have to wonder,though....
how are these tariffs affecting HIS OWN personal fortune,and business interests?
cuz,i bet that SOMEHOW,once you dig deep enough,that they are benefitting him,and his super wealthy,elite 1% class.

while the common people,merchants,and farmers who make upthe majority of the country all suffer,and pay the price for it!!

shovelheaddave's photo
Wed 07/11/18 08:38 AM
I have been thinking about moving to either the Dominican Republic ,or Belize,when I retire in a few years.

I know,and have talked to several people who have done it.
they are extremely friendly to American expatriates,and you can live like a king down there for very little money.

the worst part about it would be the lack of major department stores,and having to import a lot of your goods,such as electronics,and vehicles in from the U.S.[and having to pay the taxes/tariffs on them],but most people that live there just drive motorcycles/scooters,and Amazon DOES delver down there,so....

it is something that I have been seriously thinking about.

shovelheaddave's photo
Tue 07/10/18 12:08 PM
yes,those officers DID handle the situation correctly,and ethically,instead of using deadly force when it was not absolutely necessary,and we do not usually hear of those situations,because the officers did their job propery,so we DIDNT NEED to be made aware of it.

and,just as with the people who perform just about EVERY OTHER job,the people who THOSE jobs do not regularly receive public accolades for doing their job correctly...
THEIR accolades come in the form a a PAYCHECK.

BUT,as for all the OTHER incidents,when the officers DID NOT handle the situation correctly,WE DO need to hear about EVERY ONE of them,so that we can stand up and object,and make sure that those officers who are NOT doing their job correctly,and putting memebers of the public at risk of bodily injury,and even death will be held accountable,and be removed from a position that has so much potential for causing such great harm if they are not fit to hold it.

because,as the old saying goes...just ONE bad apple can spoil a whole barrel!!
EXCEPT,what is at risk in THIS situation is a WHOLE LOT MORE SERIOUS than just a spoiled barrel of apples...
it is the risk of serious bodily injury,death,and a lack of respect for ALL of the people who do such an important job,which can be infinitely more dangerous than a few isolated acts of unecessary deadly force.

shovelheaddave's photo
Tue 07/10/18 11:48 AM

Is it time to stop trying looking for love again

only if you have already found it!!!

otherwise,you cant win it,if you aint in it!!

shovelheaddave's photo
Tue 07/10/18 11:47 AM
sitting on hold.

just like i have been for the last 40 minutes.

at times like THIS,i TOTALLY understand why there are so many people who go on shooting sprees!!


shovelheaddave's photo
Tue 07/10/18 11:42 AM

I don't mean you should go outside and shock somebody and make sure that you keep a robe handy so you don't freak out the UPS guy!

Have you ever considered that living naked or in your underwear is a great step for the environment? Less clothing=less laundry to wash-saves on pollution(detergents can be bad for the environment.), less power usage, and just less lint in the world. Save the planet! Go green!

but,just think about all the disinfectant you would have to use,every time you went somewhere and wanted to sit down!!
[not to mention how sticky some of the seats might be!!]

also,aesthetically speaking,it has been my experience that when it comes to 'nudists',the ones that you would WANT to see naked are hardly ever the ones that are willing to take their clothes off!!
[so that would mean that.... ill ]

it kinda gives a WHOLE DIFFERENT meaning to 'going green'!!!

shovelheaddave's photo
Mon 07/09/18 01:00 PM

I love chocolate... dark chocolate to be exact love

dark chocolate!!


shovelheaddave's photo
Mon 07/09/18 12:59 PM
sometimes i post just to be posting.


shovelheaddave's photo
Mon 07/09/18 10:26 AM
just got back from exercising..

now i am killing the rest of my lunch break wasting time on here.

shovelheaddave's photo
Mon 07/09/18 10:20 AM
Edited by shovelheaddave on Mon 07/09/18 10:23 AM

:wink: Honesty is always the best Policy!

not necesarily!!

i know SEVERAL people who HAVE to act like they are different peoople,cuz if they acted like they REALLY were,nobody would like them,or want to have anything to do with them!

so,for societies sake,for THEM,it is better that they dont act like their true selves!!


and THAT applies to EVERYBODY...even ME,at times,cuz there are times that if i said what i was REALLY thinking,it would probably NOT be a good thing!!!
[that is what is called 'having social skills'!!]

shovelheaddave's photo
Mon 07/09/18 10:17 AM
i love the aussie accent,or british,if it isnt TOO 'cockneyed' up!
i find it EXTREMELY sexy!!!

although,a couple of years ago,i was going through mississippi,and found a tupelo honey with such a great southern accent that i sort of fell in love with hers,too!

as far as hispanic women goes,sofia vergara sort of ruined them for me,with her super thick/super fake accent that she does to play the part she is playing. brokenheart
[if you find earlier videos of her speaking,her accent isnt anywhere NEAR as thick as she pretends that it is now!]

and,i have been told by several women [from up north] that they absolutely LOVE my texas drawl!!

shovelheaddave's photo
Mon 07/09/18 07:50 AM
a blonde had just bought a cute little convertible from a used car lot,and was taking it for a ride in the country,with the top down,when the car started sputtering,and died.

she called triple A on her cell phone,and waited for the wrecker to show up.

after the wrecker got there,the driver lifted the hood of the car,and started trying to figure out what was wrong with it,and after a few minutes he got in it,turned the key,and it fired right up.

the blonde thanked the mechanic,and asked what he did to it,and he told her that "oh,it was simple...just crap in the carburetor".

the blonde looked sort of disgusted,and then asked him "well,how many times a week do i need to do that to it??"

shovelheaddave's photo
Fri 07/06/18 02:27 PM

In my world,
a 13 dollar drug kingpin,
would find himself duct taped to
a tree.


i know THATS right!!!


shovelheaddave's photo
Fri 07/06/18 12:30 PM
"EVOLUTION" is thoroughly proven by science EVERY DAY!!!

all you have to do is look at the way virus's adapt,and they have to constantly find new vaccines to treat different strains of influenza every year to prove that things evolve,and adapt!

if the influenza viruses werent adapting,and EVOLVING,they wouldnt have to do that,and the same vaccine would work on the virus EVERY YEAR!

but,it DOESNT,so....

the proof is in the pudding!

shovelheaddave's photo
Fri 07/06/18 11:54 AM
I like long legs...

big brown eyes...

brown hair...

really really horny.

and loves to have sex outdoors!


wait a minute!!..

I think i just described a moose,didnt i?

shovelheaddave's photo
Thu 07/05/18 09:46 PM
IF THIS IS ACTUALLY TRUE,it sounds like there is A LOT more to this story than you are telling us!!

what did your brother do to make this alleged 'drug dealer' want to beat him up?

cuz,usually,when a 'drug dealer' beats somebody up,it is for a VERY specific reason!!

OR,if he did it because somebody PAID him to do it,like you are suggesting,what did he do to make somebody mad enough to spend money to have him beat up?

cuz,REALISTICALLY,people dont spend money to have somebody beat somebody else up,unless they DID SOMETHING to warrant this desire of violence,do they?

and,you claim that even though an eyewitness testified to what happened to your brother,the authorities dont want to do anything about it??

the whole thing sounds prettty fishy to me,the way you tell it!

at the very least,i would suggest to your 'brother' that he needs to start hanging around a better class of people,and stop going to parties with drug dealers who are prone to acts of violence.

shovelheaddave's photo
Thu 07/05/18 09:35 AM
A mechanic was working on the engine of a Harley Davidson motorcycle when he spotted a well-known heart surgeon in his shop.

The surgeon was there waiting for the service manager to come take a look at his bike when the mechanic shouted across the garage, "Hey, Doc, can I ask you a question?"

The surgeon, a bit surprised, walked over to where the mechanic was working on the motorcycle.

The mechanic straightened up, wiped his hands on a rag, and asked..

"So, Doc, look at this engine. I open its heart, take valves out, fix 'em, put 'em back in, and when I finish, it works just like new...

So how come I get such a small salary and you get the really big bucks, when you and I are doing basically the same work?"

The surgeon paused, smiled, leaned over, and said to the mechanic...

"Try doing it with the engine running."