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I found this part interesting: The book describes that at the center of the cosmos is the stationary Isle of Paradise—the dwelling place of God—with Paradise being surrounded by "Havona," an eternal universe containing a billion perfect worlds, around which seven incomplete and evolutionary "superuniverses" circle.[71][72] The word "universe" in the book is used to denote a number of different scales of organization. A "superuniverse" is roughly the size of a galaxy or group of galaxies, and the seven superuniverses along with Paradise-Havona are together designated as the "grand universe." A "local universe" is a portion of a superuniverse, with 100,000 local universes being in each superuniverse.[71] Beyond the seven superuniverses, uninhabited "outer space levels" are described. The term "master universe" refers to what in modern usage would be the total universe—all existing matter and space taken as a whole. Urantia is said to be located in a remote local universe named "Nebadon," which itself is part of superuniverse number seven, "Orvonton." The physical size of a local universe is not directly stated, but each is said to have up to 10 million inhabited worlds.[71] Of course, when the book was written (1925-50?), not much work had been done on Black Holes, Hawking's faves. It is today postulated that at the center of every galaxy exists a black hole. Furthermore, at the center of the universe (cosmos) (if such a coordinate can be found) exists a giant black hole, capable of swallowing up entire galaxies. BTW, Hawking laid out a hypothesis in A Brief History of Time wherein the universe expands, evidenced by the Doppler Effect (which surmises that stars and galaxies are moving away from each other at increasing rates of speed), UNTIL it reaches a point where, like a rubber band, or accordion, the entire system rebounds and moves back upon itself until we have another singularity which leads to another Big Bang. I point this out to reflect on the idea of an eternal universe. I also found this interesting: Jesus is considered the human incarnation of "Michael of Nebadon," one of more than 700,000 "Paradise Sons" of God, or "Creator Sons." In that the book was channeled to Sadler (maybe Kellog) by 'celestial beings' I appreciate that the celestial perspective requires more manpower for more universes. Which leads me to a question, ReserveCorp: Was/were Sadler/Kellog et al(the other folks in the original committee), prophets, in your opinion?—IM I take it that the material in italics is not from the Wikipedia site. OK. We don't believe the book was channeled. It's a bit of a read but here's a good account of how the book came about: No, I don't think anyone, any Urantia Book believers, think that Sadler or Kellogg or any of the "Contact Commission" were prophets at all. Good question, though. They seem to have been a cog in a celestial program-attempt to materialize The Urantia Papers into the human evolutionary stream, I guess that's how I'd put it. Here's what they had to say about the book, some excerpts: Dr. Sadler: "The [Urantia] Papers were published just as we received them." "The contact commissioners had no editorial authority." "Our job was limited to spelling, capitalization, and punctuation." Emma Christensen, contact commissioner wrote, "The authors are all listed in the book itself..." "I can categorically assure you that no humans decided the content of the Urantia Book. The Book is as the revelators gave it to us." "The Urantia Book was not written by the Urantia Foundation. It is a revelation given to this world by superhuman personalities." "The Urantia Book was published precisely as it was given to the people of this planet. Not a word has been added or deleted." "No human scholars edited the book." Thomas Kendall, Foundation trustee wrote, "The Urantia Book is arranged and assembled exactly as revealed." "No human ever edited this material." And regarding the expansion of the universe, the book says it expands and contracts, in a sort of "space respiration." I think it's says it's a billion years expanding and then a billion contracting. I think it says we're in the expansion phase now. Might be like the Hindu theory, I'm not sure. But I would say it describes a sine-wave, like many other things in nature, the seasons on earth, and so on. |
ReserveCorp 2:17 PM For those of us not familiar with the book.—IM Thank you. My bad. |
From IMFrisson
What bothers me about many Christian apologists is the arrogance they display, as if the Scriptures amalgamated into the Vulgate in the 5th century was the last and definitive word on Truth. The NT manuscripts I use are older than the Vulgate. The Ten Commandments is a rewrite of the Code of Hammurabi
I am not sure how anyone can determine that since no one can determine when God spoke to Adam. All predate Christianity by at least 2,000 years.
Christianity is based on Judaism. But who cares which ones are older? Perhaps there is another explanation as to why some of these religions repeat the same info. Maybe they shared some of this stuff with each other because they all knew it was true. Let's see. Who knows what happened thousands of years ago? Were any of us there? Actually, we do know. 93:2.1 It was 1,973 years before the birth of Jesus that Machiventa [MELCHIZEDEK] was bestowed upon the human races of Urantia [EARTH]. His coming was unspectacular; his materialization was not witnessed by human eyes. He was first observed by mortal man on that eventful day when he entered the tent of Amdon, a Chaldean herder of Sumerian extraction. And the proclamation of his mission was embodied in the simple statement which he made to this shepherd, “I am Melchizedek, priest of El Elyon, the Most High, the one and only God.” 93:2.2 When the herder had recovered from his astonishment, and after he had plied this stranger with many questions, he asked Melchizedek to sup with him, and this was the first time in his long universe career that Machiventa had partaken of material food, the nourishment which was to sustain him throughout his ninety-four years of life as a material being. 93:2.3 And that night, as they talked out under the stars, Melchizedek began his mission of the revelation of the truth of the reality of God when, with a sweep of his arm, he turned to Amdon, saying, “El Elyon, the Most High, is the divine creator of the stars of the firmament and even of this very earth on which we live, and he is also the supreme God of heaven.” 93:2.4 Within a few years Melchizedek had gathered around himself a group of pupils, disciples, and believers who formed the nucleus of the later community of Salem. He was soon known throughout Palestine as the priest of El Elyon, the Most High, and as the sage of Salem. Among some of the surrounding tribes he was often referred to as the sheik, or king, of Salem. Salem was the site which after the disappearance of Melchizedek became the city of Jebus, subsequently being called Jerusalem. 93:2.5 In personal appearance, Melchizedek resembled the then blended Nodite and Sumerian peoples, being almost six feet in height and possessing a commanding presence. He spoke Chaldean and a half dozen other languages. He dressed much as did the Canaanite priests except that on his breast he wore an emblem of three concentric circles, the Satania symbol of the Paradise Trinity. In the course of his ministry this insignia of three concentric circles became regarded as so sacred by his followers that they never dared to use it, and it was soon forgotten with the passing of a few generations. 93:2.6 Though Machiventa lived after the manner of the men of the realm, he never married, nor could he have left offspring on earth. His physical body, while resembling that of the human male, was in reality on the order of those especially constructed bodies used by the one hundred materialized members of Prince Caligastia’s [THE DEVIL] staff except that it did not carry the life plasm of any human race. Nor was there available on Urantia the tree of life. Had Machiventa remained for any long period on earth, his physical mechanism would have gradually deteriorated; as it was, he terminated his bestowal mission in ninety-four years long before his material body had begun to disintegrate. -The Urantia Book |
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Sun 06/03/18 12:58 PM
The Bible states that it is appointed for men to DIE ONCE. No where in the Bible does it make an exception. Who cares? Blake, How can the Spirit of Truth guide you into all truth, as Jesus said, with your absolute assertions as you have given them above? And you didn't get those absolute assertions from The Spirit of Truth, you got them from indoctrination by mere men into the religious theories and doctrines of mere men. Someone, some human or humans, "sold" you on the idea of biblical inerrancy and you bought it. Isn't that right? Who was it, do you remember? And then you had an experience, like Meatloaf sings about in "Paradise by the Dashboard lights" right? "I couldn't take it any longer Lord I was crazed And when the feeling came upon me Like a tidal wave" An attitude of "I will only accept new truth from the Spirit of Truth if that new truth agrees with what I already believe," will effectively block The Spirit of Truth from operating in your mind. "...The Spirit of truth, ...will guide you into all truth." (John 16:13) But not if a person won't allow it. The Spirit of Truth respects our freewill to believe as we want to believe. The Spirit of Truth, on it's own, will not change one's wrong beliefs. It needs our co-operation. |
CLV John 3:13 And not one has ascended into heaven except He Who descends out of heaven, the Son of Mankind Who is in heaven. It means you are not going to heaven unless you came from heaven. What about Elijah? (2Ki 2:11) And it came to pass, as they still went on, and talked, that, behold, there appeared a chariot of fire, and horses of fire, and parted them both asunder; and Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven. Clearly John 3:13 is wrong. And Enoch? Gen 5:24 And Enoch walked with God: and he was not; for God took him. "By faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death; and was not found, because God had translated him: for before his translation he had this testimony, that he pleased God." (Heb 11:5) That's not what the Trinity is about. The Trinity is all about "One God." Not multiiple Gods, not three Gods. Three persons in ONE God. |
The ONENESS of God
Jesus is "one" with the Father in the same way that a cup of water from the Ocean is exactly the same essence as the Ocean itself. Jesus and the Father are of the same divine essence. But Jesus is not the same "person" as God the Father. Jesus is the Son. Apparently, in Judaism and Islam, and some "Oneness" Christian sects, they just can't "get" or accept the Trinity. But the Trinity IS. In any case, Trinity or not, belief in it or not, it will not affect anyone's salvation.
...Master, what shall I do to inherit eternal life? (Luke 10:25) And the answer contains nothing about the Trinity. |
Who invented who
No one should ever follow religion. Follow God. The creator of all that is. Agreed. Well said. |
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Fri 06/01/18 08:53 PM
Warning: Don't read this if you are not open to new truth because you won't be able to un-read it.
Here is the truth, the revealed, or re-revealed, truth about Luke 17:21, "...behold, the kingdom of God is within you," and "translation" and "fusion" (fusion comes first before translation). And there is a definite link between Luke 17:21 and Hebrews 11:5, IF you are open to new truth. And you MUST be open to new truth or the Spirit of Truth cannot operate within you. If you say, "Oh yeah, I'm open to new truth but only if it agrees with what I already believe or only if it agrees with what my sect says the bible says," then you tie the hands of the Spirit of Truth and you are not, in fact, open to new truth. Jesus said "The kingdom of God is within you." This is a profound truth that has been lost to Christianity. And they (Christians) go to great lengths to parse away this profound truth, they'll say, "Oh, Jesus didn't mean that. He meant "near you" or "around you" or "in your midst," etc. (It's similar to how some try to parse away the concept of "translation" by claiming the word should be "transfer," as Jesus said: "Making the word of God of none effect." Mark 7:13) They don't want to think that God is within everyone, but only in them, Christians. But there is an actual pre-personal fragment of God within every human being, which comes with the occurance of a child's first moral decision, usually around age 5 or 6. Later, as an adult who has developed enough spiritually, when you align your will perfectly with God's will as Enoch and Elijah did, you FUSE and become ONE with that pre-personal fragment of God and you are "translated" in a "chariot of [spiritual] flames" directly to "the mansion worlds" which Jesus referred to as the "many mansions in my Father's house." (John 14:2) They are not exactly "heaven" but they have been perceived as such in human visions and literature. There's seven mansion worlds, the "seven heavens." When you fuse with the pre-personal Father fragment, that fragment of God gains personality, yours, and you gain a measure of divinity. The bible, and Christian doctrine, know little or nothing about these things. Elijah and Enoch both "fused" with the fragment of God within them and they were both "translated" (changed from one form, the material, physical form, to another form, a semi-spiritual state of the sort Jesus had when he rose from the dead) in a "chariot of [spiritual] fire directly to the mansions that Jesus referred to and both of them BYPASSED NORMAL MORTAL DEATH. They never died and they never will, they made it to "heaven" without dying. On many worlds, when the planet is spiritually advanced enough, these "fusions" and "translations" are commonplace and people go to special places for the big day and friends and relatives come to see them off and wish them well. These are special facilities for these events and also for the protection of the bystanders from the spiritual energies of the fusion/translation process. These same spiritual energies were probably what was released in Jesus' tomb that caused some sort of x-ray type image to be inprinted in the tell-tale chemicals of the Shroud of Turin. Very few humans "fuse" with the Father fragment while here on earth. Elijah and Enoch were exceptions. And there may be others that we don't know about, and not just from Judaism or Christianity. But as, and if, the world advances spiritually, it may become more common. In any case, if it doesn't happen here, it WILL happen at some point in our post-resurrection career beginning on the "mansions," or "The Mansion Worlds" as The Urantia Book calls them. You (we) will be able to take all the time we need to become spiritually perfected enough to fuse. We have all eternity. And there are some who will choose not to make the journey after all. As Jesse Winchester sang: Life is just too short for some folks For other folks it just drags on Some folks like the taste of smokey whiskey Others figure tea's too strong -"Nothing but a breeze" "Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect." (Matthew 5:48) But perfection will not be handed to you magically after you die. Like everything else, you will have to earn it. If you were dysfunctional here, you will wake up on the mansions in the same condition, only with better teachers, and you will also have the knowledge of your own survival and that of others. |
The Living Presence of God
CLV John 3:13 And not one has ascended into heaven except He Who descends out of heaven, the Son of Mankind Who is in heaven. Are you FROM heaven? If now, you may find yourself on Earth for awhile. Did you mean "If not..." ? The "w" is not particularly close to the "t". We will all be here until the dispensation. Then we will all awaken (be resurrected) on the "many mansions" that Jesus spoke of (John 14:2). There, everything will be explained by seriously qualified angels, and we will all be able to make an informed choice about our futures. Anyway, (2Ki 2:11) And it came to pass, as they still went on, and talked, that, behold, there appeared a chariot of fire, and horses of fire, and parted them both asunder; and Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven. John 3:13 is clearly wrong. "went up" is functionally equivalent to "ascended." |
So you think the Holy Spirit will lead us and teach us with a Bible that is mistranslated? Interesting. "God moves in a mysterious ways; His wonders to perform." -William Cowper God has sent a correction. |
What does any of this below matter?, when all one really needs to know is the answer to this one question:
...Master, what shall I do to inherit eternal life? (Luke 10:25) Instead of pretend contradictions and contradictory opinions I thought we might have some real Biblical contradictions for a change. For practical purposes will be using the KJV, as this is the one that seems to have the most contradictions in it; among the English versions, that is. Yet these errors are in no way confined to this particular English version only. I will start with errors in translation. Well, I think most of these will be errors in translation. ************************************* COMPARISON Only by comparison can one appreciate the Concordant Version, so we propose a few examples with brief comments for consideration. Let us look at Genesis 1:1,2. As given by the King James “Bible,” it reads: In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth, And the earth was without form and void; and darkness [was] upon the face of the deep. The way this verse reads, practically all readers get the impression that God created the earth “without form and void.” In the celebrated “Evolution Trial” at Dayton, Tennessee, Mr. Darrow requested of the late Mr. Bryan to describe something that could be created “without form and void!” Scientists have poked fun at the “Bible” because of this statement, and pious reverence for a “book” rather than the truth, constrained them to accept and believe it because it was in there! The Concordant clarifies the matter: IN A BEGINNING created by God [Elohim] were the heavens and the earth. Yet the earth became a chaos and vacant, and darkness was on the surface of the submerged chaos. That this is the correct rendering, is confirmed by Isaiah 45:18, as given by the American Standard Revised Version, which speaks of the primal creation before the earth “became a chaos and vacant.” For thus saith Jehovah that created the heavens, the God that formed the earth, and made it, that established it and created it not a waste, that formed it to be inhabited: I am Jehovah and there is none else! This Scripture confirms the truth that the earth was created “not a waste” in the first verse of Genesis, but “to be inhabited,” and at a later date, through some cataclysmic judgment, is disrupted—“becomes waste and sterile, and darkness is on the surface of the abyss.” Compare Jeremiah 4:23-26 and 2 Peter 3:5,6. ************************************* In John 20:1, the King James reads: “The first day of the week . . .” It is little known to Christendom that this is a “bogus” translation foisted upon the church by the translators, a “camel” that has been swallowed by scholars and students alike. The original, in all three of the oldest manuscripts, reads "mia ton sabbaton," ONE OF THE SABBATHS. Our translators presumed to know more than the great Author and corrupted the word of God. They altered “one” to read “first,” inserted the word “day,” for it is not in the original and is not needed in the translation, and changed “sabbaths” to the singular “week.” Can one imagine a more perfidious and deceptive act of man? It truly is repugnant to those who reverently regard the original as the very word of God, and want it to speak to them as He was pleased to give it. |
What about Elijah? (2Ki 2:11) And it came to pass, as they still went on, and talked, that, behold, there appeared a chariot of fire, and horses of fire, and parted them both asunder; and Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven. Clearly John 3:13 is wrong. Jesus said, "...The Spirit of truth, ...will guide you into all truth." (John 16:13) But what if someone believes that they or their sect of one or many already knows everything? Maybe their claim to being a bible scholar is, "I have been working in the Scriptures since I was 18." What if such a person was able to sneak into a bible scholar conference with say, the likes of Bart Ehrman, Marcus Borg, Rudolf Bultmnann, Charles Ryrie, et al, there, and they asked, "What are your qualifications to attend and contribute to this meeting? What schools did you attend?" And the answer was, "I have been working in the Scriptures since I was 18." The Spirit of Truth cannot, and will not, change anyone's previously settled beliefs. In such a case, and there are many, where a person believes they already have all truth, that they basically know it all, The Spirit of Truth cannot function in that person's mind. The Spirit of Truth can no more guide a person who thinks they already know it all into truth than a man who leads a horse to water can make it drink. If you believe wrong things, the Spirit of Truth will not correct you against your will. You must be open to new truth. You must be thirsty. CLV John 3:13 And not one has ascended into heaven except He Who descends out of heaven, the Son of Mankind Who is in heaven.
Perhaps Elijah and Enoch were from Heaven. Whatever. When you start "perhapsing" and "iffing," the train has left the track. QUOTE: That's like saying, I drive the oldest and rustiest Model T available to mankind today. No, it's not.
CLV Heb 11:5 By faith Enoch was transferred, so as not to be acquainted with death, and was not found, because God transfers him. For before his transference he is attested to have pleased God well. The word used is "transferred," not "translate." You are mistaken. Translate is the word. The King James got it right. Strong's
G3346 metatithemi met-at-ith'-ay-mee from G3326 and G5087; to transfer, i.e. (literally) transport, (by implication) exchange, (reflexively) change sides, or (figuratively) pervert. First of all, Strongs was not written by God. It doesn't matter what Strongs says. What matters is what the Spirit of Truth, not Strongs, says, but you have to be open to the truth. In any case, you seem to be cherry picking Strongs, you left a lot out. Other people can look up Strongs too even if you have been working in the bible since you were 18. Heb 11:5 By faithG4102 EnochG1802 was translatedG3346 that he should notG3361 seeG1492 death;G2288 andG2532 was notG3756 found,G2147 becauseG1360 GodG2316 had translatedG3346 him:G846 forG1063 beforeG4253 hisG846 translationG3331 he had this testimony,G3140 that he pleasedG2100 God.G2316 The KJV translates Strong's G3346 in the following manner: translate (2x), carry over (1x), remove (1x), change (1x), turn (1x). "Transfer" is not even mentioned, above. TO CHANGE is to TRANSLATE from one substance to another. As Merriam Webster says: TRANSLATE: a : to turn into one's own or another language b : to transfer or turn from one set of symbols into another : transcribe c (1) : to express in different terms and especially different words : paraphrase (2) : to express in more comprehensible terms : explain, interpret 2 a : to bear, remove, or change from one place, state, form, or appearance to another : transfer, transform translate ideas into action b : to convey to heaven or to a nontemporal condition without death c : to transfer (a bishop) from one see to another b : to convey to heaven or to a nontemporal condition without death -and this is exactly what happened to Elijah and Enoch. The King James is correct when it uses the word "translate." And the truth of this matter has now been revealed to you. The question is now, What are you going to do with this truth? Strong’s Definitions (Strong’s Definitions Legend) μετατίθημι metatíthēmi, met-at-ith'-ay-mee; from G3326 and G5087; to transfer, i.e. (literally) transport, (by implication) exchange, (reflexively) change sides, or (figuratively) pervert:—carry over, change, remove, translate, turn. 2. to change (Herodotus 5, 68); passive of an office the mode of conferring which is changed, Hebrews 7:12; 71 τί εἰς τί, to turn one thing into another (τινα εἰς πτηνην φύσιν, Anth. 11, 367, 2); So you have cherry picked Strongs because, not being open to the truth of the matter, you prefer "transfer" to "translate." |
The proof is in the pudding
FWIW, The Urantia Book says that our area of space, our area of the Universe, was organized 987 billion years ago. That's just shy of a trillion years.
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Thu 05/31/18 08:09 PM
![]() It doesn't matter who wrote the book of Hebrews. Well, it should matter. Just because you believe it's "God's word" doesn't negate the need to know who authored it. Maybe it's not "God's word" at all. How would you know? The Bible states that it is appointed for men to DIE ONCE.
The bible states a lot of things. Not everyone here is a bibliolator. This is not the Bible Forum. Lazarus died more than once. No where in the Bible does it make an exception.
It doesn't matter. This is not the Bible Forum. It has not been agreed to by everyone here that the bible is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Anyway, Lazarus is clearly an exception. What are you talking about adding words???
You essentially added your own words when you said, "The Word of God states that it is appointed to all men to die once with no exceptions to be found." The "Word of God" does NOT state that there are no exceptions to be found. You added that condition yourself. This isn't the urantia book.
Indeed. Don't be afraid to read it. Of all human knowledge, that which is of greatest value is to know the religious life of Jesus and how he lived it. -196:1.3 The Urantia Book Agree? Disagree? Or do you think that "of all human knowledge, that which is of greatest value to know is that 'it is appointed to all men to die once' as some anonymous writer once said 2000 years ago"? So it only makes sense that the two witnesses would be Elijah and Enoch since they haven't died (YET).
Not at all. And if you do some Googling, you'll quickly find that there are a lot more opinions on the subject of the two witnesses than just what you and your sect of Christianity believe. This isn't difficult to understand.
At the very least it is very plausible. It's not plausible. Enoch and Elijah are no longer material beings, mortals like us, nor are they here. They are on the "many mansions" (John 14:2) that Jesus spoke of and they are in spiritual form and they are NOT coming back. The business of "fusion" with the Father fragment within (Luke 17:21), and translation to the "mansions" is something that Christians know little about. In fact, the profound truth of Luke 17:21 has been lost to Christianity, but it's closely related to what happened to Elijah and Enoch. "...behold, the kingdom of God is within you." (Luke 17:21) And no, Jesus didn't mean "near you" or nearby or "in your midst" or around you, and so on. There is a pre-personal fragment of God the Father within every normal minded human being on this earth, and within every normal minded mortal on every inhabited world in the universe, and there are a lot of them. Jesus was also talking about them when he said: And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd. (John 10:16) No, contrary to what Ludlow (you remember him?) says, "this fold" is not the Catholic church on planet earth. "This fold" IS planet earth. You can know more, blake, but you have to be open to new truth. |
I use the oldest and most complete manuscripts that are available to mankind today.
That's like saying, I drive the oldest and rustiest Model T available to mankind today. |
The proof is in the pudding
of course, that now leads to the ultimate question, what caused the Bang... If there ever was a Big Bang at all. |
CLV John 3:13 And not one has ascended into heaven except He Who descends out of heaven, the Son of Mankind Who is in heaven. It means you are not going to heaven unless you came from heaven. What about Elijah? (2Ki 2:11) And it came to pass, as they still went on, and talked, that, behold, there appeared a chariot of fire, and horses of fire, and parted them both asunder; and Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven. Clearly John 3:13 is wrong. And Enoch? Gen 5:24 And Enoch walked with God: and he was not; for God took him. "By faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death; and was not found, because God had translated him: for before his translation he had this testimony, that he pleased God." (Heb 11:5) Furch just to clear up my last post in response to one of yours involving Elijah and Enoch, I know you didn't say they died , but translated. That being said what I was pointing out was they haven't died YET. The Word of God states that it is appointed to all men to die once with no exceptions to be found. It also says in the last days(during the 7 year tribulation) there will be two witnesses who will be proclaiming The Word of God and that they will be murdered. Keeping Scripture harmonious and by applying the knowledge of The Word it only makes complete sense that the two witnesses will be Elijah and Enoch. What one needs to be concerned about is dying the second death (spiritually). Those who die the second death will not be part of the Kingdom of God. "Translated" means to change from one form or state to another. In Elijah and Enoch's cases, translated means changed instantly from the mortal, physical, material form into the spiritual form (in a "chariot" of spiritual flames (2Ki 2:11)), by-passing normal mortal death. Elijah and Enoch ARE on the mansions (John 14:2) now. They will never die, or return here. They are on their journey to Paradise. Merriam-Webster (See #2b below, bolded) Definition of translate transitive verb 1 a : to turn into one's own or another language b : to transfer or turn from one set of symbols into another : transcribe c (1) : to express in different terms and especially different words : paraphrase (2) : to express in more comprehensible terms : explain, interpret 2 a : to bear, remove, or change from one place, state, form, or appearance to another : transfer, transform translate ideas into action b : to convey to heaven or to a nontemporal condition without death c : to transfer (a bishop) from one see to another And Heb_9:27 does not say "with no exceptions to be found." That, apparently, has been added by men. By you? Also, no one even knows who wrote Hebrews. Wikipedia: Authorship Main article: Authorship of the Epistle to the Hebrews By the end of the first century there was no consensus on the author’s identity. Clement of Rome, Barnabas, Paul the Apostle, and other names were proposed. Others later suggested Luke the Evangelist, Apollos, or his teacher Priscilla as possible authors.[12] Though no author is named, the original King James Version of the Bible titled the work "The Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Hebrews". However, the KJV's attribution to Paul was only a guess, and is currently disputed by recent research.[6] Its vastly different style, different theological focus, different spiritual experience, different Greek vocabulary – all are believed to make Paul's authorship of Hebrews increasingly indefensible. At present, neither modern scholarship nor church teaching ascribes Hebrews to Paul.[13] Because of its anonymity, it had some trouble being accepted as part of the Christian canon, being classed with the Antilegomena. Eventually it was accepted as scripture because of its sound theology, eloquent presentation, and other intrinsic factors.[6]:431 In antiquity, certain circles began to ascribe it to Paul in an attempt to provide the anonymous work an explicit apostolic pedigree.[14] In the 4th century, Jerome and Augustine of Hippo supported Paul's authorship: the Church largely agreed to include Hebrews as the fourteenth letter of Paul, and affirmed this authorship until the Reformation. Scholars argued that in the 13th Chapter of Hebrews, Timothy is referred to as a companion. Timothy was Paul's missionary companion in the same way Jesus sent disciples out in pairs of two. Also, the writer states that he wrote the letter from "Italy", which also at the time fits Paul.[15] The difference in style is explained as simply an adjustment to a distinct audience, to the Jewish Christians who were being persecuted and pressured to go back to traditional Judaism.[16] Many scholars now believe that the author was one of Paul's pupils or associates, citing stylistic differences between Hebrews and the other Pauline epistles.[17] Recent scholarship has favored the idea that the author was probably a leader of a predominantly Jewish congregation to whom he or she was writing.[18] Believing the author to have been Priscilla, Hoppin posits that the name was omitted either to suppress its female authorship, or to protect the letter itself from suppression.[19] Also convinced that Priscilla was the author of Hebrews, Gilbert Bilezikian, professor of biblical studies at Wheaton College, remarks on "the conspiracy of anonymity in the ancient church," and reasons: "The lack of any firm data concerning the identity of the author in the extant writings of the church suggests a deliberate blackout more than a case of collective loss of memory." [20] A.J. Gordon ascribes the authorship of Hebrews to Priscilla, writing that "It is evident that the Holy Spirit made this woman Priscilla a teacher of teachers". Originally proposed by Adolf von Harnack in 1900,[21] Harnack’s reasoning won the support of prominent Bible scholars of the early twentieth century. Harnack believes the letter was written in Rome – not to the Church, but to the inner circle. In setting forth his evidence for Priscillan authorship, he finds it amazing that the name of the author was blotted out by the earliest tradition. Citing Chapter 13, he says it was written by a person of "high standing and apostolic teacher of equal rank with Timothy". If Luke, Clemens, Barnabas, or Apollos had written it, Harnack believes their names would not have been obliterated.[22] Donald Guthrie’s commentary The Letter to the Hebrews (1983) mentions Priscilla by name as a suggested author.[23] In the 3rd century, Origen wrote of the letter, "In the epistle entitled To The Hebrews the diction does not exhibit the characteristic roughness of speech or phraseology admitted by the Apostle [Paul] himself, the construction of the sentences is closer to the Greek usage, as anyone capable of recognising differences of style would agree. On the other hand the matter of the epistle is wonderful, and quite equal to the Apostle's acknowledged writings: the truth of this would be admitted by anyone who has read the Apostle carefully...If I were asked my personal opinion, I would say that the matter is the Apostle's but the phraseology and construction are those of someone who remembered the Apostle's teaching and wrote his own interpretation of what his master had said. So if any church regards this epistle as Paul's, it should be commended for so doing, for the primitive Church had every justification for handing it down as his. Who wrote the epistle is known to God alone: the accounts that have reached us suggest that it was either Clement, who became Bishop of Rome, or Luke, who wrote the gospel and the Acts."[24] Further, "Men of old have handed it down as Paul's, but who wrote the Epistle God only knows".[25] |
CLV John 3:13 And not one has ascended into heaven except He Who descends out of heaven, the Son of Mankind Who is in heaven. It means you are not going to heaven unless you came from heaven. What about Elijah? (2Ki 2:11) And it came to pass, as they still went on, and talked, that, behold, there appeared a chariot of fire, and horses of fire, and parted them both asunder; and Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven. Clearly John 3:13 is wrong. And Enoch? Gen 5:24 And Enoch walked with God: and he was not; for God took him. "By faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death; and was not found, because God had translated him: for before his translation he had this testimony, that he pleased God." (Heb 11:5) |
Who invented who
Evolution is a "science" that's continually being modified for the purpose of showing that God is no longer needed under the guise of science. I doubt if that's the "purpose," but it does seem as though certain science types will go to almost any length of argument to keep the Divine foot out of the door. But evolution could very well be, and is, imo, God directed and God initiated. And until Science can whip up some live "protoplasm" from a bowl of inert chemicals, they've got nothing. And they're face to face with that fact all of the time. They know that dead end is waiting for them, the time must come when they will have to come to the conclusion that "God did it." |
The proof is in the pudding
Your post below is quite good and actually, parallels The Urantia Book.
FWIW: Note: The Urantia Book uses the term "universe" somewhat differently than we use it today. 12:1.7 The Grand Universe is the present organized and inhabited creation. It consists of the seven superuniverses, with an aggregate evolutionary potential of around seven trillion inhabited planets, not to mention the eternal spheres of the central creation. But this tentative estimate takes no account of architectural administrative spheres, neither does it include the outlying groups of unorganized universes. The present ragged edge of the grand universe, its uneven and unfinished periphery, together with the tremendously unsettled condition of the whole astronomical plot, suggests to our star students that even the seven superuniverses are, as yet, uncompleted. As we move from within, from the divine center outward in any one direction, we do, eventually, come to the outer limits of the organized and inhabited creation; we come to the outer limits of the grand universe. And it is near this outer border, in a far-off corner of such a magnificent creation, that your local universe has its eventful existence. 2nd Note: The Urantia Book describes a species of "non-breathers," mortals. In other words, within parameters, life is designed to fit a habitat. No air? They can get their sustenance from sunlight. And The Urantia Book says this below about a race of non-breathers "in close proximity" to our world. I take that to mean the Greys, and I take it to mean they live right here in our solar system with us. They don't come from another star to visit us. They're probably native to the Moon, Mercury, Ganymede, Callisto, Europa, or perhaps even Pluto. There are a lot of non-breather candidate worlds in our solar system. 49:3.6 You would be more than interested in the planetary conduct of this type of mortal because such a race of beings inhabits a sphere in close proximity to Urantia. I'm going to take a moment and explore some concepts and observations that might shed some insight on the whole religion proof thing. Bear with me... Right now, In all the Universe we only know of one planet in one star system that has life. On that planet we know of only one species that has what we consider intelligent life...US. Religion makes this out to be something very special. That in all creation mankind is the only intelligent life created. It portends to describe that mankind is made in the image of its creator. Lets say that only one lifeform exists per star system. That the life form in each star system is man, everytime. In the Milky Way galaxy alone (we know the Milky Way galaxy exists), around 100 thousand light years across, there are around 200 million stars. That means, there are 200 million created mankinds. But wait. We have detected the observable Universe at 14 Billion light years across. That is observable from our current vantage point. It is a sphere of detection that extends out 14 billion light years no matter which way you look. There is no detected edge which means that if you change the vantage point and look again, you may see an additional 14 billion light years because we are limited to detecting light thru time. At 14 billion light years we estimate there are 30 billion trillion stars in the Universe that we can detect. That's (3x10²²) a lot of mankind made in the image of God. How can we be anything special. Now take the possibility that life exists on more than one planet in a star system and the number grows exponentially. We are looking for any life on any other body in the solar system. If we find it, that fact will change the special purpose of mankind in the Universe forever. The vast expanse of the Universe is significant to reason in this train of thought. Look at life on this one little planet. There are billions of lifeforms here. Plus there is the fact that we can't communicate with any other lifeforms on this one planet except ourselves in any meaningful way. How do we know what the intelligence level of any other species is except by measuring it against our own ideas of intelligence. Not only is our religion biased to ourselves, our science and understanding of the Universe is biased to ourselves. We have no standard on which to gauge our accuracy, except the standards we create. |