No what's not funny is, a so-called president wailing against immigrants in public, while secretly behind the scenes filing the paperwork for 150 "undocumented workers" to work in his Florida hotel. Think he hypocrites much? What's not funny, it's tomatoes selling for eight dollars a pound. What's not funny is lettuce going for $12 a head. What's not funny is green beans or $15 a pound. What's not funny is the cost of hotel rooms being raised by 150%. Undocumented workers are fact of life. Just like the IRS. If you came up with a magical way of fitting everyone's taxes on a postcard, think about the infrastructure you would wreck. Every accountancy firm, every CPA, not to mention the employees of H&R Block, Jackson Hewitt, and all their support staff (janitors, secretaries,) overnight would be unemployed. Not to mention every single IRS office in the country, with all their agents and auditors. It's the same thing with undocumented workers. They are so embedded into the fabric of our society that to try to remove them at this point, would be to cripple the country. Once again 100% unrealistic. The sky isn't falling now or ever. What immigrants??? You mean ILLEGAL ALIENS right? Let's start using the proper terminology. Thanks. |
Johnny and June Carter Cash/ Jackson
![]() |
Tunnels are "unrealistic"? ![]() Be sure to keep that a secret from coal miners.. We are not talking about coal miners . You are referring to illegal aliens trying to come into America illegally by digging a tunnel. Yeah , it may work for some , but on a grand scale completely unrealistic. I'm perplexed that you find this situation to be humorous. Because there is nothing funny about it whatsoever. |
This isn't Berlin, and the situation isn't the same. Very bad comparison on your part. Why? Because Trump wall is supposed to bigger? More "beyyyuuutifull"? It will just give people something to laugh at as they fly over it. Ever heard of hang glider or <gasp> shovels? As long as people can dig tunnels, all your magical wall will do, is waste money. Wrong. It will definitely be a deterrent, that is flat out common sense. Your examples are unrealistic on any realistic scale of being a problem. |
This isn't Berlin, and the situation isn't the same.
Very bad comparison on your part. |
I personally do not bow before no man or woman.
And it would be ridiculous for anyone to expect me to do so. Silly traditions or not. |
Give it all we got tonight/ George Strait
I can sing the daylights out of that song. ![]() |
Good analogy. Unfortunately I cannot clear my thoughts as easy as I can my browser. |
Way to many things.
My mind tends to run very fast at times. Can be overwhelming . |
why do people cheat
Why do people cheat?
Simple. They CHOOSE to cheat. Irregardless of the reason (s) or situation, they simply choose to. Total lack of character and moral compass. There is reason why 60% of marriages result in divorce , and 60% of remarriages end up in divorce. I understand one does not have to be married to cheat . Many individuals want instant gratification without being concerned about the ramifications. Total selfishness. |
So sweet the way I feel tonight just let me drown lol There shall be no "drowning " young lady. Feelings come and go. The feelings that you are enduring now shall soon pass only to await the good times that are standing in the mist. The glass is always half full. ![]() |
Immigrants aren't coming here to make America great anymore. They are coming here to leech off what has already been created. It's time we start protecting our country before the things that made it great are gone. Illegal aliens (undocumented and unlawful) who come here in that manner need to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. A lot of them bring over more then just themselves. Scabies, lice, ect... Also a lot of criminals and gang bangers are getting through. Every American should support border control which also includes the wall which will obviously be a great deterrent. This should not even remotely be a debate whatsoever. Not one scintilla of a debate. We are waaaaaaaay past "discussing " this. A lot of other issues need to be focused upon. Our veterans, our roads and bridges, infrastructure as a whole, our military, drug epidemic ect... |
favorite old TV series...
Eight is Enough
Logan's Run Fantasy Island Flamingo Road Falcons Crest Dallas Sanford and Son |
Spare us. She isn't "royal" in any manner. Just a human being . Well, I agree she is just a human being but they are still standing above us. So they have to show more manners than us. No one is standing above anyone. Tradition(s) does not make one human being "royal" and the other less of a person. |
Trump has behaved himself in a very rude way by not respecting the protocal of the British royals. He walked in front of the Queen. Normally she is the one who leads. Very bad publicity for the USA. The other 12 presidents she met followed the protocol, but not Trump. I saw that too. He a;so refused to bow. And then people wonder why no one can stand the pu$$y grabber in chief. Sad, Bigly. Spare us. She isn't "royal" in any manner. Just a human being . And he isn't "presidential" in any way.. Just a POS that's barely human. Obama isn't the POTUS , so of course he isn't "Presidential ". |
The Golden Road to Unlimited Devotion.
Edited by
Sat 07/14/18 07:47 PM
Spare us.
She isn't "royal" in any manner. Just a human being . |
The SteelDrivers/ Where Rainbows Never Die
Edited by
Sat 07/14/18 03:33 PM
I bet you will sleep well tonight.
Any second we get to spend with our loved ones is truly a blessing. |