Community > Posts By > Easttowest72
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Thu 10/11/18 12:39 PM
Here in the USA a good bit of health problems are created by the person. My exhusbands family was going for dope. My exmother-in-law was on it so bad she stopped eating. His sister got on it too. Doctors are being investigated for it. Meanwhile tax payers were footing the bill. If they had to cover the Dr fees and meds, they wouldn't have been on dope. I have a friend who is eating himself to death. The Dr tells him to lose weight but he continues to gain. He is on two high blood pressure pills and two cholesterol pills. Now going to expensive sleep studies. He pays his own ins but admits he won't be able to support himself when his health declines. I have a friend who goes to the Dr for an excuse to get out of work and get paid for sick days. I don't want to pay for all this crap. I want to pay for what I use. Not those idiots.
I'm paying a ton in taxes. I work 1 10 hour day to cover income tax. The money I bring home is being saved for property tax. I definitely don't want to pay more tax. It's not my place to support all these other lazy *****. Plenty of jobs come with insurance and 401k. They need to get one. |
Rent versus own, an FYI
I'm beginning my move next weekend. My long term tenant is moving back home to live with her mother. She has paid the original price I paid for the home plus it has increased in value about $113,000. When I moved out it was just me and my daughter. Now that my son is back, we need more space. The past few weeks I've been doing home projects getting this place ready to rent. It's a lot of work but I'll have someone to finishing paying the 44 months left on the mortgage.
And you clearly remember the hate you were taught at home by your parents and grandparents. Blacks have the same rights as whites. They continue to fail as members of society. They commit the most crimes, have the most illegitimate kids, and have the highest poverty rate. We've had a black president which shows they have the same opportunities as whites. It's time to stop playing the black card they've been taught by generations who lived on welfare and blamed society for their failures. where have I espoused hate? what makes you assume I was taught to hate anyone or anything? IN fact, the word hate was not allowed in our home, so you may not want to make assumptions that are uninformed. This is not a thread about civil rights or black people. Me thinks it stays on your mind far too much. This thread, just as a reminder, is about assassination. This thread isn't about Obama either. The violence under him wss against police and business owners. You brought up lynchings that have nothing to do with what's happening today except for the hate people were taught at home. Trump is restoring the ability to work hard and be rewarded for it. Tax cuts are clearly creating a better economy. JOBS are plentiful, even for inexperienced people. Democrats are still stuck on welfare for all Champaigns and people who refuse to work are saying corporations are stealing their money. Democrats lively hood is being threatened and they are turning violent. It's dangerous for the ones trying to move them off a check and into a job but it must be done. you are correct. It is relevant as a response to someone espousing the 'looney left' with assassination attempts, in the fact that there were assassination threats against a democratic POTUS. My family and blacks still had no RELEVANCE to the discussion. lynchings were relevant as well to point out the silliness of trying to assign 'violence' to a particular party or philosophy. Nothing is much different under Trump than any other, but the spin always goes to the person being supported by their supporter., words like 'restoring' 'better' , 'refuse', are all emotionally biased descriptions that are entirely subjective and not easy to back up with fact. Democrats are not 'turning' violent anymore than republicans are. they have both ALWAYS had violent among them. That is the fact of the matter. The world is not revolving around either people who are stuck on welfare, or people who are obsessed over the idea of welfare for others. There are MANY other things that motivate people during these or any other times, contrary to popular belief. How many Republican supporters were arrested the past couple of weeks? Welfare and open borders is the campaign of democrats. I agree they need to come up with something new. Even members of their own party say it's not going to get the elected. I don't think they are obsessed. I just think they have nothing else since Trump is making so much progress in all areas. |
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Thu 10/11/18 10:58 AM
And you clearly remember the hate you were taught at home by your parents and grandparents. Blacks have the same rights as whites. They continue to fail as members of society. They commit the most crimes, have the most illegitimate kids, and have the highest poverty rate. We've had a black president which shows they have the same opportunities as whites. It's time to stop playing the black card they've been taught by generations who lived on welfare and blamed society for their failures. where have I espoused hate? what makes you assume I was taught to hate anyone or anything? IN fact, the word hate was not allowed in our home, so you may not want to make assumptions that are uninformed. This is not a thread about civil rights or black people. Me thinks it stays on your mind far too much. This thread, just as a reminder, is about assassination. This thread isn't about Obama either. The violence under him wss against police and business owners. You brought up lynchings that have nothing to do with what's happening today except for the hate people were taught at home. Trump is restoring the ability to work hard and be rewarded for it. Tax cuts are clearly creating a better economy. JOBS are plentiful, even for inexperienced people. Democrats are still stuck on welfare for all Champaigns and people who refuse to work are saying corporations are stealing their money. Democrats lively hood is being threatened and they are turning violent. It's dangerous for the ones trying to move them off a check and into a job but it must be done. |
And you clearly remember the hate you were taught at home by your parents and grandparents. Blacks have the same rights as whites. They continue to fail as members of society. They commit the most crimes, have the most illegitimate kids, and have the highest poverty rate. We've had a black president which shows they have the same opportunities as whites. It's time to stop playing the black card they've been taught by generations who lived on welfare and blamed society for their failures.
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Thu 10/11/18 10:01 AM
The violence I remember has always been a part of US culture. Lynchings, cross burnings, public hangings, executions, police beatings and brutality, political assassinations .. under OBAMA... seriously? riots have happened under EVERY president, for anything from something trivial like sports scores, or something major like a dead teen. Who do you know that was lynched? How many burning crosses have you witnessed, did they sell tickets to the public hangings, those in Missouri needed their ***** beat but they let them riot because Obama condoned it. The "Democrats" here were trying to start fights. Republicans live productive lives. Democrats sleep half the day and only want to -uck or fight. |
Marriage advice.
Before marrying a guy, you should check to see if a bottle of lotion is kept beside his computer. If there is, don't marry him but buy stock in that brand of lotion.
Dating night
Heck, I just want some to go to the drag races with this weekend. I have an extra ticket. This is what dating is supposed to be about. Sex come with a relationship and gossip is with friends and coworkers. |
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Thu 10/11/18 09:48 AM
The violence I remember under Obama was started in Missouri against police officers and business owners. That hate spilled over into other states including Atlanta. BLM made a threat against our children at schools. What is happening now is a continuing of that violence. It's toned down because of the fear that it won't be tolerated but it still exist.
164 protesters were arrested during the time kavanaugh was confirmed. |
When I was in my early 20's, I had a lot of people tell me to quit my job and go on welfare. I worked 7 days a week for the same thing the govt would have given me for free. Imagine if we all choose the easy route. Who will pay taxes? Our county wasn't built on socialism. Only non-productive people want it. Like I've said before, if people want healthcare, they need to get off their ***** and get a job.
Baby boomers are retiring and will be draining the system. Younger people need to work, pay taxes, and support their families. I see so many taking the "easy route" these days. A lot of dad's aren't taking responsibility for their kids. Mom's are more concerned with getting nails done and a new pair of jeans instead of proving stability for her kids. People living extravagant until they have spent their last $ and looking at tax payers to support them.
People who are responsible and living modestly don't want to pay more taxes to support those idiots. Vote republican in November. |
Man charged with building a 200lb bomb. He planned a suicide mission at the national mall on election day. CNN
Is love too complicated?
I think love is difficult for people over 40. Most have learned what personality traits they can't deal with. It limits their dating pool. Then finding someone with acceptable traits doesn't mean there will be attraction. I think that's the reason a lot of people are single. Which isn't so bad.
The media is fueling a lot of anger. The liberal spin is making bottom feeders believe the are owed a living. I'm watch CNN right now and they are saying tax cuts took away healthcare. Republicans are against socialism and support hard work. Democrat supporters are getting Desparate to stop republicans.
I've noticed at work that the ones who complain they need money, are the first ones to volunteer to go home when things get slow and never volunteer for ot. These types love socialism. The ones volunteering for ot are the ones who don't need the money. Just want a better life. |
Obama encouraged lawlessness when he didn't condemn the riots in Missouri. Things haven't been the same.
Democrats know a lot of their supporters are bottom feeders. That's why the welfare for all works in their campaign. JOBS isn't what they want. They see tax cuts as republicans stealing THEIR MONEY. It makes then angry and violent. |
What's for dinner tonight?
Beef and vegetable soup.
I agree with Trump. If people want healthcare, they need to get a damn job. Stop sponging off tax payers. Only lazy want a socialist society. When people who sit on their ***** are living as well as the people working ot, our country will go to crap.
Medicare should be for the elderly. Why? Because they are too old to work but paid into the system. It's their benefits. |
Liberal or Conservative
The question is how much of my tax $$ are going to that shithole. If I had been Trump, I would have cut funding as soon as the democrats starting bitching... Since Africa is such a wonderful, self supporting place like the sheep want to claim.
Cheese quesadilla
Just goes to show democrats have sheep mentality.