Community > Posts By > Easttowest72

Easttowest72's photo
Fri 10/12/18 11:32 PM
Edited by Easttowest72 on Fri 10/12/18 11:33 PM

I come from a military family... father was in navy in WWI, brother in navy in WWII, sister married air force who flew in WWII, Korea AND Nam. I feel sick when FB players don't stand for our flag. I feel angry when Democrats talk about taking away our guns. I feel disgust when I see what some ignorant people write on this forum. I am with President Trump all the way ... I don't know what the forum writers do in THEIR lives...who they bullied in grade school, if they cheated on their spouse, if they spent time in prison, or told lies to their friends.
Give it a rest, people.... over half of the media IS fake news. I choose not to watch CNN anymore. never had cable in my life til i had to move to a small apartment 3 years ago. started liking CNN, then I find out how biased they are. Fox is all I will watch. Maybe they get SOME things wrong, but they are not hateful and disgusting like Don Lemon and Anderson Cooper. And no, i am not basing my opinion on their particular personal lives which I find disgusting. I am basing it on the hatred in their voices when they report on our president. If you want to live in a socialist country, PLEASE MOVE ...there are several you can choose from. but don't bring it here via Maxine Waters, Elizabeth Warren, whats-her-name Clinton and others. I do not want my grandchildren living in a socialist country where there is NO opportunity - only the meager things the government gives you to keep you alive so you can pay them more taxes. Why do you think Cubans risked their lives to leave the Castro regime ? Stop yapping and start packing if you want the Dems and their socialist society.. I feel sorry for you that you are too ignorant to even understand Socialism 101.

In that case, I hope you're a millionaire or have a damn good deal if any of your loving members of your family gets sick and you have to leave your home because of medical bills.
It's so funny that none of you Trump members haven't figured out yet, that he was the first one to move all of his production to China..Lol.
He did exactly what you all complain about and think that he will rescue you all from, while he's the effing reason it went the way it did in the first place.
He is the very man that was a part of the reason that your jobs left America...Hahaha...Think for christ sake, think!!!

We are capitalist, which means we understand that Trump moved his production to China because it financially made sense.....thanks to Clinton. Now that Trump is in office, he is taking on the unfair tarriffs that give other countries the advantage. He is doing what's best for our country. Guess what? I shop at Wal-Mart and buy a lot of the made in China products. When Trump has the playing field level, I will be back to buying made in America because it will financially make sense.

Trump is doing what's best for our country but certain people hate him because he is a rich white man.

I truly hope you eventually will be right.
In that case i will be the first to tell that he did a good job.
Why would I hate a a man that pulled the *** of thousands of American workers to get ahead... Why would I hate him for hiring all the illegal Mexican workers to get an even cheaper workforce to undermine the Americans, why??
I'm Danish, I couldn't care effeing less.??...Lol.

I don't think you hate him. I think you are using politics to try to get laid. So let me say this one more time. People do what's best for their business and family. Trump is changing tarriffs to level the playing field and bring back our jobs. He is a business man and knows why he chose other countries. He didn't hate Americans. He went for the cheaper prices. Just like I do. How many of you pay $1000 for the same tv you can get for $300?
I shopped at Lowe's last weekend. The things I bought were things I couldn't find at any Wal-Mart in the area.

Trump supporters think for ourselves. We aren't led by emotion like the phyco democrats you just saw being arrested during the past couple of weeks. I'm voting for the candidates who are doing what's best for the country. I don't give a damn who can give a good speech. I don't need a handout. I want a good economy, strong military, tax cuts, and freedom. Trump is doing a great job. First president I've ever seen do what he campaigned on. I'll be voting to re-elected him.

Easttowest72's photo
Fri 10/12/18 10:54 PM
Edited by Easttowest72 on Fri 10/12/18 11:18 PM

I come from a military family... father was in navy in WWI, brother in navy in WWII, sister married air force who flew in WWII, Korea AND Nam. I feel sick when FB players don't stand for our flag. I feel angry when Democrats talk about taking away our guns. I feel disgust when I see what some ignorant people write on this forum. I am with President Trump all the way ... I don't know what the forum writers do in THEIR lives...who they bullied in grade school, if they cheated on their spouse, if they spent time in prison, or told lies to their friends.
Give it a rest, people.... over half of the media IS fake news. I choose not to watch CNN anymore. never had cable in my life til i had to move to a small apartment 3 years ago. started liking CNN, then I find out how biased they are. Fox is all I will watch. Maybe they get SOME things wrong, but they are not hateful and disgusting like Don Lemon and Anderson Cooper. And no, i am not basing my opinion on their particular personal lives which I find disgusting. I am basing it on the hatred in their voices when they report on our president. If you want to live in a socialist country, PLEASE MOVE ...there are several you can choose from. but don't bring it here via Maxine Waters, Elizabeth Warren, whats-her-name Clinton and others. I do not want my grandchildren living in a socialist country where there is NO opportunity - only the meager things the government gives you to keep you alive so you can pay them more taxes. Why do you think Cubans risked their lives to leave the Castro regime ? Stop yapping and start packing if you want the Dems and their socialist society.. I feel sorry for you that you are too ignorant to even understand Socialism 101.

In that case, I hope you're a millionaire or have a damn good deal if any of your loving members of your family gets sick and you have to leave your home because of medical bills.
It's so funny that none of you Trump members haven't figured out yet, that he was the first one to move all of his production to China..Lol.
He did exactly what you all complain about and think that he will rescue you all from, while he's the effing reason it went the way it did in the first place.
He is the very man that was a part of the reason that your jobs left America...Hahaha...Think for christ sake, think!!!

We are capitalist, which means we understand that Trump moved his production to China because it financially made sense.....thanks to Clinton. Now that Trump is in office, he is taking on the unfair tarriffs that give other countries the advantage. He is doing what's best for our country. Guess what? I shop at Wal-Mart and buy a lot of the made in China products. When Trump has the playing field level, I will be back to buying made in America because it will financially make sense.

Trump is doing what's best for our country but certain people hate him because he is a rich white man.

Since you've been reading my post, you should already know that Trump supporters know how to handle sickness. They go to work for a company who provides ins as a benefit. I have a friend who went to work for the railroad. I have another friend who drove a school bus to have great ins for her family. When my son was having seizures, my ex came home, got him a job, drove him to and from work till he got better with the help of dilantin. Republicans have better problem solving skills than democrats.

Easttowest72's photo
Fri 10/12/18 10:32 PM

And you clearly remember the hate you were taught at home by your parents and grandparents. Blacks have the same rights as whites. They continue to fail as members of society. They commit the most crimes, have the most illegitimate kids, and have the highest poverty rate. We've had a black president which shows they have the same opportunities as whites. It's time to stop playing the black card they've been taught by generations who lived on welfare and blamed society for their failures.

where have I espoused hate? what makes you assume I was taught to hate anyone or anything? IN fact, the word hate was not allowed in our home, so you may not want to make assumptions that are uninformed. This is not a thread about civil rights or black people. Me thinks it stays on your mind far too much.

This thread, just as a reminder, is about assassination.

This thread isn't about Obama either. The violence under him wss against police and business owners. You brought up lynchings that have nothing to do with what's happening today except for the hate people were taught at home.

Trump is restoring the ability to work hard and be rewarded for it. Tax cuts are clearly creating a better economy. JOBS are plentiful, even for inexperienced people. Democrats are still stuck on welfare for all Champaigns and people who refuse to work are saying corporations are stealing their money. Democrats lively hood is being threatened and they are turning violent. It's dangerous for the ones trying to move them off a check and into a job but it must be done.

you are correct. It is relevant as a response to someone espousing the 'looney left' with assassination attempts, in the fact that there were assassination threats against a democratic POTUS. My family and blacks still had no RELEVANCE to the discussion.

lynchings were relevant as well to point out the silliness of trying to assign 'violence' to a particular party or philosophy.

Nothing is much different under Trump than any other, but the spin always goes to the person being supported by their supporter., words like 'restoring' 'better' , 'refuse', are all emotionally biased descriptions that are entirely subjective and not easy to back up with fact.

Democrats are not 'turning' violent anymore than republicans are. they have both ALWAYS had violent among them. That is the fact of the matter. The world is not revolving around either people who are stuck on welfare, or people who are obsessed over the idea of welfare for others. There are MANY other things that motivate people during these or any other times, contrary to popular belief.

How many Republican supporters were arrested the past couple of weeks? Welfare and open borders is the campaign of democrats. I agree they need to come up with something new. Even members of their own party say it's not going to get the elected. I don't think they are obsessed. I just think they have nothing else since Trump is making so much progress in all areas.

I dont know. How about some who are threatening Professor Ford? lol. It will never be as one sided as the finger pointers love to portray it.

Welfare is only an issue to those who are obsessed with it, Democrats run on MANY things, but those who are so panties in a bunch over welfare seem to obsess on just that ONE issue. I think THEY are the ones who need something new.

Other than abolish ice, what issues are democrats campaigning on besides welfare? I've heard members of their own party say it. I'll wait. :sleeping:

party's dont 'say', people do.

But people from both parties run on many different issues, like healthcare, education, economy, security, global relations, domestic relations, et cetera.

Are they going to give another county nuclear technology? Several million $$? What is their plan on better education? I'm sick of filling out forms every year asking me if my child can speak English. They want to abolish ice and give welfare to illegals. This has been dumbing down our future generations for years. The focus is on getting the bottom feeders to speak English instead of helping American kids thrive in technology and business. What are they doing to improve domestic relations? Another smear campaign on the horizon? Healthcare? Oh yeah, welfare for all. Security? Abolish ICE. Economy? Do nothing to end the trade deficits. Just more welfare for all.


just as Members of the republican party 'admit' they better get focused on issues instead of inciting division and bigotry.

It falls under everyone having an opinion, never has changed, and its not divided by a party line or a political philosophy. Everyone can look in the mirror and make some improvements.

What issues is the Republican party not taking on? Trump isn't afraid of taking crap for doing what he knows is right. He said pretend he is on the ballot in the midterm to keep Democrats from block him every chance they get. After the smear campaign that we just saw, republicans are fired up. I checked my voter statue before it was too late to register. Did democrats? Because if they were focused on issues, they would have done the same. Are democrats really in favor of abolishing ICE? It doesn't seem like it. Do they really want illegals getting welfare from a system they haven't paid into? We will see in November.

Purging voter registry was on the news in plenty of time for anyone who wanted to vote to reregister. Democrats are already gathering their excuse for losing. Anybody that doesn't have an id needs get one today.

Been reading your posts all through this topic... Ahem...?
Are you for real?

And I've been reading your post. Do you really think kissing black *** is going to get you laid? We will see if any of the black women are too stupid to see through your b.s.

Easttowest72's photo
Fri 10/12/18 05:33 PM
Nice profile :thumbsup:

Easttowest72's photo
Fri 10/12/18 04:13 PM

Easttowest72's photo
Fri 10/12/18 03:44 PM
I didn't watch the video. :no_mouth:

Easttowest72's photo
Fri 10/12/18 03:37 PM
Serious minded and frugal and all of the others some of the time. I love to lay around watching hgtv but I love having a garden and bike riding. Romance is great if I could fund someone worthy.

Easttowest72's photo
Fri 10/12/18 03:28 PM
What hate Trump club are all these links coming from?

Easttowest72's photo
Fri 10/12/18 02:06 PM
Are you disabled?

Easttowest72's photo
Fri 10/12/18 02:04 PM
You are right probably renters. :neutral_face:

Easttowest72's photo
Fri 10/12/18 01:54 PM
It's not your sons child. We went to six flags to our company picnic. You aren't but 2 years older than I am and the kids had me riding roller coasters. The very front of Batman. I got soaked on thunder river. 40's isn't a time to act 80. Get out and live a little. We've all done things when we were younger. It doesn't mean life should end now.

Easttowest72's photo
Fri 10/12/18 01:54 PM
It's not your sons child. We went to six flags to our company picnic. You aren't but 2 years older than I am and the kids had me riding roller coasters. The very front of Batman. I got soaked on thunder river. 40's isn't a time to act 80. Get out and live a little. We've all done things when we were younger. It doesn't mean life should end now.

Easttowest72's photo
Fri 10/12/18 01:44 PM
Yeah, I didn't see the better job offer in the post :joy:

Easttowest72's photo
Fri 10/12/18 01:43 PM
Last day to register for the Nov election was Oct 9.

Easttowest72's photo
Fri 10/12/18 01:40 PM
Yeah quitting your job and selling your home to move out of town makes perfect sence....said nobody ever. :sweat_smile:

Easttowest72's photo
Fri 10/12/18 01:37 PM
I can tell you don't have a car. People with kids travel somewhere. For instance, I took one of my daughter friends to six flags back in August. I had to use maps to take her home. You should use your desk top to learn about technology. Then if your age is real, you need to get out into the world.

Easttowest72's photo
Fri 10/12/18 01:29 PM
Yeah because any normal person wouldn't quit their job and move out of town because of some teenage pranks. A simple warming shot and those teenagers would have ran. One more time. You don't see Sarah sander or kavanaugh running. Cartoons. :astonished:

Easttowest72's photo
Fri 10/12/18 01:01 PM
I used maps a couple months ago to take the kids to noccalula falls. It was a quick day trip. You are a phony and your bs has shown.

Easttowest72's photo
Fri 10/12/18 12:48 PM
i work a full time job. Do home projects, raising a child, and I use maps here lately to find my way to where ever my grandsons football game is being held. It sounds like it's you who needs to travel more and stop being a shut in. How long since you even left your home?

Easttowest72's photo
Fri 10/12/18 12:41 PM
You can't do any better than that? Looks like the monitoring has weaken your favorite group. I'm sure a lot are doing time as nothing more than drug dealers and thieves.

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