Community > Posts By > undrboss

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Sat 05/12/18 07:54 AM
I agree with the poster that said, If you have to impress her she isnt the one.

If the chemistry is there, anything you do can be fun and exciting, Ive seen couples who are into each other go to Walmart and make an adventure of it, because they are into each other.

Taking her to fancy restaurants splurging on expensive wine and fancy desserts isn't going to win her heart, unless she is a gold digger and materialistic .

Too many nice guys do this, splurge to impress her, going into debt and if they end up in a relationship with her it all stops and its weekends at his house and weekends at her house and soon she gets bored.

Why not get to know her for her, do things together where you live and once in a relationship plan things to surprise her, weekend trips away, vegas ( depending on where you live of course)

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Sat 05/12/18 07:43 AM
no one on the right takes the Clinton News Network aka CNN seriously

They can say all they want, they are now a tabloid station masquerading as a news network.

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Fri 05/11/18 10:13 PM
well congrats is in order and as long as the baby is healthy that is a blessing and make sure their child plays hockey .

And not be a fan of the Pittsburgh Penguins, as you can see I hate the Pens

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Fri 05/11/18 09:43 PM


She is already finished and now works for one of the biggest construction companies in the world. They have 90.000 workers.
She's a civil engineer. Actually she's been working on Lego's next big building projects. Lego being danish but partially American owned.
Well, stockwise Lego is probably mostly American owned today, I'm not sure.
if your daughter came to america with her education she would find a job easily with her education.

but it sounds like she loves what she does and she is home.

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Fri 05/11/18 09:05 PM
everyone reacts differently ,so you will get a million answers.

I know if it was me and you said that, I would think huh? is she serious and end up doing the run forest runnnnnnnnnnn.

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Fri 05/11/18 09:01 PM
Edited by undrboss on Fri 05/11/18 09:02 PM

you're kidding , wow, that is crazy.

what is your daughter taking in College/University?

no worries about the spelling Von.

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Fri 05/11/18 08:58 PM
oh, I have to see your pic to see if I recognize you

Mind you I didn't know most of the people, I was mostly in the CE and P section.

I know who Merc was, luna,gdaddy, sarah Goldman,who was different
beautiful fire, sammy ...jerk

stanley z..friggen whack job

jer...always after black women
cern..jag off.
Joe racist black dude.
Kandy kane

but there were too many alts..

someone name hagman

and apparently a lot of drama between certain posters which I dont understand the story

Jake and some nurse he apparently whacked

Mike and some one name brenda

Purple hair and Waffle house

and of course Sarah Goldman accusing everyone of being an alt.

yeah no wonder it shut down


no photo
Fri 05/11/18 08:47 PM

I recognized a few of you from DH.

nice to see some of you .

What was your screen name on dh?


but I removed my pics because of the idiots Korbyn and his whackjob alliance stealing pics and photoshopping them doing weird things.

who were you ?

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Fri 05/11/18 08:44 PM

There is a need for an education in civics as well as finance. That means understanding but not indoctrination. Unfortunately, our education system seems to be populated by educators with a certain political bias.

The real problem is that people and especially children are a product of their environment and experiences. When that environment and experiences are vastly different for different students, you will get this vastly different split in society. You don't know what someone else's life is like until you walk in their shoes. What we really need is "life in America" classwork to bring different life situations to students.
well said and I agree.

no photo
Fri 05/11/18 08:42 PM
Edited by undrboss on Fri 05/11/18 08:43 PM


nothing is obvious anymore, I agree society should be responsible for training good teachers but society and lets talk about American Society , the politicians and unions have done a poor job with the education system.

Prior to the federal government getting into the education business, it was the states and municipalities responsibilities for education.

And people were educated and then all of a sudden in the 1960's things changed after the LBJ great society crap and a decade later the department of education was set up and Jimmy Carter pouring billions of dollars into the department of education and look what we have now?

Each generation is dumber than the previous generation for the first time in history.

If you think Im kidding look up the PISA test and what place America is in?

Did you know in China students spend 205 days in school in America its 170 days.

and you wonder why kids in China do well on tests?

I do not disagree. In my country, even off topic, but brought forward as an example, they ask more and more from the students. It's a full time work to even attend the public schools and still they get dumber and dumber with 8 hours of forced studying.
Look at the Finnish model, which is, and has been concidered as the best in the world for a decade now, they use very little time at studies but still comes out on a considerably higher skill level.
I know the educational system in Denmark as to stressing the students more and more due to having a daughter studying the last 19 years and I must say that more hours is not always the answer to better knowledge because a mind can only hold and learn so much.
Most gets ill and drops out, others who's parents have money pay for the exames/tests, and with that system you get stupid idiots once they hit the workforce because they know nothing. Everything was payed and done for them.

I take you are from Denmark? by the way lots of valuable information with your post

Who pays for university the state/country or the students?

no photo
Fri 05/11/18 08:03 PM

yeah, I know you're right, and that is the problem when you have a leader who is narcissistic, I assume that is how Trump does business,I mean he has to be a prick in business because new york is a tough place and not for the mild and meek.

I just hope and fingers cross that Trump doesn't pooch screw it or get suckered in.

As much as Im not crazy about Trump, I rather have him there vs HiLIARy anytime.

no photo
Fri 05/11/18 07:56 PM

nothing is obvious anymore, I agree society should be responsible for training good teachers but society and lets talk about American Society , the politicians and unions have done a poor job with the education system.

Prior to the federal government getting into the education business, it was the states and municipalities responsibilities for education.

And people were educated and then all of a sudden in the 1960's things changed after the LBJ great society crap and a decade later the department of education was set up and Jimmy Carter pouring billions of dollars into the department of education and look what we have now?

Each generation is dumber than the previous generation for the first time in history.

If you think Im kidding look up the PISA test and what place America is in?

Did you know in China students spend 205 days in school in America its 170 days.

and you wonder why kids in China do well on tests?

no photo
Fri 05/11/18 07:43 PM

nice job of pushing this topic off the rails you 2.
it has zilch to do with the us constitution or our sorely abused separation of church and state.

Not to bring it even more off topic..biggrin
no kidding uh.

Yes this is about Canada's quebec province bill , not the US church and separation.

I believe what Quebec is doing is the right thing for them and hopefully the rest of the non muslim world will follow.

Its not a slight against Islam and you have the right to practice whatever religion you choose but public safety is paramount and while the majority of women wearing hijab are honorable you will get those who are not will take advantage like and I know this is off topic, its like the criminals and mentally unstable who uses guns to commit crime and the society wants to push law abiding gun owners because of the criminals and mental unstable committing crimes.

no photo
Fri 05/11/18 07:38 PM

I didn't say Trump was the reason for the summit, I said I hope Trump's ego doesn't get in the way because he wants the credit and I hope he is smart enough not to get duped by the little porky dictator like how he duped Obama, and how his Father Kim Jong Il duped Obama, Bush and Clinton.

I did say that in one year in office Trump and Jung un managed to get a meeting vs 8 years of Obama's reign.

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Fri 05/11/18 07:02 PM
raising kids is the parents responsibility.

not the community, not the school or the church.

2) P.C. culture plays a role.

3) education plays a major role today as you can see how society at american society is being affected.

Civic class cannot address these issues because today its more important to worry about kids feelings than to actually teaching them or a least put them in an environment that helps the develop critical thinking skills.

the education system at least in America is teaching kids how to be sheeple and follow the collective vs being an individual .

no photo
Fri 05/11/18 06:38 PM

which means people are free to worship whom they please in America.

but certain religions bans or does not accept those who worships other than their God in their religion.

See the conflict?

I'm not sure I do. Government should stay out of religion, neither supporting or restricting it for the sake OF RELIGION. What people choose to believe or act upon however must not cross over the line of what the culture deems legal, unless they are willing to accept the potential consequence of it.

but that is the problem,what crosses the line in our society isn't crossing the line in other societies especially when Religion is involved.

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Fri 05/11/18 06:25 PM


okay , I see where you're going with this now

I agree mostly what you say, where I disagree is criteria for POTUS.

there is no set criteria for POTUS, every other position one can go to school, get experience and depending on the person skill, ambition etc some succeeds some don't.

POTUS is totally different, only 44 men have been President, each with their unique backgrounds, skill and Talents.

you believe that Civic service and experience is the key? I beg to differ.

of the 44 men who were president

26 were lawyers

9 of them Military Generals including George Washington.

5 presidents had no public sector experience including Trump, and he is joined by Ulysses.S.Grant, Zachary Taylor and Eisenhower , and including George Washington

8 of them Cabinet secretaries

Do you think Gerald Ford was a good President, he had the experience, do you think LBJ was a good president he had plenty of experience, so did Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, heck George W.Bush was a sitting governor when he decided to run and we all know how his presidency was.

POTUS is a unique position nothing can prepare you for it, experience or not and as history has showed us they come from different backgrounds and different experiences.

civic engagement: Civic engagement or civic participation, according to the American Psychological Association, is "individual and collective actions designed to identify and address issues of public concern". It can be defined as citizens working together to make a change or difference in the community.

For me, the position of POTUS is the TOP position in government which represents the largest community of THE PEOPLE.

For me, I look for evidence of experience and interest in representing THE PEOPLE elsewhere through civic service which would include MILITARY and any other position with state or federal policy making structures.

ALL presidents have at least had this but Trump.

The experience of knowing and having experience within any type of work structure, including government, for me, is a prerequisite to jumping to the top of that structure.

It is not a guarantee of anything, anymore than a degree guarantees the type of worker one will get, but it is a minimum expectation whatever the position, before someone jumps to the top of the chain.

ahhhhhhh Ms.Harmony,

I knew that was coming, Lol
good thing I anticipated that. You are saying that POTUS candidates should have public sector experience whether its municipal , state or federal or Military .

And Trump has no political or military experience so that alone disqualifies him for the top job.

Here is the problem with that thinking, America has been ruined by Career politicians, Obama was elected as the hope and change guy a young new fresh take on american politics and after 8 years it was more of the same.

The american public got tired of it and elected a dirtbag with no political experience and an washington outsider.

Trump is that guy, most people are tired of career politicians with their smooth manufactured talk and B.S.

Now I will admit Trump has gone too far on somethings but look at Trump for a second,he was elected because he is a pragmatist, much like Bill Clinton back in 1992.

mr.Deal maker, but he is finding out that congress has the power, and he believed he was the guy to make deals.

But we didn't vote for Trump to make deals with democrats, we voted him in to clean up Washington , set some policies so America can prosper again.

he has done some good things, only if he stops tweeting .

I just hope his ego is checked at the door when dealing with Kim Jung un and see the little porky dictator as he truly is, and not be taken advantage of as Kim Jong Un's father did with Clinton , Bush and Obama.

yeah Clinton,Bush and Obama's experience really worked there.
Maybe its time for a new approach a man with no political experience but leadership experience.

You cannot build a successful real estate business particularly in New York by being a nice guy, because they will eat you alive.

I rather have a prick for a president that foreign countries are afraid he might snap like they feared with Reagan than someone like Obama who comes across as a nice guy, smooth talker and a Professor.

Putin tested him, China's Hu Jintao and Xi Jinping tested him among other countries and look at ISIS/ISIL.

Obama in 8 years couldn't set up a meeting with the little porky dictator and in one year in office Trump did.

Because they see how much he is under attack and he Trump isn't wavering one bit, so they see him as a strong leader who might snap at anytime.

Trump isn't stupid and he is playing the media and leftist perfectly, you all believing he is unstable and such and people underestimate him and the next thing you he has one over on you.

Good strategy , Sun Tzu would be proud.

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Fri 05/11/18 04:27 PM
I recognized a few of you from DH.

nice to see some of you .

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Fri 05/11/18 03:40 PM

Maybe, if you just stop to think about it, it's not all that weird to have a unisex toilet?
I mean, men tend to be so EEEWWWW if you even suggest anything concerning their wiener and another man, yet in the man's room you stand there, publicly whip it out without a problem, even when there's another 4-6 guys there doing the same thing without batting an eyelid?
Apart from that, mostly men leave the door to the loo open, so everyone that walks past either has to feel awkward or look at a number of wieners they really didn't want to see.
I would've thought men to be more to themselves when it came to showing their penises, but thinking of this I wonder if you actually like showing it to the world?

If I think about women doing this -peeing publicly with other women present-, then suddenly it's totally freakin' weird.

Same thing with men peeing outdoors. This happens so often along the motorway, and it isn't allowed to just stop there, not to simply have a leak.
It's considered okayish, yet if a woman would do it everyone would get upset, and the male part of the population excited.

So someone being shocked about seeing a woman waiting as he exits the loo is over the top if you think that you piss outdoors in the open, sometimes with your penis in view for total strangers, and pee in urinals with other strange men present. That doesn't bother you, yet a woman standing there when you've zipped up does? noway

Also, we have 'unisex' toilets in our own homes. So what's the big deal I wonder?

I see you havent been around too many men, ummm men dont go to the bathroom together like most women, and if two buddies go they dont look at each other johnson, its an unwritten rule.

As a man If you're on the toilet and there is no toilet paper asking the next stall is taboo and is frowned upon, where women talk, exchange recipes, phone numbers etc, if one stall runs out of toilet paper and she asks the next stall the woman will pass her some toilet paper without hesitation.

most men wont pee in public for fear of being charged with disorderly conduct and in certain states like arizona if someone under 15 years old witnessed it you would be charge with a felony.

and we do have unisex toilets in our home because its our home and that is the way its made, and the public doesn't use our bathrooms

Haha, ever been to a pub? There's usually some 4-6 urinals and often an equal amount of men who are using them. So yes, men do go to toilets together. Not together together, but they're in there together. Typically there's only one closed off space, what you call a stall for 'the other' business.

I think we have a law over here now too about peeing in the outdoors, it's called 'wild plassen' (wild peeing), but doubt it would be considered a felony.
I do remember years ago they had to place fencing around (old) buildings, like churches etc., to keep men from peeing against them as it began to seriously damage the buildings. And then we're also talking about whipping it out in public.
So in that sense men are weird creatures. I mean, why do they feel it's okay to piss against trees, and buildings or in the open when neither are available? When a dog pees on a man's car's wheels they get upset, yet they don't have a problem peeing against buildings?

As for at home... not everyone who visits and uses your loo is direct family and it's still both genders using it. Even if it's a friend or sibling or family member, you don't know how they take care of their nether regions.

And don't take it so personally. It's just that thinking about this you come to realize how odd it is.

I dont take things personally.

and men going to the bathroom or loo as you call them rarely look at another guy when he taking a leak, and Ive seen men come in when am I at the urinal and one is next time is open and the stall is open, they will use the stall to pee.

as in for people using my bathroom , yeah they are called family or friends, I dont have strangers stopping by to use the bathroom.

My home is not a truck stop and I guess I hang around a different set of people because if they use my bathroom they are pretty clean people.

As for men pissing on trees, I dont know many men that do that in the city, unless they do that in the country or rural area.

no photo
Fri 05/11/18 01:15 PM

okay , I see where you're going with this now

I agree mostly what you say, where I disagree is criteria for POTUS.

there is no set criteria for POTUS, every other position one can go to school, get experience and depending on the person skill, ambition etc some succeeds some don't.

POTUS is totally different, only 44 men have been President, each with their unique backgrounds, skill and Talents.

you believe that Civic service and experience is the key? I beg to differ.

of the 44 men who were president

26 were lawyers

9 of them Military Generals including George Washington.

5 presidents had no public sector experience including Trump, and he is joined by Ulysses.S.Grant, Zachary Taylor and Eisenhower , and including George Washington

8 of them Cabinet secretaries

Do you think Gerald Ford was a good President, he had the experience, do you think LBJ was a good president he had plenty of experience, so did Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, heck George W.Bush was a sitting governor when he decided to run and we all know how his presidency was.

POTUS is a unique position nothing can prepare you for it, experience or not and as history has showed us they come from different backgrounds and different experiences.