DU = depopulating us...
I don't care about experts and scientists, there is not global warming, it is a liberal plot.
It's a republican thing ![]() |
Why are we in Iraq? Poll.
Simple question.
The official reason kept changing - from what I remember, the following were the reasons from the invasion to the occupation, that were put forward by President Bush, the newspapers and TV personalities, both pro and anti war: 1) Iraq had Weapons of Mass Destruction, which was a threat to the USA? 2) We must make a democracy in the Middle East; exporting democracy? 3) We are liberating the Iraqis? 4) We are there to take their oil? 5) We are there to help Israel? 6) Iraq (supposedly) had a link to al Kaida? 7) War profiteering (making money off the war)? 8) Iraq supported terrorism? Which one is it? Or is it a combination? Or perhaps some other reason that I missed? I would like to know especially the opinion of Americans on this forum, what they think. |
Dear Redneck Son
Its ok girl...
Remember - Reagan said ketchup is a vegetable! There you go nutritional lunch. |
finally baseball is useful for something...
The level of education of a European high school is equivalent to a 4 year college in the USofA.
Especially in math and humanities. Which come to think of it means every subject ![]() |
I need help!!!!!!!!
WTF question is this? There is no law to wear a certain color dress to your own wedding based on whether you are a virgin or not.
Wear whatever the hell you want. What's with you people???? |
Paragraphs are your friends.
attn dudes: thedatingwizard
Love the avatar.
Advertising sucks though. Get lost. |
Research the companies that are interested in you. The worst thing that can happen is you join a company and get laid off in a few months. Stuff like that happens a lot.
Consulting seems the best option for a professional in a computer field (I am assuming), until you find the one true love (I mean company ![]() |
BayGal - I am much much too lazy for that.
Actually BBC is paid strictly from the taxes by British Citizens. So they really do try to be objective - its in their charter. Therein lies the difference between the BBC and all (crappy) American News programmes.
Meanwhile in the USA giant corporations own ALL TV and radio stations here. There are basically 5 big corporations which control all US media. Here's a handy page for y'all: Basically as a European I cannot stand US Newscasts. They remind me so much of communist propaganda, and that is what I tried to run away from back in the 80's. And now I see the same thing here - "pundits" who push their talking points, paid by a political lobby, and this passes for news. Guess I needed to rant more. I basically encourage people to get their local news on TV, and their world and political views through BBC (shown in America on PBS) and through the internet (Reuters, Associated Press, etc.) |
Haha :-D
I am actually taking it easy. I do more of a cardio workout than hardcore steroid lifting. I do a 30 minute run, then machines for weights for legs and arms. Free-weights intimidate me - I want to look slim and muscle toned, not like a gorilla (no offense, it's just not for me). I guess I am not too hardcore ![]() |
It's a 2 year contract. But come on, for that price - I spend more money on a weekend!
Let's get drunk 2gether
I don't drink alone, sorry.
And its such a difference from the usual cutesy US shows. Right now they have a feature on an American patrol in Iraq - and they show our guys, how they cope, drive around, and get hit by an IED (1 guy got hit bad - helo evacuated him). Before they had a nice overview of the situation with Iran, and they interviewed BOTH sides - Iranians, UN and Americans. Imagine that?!
I cant stand US News on TV, whether ABC, CNN, or (horror) FOX. I just cant bear to watch - US Newscasts insult my intelligence. OK I ranted - I feel better now thank you. |
I never had time and always figured that $50 per month would be a bit much. Especially since I don't really have time to exercisea lot.
But there was a deal at a nationwide chain - $19 per month, and I can exercise 3 days per week. I just could not resist. So now Timo is getting a (slight) 6 pack and nicely toned down bod. And it's been only 4 times so far! ![]() |
Settle for less
I have the opposite thing going - I am going for the highest class possible. Gotta have brains, wit, charm and the body of a goddess.
But that's me. |
Actually I did and even though there was no spark it was a fun day and we both had a blast.
The guilty shall remain nameless to protect their guilt! ![]() |
Of course they do not work. You get intimate with a telephone?
They do work when the two (or more) people in question have known each other for a long time, and one of them has to move away for a bit (the military is a classic example of this, but there are consultants, lawyers, etc who do the same thing). So if you are young and have known that person for a short time, a big NO! If you are settled, have know the person for a long time, then yes. |