Topic: Biggest Difference between a Democrat and a Republican? | |
According to a Pew Research Poll and Survey this spring the most important issue that now seperates Democrats and Republicans isn't abortion,gay marriage etc, it is the use of force or more specifically the use of preemptive force in a war, ie invading Iraq. Also the use of the term Islamofascist by the GOP candidates. Equaling them to the Nazi's in WWII. Wow that seems a bit of a reach to me. The War on Terror exists and is important but the use of fear mongering and labeling a whole religion as terrorists is irresponsible. Do we really want to shun and make enemies of over 1 billion people world wide? Thanks King George for your self fullfilling prophacy, yes there are Islamic extremists that want to do us harm but talking about establishing a new Caliphate to take over the world? Please you guys are a bit out of touch, the only things that turn me off about the GOP more then their hysteria regarding Muslims, is the gay bashing I hear from Fundamentalist Chrisitans and right wing Republicans and the xenophobic anti immigrant rhetoric I hear as well. Correct me if I am wrong but we are a nation of immigrants and when the Irish and Italian Catholics immigrated to the East Cost in the 1800's they faced and were treated the way Mexicans are today when they cross the border the fear of losing the "American way of life." How did that work out for us? Now we have green beer on St.Patty's day and Irish Whiskey. The more things change the more they stay the same, the party of the Southern, Protestant white male are digging themselves a whole. Keep going guys and see how much more you can screw this country up.
Paragraphs are your friends.
Last I checked, most Americans make more of distinction between "Radical Islam" and those who peacefully practice Islam than than the hijackers of 9-11 made when they aimed fully fueled jets at "The Infidels."
I don't subscribe to the great American guilt. I guess I got over that on about 9-12-01. Drew |
Paragraphs and I don't get along very well ; )
As World War II approached, Nazi Germany attempted to capitalize on the anti-British sentiments in Iraq and to woo Baghdad to the Axis cause. In 1939 Iraq severed diplomatic relations with Germany--as it was obliged to do because of treaty obligations with Britain. In 1940, however, the Iraqi nationalist and ardent anglophobe Rashid Ali succeeded Nuri as Said as prime minister. The new prime minister was reluctant to break completely with the Axis powers, and he proposed restrictions on British troop movements in Iraq.
from |
2) Summons to a Intifada Against Britain
A "Fatwa " Issued by Haj Amin al-Husseini10, May, 1941* * Translated from:-"Oriente Modemo," 1941, pp. 552-553; broadcast over the 'Iraqi and Axis radios. In the name of Merciful and Almighty God. I invite all my Moslem brothers throughout the whole world to join in the Holy War for God, for the defense of Islam and her lands against her enemy. O Faithful, obey and respond to my call. O Moslems! Proud 'Iraq has placed herself in the vanguard of this Holy Struggle, and has thrown herself against the strongest enemy of Islam certain that God will grant her victory. The English have tried to seize this Arab-Moslem land, but she has risen, full of dignity and pride to defend her safety, to fight for her honor and to safeguard her integrity. 'Iraq fights the tyranny which has always had as its aim the destruction of Islam in every land. It is the duty of all Moslems to aid 'Iraq in her struggle and to seek every means to fight the enemy, the traditional traitor in every age and every situation. excerpt from |
excerpt from o p
-- Islamofascist Equaling them to the Nazi's in WWII. Wow that seems a bit of a reach to me. ------------------ maybe not such a reach after all |
The judges legislate from the bench, Congrees spends more time and energy stripping the Executive branch of its role and the Execuive branch abuses its power with antagonistic aplomb. We install these clowns with yeas and nays based on emotional impulse. Our Constitution is a blend of the French and British consensus about governance of society. Special interests vie for footholds to steal money with autonomy. We are rebellious by nature and our inheritance is one of wars, bloodshed, violence and abuse. Rome coddled itself into oblivion. America has redefined avarice and greed. We applaud the popularity of the soundbyte and can only stand heroes for 3 years at a time. I see no difference between Republican and Democrat[ic] motives. Why? Because no matter which party is the flavor of the day, they do the same things. And we allow it to be so. it's not a religious difference nor a political difference that divides this nation still. It is avarice and greed. The American sin that poisons all equally. Rich or poor, we are entangled in the snare that's caught its prey and the weight of the catch is falling into a pit. Just my opinion.
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so wouldee
what ya gonna do about it |
I would say that saying we are like the Nazi is a big stretch. That article sounds like it was bias and real journalism should be non bias. What Germany did was evil, cruel, and unprovoked. I wouldn't say any of those things about what we are doing. Should we have went to war? Yes, you don't let something like what happened on 9-11 occur and don't retaliate. Should we still be there? That is something I don't know. I don't really know all the facts and even if I researched it I am sure there are things we are not being told. I also think that its not our countries job to try to fix other countries problems. We have our own problems here that need attention and money and those should come first. (such as immigrant problems, schools that are under budget, people abusing welfare, etc)
i thought that the comparison was iraq to the nazi but hey what do i know |
Opps your right. I scanned the first article and jumped a hole line.. My bad. I thought I had a good thing going there too, O well. Then maybe they are kinda like Nazi, but Nazi just wanted to kill one religion while they want to kill every religion that isn't theirs.
well the nazis also killed many others
not just jews Jehovah witness was on the list as well as gypsies to name a couple |
Thu 10/25/07 09:39 PM
PRE-EMPTIVE STRIKE PROVISION AND THE ISLAMOFASCIST FLAMEBOAT According to a Pew Research Poll and Survey this spring the most important issue that now seperates Democrats and Republicans isn't abortion,gay marriage etc, it is the use of force or more specifically the use of preemptive force in a war, ie invading Iraq. Also the use of the term Islamofascist by the GOP candidates. Equaling them to the Nazi's in WWII. Wow that seems a bit of a reach to me. VIOLENCE BEGETS VIOLENCE The War on Terror exists, and is important, but the use of fear mongering and labeling a whole religion as terrorists is irresponsible. Do we really want to shun and make enemies of over 1 billion people world wide? FEAR WORKS! THE AXIS OF EVIL IS GREAT FOR THE US WAR INDUSTRY Thanks King George for your self fullfilling prophecy, yes there are Islamic extremists that want to do us harm but talking about establishing a new Caliphate to take over the world? IT'S ANGLO-SAXON PROTESTANT ANTI-INTELLECTUALISM, OR IT'S EVIL! Please you guys are a bit out of touch, the only things that turn me off about the GOP more then their hysteria regarding Muslims, is the gay bashing I hear from Fundamentalist Chrisitans and right wing Republicans and the xenophobic anti immigrant rhetoric I hear as well. AMERICAN WAY OF LIFE IS MINE, MINE, MINE?!?!? Correct me if I am wrong but we are a nation of immigrants and when the Irish and Italian Catholics immigrated to the East Cost in the 1800's they faced and were treated the way Mexicans are today when they cross the border the fear of losing the "American way of life." How did that work out for us? Now we have green beer on St.Patty's day and Irish Whiskey. ANGLO PROTESTANT ANTI-INTELLECTULAISM = CHRISTIAN FUNDAMENTALISM CRYPTO-FASCIST The more things change the more they stay the same, the party of the Southern, Protestant white male are digging themselves a whole. Keep going guys and see how much more you can screw this country up (and most of the planet along with it). It was too good to let 'form' get in the way! :) Brykers23 If you don't agree with the paragraph headers, by all means modify them in any way you see fit! Great thread! |
Hey there ADJ4U. got the message. loud and clear!!!! Here's what I'm doing about it. I'm laying it at your feet. There, got this? I'm sure you can dig up great factoids and concurrently congruent supporting data and call it your own. It would help to spawn more awareness to a greatly misunderstood point. Back in '87 when the Lord began to speak to me through the Holy Spirit, this was his cry. And tears not my own were on my face. What to do??? So??? What does this mean??? and similar thoughts and questions within myself have prevailed to this day. Why tell me this??? Of all the things to share, how is this coming into me???? Thought maybe I needed to check myself. Acted on it on a personal level. Took it quietly to heart....nope, it's not about me. It's more about nobody listening, or caring, or heeding His concern on a level that brings the soul of a nation back to it's very inception. I doubt that the Masons would find a Tea Party as fashionable to throw today. There's no need to be enraged at insane taxation!( follow my drift) ....raise your eyebrows at the possible ramifications of avarice and greed, I did and do!!! They seem t be quite the same. But 20 years of thought and observation have taught me otherwise. Haven't got a clue as to what it will mean to you. You don't either at this point. But it will gnaw on you just as it has on me. To what end then? Couldn't tell you, but I see everything done in the world today through that and other magnifying glasses that I've been deposited with to watch and observe about my generation. While some of us were opposing the Established Order 30-40 years ago, others were enjoying the fruit of that same order. Hints of the 60-70s abound again. I find it fascinating and intriguing to think that avarice and greed may actually sadden Truth. Sin means " a mistake or error" ... please yourself not to reduce this thought to semantic dissection. I wonder if it matters at all to you, and whether or not your opinion on the thought can be lucid and objective on such short notice. Couldn't expect that of myself as I have stated above. Every once in a while this thought wants to plant itself elsewhere. Perhaps your query into my perceiveed ability to save the world from itself was sufficient cause to pass the mantle, figuratively enough. Although I shall retain the advance on perusal of the thought, I in no wise own it. It was and is not my originsl thought. It was handed to me in like manner as I have posited it to you and others in your sight. Quite univited and out of the blue. Do what you will with it. It's yours to do with as you will.
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I am a proud democrat and support what our troops are doing in Iraq. God bless our troops!!!
![]() ![]() Timoreck.................LMAO!!! ![]() |
huh !!!!!!!!!!
i do not knowingly take credit for others thoughts if i pull something from a website i post the link (unlike some) if someone quotes stats or says such and such with out the notification from which it came then you can say they are taking credit or blame for such posts but not i for i try not to do such things wouldee what do i do about the the=ings i feel need changed you sorta ask ---- i try to raise awareness and show alternatives i do not try to sit around and whine about it and sit on my hands and do nothing and i do not try to ram it down someones throat neither state the statement and whoever can do with it what they please or they can do nothing as well to each their own but whiners without action need not apply |