Community > Posts By > sin39

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Tue 11/06/07 03:20 PM
drinker drinker grannithands

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Tue 11/06/07 09:10 AM
lack of social life...

This reminds me of those that tell you of their worth and all they talk about

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Tue 11/06/07 09:07 AM
I don't think your lack of social is anything to do with your career. I think you just want to tell us something about your career to feel you are something in hope to attract women that think there is more to you. Would you like me to support what I am saying here, well it is all in your post, from the first sentece to the last.

Good try and good luck! haha

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Sun 11/04/07 03:16 AM
do u know what he is going to do with that gun slow?

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Sun 11/04/07 03:12 AM
You are supposed to blink once not missed it

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Sun 11/04/07 03:06 AM
Ok s1owhand, come closer to the screen, count 1,2,3 then blink once, then look ~~~~~~~ blushing blushing bigsmile

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Sun 11/04/07 02:58 AM
Nope, and I am from a bush

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Sun 11/04/07 02:54 AM
10/06/07 - hey, the site is a month and 2 days behind according to my last silly post lol

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Sun 11/04/07 02:51 AM
What year is this? bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile

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Sun 11/04/07 02:38 AM

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Sun 11/04/07 02:37 AM
Analize, analize, anal- eyes, analyze. Well "poof". longhairbikerbigsmile bigsmile bigsmile

Gypsy you can give longhairbiker a haircut too so we see his head go into spasm when he says analize, analize, anal- eyes, analyze hahaflowerforyou

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Sun 11/04/07 01:42 AM
Jess have mango trees growing up her way too and all the tropical fruits I love in the wrong state lol

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Sun 11/04/07 01:39 AM
Man sound like you are a player on ya 7th site now bigsmile

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Sun 11/04/07 01:35 AM
unless the crocs are on holidays too ...gone to get a tan bigsmile

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Sun 11/04/07 01:34 AM
No crocs down my way except up north Jess's way. All we have are the brown snakes ewwweee don't like them, glad they live in the bush over on the otherside of the road lol

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Sun 11/04/07 01:32 AM
how many shutter people on this site...I am sure i saw a shutter something that stated she has a beard haha...there's a shutterguy and there's you haha

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Sun 11/04/07 01:30 AM
WTG TwilightsTwin!!!

timp_2 - when you try to quit again make sure your mates smokes outside the house. Keep your house and car smoke free

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Sun 11/04/07 01:25 AM
wouldee - I think the Aussies are as bad haha

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Sun 11/04/07 01:19 AM
mementoman - I think it is those that abuse it and use it to hurt why it is not cool and it is nothing to do with being white. I have tough white mates, oh calling them "white" some might correct me to use the politically correct term caucasian, well it doesn't matter they are still We know our limits and understand it some would take it the wrong way

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Sun 11/04/07 01:13 AM
I am sure shutterbug is Santa....she has a beard hahaha

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