Community > Posts By > PacificStar48

PacificStar48's photo
Sun 04/09/17 02:05 PM
Outstanding; truely outstanding.

PacificStar48's photo
Sun 04/09/17 02:02 PM
Doesn't it kind of insult the invitation to counter it with an alternative like offering to meet in the middle?

PacificStar48's photo
Sun 04/09/17 01:13 PM

I was sorting through emails (back in the day, when I
tried to reply to them all, 200+ a day) and one stood
out above all the rest for it's simplicity.

It said something like 'I hope you have a wonderful New
Years' (it was a few days before) and then he spelled out
his name most formally.

It held no flatterings, no wasted words, no promises, no
entreaties, it was uncomplicated and glaringly so in a
sea of 'Hello pretty's'..and got the reply that mattered.

It lasted til we met :-)

This kind of approach rates highly with me. Desperation never is inviting.

PacificStar48's photo
Sun 04/09/17 01:08 PM
I tend to agree that men who do get dates are the ones who actually get up and ask I do think women probably do something that gets you across the floor to ask?

I think it I'd kind of tacky but I have seen women who tell at least some of the men they go out with what to ask them to do or to show up with their wallet. Don't know how well that goes over.

PacificStar48's photo
Sun 04/09/17 12:54 PM
If people considering or have tats had the slightest clue how much they are discriminated against for tats I don't get why they get them.

With all the beautiful ways to self adorn what is already a unique temple to yourself I do not see doing something that can cause so many problems and l
Is so ugly after time.

If you ever saw the misery that comes from botched tats you would not eben consider it as a minicule chance.

PacificStar48's photo
Sun 04/09/17 12:30 PM
I have a pretty good grasp of what works with me but I think it would be interesting or maybe even helpful to share what someone you actually dated said or did to get the date?

PacificStar48's photo
Sun 04/09/17 11:14 AM
Double ppdt

PacificStar48's photo
Sun 04/09/17 11:12 AM

I think it useful for those Dads who do NOT sink to the tactic previously mention keep in mind a few tips when dating. Told that will get you noticed, get you dates, and get you a relationship you want.
I going to speak from years of dating, having many single friends who dated, and this I'd the key the ones who ended up on good relationship's.

1) Great relationship start way before you ever meet someone. And a lot of it is getting yourself straight about relationships. What they can and can not tolerate, what you bring to a relationship, and what is realistic to expect to take away. NOTICE I said nothing about fair, equal, or fun all the time.

2) Most need to assess what about them selves that even make them dateable. If when you look in the mirror you would not date you then it is self improvement first. Maybe that is a updated hair cut, date worthy clothes that fit even if you have to scavenger Thrift stores afford them, and actually going out in public and posting photos on line that do NOT look like something the cat dragged. in.

PacificStar48's photo
Sun 04/09/17 10:47 AM
Edited by PacificStar48 on Sun 04/09/17 11:15 AM
Sorry double post

PacificStar48's photo
Sun 04/09/17 08:54 AM

Gnawing to the cuticle,
saliva soaked nail crumbs
litter grainy fields.

Wind swept grasslands
scrape weakened ankles,
dusting off soot plumes
cast-up tromping coals.

Hunger gripes loudly
watching wheat blow away.
Festering appetite
starving for bread.

angst-ridden vagabonds
careening headlong to the feast.


This reminds me of an ancient description of the starving Irish tromping the fields for left grain .

PacificStar48's photo
Sun 04/09/17 08:34 AM
Edited by PacificStar48 on Sun 04/09/17 08:37 AM
Thought comes to mind when I see someone becrying another person's honesty especially when I see it become habitual is what are they they doing to create such deceptive relationships.

People tend to act on things in rather fluid ways. If you are so ridge on what you expect them to do then you will "catch" them getting off track and lying rather than explaining/justifying every deviation. Especially if your expectations are so oppressive or unrealistic that they are impossible to follow.

I used to use the household and car allowance as an examples of teaching mates to lie to each other. If gas or grocery prices go up or down there are shortages or overages. Do each partner report that or is that just free money to spend on self or what too many spouses expect but don't budget either those happy surprises such as gifts. If accountability is so tight that it becomes dictatorial I can guarantee rebellion will occur and "fudgeing" will happen.

Jealousy is one of the cruelest of tyrants to live under. And will poison even the truest of affections.

PacificStar48's photo
Sat 04/08/17 09:35 PM
Your text does nothing to engage anyone to listen to you or speak to you.

I looked closely at your photos and you really picked the least flattering for your lead.

Points to you for keeping the one in the hat in the array as it is a good style for you but not as a leadshot. Aldo points for your color choices of your clothes.

Sad for a guy with great eyes, cheek bones and complextion you are drawing attention to your weakest features with your hair style and beard. The nose ring tends to draw both eyes to ring and makes you look crosseyed. You want to delete the lead for that reason. Lot of people have one lazy eye but if that is your case you want to select photos that flatter

I get that the hairstyle is trending but it just makes you look younger and shorter and like you are copying someone else's look.

If you are not comfortable writing a lot of text make your photo arrau
"Talk" about them.

PacificStar48's photo
Sat 04/08/17 08:22 PM
You might be a hot commodity in certain circles but here your arrogance will get you skipped.

PacificStar48's photo
Sat 04/08/17 05:10 PM
I came back to this thread because once again today, probably more than once if it is like most days I am on line more than a minute to read personal mail, some guy with a kid is pleading with me to give him a chance.

Guys your kids are only part of the reason you can't get a break.

There are only a few things more annoying than a whining/crying kid and that list is almost always topped by an adult whining/crying about there life.

The one thing that pretty much guarantees to top it is a bellyaching Dad who is lucky enough to have his kids. Don't kid yourself plenty would line up for a chance to be in your shoes.

But the all around topper is the Dad who doesn't give a hang about demanding that a woman who doesn't want to do it (or do it again) AND is so Highly SELFISH that they try any means Fair or Foul to force the situation where their kids are involved.

It just screams ME, ME, Me and to whatever happens it still about making Me happy.

Kids don't come into the world with the job of finding you a spouse. They should NEVER have to live with anyone who doesn't want them at LEAST as much as they want you.

And wake up and smell the coffee if you are having to use your kids as bait to get a partner you have SERIOUS problems besides your kids.

It is because YOU need to clean up Your act. YOU need to earn and or manage your money more. You need to demonstrate personality, maturity, responsible behaviors, humor, and I otetests beyond making a kid and handing it over to virtually anyone you can corner into it.

Believe me in most of these situations I would be more willing to take the kids and leave Dad to whatever. It would be easier than living with a human drain dragging us all down.

Sound like an extream visual try looking at it from anybody's shoes but your own.

PacificStar48's photo
Sat 04/08/17 04:08 PM

Ok.. the other side of the coin is if these women had daughters instead of sons their daughters would be encouraging them to date...yup..

It's a big girls

My experience is daughters are MORE likely to give Mom (or Dad) holy hell about dating . Many are not about to give up the "Princess" keys to the kingdom regardless of their age or if they even live on the home.

PacificStar48's photo
Sat 04/08/17 03:25 PM
Edited by PacificStar48 on Sat 04/08/17 03:47 PM
Growing up in a community that was not that affluent but STILL took great pride in their public schools. I received an excellent education in clean well maintained building's, even the older one's, with devoted teachers that were respected in the community. Staff and students alike abided by the rules or they were out the door. Sports and activities were open to all and the community was more than glad to sponsor events and help out in general; I don't think there was a kid in the entire system that wasn't know by name and the community would not have let a kid get away with ditching during school hours unless they weren't working and them you still had to keep your grades up. I know they had summer programs but it was more for fun than a child failing. Keep in mind getting anything beyond an eight grade education was a blessing that parents sweated blood to provide as a matter of doing better for the next generation. Since I am consistently getting alumnus mailings I would be hard pressed to believe anything has changed over the +/-45 yrs. I have been graduated.
What the difference is I don't know because even then their were large. single parents, low wage working, and even acutely poor "migrant" families.

PacificStar48's photo
Sat 04/08/17 02:40 PM
OMG Waterloo how shocking. Lol

PacificStar48's photo
Sat 04/08/17 08:48 AM
Sorry you are feeling so lonely.
You have a nice enough profile;modest and attractive. You want to perk up your text with a few specific interests. Something a polite gentleman could start a conversation about. Clearly you are well educated perhaps a favorite field of study or travel. The photo of the tree perhaps is someplace you could share why it I'd meaningful?
Joined a couple of groups over the years mention them?

Here in Mingleland post in some of the forums; you will make friends.


PacificStar48's photo
Sat 04/08/17 08:09 AM

Leave your mail messages for at least a day, then check if their profile is still live of if they have deactivated, before you decide whether to reply because Scammers soon disappear.

Welcome to Mingle2 and good luck in your search.

This is true. Thanks to our mods and people who report.

PacificStar48's photo
Sat 04/08/17 07:52 AM
Wow sounds like the "Pickens" are pretty slim.

Maybe where you are looking?

I get that but then some seem to be a inability to see what is right in front of them from the start.

If you are looking for physical perfection in the 50+ crowd obviously you are not looking in the mirror.

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