Community > Posts By > feelyoungagain

feelyoungagain's photo
Sun 08/02/20 07:07 PM

wow! you found me?

Certainly one of the better answers so far. Not to mention, funny and imaginative.

feelyoungagain's photo
Sun 08/02/20 07:05 PM

looking for someone age 37 above someone who can accept me and my kid's and for who and what i am I'm not looking for a rich guy a simple ordinary man who is loyal and faithful caring honest and loving person is enough

Hello Boo, i dont feel a beautiful, young lady with sexy looks like you will find any trouble getting 100s of proposals, i see many will drool looking at you (Little exagerated) I wish i could be among those who wants you but ai finf myself inferior by looking at you and as compared to all proposals you will get.

Beside you are far away, if you were in Qatar we would had talked about it.

That wasn't her dilemma and the precise problem she if facing is reflected in your answer that only addresses her looks. She needs helps finding a man of quality. She knows she's attractive; we all do. I'm sure you meant well, no doubt, but your response perfectly illustrates the challenges a lot of us face on dating sites. Where are the good ones? FYI, calling a grown woman 'Boo' backfires almost every single time.

feelyoungagain's photo
Sun 08/02/20 06:58 PM

Is there a way to set your settings so that the people you see are only here for the same reason you are? Thank you!

There sure is. Click under your profile pic and scroll down to where you see '"SETTING." Pick "SETTING" and then click on "Limit Who Can Send You Mail." Take it from there. However, not 100% guarantee. I still get messages from members that are not what I blocked. But... worth a shot. Good luck

feelyoungagain's photo
Sun 08/02/20 06:53 PM

I sometimes wonder why men grow beards. Are they curious about how it will look? Spouse/girlfriends asks them to? Get tired of shaving? Trying a new look? Seeing if it will attract women?

You've got some of the reasons covered but I think the main reasons are;
they're lazy (grow a beard and shave your head and you can shower every couple of weeks weather you need to or not).
When you're a kid you look forward to the day you can grow decent facial hair so I think it's a holdover from that.
They think it's trendy/cool (esp the stupid chin strap and Abe Lincoln look the young ones do).

My late mother always used to say when seeing a guy with a beard "he looks like he could use a good scrubbing"!

I've never liked it myself, I'll be 64 in Sept and as you all can see by my pics here (that are within a year old) I'm fortunate that most people guess me to be younger. I can age myself about 20 years by not shaving for a week or
two since my beard is mostly white, yuck.

I'm NOT, NOT, NOT into guys at all but my favorite TV series HELL ON WHEELS stars Anson Mount and when he's in his "Cullen Bohannon" character he has a short beard and is someone that I think looks great with it.

JMO and we'll see how many people this pizzes off........

Well if you ask bearded men, I doubt many of them would say they have a beard because they're lazy. Some have a beard to make themselves look older, others because they like how it enhances their looks, and then there are those who grow facial hair in the cold-- keeps them warm.

Of course they're not going to admit to being lazy. I'm sure some of your boys do it to look older. If it enhances their looks,fine. The cold thing is BS unless you have a very, very serious beard to make much difference when it's cold.
I believe trendy and following the fads is absolutely number one. But then the more mature you are the less you tend to follow those things i.e., the really young dorks with the extremely goofy facial hair.

I see. Simply laziness or trends, oh yeah, and BS for cold; and looks is the only legitable reason. Too funny. Why do you think a lot of women don't shave their legs when it gets cold? It does add a layer of warmth/protection; just like length of hair makes a difference. That's why a lot of women cut their hair off for the summer and vice versa. Anyway, interesting debate.

feelyoungagain's photo
Sun 08/02/20 06:47 PM

He didn't take any advice. Go figure.

He took one bit of advice-- the face picture. Maybe there's hope. ? It just depends on how serious he is about finding someone and how much he is willing to invest in his journey. Profiles speak volumes, especially the sparse ones. It's a bit of an oxymoron LOL

feelyoungagain's photo
Sun 08/02/20 06:37 PM
Edited by feelyoungagain on Sun 08/02/20 06:44 PM

is there to much to ask for loyal and honest man to give every inch of my being too

IMO yes.

IMO what you are basically asking here is "is it too much to ask for a commitment to me topping from the bottom?"

Other than that, honest and loyal men are easy to find.
Basically reciprocate honesty and loyalty, plus willfully and happily fulfill all their needs that you can control after you've developed a level of communication together where needs have been identified and understood.

LOL Easy to find?? Where?!?! And... All of their needs? Happily AND willingly? That might be a tall order, if not unrealistic. I've never known anyone where even one of the partners had all of his/her needs fulfilled. Not that it can't happen, but chances are slim. I would focus on the needs that count most. Otherwise, I would have been married eons ago. haha Good luck! :)

feelyoungagain's photo
Sun 08/02/20 06:36 PM
You should probably post this under the existing "Rate my Profile" forum. You'll get more attention/responses that way

feelyoungagain's photo
Sun 08/02/20 03:18 PM

Thank you for your kind words.

n/p We're all looking for the same thing. But... go make those changes already. Otherwise, you'll never make progress.

feelyoungagain's photo
Sun 08/02/20 03:16 PM

Why do we always put conditions on love? Why do our minds want so much for us to make sure that certian things are in place or a certain time has passed before it allows us to recognize the burning inside is love? When our children are born, we don't ponder on what may or should happen before we allow ourselves to love them; it comes immediately, intensely and truly. We never question it. Why then do we question every time a good feeling arises in us, taking it apart, looking at it from every possible angle, picking it to pieces until we have convinced ourselves that we never felt it in the first place? Love at first sight has become a thing of myth in this new, "intellectual" world. We weigh it, judge it and if it doesn't conform to our mental template of what love is "supposed" to be, we walk away, smothering the protests that come from the very seat of love, the soul. As an extreme example, how many of us would help a stranger who was in mortal danger if we could? Would we do the same for someone we loved who had hurt us? Our minds have taken control of our life force, our souls, and we are slowly killing the humanity we were born with. Many claim "love hurts", but that is patently untrue. Love is beautiful; our ideas of what love "should" be twist it until all we know is either the loss of love or the fear of the loss of love. Love is a pure emotion, meant to be experienced, not thought about, debated or verified. Love simply is. Do not let your life go by, wondering, wishing and regretting. Love will be, no matter if you allow it or not. Our lives become so much easier when we stop fighting ourselves and let our true light live. Love will carry the day, especially when we can no longer.

Good question. My input is this-- culture. Culture largely shapes our current and future expectations, particularly with relationships. It helps us define and understand what love is. For example, we learn how to value and measure love (physical, emotional, financial, etc.). Many professionals agree on the "Five Love Languages." In this culture love is heavily defined by the media, such as magazines, tv shows, and movies. I am a non-conformist by nature so I have my own standards for love, which I think we all should have; rather than letting others tell us what love is. Love does not hurt. What hurts is when love ceases to exist. Love is one of the best things one can experience. I'm not sure if helping a stranger in need is the same concept as love. We have compassion for those in need. Some of us aren't selfless, some are too scared to help others or don't know how. Love is confusing. Why? Because there is no true universal definition of love. Everyone describes it differently; again, cultural, which also explains how some of us learn to put conditions on love, even if love shouldn't be conditional. It's what we learn. Our first educator is our family. That's where we learn what love is, or should be. great post!

feelyoungagain's photo
Sun 08/02/20 03:07 PM

is there to much to ask for loyal and honest man to give every inch of my being too

Shouldn't be.

feelyoungagain's photo
Sun 08/02/20 03:05 PM

I can see I'm going to be single for a long time, maybe forever.

For what it's worth, you are attractive, but... it would help a lot if you could show your eyes. Many women I know are suckers for eyes, and smiles too. Having been married and adjusting to widowhood, I'm certain you have a lot to offer.

feelyoungagain's photo
Sun 08/02/20 03:01 PM

I can see I'm going to be single for a long time, maybe forever.

That's up to you. Are you going to give up or make the effort to make some adjustments? Seems like you want to; otherwise I'm not sure why you would have asked for feedback. Change is hard, especially the older we get. Your motivation for change depends on your desire for reaching your goals.

feelyoungagain's photo
Sun 08/02/20 02:59 PM

I live alone too but I’m not lonely. I actually like my own company and stay in touch with friends and family daily.

Correct. There is a difference between alone and lonely. Most confuse the two. Ty for pointing that out. I like being alone, even though I do get lonely from time to time. However, it's my choice and so far it works :)

feelyoungagain's photo
Sun 08/02/20 02:58 PM

better to live alone than live with a fool.......

you want to be strong,learn to live on your own

I'd rather be happy single than be miserable in a relationship. Living alone teaches you a lot more than you'd ever thought or imagined. What you learn alone can prepare for so many unforeseen future events.

feelyoungagain's photo
Sun 08/02/20 02:54 PM

Wishing you good luck at the grocery store waving

Hihi, my idea! As long as it ain't my supermarket!


feelyoungagain's photo
Sun 08/02/20 02:54 PM

First off I would post a different photo since the one you have does not show the eyes. Ladies like to see the eyes and the shades hide them. Expand on your interests. I would remove the first line of your write up since it is too negative even if it is a joke. People will read that and not bother to read anything else. Write more of the type of person you are and the type of person you are looking for.

100% agreed It is one of the worst profiles I've seen

feelyoungagain's photo
Sun 08/02/20 02:53 PM

As a widower, I'm interested to see what women here think of me?

Rate what? The fact that you're negativity is a turn-off? Yeah, stick to the stores. Clearly they bring you more excitement and you won't be yawning. So, there you have it. My interest level is a painful 0

feelyoungagain's photo
Sat 08/01/20 05:12 PM
For someone who wants to chat really has a whole lot of nothing to say...

feelyoungagain's photo
Sat 08/01/20 01:14 PM

Working for eternity, no thanks

LOL I'm not

feelyoungagain's photo
Sat 08/01/20 01:14 PM

If you could choose to stop aging(through technology) at whatever age you like, would you do so? Why? Or why not?

What i mean is, you would be young/old/kid whatever you like forever until you choose to kill yourself or by accident. Would you like to live a life like that?

Absolutely not! Especially if it's just me. That's horrible. BTW, how do you kill yourself by accident...??? What's the point anyway? 80 or so years is enough for me

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