Community > Posts By > feelyoungagain

feelyoungagain's photo
Fri 07/31/20 06:32 PM
Who are you insulting for your reason for joining? No worries. We all joined for our own reasons. You are asking, aren't you? LOL I joined because I desire male companionship and I'm struggling meeting men in the community. Not just because of COVID-19 keeping me in my house, but just in general. I don't know why; perhaps my age, lack of confidence approaching younger men?

feelyoungagain's photo
Fri 07/31/20 06:30 PM
Zion- checking area codes is obsolete. I know many people who now live in VA, but have area codes from other states. Why? Because they moved here and cell phone carriers don't make you change your number. If it's a land line, then of course there is an inaccuracy; but how would you know?

feelyoungagain's photo
Fri 07/31/20 06:28 PM
mevans89. My experience with inaccurate location has been this. Either they are not updating their profile, or state where they are temporarily staying, which is usually work-related. I never have gotten the impression they are trying to cover something up. Good luck

feelyoungagain's photo
Fri 07/31/20 06:26 PM
No one is scared. I mean, what kind of items are too scary to place on this site?? It's laziness if you ask me. It doesn't take hours and it's not complex. I know this is a blanket statement, but I feel like those members who don't take the time to fill out a simple and brief profile, may really not be that invested. It is frustrating. I almost never contact those members. I am not wasting my time contacting someone whom I should not have in the first place if they are not what I'm looking for. Hope that helps

feelyoungagain's photo
Fri 07/31/20 06:21 PM
Hey there. My opinion on your profile is this-- I would not contact you. I feel politics should be left for later, or not at all. I would not really mention anything about the state of our world. It's negative. That discussion can wait. I would potentially interpret that comment as you being jaded, pessimistic, negative, etc. EVEN IF you're not. That's what I see at first glance. Perhaps state the qualities you desire in the other person. Personalize it a bit. Do you want someone positive? What interests would you really like to share? Oh, and what kind of relationship? Just friendship? Nice pictures; some more might help. Good luck finding your lady!

feelyoungagain's photo
Fri 07/31/20 05:58 PM
That depends on how you interpret it; it's subjective based on your experience. I simply go by each person's behavior towards me rather than agree with a broad statement.

feelyoungagain's photo
Fri 07/31/20 05:52 PM
motowndowntown. What is your deal? You're making yourself look like a loser by being nasty. Everyone has a preference and quite frankly, last time I checked it is not your business, nor anyone else's, on how one leads THEIR PERSONAL life. It's also not your place, nor anyone else's, to judge how one lives THEIR PERSONAL life. Are you paying her bills? Are you her father? Sheesh... I'm sure you have a preference. Does anyone attack or judge you? I doubt it. One, most of us spend out times productively and no one gives a crap about your personal life. Not only that, but don't be a hypocrite. No one ever says anything negative about men dating younger women and vice versa. Get it together. Losers have nothing to do with age (clearly). Hear older women roar, and young men who make them roar. LOL

feelyoungagain's photo
Fri 07/31/20 05:47 PM
You don't ask? Because they will tell you. It usually has to do with no drama and sexual experience. Those are the top two answers I get.

feelyoungagain's photo
Fri 07/31/20 05:44 PM
I would suggest you also write about what you are looking for-- what kind of relationship and what kind of qualities about the other person. Are you sending initial emails that are inappropriate? I don't mean vulgar, but maybe getting too personal, or expressing political views, religious views, asking how fast she will jump into bed with someone, sexual history, etc.? I agree with motowndowntown. Your profile does not look like you are as educated as you describe yourself. Speaking for myself, I do not respond to members who can't write well. I understand you are not from here, HOWEVER, you claim to be a doctor's assistant. There is no way you would have achieved that level of education with the way you write. One spelling error is one thing, but multiple errors and poor grammar is not someone that would interest me any day of my life.

feelyoungagain's photo
Fri 07/31/20 05:38 PM
COVID-19 is not going to kill the human race, but numbers are undoubtedly astonishing. Not to mention, those are world statistics. We live in America, so I think it would be best to focus on our nation's number. I hate to be a downer, but numbers are not going down. Think about it. We went from 5 red states to 31 states when traveling to those identified states and then have to quarantine for 14 days upon return to your home. Many states are also reverting to phase 2 since numbers are going up. Where I live, we have over 1,000 cases every 24 hrs, and at least 5 deaths every 24 hours, usually it's more. 5 deaths/24 hours is on a good day. We never had those kind of numbers until June. So no, numbers did not start going down in June. So... Please be careful. I want everyone to have a pleasant experience, but it's not worth your life. That's my compassionate opinion. This is much more than your health. There is not guarantee that anyone would or could survive this. :(

feelyoungagain's photo
Fri 07/31/20 05:31 PM
Not accurate info about getting tested being a good safety measure since all of us are asymptomatic for two weeks should we have contracted the virus. Yeah, it's scary.

feelyoungagain's photo
Fri 07/31/20 05:29 PM
My advice is bet your chances. I.e., are you willing to risk contracting a deadly virus to meet someone? That's probably not an answer you were looking for. What I have done so far is gauge the other person's safety measure. Are they wearing masks when out in public? If so, is it consistent? Are they maintaining social distancing at all times? After that, it's your call. I have met a few members in public with the masks and the social distancing. However, if a person does not practice any of these safety measures, I will not meet them in person; regardless of social distancing or a mask that day. This time dating does suck and the virus certainly poses a risk for all of us. However, if you choose to meet the person, you at least get to meet face-to-face and have real interaction and impressions. Good luck

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