Community > Posts By > MindfreakMandy

MindfreakMandy's photo
Fri 10/05/12 11:51 AM
If in life you had to choose between taking a chance on something or going with the guranteed good, what would you do? For the most part I would go with the latter so as not to be a fool, but in certain instances I might risk one good thing for something extraordinary.

MindfreakMandy's photo
Fri 10/05/12 11:48 AM
An avid Canadian television-watcher at your service!

MindfreakMandy's photo
Fri 10/05/12 11:45 AM
I love peppermint tea! I love the one from Tim Hortons.

MindfreakMandy's photo
Fri 10/05/12 11:39 AM
Water is the best! Tea is also good, but not something I care to drink regularly. Smoking is terrible and there is no good reason for doing it. Pop is bad for you but it tastes so good! I rarely consume alcohol. I have never been drunk in my life.

MindfreakMandy's photo
Fri 10/05/12 11:37 AM
Does anybody believe this? I once had a dream I was pushed into a body of water by an acquaintance for no reason. I held his arms and took him down with me! Being underwater results in a completely different circumstance than nay other situation as you can't breathe. We were struggling underwater and I could not understand why he would not let me go! Did he want to die too?! I suppose I was beginning to slip away when I awoke to a nurse coming into my room at the hospital. I have also had a dream or two where I've been shot but didn't feel any pain and didn't really die.

MindfreakMandy's photo
Fri 10/05/12 11:29 AM
What are your thoughts on this? I definitely believe Travis and his buddies.

MindfreakMandy's photo
Fri 10/05/12 11:15 AM
Surely there are more of us here!

MindfreakMandy's photo
Fri 10/05/12 11:14 AM
YES. Rape is a crime, not a culture. When people can demonstrate that they understand that, I will see intelligence in their words.

MindfreakMandy's photo
Fri 10/05/12 11:11 AM
Is there anyone ehre who doesn't actually drink coffee? I don't understand why people drink it daily. It's bad for you and a waste of money! The only time I ever have it is when it's free at McDonalds (though I am not having McDonalds this year) and I make sure half the cup is filled with milk to decrease the bitterness! I do like iced coffee from 7-11, though.

MindfreakMandy's photo
Fri 10/05/12 11:08 AM
Well, then. Perhaps you should read some articles or Facebook statuses. That's where I've seen the term.

MindfreakMandy's photo
Fri 10/05/12 10:45 AM

MindfreakMandy's photo
Fri 10/05/12 10:43 AM
Anyone else?

MindfreakMandy's photo
Fri 10/05/12 10:39 AM
It's not! That's what I'm saying.

MindfreakMandy's photo
Fri 10/05/12 10:36 AM
It was even on Family Guy!

MindfreakMandy's photo
Fri 10/05/12 10:35 AM
Well I've never heard or seen it used outside of a North American context. Generally speaking, culture is something good and meaningful. People have simply attached the word "culture" to 'rape' because they can't think of something better to say and it's a term that flows well. In fact, it's attached to other things just to make people feel like they're part of something cool. I digress. How is thinking it's okay to do or say whatever you want sexually to someone culture???

MindfreakMandy's photo
Fri 10/05/12 10:21 AM
Does anybody like this amazing punk band?!?!?!

MindfreakMandy's photo
Fri 10/05/12 09:56 AM
I hate this term. I cannot take those who use the term seriously.

MindfreakMandy's photo
Fri 10/05/12 09:55 AM
Why is there a stereotype that Asian women can't drive? I don't see ANY Asians getting into accidents! It's white people who cause accidents and drive drunk! They kill my people in the process! Also, white people referring to themselves as CaucASIANS is ridiculous!!!

MindfreakMandy's photo
Thu 09/06/12 08:46 AM
It's about teenagers who go to Degrassi Community School and the problems they deal with.

MindfreakMandy's photo
Tue 09/04/12 12:28 PM
I'm sorry you had to go through that, Andrew. YES, anyone can be assaulted. It angers me that people focus so much on women and not men. Society sickens me.